Eric Clanton; College professor arrested for attack on Trump supporter
Eric Clanton, a former professor at East Bay Community College, was arrested for the above-linked attack on a Trump supporter last month at Berkeley. According to Heat Street, he used a bicycle lock as a weapon in the assault while he was bravely wearing a mask, because that’s how the anti-fascists roll;
Following footage of the bike lock assault by a masked attacker, which drew widespread attention on social media, members of 4chan mobilized their “weaponized autism” to sift through hours of video footage and hundreds of photographs of the protests to identify the masked attacker. Police say that 4chan managed to identify three separate victims who were injured by an attacker suspected to be Eric Clanton. In all three cases, the victims were struck in the head or neck with a bike lock.
From SFGate;
Clanton was arrested early Wednesday morning in Oakland and booked in the Berkeley Jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon that is not a firearm. He is being held on $200,000 bond and is due in court at 9 a.m. Friday.
Category: I hate hippies
If Trump supporters would just fall in line and follow the liberal mantra, these reeducation sessions would not be necessary.
I particularly enjoy the clip of the Anti Fa member getting his masked removed, so when one of his compadres clocked him in the face with a skateboard.
I’m still waiting for them to literally cannibalize each other.
That is coming SOON!
Can we all agree to stick a cattle prod up that former prof’s ass?
The Boys at the BTJT Deli (Home of the World Famous Cockmeat Sammich and Ghey Whey Shake) are gonna love the new “little fishy” added to the “shark tank”.
Stupid fuck… nice to finally see some accountability for that crap.
“Famous Cockmeat Sammich”
Assuming, that’s not how he normally rolls, hell, it may be right up his “alley”.
That hat he’s sporting convinced me he likes dick
Some snot-laden dickwad college proffy got busted for assault?
Good. This ain’t the 1960s, you phony scumbags. I hope Eric the Crapweasel gets whacked good and hard by fines, job loss and some civil suits and lots of bad PR from this. He deserves only the best, right?
Per this video news report, about halfway into the video stream, the reporter says that Clanton was a part-time professor teaching a class on ethics and philosophy at a nearby college. Watch the video, I think a second victim, an older man, is shown in it also.
That criminal formerly taught at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA. It is located on the east side of San Francisco Bay,
couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Glad he finally was arrested.
“Lock” him up.
The moonbats really thought that their Brownshirt activities wouldn’t have any consequences. Now reality is catching up with some of them.
As has been frequently noted, the choice of venue for their misbehavior (Berkeley) is quite telling, since in most other states–and three out of four counties in California, for that matter–such activities would result in more than a few of them getting shot.
In Keks honor! Praise Kek indeed!!
He will be charged with “hate crime” also, right?
I’m thinking Federal Civil Rights violations.
From the article: “He was arrested on suspicion of three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, including a U-lock bike lock, a weapon he is alleged to have used to seriously injure three people at the protest.”
Not possible. He is not an agent of the government and, therefore, is incapable of violating someone’s civil rights.
frigg’n Pickle Licker…big tough guy there.
He’ll have a great opportunity to study alternative sexuality firsthand in the hoosegow.
He’ll suffer from “transient homosexuality” while incarcerated.
He hides behind a mask, he hits his victims from behind, and he taught philosophy. That makes him a card-carrying sissymary. I think he’s looking forward to playtime in the prison shower.
Picking up the powered soap is probably “funtime” for him
Saw this elsewhere.
“Ironic that apparently the professor’s research focus was on mass incarceration. Looks like he’ll get to spend some hands on time with his thesis topic now.”
He can call it a sabbatical.
Eric Clanton will likely be a pillow-biting pickle polishing Sparkle Pony all during his incarceration. I wonder if Bubba & Thor have already busted his cherry by now?
Attempted murder should be charged. He used a deadly weapon, a bike lock, and struck another person in the head with it, w/o excuse, justification, or mitigation.
ERIC CLANTON, another liberal “Person of Tolerance” is now the “Property” of Bubba & Thor and likely will be for some time to come (HAHAHAHAHA…). Liberals themselves perpetually prove the liberalism itself is a mental disorder, WHEN was the last time anyone saw mobs of Conservatives carrying out acts of violence on those dissenting with them?
LIBERALS ARE THE NAZIS, not us Conservatives. HEY liberals, YOU yourselves are everything you accuse us of being.
Not sure if the proper term for that is “Projection” or “Transference”, but it certainly is true as hell…
Transference technically only applies in a therapist/patient relationship
What a pussy. Just like the rest of them. Hopefully he meets a Trump supporter in the big house while he doesn’t have his big boy bicycle lock on him.
Yeah, cuz there are so many Trump supporters in prison. /s
We have far too many political operatives sucking off of our university system. Our schools are being used to finance political activity. We should do as Japan has done, and prune them.
Prune them with a Bulldozer…
This socialist sissy needs to experience a cattle prod.
I’m sure he’ll end up on the receiving end of many a flesh prod if he hasn’t already!!!
So, how soon does this Bozo become a “former college professor” because of his shenanigans?
OT: Apologies to Bozo and all other clowns for comparing this “person” to you.
Oopsie on me. A quick re-read shows that Clanton is already a “former college professor.”
Boy, that doctorate in education is sure doing me a lot of good today …
Looks like someone has already clocked ol’ Eric in the right eye before his real fun ‘n games have even begun.
Perhaps we could all send Lars some things to take to Eric in a jail visit: stuff to make his stay a bit more memorable, things like lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, earrings, pearls, pumps, perfume and a simply darling pink nightie.
How about a tiara? Gotta have the tiara.
He’s lucky he didn’t try that shit in Texas…
Someone might’ve double tapped his ass.
Roger that, USMCMSgt. Trump supporters in Texas have a pervasive habit of concealed carry. The video shows a clear case of assault with a deadly weapon – more than enough reason to at least brandish a firearm.
And watch little baby Eric crap his drawers. Julio, have fun with him!
He will come out of jail tell the cult he had a vision of Nelson Mandela’s prison time. And must continue in his footsteps.
Maybe he can forgo jail time if his victims can take a few swings themselves.
Fair is fair, after all. And it’s not like there’s anything inside that skull in danger of being damaged.
Another example where the left states” Violence by the Left is Free Speech and Free Speech by the Right is Violence.”
I’m gong to borrow your saying, pretty much nails it.
What a cowardly PoS. He needs to do a few years, minimum, in the warm embrace of Julio, Mr. Tiny and Arian Brotherhood to learn the true meaning of true love. Deal with it, you pussy.
Philosophy professor, huh? That means he knows everything about nothing. “You want to supersize those fries, sir?”
We should put 4Chan on Hillary’s emails and that ridiculous Russia thing.
Their trolling of Shia is epic
The funny thing is that 4-Chan consists of a population of people that are supposedly the base of the Libtard movement.
They really aren’t political… they just have enough common sense to see through the bullshit the left is pulling and they treat it with sarcasm.
The left can be reasoned with, and they know that so they troll them. Also when shit like this happens they are more capable of finding shit out than the FBI. They have thousands of people who will look at shit round the clock.
They were able to figure out who clanton was by his shoes, backpack and the clasp of a pen sticking out of his pocket.
They also busted out Moldylocks
He needs a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup.
He will plead to reduced charges, get anger management and other counseling. I’m saying no way. I’m not in favor of the ‘hate crime’ statues (a crime is a crime, IMO), but he should be charged under hate crime laws. Throw a civil suit on his puny ass, also.