A Different Kind of “Feel Good Story”

| March 26, 2017

A former* US Marine has been appointed as a NYC New York policeman.

No big deal, you say?  Well, maybe.   But the case of  Matias Ferreira is somewhat unusual.

Ferreira lost both legs below the knee due to injuries received from an IED in Afghanistan.

Ferreira’s not being hired for a “desk only” job, either.  He completed the Suffolk County Police Academy and was hired as a full-duty cop.  His first assignment is as a precinct patrol officer.

Fox News has more on this story.  Their article is worth a read.

Well done, Marine.  Damn well done.


*Author’s Note:  yes, I know – Marines feel someone is never “former Marine” unless they’ve dishonored their USMC service in some way.  Sorry, but I refuse to write “a Marine no longer serving on active duty” (or some similar clunky and awkward phrase) to describe someone who’s separated or retired from the USMC.

Category: Marine Corps

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I think you’re OK with “former” Marine, Hondo. It’s “Ex-Marine” that can raise some hackles, as it implies one has been drummed out of the Corps. Am I correct, Devil Dogs?
Great story, thanks!

AW1 Tim

I believe that that rat-bastard Murtha would qualify as an “ex-Marine”.


No argument from me!


No argument here either…


Hondo – a minor respectful correction to your story, if you don’t mind.

PO Ferreira is not associated with NYPD in any way. Suffolk County is roughly 30 miles East of Queens, NY the Eastern most NYC borough and 60 or so miles East of Manhattan.

Suffolk County PD is one of the best departments in NY….almost as good as my old job in Nassau County 🙂 which borders Suffolk on the West.

This is a HUGE story here on Long Island and even the leftist local rag, “Newsday” is giving Ferreira very good press.


Thought about that as well when I posted, but figured ‘New York Police Department’ was generic enough.


No disclaimer necessary Hondo. To Matias Ferreira, NYPD and former Marine, Rock on Devil Dog!
FTA:“If I break my leg I go the trunk of my car and put on a new one and I’m back on duty”.
That’s BAMF.


You can’t keep a damn good MARINE down.

Tom Huxton

Remember Hemmingway’s method. Never use two words when one will do.


AW1 Tim

Unless, of course, you are being paid by the word.

Perry Gaskill

Never use two “M”s when one will do, Tom…


Are you saying that Hemingway misspelled his own name?



YOu want some Hemingway? I’ll give you kids some Hemingway!

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.

Every man’s life ends the same way. It’s only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.

Kudos to this man, and I wish him well.


Excellent “former” PH2! 😉

Frankie Cee

His comment somewhere: “If I break my leg, I will just go to the trunk of my car and get another one.” PURE GOLD!


One might imagine..

“If you do not chill out, right now, I am going to plant my foot so far up your ass that I will have to hop back to my vehicle and strap on my spare leg.”

Now imagine the various versions possible of “Screw with the Stoners”….


Well done, Marine.

The Other Whitey

Hell yeah!

NR Pax

So we get people that demand physical standards for certain jobs be lowered for them and this man goes through the same training with other cadets without the legs he was born with. Just noticing…