Wednesday morning feel good stories

| May 31, 2017

From Houston, Texas;

“Then I see my neighbor pulling inside, then I seen the guy aiming the gun at him,” Castillo said.

ABC13 spoke with the homeowner by phone who says he had been out to dinner with his wife and young son. When they got back home, they noticed their front door was open.

He says the robbers started shooting at them with his shotgun they had just stolen and then they ran away.

According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the pair ended up a few blocks away on Brownsville Street.

Neighbors say the suspects were beating up an elderly man with the stolen shotgun when someone else in the second home shot and killed one of the suspects.

From Los Angeles, California;

The off-duty officer was attending a family party and heard shots fired before he or she went outside and saw a person who had been shot in the leg by someone in a vehicle. The officer then fired at the car and the suspect took off.

It was not yet unknown whether anyone in the car was struck by gunfire.

“It was not yet unknown whether anyone in the car was struck by gunfire.” So it’s known? [shakes head]

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Doc Savage

“It was not yet unknown whether anyone in the car was struck by gunfire.” So it’s known? [shakes head]

Constructing full, grammatically correct, and complete sentences seems to be a dying art.


One of the continuing benefits of the current public education indoctrination system and its standardized testing obsession.


Looks like a bad editing job.


Confusing reporting from L. A. I blame covfefe.


‘Not unknown…’ – it’s Newspeak.

It has taken root in LaLaLand and may spread throughout the empire. We are forewarned.

Carlton G. Long

“The off-duty officer was attending a family party and heard shots fired before he or she went outside…”

The officer hasn’t decided on a gender yet?


Non binary


They haven’t been able to determine which gender the officer identified with at that particular point in time. California is funny that way, I hear.

Hack Stone

I am just waiting on the mainstream media to pick up on the phrase “self-murder by cop”.


No opportunity to check under the hood, either.


That is the second robber this week killed in Houston.
Someone should tell the didntdonuthin community that gun ownership has reached critical mass.


Yeah I’m surprised there is still crime in Texas considering all the dead and shot up bad guys.