Kelly Lynn Knotts convicted

| March 26, 2017

Frankie sends us a link to the story of Kelly Lynn Knotts who is looking at 230 years in jail for exploiting a World War II veteran who was in her care;

Knotts was arrested on the charges in October 2015 after a lengthy investigation conducted by the State Attorney’s Office and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. The elderly victim is a disabled World War II veteran, with whom Knotts stood in a position of trust and confidence as his bookkeeper and caregiver.

Knotts exploited the elderly victim over a two-year period by committing multiple thefts. The amount stolen exceeded $300,000.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Frankie Cee

Even if her sentence is only 10% of the possible, she is going away for a loooooong time. The Bitch.


Rot behind bars you parasite.

Silentium Est Aureum

Burn the bitch.


My sentiments exactly.

The Other Whitey

Need some driptorches and/or fuses?


I hope the dirtbags who mistreated the late Robert Harris get the same treatment. At least this woman was caught and stopped while the veteran was still alive.

Combat Historian

May she be duly “used” by strappy sally and janey rottycrotch and biker Babette in the gray bar hotel…


Amen to that…


A baseball bat and five minute with her in a closed room. That’s all I’m askin’ for.

The Other Whitey

The bat can be modified as well.


eeny meeny miney ……


Solitary confinement for the rest of her miserable life. Unfortunately prisons are overcrowded so she’ll be out doing the same shite in a few years.


but someone will say “but it was non-violent” and sadly she will get something more akin to 230 day’s probation.

A Proud Infidel®™

Throw the fuckin’ key away after her cell door is welded shut!

Perry Gaskill

She needed the money to support the flying monkeys…

Green Thumb

I could totally see this idiot teaching/hosting a breakaway session at All-Points Logistics annual convention.


Fascinating, I was just reading about the VA fiduciary program. Apparently this isn’t the first fiduciary to abuse a Veteran. Now Vets with mental illness are discouraged from getting 100% disability for MH because they might end up being abused by a psycho fiduciary employed by the VA. It’s a shame.

I would rather be 70% living in a room and in control of my finances than 100% with a fiduciary.


Stupid cunt.
Here’s hoping she gets some big stinking yeast infected roommate for her entire time in the lockup…

Just An Old Dog

I’m betting the major reason they went after her is because she was ripping off the VA itself.
Unless the Victim had a lot of assets before there is no way he drew 300,000 benefits, even if he was drawing Military Retirement, SS and 100 VA.

Jack Wannaknow

She’d been living with the victim’s grandson for years. She’s not the only perp involved here. I look for more arrests. The chances the grandson didn’t know about the thefts are slime to none. She was supposed to be sentenced on May 10, but she may have had that delayed.