Fake Vietnam vet and fake news
That fake Vietnam veteran, Connecticut Senator dick Blumenthal says he won’t vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch because of some imagined “looming” constitutional crisis, according to Raw Story.
“I am still angry about the treatment of [President Barack Obama’s nominee] Merrick Garland,” Blumenthal noted. “My Republican colleagues have said if the shoe were on the other foot, we would have done the same. It would have been as wrong if we had [refused to give Garland a hearing] as it was when they did.”
“But my vote is not about Merrick Garland,” he continued. “It is about Neil Gorsuch and it is about the constitutional crisis that may well be looming as a potential threat to our democracy.”
Blumenthal pointed out that FBI Director James Comey has testified that the agency is investigating ties between President Trump’s associates and the Russian interference in the U.S. elections.
“The independence of our judicial branch has never been more threatened or more important,” the senator declared, citing impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon. “The possibility of a Supreme Court needing to enforce a subpoena against the president of the United States is far from idle speculation. It has happened before in United States vs. Nixon.”
I’m not aware of any evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to interfere in the US elections. I am, however, aware of emails that were made available to the public which made voters turn against the Democrats because of the conduct of candidates and members of their staff.
I’d also consider calling oneself a Vietnam veteran when oneself never stepped outside the United States during the Vietnam War as interfering in an election or two. I guess when you can’t find a real reason to vote against a Supreme Court nominee, you can just make shit up – especially when you already have a reputation of being a worthless lying sack of shit.
Category: Politics
Senator dick Blumenthal needs to take something for that verbal diarrhea he’s got problems with there.
Voters need to remember this phony son of a bitch come election time!! THROW THE BUM OUT!!
What a joke. I hope this guy chokes on a dick.
Unfortunately, with all his cocksucking experience he probably won’t choke on a dick. But one can still hope.
I heard that as a show of his commitment to becoming a politician he had his gag reflex surgically removed
As well as his conscience when he sold his soul.
His gag reflex disappeared long ago.
That’s in their oaths to become Democrats: They swear they’ll never employ their gag reflexes again. It simply disappears forever along with their senses of hypocrisy and shame.
Nice teeth. Hair perfectly parted.
Shit eating grin. Yeah, he’s a dick.
Bloomin’fuck grins like either a meat gazer or an Opossum eating shit out of a hairbrush.
I hope he falls flat on his face, BOTH OF THEM. Bloomin’fuck fell in with the D-rats saying they wanted to wait for President Trump’s predecessor to take office during the end of GW Bush’s term so they could confirm a liberal Justice but now that it was a GOP Senate with a D-rat leaving office it wasn’t OK and their side is once again parading their hypocrisy and showing just how childish and asinine people do get over there in that Great Whorehouse on the Potomac River.
Rules and principles for the Dhimmirats are always a relative thing. I think they all have to take a test to confirm they are remorseless hypocrites before they are allowed to run under the party banner. The modern D party has a party line just like the Commie party of the past. They will do or say anything to obtain or retain political power, irrespective to whether it damages this country.
“The independence of our judicial branch has never been more threatened….” The lying sac ‘o shit is apparently unfamiliar with FDR’s court-packing scheme. BTW, tell me that pic of him doesn’t make you want to slap him silly. Cripes, what a weasel.
Pretty much every pixel of the photo screams “sleaze.”
2/17 I would venture the vast majority of this country have no idea of just how close we were to a dictatorship under FDR. The court packing scheme being one of the more egregious ones, so much so that even his Vice President, John Nance Garner, and the Senate Judiciary committee, dominated by Dems, were against it.
Throat chop.
Keep on acting stupid in public, bloomers. Just keep on saying silly things. The longer you continue this fit pitching the more people wake up to who you really are. If enough of them realize that you do not represent them well the rest of us will not have to listen to you. Please, oh please, keep giving them the excuses that they need to knock you off your pedestal.
btw, I earned one of those coveted NDSMs for the same timeframe you did, bloomers. Never felt the need to pretend to have served IN Vietnam. Earned two little bitty stars to put on it before I retired. Don’t claim more than I did to earn those either.
Why is it that every damn thing that the Dems want needs to be done now to avoid a calamity, a crisis, or the world’s end? I mean, who still falls for that line of bullshit?
‘We need to do it for the children.’
Meanwhile, in Kalifornia they are pushing a bill that would limit free speech
I’m not familiar with that, GDC, but unless I missed something along the way, even Californians are citizens of the United States and, as such, enjoy 1st A rights that cannot be abridged by any state.
Never let a good crisis go to waste
Every Democrat, every time.
It’s how they control the masses of lemmings. Create chaos or imaginary crisis and then rush in with their solution. Solutions for problems that don’t exist so they need to be created. Fucking Orwellian at its best.
This is what I was referring to. I guess they came to their senses, but still, they (on the left) proposed it. Never meant to imply that it would survive application or enforcement. My only point was that most of the true stress on our Constitutional liberties, the crises, seem to come from the party of Dick Blumenthal more than any other. Relentlessly.
Thanks for the link. Anyone who sponsored, co-sponsored or favored that now-dead bill needs to be horsewhipped. From the linked article: “Specifically Mr. Chau’s proposal would make it ‘“unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an Internet Web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an Internet Web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence”’ either the outcome of a ballot measure or election.”
Chau is a freakin’ moron.
That blue screen during news hour.
And yet, 2nd A rights are violated by states (and cities) on a regular basis. What makes 1st A rights any different?
Seeing Russians everywhere.
Sen. Dick fits right in with Sen. Harry and Sen. Diane.
Morons who only know how to lie.
That’s right “Dick”……never pass up a chance to manufacture a crisis is one isn’t handy.
I see that Dickie-bird never misses an opportunity to get to the microphone or get a quote out to a reporter. Why does he have no eyebrows?
Because he spends endless hours sitting in front of his meat-eater’s make up mirror meticulously plucking them one at a time in delicious anticipation of his next meal.
Once in a while, Poetrooper, I beg you – please post the good ol’ spew alert!!
Thank you!
Doesn’t matter what he does. The dems will fuck around, and the republicans will “nuke” them and confirm him anyway. I must admit I cannot wait to see the socialist dems piss and wail whtn that is first done to them. Thanks, Reid. You fucked yourself and all your buds over but good.
Those are some serious chicklets he has in his mouth…holy hell…and where did his eyes go? They’ve completely fallen by the way of glittering gargoyle gonads…..
Must be a relative of a fuck apple or something.
He’s the love child of Renee Zelwigger and the guy in “Blazing Saddles” wanted to hear “some of them good old n***** songs”. Blumenthal’s grandchildren will have no eyes at all.
Ironically, I read Burton Gilliam (the actor who said that line) was a Christian motivational speaker as well. Also a boxing referee in California, something he shared with Pappy Boyington, who reffed in the ’50s.
So close…..
Too bad he didn’t step about six inches to his left just before the train passed. Then we wouldn’t have to see him flapping his lying cockholster on the news anymore.
That’s a scream. Yellow lines actually mean something and a speeding train doesn’t give a shit who it hits. What gets me is that the moron heard the train and moved to secure the sign–yet it never registered with him to move his worthless self away. I suppose that he will soon be talking about the time he rescued someone from being struck by a train.
Surprisingly he didn’t hear this! From his year in the Nam, his ears are so finely calibrated that he can distinguish the whooshing of incoming and outgoing….from his fire base in Greenwich, CT!
Hey Dick, I hope you swallow a bag of dicks! You fucking lying asshamster cocksucker! May you be assraped by the barbed cock of Satan, backwards I may add! You sir, are a lying sack of scrotum puss! I hope you die a long and painful death! I say drop you in the middle of the desert and leave you to find your way back, then kill you! Oh yea, Fuck you too!!!
Dick metaphorically and literally sucks dick; his photo speaks for itself…
Maybe the real crisis is that the corruption from the previous administration is slowly being exposed…even if it is being back paged by the MSM.
The funny thing about all this is Gorsuch had an overwhelming majority (including Dems that are now against him) at his appellate confirmation. What’s changed? Hmmm…it will come to me in a New York Minute…yeah, they lost.
By the way, Sens. Crazy Joe & Barry Bananas were both against a Republican President nominating a new Justice during their last year of office. What’s changed? Hmmm…it will come to me in a New York Minute…yeah, they were in The White House.
No, they aren’t a bunch of hypocrites (eye roll)
What’s changed? Trump (R) in the white house, that is what.
Blumenthal is a turd.
Hey, BLEW-ME-THAL… fuck you and the horse you rode in on, assclown!
I don’t think that limp-dick has ever ridden a horse. He is likely too physical risk averse to get on a horse.
Looking at him though, he may not be averse to getting under one of the Stallion variety.
Connecticut, a progressive state with nothing but democrats as senators and representatives.
Where lies and socialism are expected and accepted.
Little dick blumenthal is characteristic of most voters in that state.
I’m from a pretty Republican part of the state. My town had more Trump signs than anything else in people’s yards with no theft of said signs or vandalism, and the same Republican Mayor since 1994. The rest of the state is as blue as it gets.
Poor Senator just got South Vietnam confused with South Carolina…easy mistake eh ?
Trust me, when you got off the plane upon arrival in the viet of the nam, both you and Todo knew immediately you weren’t in Kansas anymore. The smell was your first clue.
When I look at this dude, I think he looks like a “ferret-face”.
I think his face is more weasel-like than ferret.