Michael Lamb comes clean on Marine recon claims

| May 3, 2017

Someone sent us a link to “Bang, Breach, Clear” to whom Mike Lamb of Stoic Ventures admits that he wasn’t a Recon Marine as he’s claimed for years;

Here’s what Stoic Venture’s About Us page looked on April 30th;

“I’d rather just come on out and get it out there. There’s nothing more to say about it. I came into the Marines as an intel guy, started working at the NSA, and got some deployments out of it. The deployments were national intelligence teams [three letter agencies, ed]. That’s all true. But I was never Recon. Someone called me out on it, and I copped to it. It’s nothing I didn’t bring to my own doorstep. I could easily have shut it down, and I didn’t. It’s a lie I’ve been living for twenty years.

This is a soul cleanse for me after looking over my shoulder all this time.

I apologize to the community, to everyone for misrepresenting myself. I don’t ask or expect forgiveness. I can’t make up for what I did, but I can try to atone for it.”

I’m guessing that he’s seen some of the work of folks on the internet in regards to liars and expected someone to get his records through a FOIA, so he’s getting ahead of it. He doesn’t sound contrite. But, that’s just me.

His records added May 21, 2017 from updated post;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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CB Senior

Yeah you got me bro. No harm no foul, I am kinda sorry and this apology is still going to be all about me.

Frankie Cee

He “copped to it” not because he thinks it was wrong, but because he thinks he might get caught and find that he has his tit in a wringer. It is good that he has admitted it, but I too question his sincerity.
I know far too many heroes, from both on, and off, the battlefield; Silver Star Medal awardees, and even a Soldier’s Medal awardee, to feel anything nice about these embellishing turds.

Combat Historian

“…I don’t ask or expect forgiveness…”

You got that part right, asswipe…

Dave Hardin

He was busted and he knew it. FOIA’s have already been filed…or so I have heard.

Me thinks his secret squirrel claims are just a wee bit misleading too.

The NSA sends Lance Corporals on secret ops with the CIA all the time. The Corps is continually short on Lance Corporals because all the agencies with initials are stealing them for covert ops.

Thats why we have Staff Non-Commissioned Officers burning shitters these days.


In the ‘The Tactical Wire’ screen shot posted above, he’s also calling himself ‘Captain Mike Lamb’, and claims that he was medically retired from the Marine Corps after 13 years of service. Unless he has a good chunk of prior enlisted time, it’s doubtful that he served for 13 years and only made it to the rank of Captain. Without any prior enlisted time, he should have been considered for promotion to Major twice by then, and then separated before he got to 13 years if he was twice passed over for promotion. It’ll be interesting to see if his FOIA shows that he actually ever held a commission in the Marine Corps.

In addition to his ‘secret squirrel’ claims, there’s a lot here that seems to be a bit sideways.

I think that I smell shite.

And why does it always have to be Force Recon with these posers? Oh well, at least he didn’t double down on the stupid and also falsely claim to be a Scout Sniper.


He was a Mustang so yes, he had enlisted time. But also yes, false Scout Sniper claims were made as well, just vocally to others and not on his published bios. He also doesn’t rate the dive bubble, but it’s believed the wings are at least legit.


Copy all; thanks.

Phony Scout Sniper claims as well, eh?

— sigh —

Why not. ‘Go big, or go home’, as they say.


In the Corps, don’t jump wings usually indicate Force Recon?


Could be ANGLICO, ADP, or just lucky, but to rate gold wings in the Marines, you not only have to have the number and type of jumps necessary, but also have to have served in a jump billet.

Don’t have the billet…you continue to wear lead sleds.


Not necessarily, Poe. Please see the following. http://www.marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/MCO%203120.11.pdf MARINE CORPS ORDER 3120.11 ‘MARINE CORPS PARACHUTING POLICY AND PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION’ ‘2. Insignia a. Basic Parachutist Insignia. Marine Corps personnel qualified as basic parachutists are authorized to wear the Basic Parachutist Insignia in accordance with reference (q). b. Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia. In accordance with reference (q), Marine Corps personnel qualified as basic parachutists may wear the Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia in place of the Basic Parachutist Insignia after fulfilling anyone of the requirements below. (1) Marine Corps personnel completing five (5) additional jumps while assigned to an authorized T/O parachuting billet for a period of no less than ninety (90) days. The five (5) additional jumps must include at least one (1) combat equipment day jump, two (2) combat equipment night jumps, and employ at least two (2) different types of military aircraft. (2) Marine Corps personnel who are commissioned graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), meeting the following criteria: (a) As a member of the USNA Airborne Training Unit, completes a USMC-approved jumpmaster and/or parachute rigger course and participates extensively for at least a year in those capacities. (b) Completes a minimum of 30 static line parachute jumps, to include the same variety of jumps and aircraft described above. (c) Has a written request to wear the Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia, endorsed by the USNA Marine Corps Representative, and approved by the CG, MCCDC (C443). (3) Marine Corps personnel with prior service in other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces meeting the following criteria during the period of prior service: (a) While assigned to an authorized (assigned by orders and receiving Parachutist HDIP) parachuting billet, fulfilled the Marine Corps criteria regarding the number, type, and frequency of parachute jumps above. (b) Has submitted a written request to wear the Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia, forwarded through the chain of command, and approved by the CG, MCCDC (C443). Substantiating documentation will include: 1. Certified true copies of jump manifests; 2. Certified true copy of DD Form 214, and/or other documents attesting to the… Read more »


The apology was all about him… he did it because he was outed and in his own words, “I brought this to my doorstep, you know.”



He was the spotter for Ladner on the secret drug missions in Honduras where they HALO’ed in from the space shuttle.


“There we were, deep in Angora on another hairy mission…”


“deep in Angora”

That is a euphemism for being nose-deep in the slit latrine which I have not heard before.


Graybeard, I do believe Senor Chief is making a little sea story wordplay on the country of Angor(r)a, famed for the long-haired goats of the same name.

Wit is abounding here at TAH this morning–first it was Proud Infidel with his “Mo’s goat” expression and now Senor Chief with this gem.


Or maybe he’s channeling the late Frank Zappa. To wit

Kiss my aura . . . Dora . . .
M-M-M . . . it’s real angora
Would y’all like some more-a?
Right here on the flora?
An’ how ’bout you, Fauna?




A Proud Infidel®™

He might have even been Point Man for Will Chamberlain on seekrit missions in the jungles of Paprika.

mr. sharkman

I volunteered…but…SARC Killed All The Bad Guys (Slew Al The Virgin…P-aprika)


It IS refreshing when the occasional apology comes from a poser. No way to tell if there is any sincerity behind it except in retrospect. So, we wait. If he quits lying, quits misrepresenting himself, somewhere down the road, we might believe him about something.

Meanwhile, ceasing the storytelling is a good first step. We shall see if it sticks.


Sincerity is not a trait common to posers…


That’s exactly why my acceptance of any of their apologies is at best provisional, but more often it just doesn’t happen.

Wilted Willy

At least this ass hamster admitted his wrong doing, that is more than we can say for most of the poser assholes that Jonn finds everyday! But I still say FUCK YOU POSER!

2/17 Air Cav

True, but he maintained the lie for 20 years. It’s not a pang of conscience. It’s the pain of discovery. As for creds, he looks like he’s starting the whack-a-mole game. Down goes Marine Recon and up pops the Secret Squirrel.


Yeah, the sincere smile says it all.





Check out the bogus jump wings and scuba bubble on his jacket lapel in the photo posted above.

As we’ve said before, hopefully he’ll encounter a real Force Recon Marine/SARC sometime in the near future. I’m sure that ol’ Mikey here would enjoy the experience.

I really hate this incessant Stolen Valor bullshit.

It’s infuriating.

mr. sharkman

Did you see his Pretty Black Recon Cap?

Now if it had said FIRST BULK FUEL, I’d have paused and pondered. 😉

2/17 Air Cav

” I came into the Marines as an intel guy,started working at the NSA, and got some deployments out of it. The deployments were national intelligence teams [three letter agencies, ed]. That’s all true.”

I’m going to parse that out because I regard it as the oddest of lines in his admission.

“I came into the Marines as an intel guy….” Assuming that intel means intelligence and not intelligent, what do those words mean? Does “came into” mean he enlisted? And does “as an itel guy” mean he was a trained intel operative when he enlisted?

“started working at the NSA…” Assuming that NSA means National Security Agency, who describes such employment as “started working?” And he doesn’t write “with” but “at.” So, again, assuming that this account is in chronological order, he may have been a spook who joined the Marines and thereafter was recruited by the NSA.

“got some deployments out of it.” Got some deployments? Is that like getting some beer and pizza? I never heard or read anyone describe being sent overseas that way. And is “it” the USMC or the NSA? I can’t tell.

“The deployments were national intelligence teams [three letter agencies, ed].” That just makes sense. The deployments were teams? I can’t quite get there. Is he trying to say that he was a member of a covert group that was deployed to ops? And who is Ed? (That’s a joke.)

In summary, his ‘coming clean’ may be worse than the first lie. Perhaps he thought that mere substitution would work. I don’t know, but I do know this: he isn’t done and this isn’t over.


2/17 Air Cav, that was my take away. “No I wasn’t a Recon Marine, but I was a super secret three letter agency spook. Sorry for the mix up and I’m glad it’s all straightened out now. Thank ya…thank ya vury much”


unless times have changed, there used to be active duty service types stationed on Ft. Meade working at NSA. Didn’t mean they were employees, but units like CPAR (which was Army) did exist. Could explain his phrasing.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s the thing, the wishy washy, sloppy phrasing. This was a carefully considered statement and not some off-the-cuff remark, thoughtlessly delivered. Janitors and groundskeepers work at NSA, too. And drivers are always needed. I think he;s full of shit and embellishing some mundane duties to sound grandiose.


Totally agree with your last sentence. TECHNICALLY it would be correct, but in the rea world – no.

2-14 Cav

Nope. They’re still there a big part of the mission.


I served with Lamb at the NSA, Company B The, MARSPT. The wings are legit (Radio Recon) No idea about the bubble. It’s rare in the Radio Recon field, but it happens.
He was enlisted but prior to that he went to Ohio State. Then got his commision. He did deploy from Ft. Meade a few times, Kosovo was one of them and so was Saudi.
This sucks because when we were stationed together he was one of the most respected guys in our unit. Great NCO, PT stud and smart as a whip. Cared about other Marines like a good NCO. One of the physically toughest Marines I ever served with.

mr. sharkman

Sad to read, but thanks for the 1st hand insight.

PP aka P Squared aka Papa Deuce

“The wings are legit (Radio Recon) No idea about the bubble. It’s rare in the Radio Recon field, but it happens.”

I don’t believe you. No one in the RRP community that I know of has vetted he was ever a member of that community. We have a closed FB group (includes current & former RRP Marines) & his name came up a couple weeks ago inquiring about him. No one knows him, except from Ft. Meade, his 1st duty station.

PP aka P Squared aka Papa Deuce

Full disclosure: I was the Co. B MarSptBn Training Chief when LCpl Lamb arrived at Ft. Meade.

Before I arrived at Ft. Meade, I was 1st RRP in Hawaii.

If he was wearing Gold Wings at Ft. Meade as 1 of your NCO’s, attributing them to being an RRP Marine, then he lied to you.


Interesting…but not at all surprising.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s grinning like a meat gazer in that pic, thus I concur that he saw the writing on his wall and said “OH SHIT, might as well come clean before the shitstorm!” so now he comes out saying this rocking back and forth on his shoe heels while playing pocket pool.


What, no claim to being a(n) F-18 fighter pilot / Force Recon / Scout Sniper? It’s like he isn’t even trying! Make him do it over and this time get it right!

Toasty Coastie

Fuck Apple, Pickle Licker….


Ass bucket….

Bill M

This seems more like a ‘modified, limited hang-out’ to me. Confess to one part while repeating the seckret squirrel stuff, hoping to keep some of his poser crap alive.

I don’t sense sincerity in his apology.


This brings up a lot of questions as to how he was able to do this for 20 years working at the places he did with legit people and nobody not once did a FOIA on him? What a scumfuck.

SoCal J

Saw on another website that coincidently a “Mike Lamb” tried to join a Radio Recon Platoon (part of Marine Corps Radio BNs) closed FB group a couple weeks ago, but no one would vouch for him.

Was he trying to gain some “Recon” credibility before this story broke to try to minimize his shitbagness?

Hmmmmm……bet there’s more to the story. Love to see a FOIA on his records.


Fuck him. Acting like he came out all on his own.

Too late with your metrosexual, man-scaping, neutered, attention whoring self.

Soul cleanse? Yeah right, more like vacuuming out a septic tank.

Nobody gives a fuck what your “Everyday Carry” is. Looks like the loot from the inside of a good woman’s purse.

The Old Maj

“There’s nothing more to say about it.”

I am going to say he was wrong about that. I’ll never do business with that company whatever that he sells.

mr. sharkman

The whole ‘minimum tactical carry anywhere’ crowd has had me scratching my head or seriously wondering for years.

I mentioned as a comment on one of ‘their’ websites that a dude who was essentially a Clandestine Deity for the USA wandered around K-Town, Beirut, and a couple of less hospitable (to a white boy Clandestine type who wasn’t a known smuggler or terrorist) locales with a blackjack, a folder, and on semi-rare occasions the then-equivalent of a featherweight snubby/holdout revolver (which those common sense Russkies make the greatest version ever seen & carried, by the way).

My comment was met with near-derision until I pointed out that WHEN (as opposed to IF) the local security goons, always available for contract snatch/hold + detention grabbed your ass for no reason at all (except maybe boredom and need of drinking/smoking/gambling cash – which is why you always carry some cash of your own) if you were concealing a 7 pc. Junior James Bond Spy Kit (TM), you would have given yourself away and thrown 90% of likely covers onto a bonfire. Good work kid, you are about to become a star on a wall.

My comment was prompted by seeing the top photo on this entry at TAH.

The Old Maj

He is talking about carrying all that as a civilian wandering around in America where death awaits around every corner. Carrying a gun around overseas is a sure way to get yourself thrown in to a black hole for a few years.

EDC for most people is way to be ready for uncommon and rare events that may disrupt normal life patterns.

mr. sharkman

I just read this ‘Stoic Ventures: Who We Are’ ‘gem’;

‘2. As good people, we do not pick the time or place for violence, we must prepare ourselves accordingly.’

Pardon? If you want to grow old, you pick the time and the place for violence whenever possible and twice on Sundays.


Good grief. There are posers who pretend to be what he actually was, yet he felt the need to up his game to recon. I just don’t get it. It seems to me that his secret squirrel stuff would be much more impressive to the average civilian than recon, especially considering how Hollywood glamorizes the profession. This was totally unnecessary.

The Old Maj

Oh yeah intel is real glamorous. I don’t know which is better: Sitting in the back of a van trying to find signals or memorizing how the Soviet hordes were going to come through the Fulda Gap. I suppose on few occasions it can be rewarding. Too few.


The Fulda Gap… Now that’s funny shit. Oh how I remember. LOL


I knew some guys when I was in that used to call it “Vulva Gap”


His ‘everyday carry’ assortment is a hoot. A belt, wallet, sunglasses, cell, etc. Is that a tin of lip balm or dip? I see a knife. I don’t carry a knife; I have to up my game. Yes, I carry a handgun as well as a permit.

Glad he’s voluntarily outing himself before it is done to him involuntarily. How did he manage to rock the lie for so many years?

One question? What is the thing above the handgun? Anyone know? Whatever it is, I’m not carrying it, either. I’m really behind in the personal protection arena. Anyone know what it is?


The thing above the handgun is what’s known as a holster.


Yeah, now I get it. Actually, I have one, actually several, of different shapes. Duh ….

(Self deprecation is a lost art.)

Green Thumb

I bet he could recon some taint….


He’s also been caught in the Scout Sniper lie – DD214 reveals that he’s a SHARPSHOOTER. Still trying to stick to his intel/OGA lie, claims that he just “went along” with a Recon rumor, he didn’t actually make that up himself, he just never corrected the falsehood. Pssht this guy deserves all the bad karma he’s just poured himself


Where can we see a copy of Lamb’s DD214?