You Couldn’t Make This Sh!t Up If you Tried

| May 3, 2017

No comment is necessary.  Headline says it all.

Berkeley Plans to Fight Left-Wing Violence With ‘Laughter Yoga’, Singing and Bubbles

One prediction:  this will be as effective as Munich in 1938.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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Wilted Willy

I’m sure Poodle Dick will be leading the choir!


Dear North Korea,

The GPS coordinates for Berkeley are 37.8716° N, 122.2727° W Altitude is 171 feet give or take.

Just sayin’

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny as hell.


Sponge noodles? Are they going to provide free ramen bowls and hemp sandals, too?

Oh, I almost forgot: are they going to provide soap and hoses so that people can get a free shower?

Doc Savage

Oh….fuq no….that is just wrong on so many levels.


No disrespect! This is the price of of “Freedom”, but from the opposite prospective. !! Its a unfortunate result of those like us. Please don’t suggest they defend it, it’s hopless, they wouldn’t be able to handle the challenge and sacrifice…


No!!!!!!!!!!!! Triggly Puff in yoga pants?????

Bill M



Brain bleach! STAT!


Will they have a petting zoo with baby unicorns? Free skittles??


A certain poster wants a Skittle Shitting unicorn that farts cotton candy!


God is great.
Beer is good.
People are crazy.


Well, this one takes the cake. We can now officially declare Berkeley as no longer part of any known reality.

2/17 Air Cav

Have quiet conversations? Holy mackerel, Andy. Is they of this planet? What next, drawing red lines in the street? Giving time-outs to rioters? Cripes.
‘Shaking head here, boss.’
‘Shake it, Luke.”

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s about as acceptable as a hooker farting in church during a wedding and more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar on Valentines Day.

Perry Gaskill

I’m going to swim a bit against the current on this one, Hondo. While it’s true Berkeley is home to a large number of serial dingbats, this story is weak. The goofy proposals are based on email trail balloons from a couple of people who are peripheral players in the city’s government.

Downtown Berkeley Association CEO John Cainer, who suggested “quiet conversations” is not apparently an elected official. He runs an NGO that represents downtown businesses who are understandably concerned about getting bricks thrown through their windows.

Phoebe Anne “Sponge Noodle” Sorgen is also apparently not elected. She is a music teacher who is a volunteer on the Disaster and Fire Safety Commission– not the City Council. Things like commissions on fire safety tend to attract loons because nobody sane wants to go to all the meetings.

Back in the day, if I had been made privy to confidential correspondence seeking to solve the problem of riots with sponge noodles and the ghost of Wavy Gravy, I might have put some effort into expanding the source pool. We don’t know, for example, how the city council reacted to what Cainer and Sorgen said. Both as a courtesy, and to flesh out perspective, it might have been useful to call up the Mayor for comment.

I’m pointing this out because although people like Phoebe Anne Sorgen can be an easy target for their nitwittery, they tend to distract from the more serious threat of people like Yvette Felarca and Shanta Driver of BAMN as pointed out by HMCS(FMF) in a comment above.


Most who post here already have the winning strategy for active violence directed against free people.

Call it the “Concord Bridge” plan. (Where organized) or the “Whittemore” plan (where not).

What we need more of, is effective counters to rhetorical fuckwittery from the left, before the rattle of musketry needs become common.


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The Old Maj

It is tougher to loot and steal TV’s with Yoga and bubbles but they will doubtless figure it out.


…the fuck?


Many on the left believe -their- violence is free speech, and -our- free speech is violence.

So, the seek to end violence, by cheering on free speech.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice one.


Exactly. The left continues to confuse words with actions as they fail utterly to apply the same standards to themselves that they apply to others. Worse yet – they too often don’t seem to have any standards for their own behavior and choice of words as they expect others to do and say as they demand.


Just turn the firehoses on them. It will not only wash away the dirt, it will also clean the streets. Include soap in that and you’ll get the bubbles that Phoebe Ann wants. Bring out the pots, a grill, and some ladles and you can include her sponge noodles in the mix.

Gandhi’s version of meeting violence with non-violence was much more effective than bubbles and sponge noodles, and Phoebe Ann is a whackjob.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

Tiny Tim was born way too soon…