Saturday morning feel good stories

| March 25, 2017

From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a resident of a house opened his door and encountered a fellow with a gun and they tussled for the firearm. Inside, another resident heard the struggle and brought his own gun and shot the intruder who was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Chooee sends a link from Grand Rapids, Michigan;

Authorities say a Calder City cab driver was dropping off the passenger at the intersection when the man got out of the car and threatened to assault the male driver with a hammer in a robbery attempt.

The man, who has been identified as 45-year-old Timothy Coleman of Grand Rapids, was hit and killed as the cab driver attempted to the flee the area.

Police interviewed the cab driver and released him.

In Waco, Texas, police finally caught up to Markus Koven Smith, 22. Smith was with his crew when they tried to break into a home. The resident answered their attempts with gunfire during which Smith was wounded.

Officers were later sent to Metroplex Hospital where they learned Smith was being treated.

Smith was admitted in critical but stable condition, police said.

It’s not clear when he was released from the hospital.

Shemar Keon Lee, Mansu Lau Knox, Jr., Hunter Riley Flores were all arrested near the hospital.

They were each charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit theft and their bonds were each set at $30,000.

Smith surrendered to police earlier this week. He’s being held on $100,000 bond.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Markus, Shemar, Mansu…..and Hunter? Sort of like the old Sesame Street game, one of these things is not like the other..


There’s stupid, and then there’s getting run over by the cab one is in the process of robbing, stupid.


EXCEPTIONAL is what I’d quantify it as. “Never bring a hammer to car “fight”.


I put this up yesterday in the Open Thread but I’m going to re-post here since it involves guns, someone getting shot and a feel-good ending:

Dave Hardin was goose hunting up in the northern Minnesota woods when he leaned his shotgun against the corner of the blind to take a leak. As luck would have it, his favorite Lab, Ol’ Stay,* knocked the gun over causing it to discharge a considerable amount of #4 shot into Dave’s groin area.

Several hours later, lying in a Duluth hospital bed, he came to and there was his ER doctor, Dr. Sven, who said,

“Vell Dave, I got some goot noos and some bat noos. Da goot noos is dat you’re gonna be OK. Da damage vas local to your groin. Dere vas very little internal bleeding and I vas able to remove all da shot.”

“Well, what’s the bad news then?” asks Dave.

“Da bat noos is dat dere vas some pretty extensive shot damage done to your vienie. I’m gonna to haf to refer you to my sister, Lena.”

“Well, I guess that isn’t too bad,” says Dave. “Is your sister a plastic surgeon?”

“Not exactly,” Sven says. “She plays da flute in da Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. And because all you haf now is dat damned Obamacare, she’s gonna teach you where to put your fingers so you don’t pee in your eye.”

*Dave has forever had problems getting this dog to follow him. When he says, “Here, Stay,” or “Heel, Stay,” that dumb dog just sits there. Dave loves that old dog though, so he’s not giving up on him. He figures someday he’ll learn.


She plays da flute….BWHAAAAAAAAHAAA!!! 😉