SEAL defends “Go to Hell, Katy Perry” comment

| May 26, 2017

I guess singer Katy Perry pissed a lot of people off the other day when she Tweeted this message to her fans in the wake of the Manchester terrorist attack; “No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist.” Former Navy Seal Carl Higbie caught some flack for his response to Ms. Perry;

“Go to hell, Katy Perry. Hold one of your concerts in Syria and see how that goes.”

Later he told the Daily Caller;

“The problem is that Katy Perry lives in a bubble,” Higbie said.

“She influences millions of young children who believe everything that comes out of her mouth. It’s irresponsible of her to say something like this, when she has no understanding of the situation. Open borders would be a disaster.”

Higbie believes that a spell has been cast on the American public by the entertainment industry. He thinks this is driving people to Hollywood for answers instead of reporters or media personalities.

“People are captivated by pop culture,” Higbie said.

Well, I’m out of touch when it comes to popular culture. All I know about Katy Perry is that she made a video that was supposed to be pro-military, but came up short, however it does look like a recruiting commercial. Higbie probably doesn’t need to defend himself – I haven’t seen a Venn diagram, but I’m guessing that his fan base demographic is different from Katy’s.

Anyone who gets their political advice from entertainers (I include the Samantha Bee fans in that) are muttonheads who should keep away from the polling booth so they don’t hurt someone with their vote.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Who knows

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Yeah, I think Katie Perry is getting some unexpected push-back on her “coexist” comments.

As the man said, it’s hard to coexist with people who want to kill you.

Ask the Copts.


Actually Katie Perry is already going to hell, she sold her soul to satan to get where she is, so now she wants to push satan’s agenda…DIZZY BITCH!

Hack Stone

US military intervention in another country’s conflict is always wrong. Unless a knowledgeable entertainer such as George Clooney, testifies in front of Congress that we are morally obligated to intervene. If this dipshit dingbat is for open borders, she better not lock her front door, or that would be hypocritical. They just want her shit so that they can provide for their families.


Looks like Katy has a pretty big gate at her house, actually:


4x the size of my house and worth $19,000,000. Maybe she can do an around the world tour in her private jet preaching to the common man about the size of their carbon footprint. Someone needs to leave their footprint on her ass to knock some common sense into her. Freaking ‘better than thou’ limousine liberals.


Yeah, that’s a massive gate. I wonder if it’s within a gated community of like-minded people who feel the need to escape the realities of daily living while preaching to us heathens.


I read that she does, indeed, live in a walled, gated community. A couple of pictures from various sites seem to confirm that.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, limousine/Lear Jet liberal morons like her preach that walls and fences ARE NOT the answer while they live behind walls and fences in gated communities.

Commissioner Wretched

Nothing to do with the story at hand, but I swear to heaven this is the absolute truth:

About a year ago, I was at Staples to pick up some office supplies. At the end of the check-out lane, there was a poster of a rather attractive young lady, and the caption said, “Win a trip to Hollywood and meet Katy Perry!”

As I was going through check-out, I asked the young lady behind the register – in total seriousness – “I know this is going to sound like a dumb question, but … who is Katy Perry, and why do I want to go to Hollywood to meet her?”

Truth. I had no idea who she is.

Silentium Est Aureum

Another addition to the, “Hollywood Halfwits” list, Jonn?

Bill M

Pretty dang long list, isn’t it? What, 90+% of Hollywood denizens on it?


She’s a delusional twat. She’d have been killed in her teens for kissing a girl under Islam and now they’d just be stoned to death if not burn alive for being a huge whore.

So, yeah. Go coexist with people that will murder you on sight you pretentious windbag.


The issue is that these people, these limousine liberals, live in a world removed from and void of reality. She’s surrounded by armed bodyguards; people wait on her every whim; she makes more in one concert than many make throughout their hard-working life, everything for her is first class. The point is, she has the bucks that allow her to live outside the real world. And from the safety of that alternate world, she can tell us peons how to act, how to feel, what beliefs to hold, etc. Seems legit …

A Proud Infidel®™

Not to mention they’re always surrounded in public by entourages of Yes People kissing their asses no matter what they do or say.


And, a freaking O Bot.
The video of her dancing around in the Obama leotard was the culmination point.


Isn’t it amazing how many people in society today “worship” entertainers and treat every work coming out of their cakehole as “gospel”?

Most of them couldn’t wipe their ass if you gave them a picture book showing them how to do it…


At grocery checkout the Russian and I talk about the ‘stars’ on mag front covers. We rarely have heard of most of them, and choose to keep it that way. Other than seeing a new flick a few times a year, I don’t know or want to know who they are. Some are quite gifted actors, some suck. Other than that, I could not care less who they are, who they are dating/married to/cheating on/etc. We saw the movie re Private Doss, Hacksaw Ridge, and it was superbly acted. I couldn’t name the actors and plan to keep it that way. Their private lives? ICNGAS less.

Guard Bum

Damn Jonn, first time I have seen or heard about Venn diagrams since my college technical math days….nicely done!

Count me as another one who didnt know who Katy Perry was (I thought she was lead singer in the band Perry). Looks like I wasnt missing anything.


That’s it! Drop in the 82nd, 101st and the entire Ranger Regiment and they can “hug” away the hate…right Katy?

Deplorable B Woodman

Yep. Hug away the hate… double arm interval. round per second…..

Retired Grunt

She does have nice boobs, not trying to objectify her, just sayin….


So do a lot of ladies who also have brains.

My druthers run toward those who have both.

Pinto Nag

Just like a racehorse…they aren’t hired for their personalities.

Wilted Willy

If boobs were brains, she would be an Einstien! She does have a nice set, which is the only reason I knew who she was, but don’t ask me a word she has ever spoken?

The Other Whitey

Katy Perry is a dumb slut with a modicum of vocal talent (assuming she doesn’t just get auto-tuned) and a nice rack spewing horseshit platitudes because she doesn’t know how to do anything else. Sure, she shilled her ass off for Obama and Das Hildabeast, but how much was that really worth coming from a chick stupid enough to marry Russell Brand?*

I remember reading about a reporter asking Elvis in 1968 for his thoughts on Vietnam. The King replied, “Oh, I wouldn’t really know about that stuff, ma’am. I’m just an entertainer.” Ah, the good ol’ days…

* My wife watches Ellen DeGeneres when she’s bored, in case anyone questions me for even knowing this shit.


Good fences make good neighbors Katy.
You outta know that.

Bill M

Katy says, “Fences for me but not for thee.” See the gate referenced above. Me thinks there’s a pretty substantial fence that goes along with that gate.


Go figure this guy is one of the US Navy Seals the Obama administration tried to charge for abusing a terrorist. The DoD fucked this guy over hard for not simply accepting bullshit from the highest echelon. This guy is a patriot.


Katy who?

Hell sounds good to me.

Silentium Est Aureum

Put it this way: I give a shit more what Left Shark has to say than she does.

Hack Stone

I’ll take advice on the terrorists situation from a disbarred attorney who can’t read a fuel gauge before I take her counsel.

Green Thumb

Kate who?


See the video. She’s a bimbo.


Found a video of Katy running her mouth on a radio talk show “we all need to coexist”, etc. Yeah, but not in my back yard, you bimbo.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHO THE HELL IS Katie Perry? Sounds like just another snot-nosed air-headed plastic-faced hollow liberal celebrity.

2/17 Air Cav

“No barriers….” Not for you or me, anyway. For Ms. Perry, well, there has to be barriers. That’s why she lives in an ultra exclusive area, with a mansion whose access road is split by a massive (and I mean massive) gate. You coexist. She would like to be shielded from the world.

Stephen McCartney

I lay awake at night thinking which will fill up sooner, the shit in her head OR the ‘carbon footprint’ she leaves behind in her private Gulfstream jet.

Another limo liberal dingbat living behind her sanctuary walls of Beverly Hills. I recognize this pathology, I am from Santa Monica, CA.

When recalled to AD for OP DES Storm in 1991 (I had just left 7 yrs in USN) a few parents in our Pacific Palisades Little League bleacher told me “I heard about your problem, I can refer to a lawyer and get you out of this ..”. No more words needed.

CAPT Bones USN (ret)