The real message of Democrats’ anger and protests

| February 27, 2017

While Donald Trump may be the ostensible target of all the maniacal Democrat political wrath and public protests, the reality of the matter is far more sinister. Truth is, the real targets of all that insane anger and adolescent denial are folks like you and me who voted for him, and even more so, all the inhabitants of those American counties that are displayed in red on this 2016 election map, especially those that actually counted toward Trump’s electoral victory. Democrats taunt that Clinton won the popular vote, but the truth is Trump won 2,600 counties compared to Hillary’s 500. One hundred of Clinton’s counties were the most populous in America which gave her that popular vote margin. Without those 100 counties, she would have lost by 11.5 million votes. She was quite clearly the urban favorite, but even more clearly, she and her party were thoroughly rejected throughout the land that lies between the coasts.

Democrats looking at this map are frightened and that fear breeds their irrational anger, outbursts and demonstrations, for they can easily see this is no longer nationwide politics as usual. Dems so hate Trump for denying them Hillary that they do not believe our vote has a value equal to their own, which it most likely would not should their totalitarian views ever prevail. But look at our America as it showed itself to be in November, 2016, and it is conspicuously clear that the Democrat party, while operating at the fringes of sanity, is also quite literally operating at the geographic fringes of our nation, with Hawaii being their most distant dependency. A commenter at American Thinker last week noted that Trump voters make up a vast geopolitical entity between Interstate-5 and Interstate-95, which is generally true except for some major urban centers, most college towns and a few counties with Hispanic, black or Native American majorities. Other blue counties are attributable to what I call coastal carcinomas, most in the Rocky Mountain States, where wealthy coastal, environmentalist émigrés pursue their ongoing, metastatic process of poisoning local political waters with their elitist liberal lunacy.
But the key lesson for conservatives is that with their stubborn refusal to accept Donald Trump as their president, the Democrats are telling us our vote is invalid. It is but a small step from that to a totalitarian belief that we conservatives are undeserving of any vote at all. This map says otherwise. Old lefty folk singer, Woody Guthrie, may be spinning quite furiously in his grave right now but the pure red-hued truth is, for all you conservative Trump voters:

“This Land is Your Land…”

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Just An Old Dog

Great points,,The left-tards when they won in 08 and 12 considered Republican voters simply misguided folks who needed to be “re-educated”,,,, After the main steam media and elite libs failed to convert people to their way of thinking they changed their tune.
Now we are all hopeless racists, Homophobes, sexists who need to be stripped of our vote, locked up, or beaten in the streets.
Somewhat of a parable to this was a scene from the Civil War movie ” Ride With The Devil”
A Confederate Guerrilla was talking about how Yankee loyalist came to his part of the State and built a community. He said out of everything the built a School first because they wanted to make sure everyone thought like them


“Re-education” is always the go to remedy of both communists and progtards/leftards. When Frank Anton, a POW of the VC/NVA, was about to be beaten by his guards for the umpteenth time, he was told by one of the guards that after all his “re-education” sessions his attitudes were not sufficiently “progressive.” Of course, when re-education fails, if they have sufficient power and control, they resort to their final solution for the recalcitrant. You could ask Col. Nick Rowe (MOH) about that if he was still alive.

Just An Old Dog

The liberals decry the state of our educational system because its falling behind other countries.
The reason its falling behind is because those same liberals are responsible for ours schools stepping away from teaching and instead indoctrinating our children/teens/young adults.
Their cure for our education is to pile on more diversity type classes.
In the late 90s I knew a young man who had just started SDSU. I talked to him after he’d been there 3 months. The only thing he talked about is that ” Rednecks in Santee are using lead shot gun shells to hunt rabbits and its poisoning the hawks”.
What a fucking waste.


Speaking of voting, I tried to get our local elections board to make arrangements for our hospitalized veterans to vote at the VA Hospital. Buzz. No way.

So much for San Antonio being Military City USA.

Become a VA Volunteer. It will change you forever.


The thing that really scares the shit out of them is that we have all the guns and know how to use them…

AW1 Tim

We not only have the guns, and know how to use them, but as our own history shows, we aren’t afraid to use them when the situation arises.

Our Republic stands upon 3 boxes, in order, the Soap Box, the Ballot Box, and the Cartridge Box.


Why the soap box?


“Why the soap box?”

Freedom of Speech.


“There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo. Please use in that order.”

Attributed to congressman Larry McDonald (D-GA), who perished in the shoot down of KAL-007.


For the younger ones, who do not get the reference:

Long ago, soap was delivered in sturdy wooden crates. When one wanted to make a speech, especially an impromptu one on a street corner, one grabbed an empty soap box, turned it over, and stood upon it to speak.

“Up on a soapbox” = speech-making

“Cartridge box” is getting almost as obscure, not the paperboard things from the store, but the soldier’s ready container of paper-rolled musket charges.


1) It would seem to me that from various reports the libs don’t use soap. They tend not to vote, and you can still buy 50 and other caliber cans. And if you don’t vote you aint on the jury.


It wasn’t that long ago that some political analysts were talking about a “permanent democratic majority” in terms of presidential politics, at least. Their theory went that with a combination of the democrat’s traditional appeal to union workers, minorities and other groups who saw the government as their protection against big money interests, combined with the aging demographic of republican voters and of course the influx of hispanics and other racial minorities meant that the democratic party would have an unassailable lock on the presidency. Even as far back as 1992 the “Reagan democrats” seemed to be nowhere to be found.

But it seems like what happened is that too many democratic strategists saw that and did the one thing that has always doomed political parties in the US: They started believing in their own propaganda started taking their voters for granted.

Worse yet, their cocksure attitude about their “majority” made them jump headfirst into the murky pool of identity politics and IMO that was their biggest mistake.

Identity politics is a mistake because it is in essence a zero sum game: By explicitly saying they are the party of minorities they are implicitly saying they are against the white majority. Of course, they would deny that, but they can’t on the one hand set themselves up as the champion of minorities vs. the majority, and then on the other hand say “all are equal.” People see right through that.

In a multi-party parliamentary system, identity politics can work because multiple minority parties can form a coalition that gives them the power of a majority. But in the US system with first-past-the-post elections, there can only be two political parties and therefore any voter that is a loss to one party is a default gain to the other.

There was a time not too long ago when the midwest “rust belt” states were solidly democratic, but for working class whites outside of urban areas, the reality was that they didn’t leave the democratic party, the democratic party left them.


The other thing that the lefties fail to consider, and cannot neutralize, is the simple fact that in spite of their sponsoring the breeding of a permanent underclass, mostly but certainly not exclusively among minority populations, human nature kicks in among many of those Americans who choose to become successful and self-supporting in spite of the propaganda.


And now the Left is running a psyop to enact questionable state election laws, to wit:

My favorite description of this usurpation, “The compact would modify the way participating states implement Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which requires each state legislature to define a method to appoint its electors to vote in the Electoral College”.
You say ‘modify’, I say ‘subvert’, let’s call the whole thing off.


They voted in “ranked choice” by referendum in Maine last year. When the lefties lose an election it is not because their ideas were wrong but because the process was flawed and the rules need to be changed.


It’s like they can’t see ramifications of their knee jerk reactions. The fantastic 14th Amendment (some sarc), Section 2 could lead to a challenge where a state would lose Electoral votes based on denial of a popular state vote not being applied to Electors.
It comes down to what your definition ‘is’ is. And to think, this law was intended to stop insurrection from Southern states against the Federal Gubbermint.


Not to mention Section 3 where the vetting process could eliminate quite a few potential candidates that sold their soul to the devil and now want back in the game.


Rule changes favoring one side tend to come back and bite people in the butt later, such as the anti-filibuster rule during confirmations. “Well, we would like to, but we made it illegal a couple of years ago” is pretty weak.


Yes, the nuclear option was appropriately named. Pretty difficult task putting that genie back in the bottle now that the other side holds it.


I heard someone, can’t remember who, now, pontificating about this. The point was that the R’s, if they lost control of the Senate, could enact a provision that brings back the filibuster, and that cloture would require not 60 votes, but a super majority of 67, and that any attempt to change those rules would also require a super majority.
Thanks again, Harry Reid.


They can couch it in all the flowery language they want but at the end of the day the success of this “compact” is entirely dependent on small population states essentially nullifying the votes of their own residents – that’s pretty much a non-starter. Who would do that? In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think it’s structurally incapable of working: What I’m saying is that in order for this “compact” to work, the legislature (and governor) of a state would have to agree to direct the votes of that state to whoever wins the national popular vote, regardless of whether that candidate won the popular vote in that state. In practical terms, we all know this means that states with republican majorities would end up casting their vote for a democratic candidate. How does that work? If a state has a republican majority, why on earth would they vote for a law that would require them to cast their votes for a democrat candidate? The simple answer is, they wouldn’t. And if a state has a democratic majority, then the “compact” isn’t necessary because that state will be voting democrat anyway. Just looked at the link and what is interesting is that the only states that seem to have joined the “pact” are states that already have a huge percentage of the popular vote (CA, IL, NY, NJ, MD.) Good luck getting the conservative leaning states to sign up for this – they’d be essentially nullifying the votes of the majority of their constituents. My prediction is that any state legislature dumb enough to urinate in the face of their own voters would find themselves out on the street at the next election and it’s a good bet the incoming legislators would vote to pull out of the “compact.” Assuming for arguments sake that such an agreement would pass the neccessary state legislatures to get to the 270 EV level, I would imagine that any election that was decided by such a vote would be seriously questioned and tied up in legal battles that would… Read more »


” tied up in legal battles”
Excellent point because the left will point to an “unclear victory” thus giving credence to the “do over” until they win. If you can’t win on the merits then call foul and demand a referendum where a simple majority will rule the day.


“…battles that would make Bush v. Gore look like a municipal court parking ticket argument”. That’s my point. I think sooner than later we must have a frank discussion is the U.S. of A. is a Democracy and/or a Constitutional Republic.
I’m sure this discussion will remain civil…just like last time.


Most Americans just want what they want and will twist themselves into logical pretzels in order to justify it.

If you could read minds, then in the minds of most Americans (of all political persuasions, BTW), “Our System Works” = “my guy won” and “Our system is broken” = “my guy lost.”

It’s not about republicanism, democracy, or fairness, it’s all about whose ox is being gored. 😉


All I ask is that you don’t drink my beer or kick my dog.


Voters are fickle. Many thought, me included, the Reagan revolution would last forever. Instead it ended with a whimper and we got the “big dog”. Politicians have to deliver the bacon. Regardless of what people say, everybody loves bacon. If the President doesn’t deliver, well, then, he might not get reelected. It’s always dangerous to think your ideas are so much better, because they’re usually not. It’s all about that BLT.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is the right answer…


But, but, I am jewish. Can’t eat bacon. Or are you including kosher turkey bacon?


I hear the Tofu bacon is to die for.


For the goy, bacon. For you, my Hebrew friend, pastrami!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

But those 100 counties get to vote too right? Just because they are the most populous in the nation doesn’t mean the people in them don’t count…

Trump won 2600 counties to Clinton’s 500 and won the electoral college which is how the system is designed to work…but the majority of the population still didn’t vote for Trump. The Republicans would be wise to remember that…

People keep wanting to put some larger ideological context into this victory, still playing right into the us vs them mentality on both sides of the aisle.

What actually happened is far simpler, we vote our paychecks. Americans have always voted their paychecks with the exception of 2008 and 2012 when it was voting for a historical first….in a change year the status quo candidate loses. That’s it…it’s really that simple.

If Trump doesn’t deliver on jobs nobody will care about the fucking wall, or immigrants they’ll just go back and vote for Democrats in 2018 and Trump will lose the house and senate…

Or both sides can keep thinking there’s some sort of larger ideology play happening.


I agree that there is no big ideological shift here, IMO there are three factors that made Trump president: The first one is, as has been discussed ad nauseum, the disaffected voters of the upper midwest that the Democrats have taken for granted far too long, and the disdain with which democratic leaders have held the people in those states. But you have to add to that two other elements: The first is simply the structural factor that within a 2 party system that after one party has held the white house for 2 consecutive terms, the momentum of the opposition is nearly invincible. Since WWII the “presidential hat trick”, i.e. the same party winning the white house 3 elections in a row, has happened exactly ONCE in 1988 when Bush Sr. followed Reagan. Taking out FDR’s 4 terms which were an anomaly caused by the twin shocks of the great depression and WWII, there have been very few times in US history when the same party has held the white house for 3 successive administrations (my wiki-fu shows that it happened 2 other times in the 20th century – McKinley through Taft and Harding through Hoover – all Republicans, incidentally.) So right from the beginning the Democrats had a very tough uphill climb, regardless of who the candidate was. And the last factor is that candidate herself. Whether you are republican, democrat, independent, libertarian, or completely uninterested, the simple fact is that Hillary Clinton has ALWAYS been a terrible, terrible politician. The only election she ever won was in a safe democrat seat that was handed to her like an inheritance. Self-deception is always a dangerous thing, and the biggest lie the democrats told themselves was that Hillary was a great candidate. She wasn’t. The fact that she got so beat up by an aging socialist of no particular accomplishment shows you just how awful she was. In any contest where she had to compete against a real candidate, she would have lost and lost badly, simply because there’s absolutely nothing to like about her. Back in the 90’s… Read more »

Green Thumb

Interesting points.


When was the last time a MAJORITY of the eligible voters went for any candidate? Obama was the first since FDR to win twice with an actual majority of the national vote. That sounds impressive but the turnout rarely goes over 85%, so in almost every case a President is elected by a percentage of eligible votes in the low 40-43% range, which of course implies that through voting or apathy, almost 60% have voted one way or another for the losers.


Both promised a whole lot of ‘free stuff’. Unfortunately only one of them forced you to work for it, which ultimately *may* have worked.

(Takes cover after stirring the hornets’ nest)


On the other hand….
Aroostook County is the largest county east of the Mississippi (land mass) yet has a very small population that is getting smaller (I like it). Now they want to roll “the county” votes into the southern Maine congressional district to prevent Aroostook county from deciding a close election. It is a two front attack using “ranked choice” and “separate district dissolution” as weapons.

Silentium Est Aureum

Hate to tell ya, but the Dems have the tougher battle in 2018, particularly in the Senate.

Their best chance to take over would have been last year. In 2018, 23 Dems, the 2 Independents (who caucus with the Dems) and 8 Republicans are up for reelection.

Of those, only Heller in Nevada shows signs of a fight to keep his seat among Republicans. Democrats, OTOH, have several seats at risk, including those held by Nelson(FL), Donnelly(IN), McCaskill(MO), Tester(MT), Heitkamp(ND), Brown(OH), Manchin(WV), and Baldwin(WI) all have uphill fights to get reelected.

Note that all those folks I listed are in states won by Trump. While a 60-seat GOP majority in the Senate is highly unlikely, it’s certainly possible. Personally, I find it much more likely the GOP comes back in 2019 with 55-56 seats.

And then the liberals will REALLY start to lose their shit.

A Proud Infidel®™

“And then the liberals will REALLY start to lose their shit.”

I’m so looking forward to that, more delicious popcorn washed down with vintage liberal tears with a healthy shot of Schadenfreude!


I agree with you that 2018 isn’t good to be good for the Democrats, especially the clueless ones who are hoping for some sort of sweeping change – the numbers just aren’t lined up for that in terms of seats that can flip in the Senate.

However, 2020 is looking decidedly better for them, and the Democrats best weapon is… President Trump. There’s a lot of time between now and then, but he’s at historically low approval for this point in time in a Presidency already, and I expect it’ll get worse. Then the question will be if ego will make him run again -bad for the Republicans- or if he’s so tired of DC by then that he bows out for Pence, which would be bad for the Democrats.

I’m not a gambling man, but I’ve voiced the opinion before that in the long term, I think President Trump is the best thing to happen to the Democrats. It’s just going to be a rough ride for them for the next few years first.


President Trump has been in office about a month. How on earth is 2020 looking decidedly better for the Democrats?

Just wait until Perez and Ellison open their mouths.



The number of seats up shouldn’t change much (barring death, special elections, etc), and in 2018 there are 23 Democrats up (plus 2 independents),and only 9 Republicans. That means the Democrats need to spread their money around pretty broadly, and it’s just an uphill battle all around – that’s without even looking at the specifics of the states they’re in.

In 2020, by contrast, there are 22 Republicans up for reelection and only 11 Democrats. Plus, there’s a general election which typically results in higher turnout, and higher turnout typically gives a slight advantage to Democrats.

The Senate race in 2018 and 2020 is logistically bad for the Democrats, regardless of who the President is. The opposition -in this case President Trump, but I mean it generally- could kick puppies on live TV and they’d still have a tough fight.


Do you ALWAYS overanalyze every confounded thing?


I do try to thoroughly explain my comments here, so …yes? Most people here disagree with me on plenty of things – so I figure it’s better to say why I think what I do, rather than just put up a disagreeable comment and not defend it.

On the plus side, I don’t comment all that often? 😉


Ex-PH2, I much prefer the analysis of LC to the vowel movements of the Zampolit.


You didn’t include the county maps from the 2008 elections, Poetrooper. That would show the real shift. We have to remember several things. 1 – Obama’s primary appeal to the voters was his appearance and his revivalist tent preacher style of delivery when he went on the campaign trail. Go back and look at those videos of him. 2 – That whole ‘younger president’ thing had its attractions, particularly to women. People tend to vote with their stomachs and their crotches. Whether anyone likes that or not, it’s true. Jack Kennedy had a much better public persona that Richard Nixon, as did Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Put Obama up against McCain and you’ve already lost the fight. 3 – You’re also missing the fact that the DNC saw Obama as almost a guaranteed winner in 2008, and NOT Hillary Clinton. And when she tried this time, she screwed the pooch in more ways than one. She started off on the wrong foot and stayed there this time. Last, but certainly not least, the Midwest is NOT the rust belt. It’s the Corn Belt, the Farm Belt, the place where your food comes from unless it’s winter, and then your tomatoes and bell peppers come from Mexico or Chile. Look at the labels. The Rust Belt is/was Pennsylvania and Michigan, where coal mines, foundries and factories were idled and shut down by union greed and EPA crap. The DNC’s biggest mistake has always lain in dismissing the farm vote and the middle class working vote, and catering instead to the wealthy where campaign donations are a bottomless well if cash. Buying votes is fine if you get them, but it doesn’t work if people just don’t like you because you’re up there on the hilltop above it all, while the rest of us are down here, rolling around in the mud. And that’s where they want to keep us, because county fairs and state fairs don’t count for shit. Pie baking contests at the county fair are merely quaint little nods to a longing for the good old days. The… Read more »


I’m going to add this link to what Green Thumb said on the Weekend Open Thread.

He pretty much nails it, too.

All voting bases in all states matter. That, plus the voting ‘cycle’ and the simple fact that HRC was a dreadful candidate from the get-go, as Martinjumpr indicates above, are things that were ignored by the DNC, to their detriment.

The bigger problem here is taking it for granted that the GOPers are in charge now and will be for the long term. NO. Not so. There is too much squabbling and snorting and pawing the ground. If they can’t come together, they’ll screw their own pooch the next time around.

A Proud Infidel®™

“If you don’t remember those asinine episodes of the USDA trying to regulate people who were growing veggie gardens and fruit trees for their own use and for the farmers markets, not so long ago, I do. That was during the Clinton administration.”

If I remember correctly it was during the “Blowjob Willie” administration that they proposed putting offices in people’s homes under OSHA guidelines for those who worked at home. I also remember watching the DNC convention when he got nominated where he said “Nothing good happens without Government.”


Yes, I kind of remember that one, too, because the firm that I worked for was discussing offering telecommuting for people who would be affected by severe weather events such as blizzards. But in 1999, that fell through, as per this document from OSHA:

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember it being proposed and the GOP Congress led then by Newt Gingrich shot it and a lot of other bright ideas from the Clinton Administration down.


Perez and Ellison will drive the DNC right off the cliff in 2018….


We can only hope.
I would like to think the Dems will continue to be blind to reality, but the points MartinJumper makes above count for both sides.
Leftism is really hard to defeat because it is a coalition of leftish ideologies supporting each other, and when we destroy one, like authoritarian communism in the old Soviet Union, they rally to a different one like European socialism.

For me simplification works wonders. This is a fight between collectivism and individualism.
Nothing else matters.


I think it would do the entire SJWhowler monkey population group a world of good to be put into their own enclave, whether it’s an uninhabited island or a walled compound that they can’t escape, to give them a realistic taste of what they think they want. But they’d have to give up all their capitalist-produced stuff like jeans, tees, shoes, and electronic toys, and live in the land of THX1138.


You guys literally never run out of “threats” to be afraid of.

Even if you have to make them up or exaggerate them. Or cling to long diminished threats for decades.

Cognitive studies proving fear is a prime motive for conservatives are substantiated constantly on this board.

A Proud Infidel®™

Babble, babble, babble… Are you here to “reeducate” us, Babbles McButthead? TAKE A LOOK AT the electoral map and see the RED on it, a vast swath of it is the agricultural Midwest where I grew up and if you want to cuss about it, DON’T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL, BITCH!!! The Rust Belt also went for President Trump, many people there who used to have a stable income now have to scramble to make ends meet when their jobs got shipped overseas and now a number of those jobs are coming back. YOUR party has decided to keep plunging off the proverbial cliff and I have no issues with that, it’s like watching a Three Stooges comedy. You and your ilk can do all the imbecilic and idiotic “protest” antics you want on your turf but think about it, as soon as you try that shit in Red State America a number of you WILL get hurt. You’ll get run over when you try to block roads and highways, and plenty of the folks there who work their asses off to earn an honest living don’t have the time or patience to put up with your shit! I see you and your ilk as having Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) and displaying it like you do makes you a Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder Operative (TARDO). Yes Babbles McButthead, you and your ilk are TARDOs! BTW o babbling TARDO, you do know that YOUR party is now led by an avowed RACIST and an associate of Louis Farakkhan is second fiddle?his


Oh, go easy on the Piuperdink, API. He doesn’t understand why no one in this ‘social group housing’ wants to fall in line behind the party line, but still labels all of us as partisans – another one of those ‘trigger’ words, if I recall my Social Studies class from the 1950s. That was when Social Studies meant looking for propaganda from extremists on the left side of the fence. And where are we now?

A Proud Infidel®™

Sometimes I JUST can’t help myself Ex-PH2, it’s like when a cockroach ventures out from somewhere and you just have to stomp on it ASAP!


Real people don’t live in your world of sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. I fear a world in which I’m told what to think and say, what to support what to rally against, what to embrace and what to throw away. I fear a world where “acceptance” and “inclusiveness” means “accept the ways of your liberal masters”. I say no thank you, I’m quite capable of informed thought on my own, I have no need for some progressive loudmouth with an agenda to decide what’s best for me. We call that tyranny. Go ask the UK how well it turned out last time it was attempted here.


Goddammit I was having such a good day, too. Stepped in another pile of poodleshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Go ask the UK…”
You mean what’s led by Londonistan?


Physician heal thyself. I see a lot of progressives expressing fear. Fear that Trump will nullify gay marriages, fear that school children will be deported, fear that Trump’s brownshirts will knock on doors in the middle of the night, fear that Betsy Davos will ruin education for the masses, fear that Trump will start a world war, and I could go on… And on. Of course, those fears are completely rational because they are progressive fears. Right, Commissar?


GCD, it’s beyond fear for progressives. They believe it’s actually happening. They fail to recognize that they have assumed the brownshirt role.

A Proud Infidel®™

“They fail to recognize that they have assumed the brownshirt role.”

Yes indeed, and the more you pint the truth out to them, the more they screech and bawl, just look at Babbles McButthead when someone tells HIM the truth!


Guns are for hunting. There is no Constitutional basis for any private citizen to own weapons of war. Only the police and military should have “high powered military grade assault rifles”. The murdering police can’t be trusted. Kill the Pigs. Down with the military industrial complex. I’m so scared of Trump and his brownshirts. I think I’ll go block an Interstate expressway.
Did I get it right?


“Cognitive studies proving fear is a prime motive for conservatives are substantiated constantly on this board”

WTF? Did you just use the word “cognitive” followed by a word generator dump?


Looked to be more of a vowel movement than anything cognitive.


He stole that right out of Mother Jones. What a lazy, lamebrained skank is he.
He won’t even credit the guy who came up with that idea. Geez, Louise, plagiarizing someone else’s stuff is as low as you can go.


Major Commissar, USAR: You guys literally never run out of “threats” to be afraid of. Actually, the “threats” that they talk about are real. The policies, that the liberals support, tend to be destructive in both the long and short-term sense,economically and socially. these “threats” continue to exist in the real world. Major Commissar, USAR: Even if you have to make them up or exaggerate them. No, these threats are not made up. They are legitimate ones. These threats may change names, actors, locations, or other characteristics. They’re threats to a healthy country, economy, nevertheless. This “exaggeration” it is simply calling it for what it is. Even if liberals don’t want to see it. Major Commissar, USAR: Or cling to long diminished threats for decades. These threats were never eliminated. They exist in one form or another. For example, the totalitarian governments from the past. History has shown that things like these kinds of governments continue to exist as people tend to forget history. Major Commissar, USAR: Cognitive studies proving fear is a prime motive for conservatives are substantiated constantly on this board. Instead of just talking about these cognitive studies, how about mentioning the titles of the studies, the authors, as well as the academic journals that I could find the studies in. I would like to review those studies, as I have access to them as a doctoral learner via my university’s library. No, fear is not a prime motive for us. Dealing with the world, as it actually exists, is a prime motive. The others talking about the threats of communism, or any associated movement’s negative impact, simply deal with the world as it actually exists. It doesn’t matter if, in the liberal worldview, the world should be a certain way, the reality is that we conservatives look at the real world and argue from that perspective. Liberals, on the other hand, see the world as they want to see it and argue from that perspective. This is a big reason to why conservatives generally are right about this argument, where liberals are wrong even before they… Read more »


You have to remember, thebesig, that groupthink denies the right to engage in creative ideas and thoughts. Only what is APPROVED is allowed. It’s just another branch of the diktat of libretardist obeisance to a herd mentality.

Just An Old Dog

You should address Comrade Commissar as Майо́р.
He has long ago abandoned any trust and faith he should have as a US Army officer.

Silentium Est Aureum

Listen to you…and listen to the shrieking harpies and pissant crybaby snowflakes rioting in the streets.

Projection much, Lars? Racist, sexist, homophobe, etc.

Take those words out of your vocabularies and you’d be unable to come up with a complete sentence or form a coherent thought.


OH, gee, whiz. Poodle the PIuperdink finally rolled out of the sheet he had wound his self into last week, and found his way into the fog of the capitalist world.
Cognitive studies? Prove it, asswipe.

Admit it, or go away. You hate people who don’t knuckle under to groupthink the way you do. Communism is no threat? Tell that to Kim Jon Nam. Oh, wait, you can’t. His Communist dictator brother had him killed off over the weekend.

Well. Since you’re so enamored of groupthink and falling in line with the whatever, I charge you and ONLY you, Piuperdink, with Lysenkoist ideology.

Still don’t have a job, huh?

Silentium Est Aureum

Careful, he’s already crafting his reply, trying to claim the Norks aren’t commies.

A Proud Infidel®™

CAREFUL NOW, don’t make Babbles McButtheadwhip out his EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE!


He has to look stuff up in order to posit a response. Even then, it will be gobbledygook.


I was SO disappointed when he didn’t show up over the weekend and try to throw a social justice warrior howler monkey wrench into the stuff that I posted. It was obvious, though, that he couldn’t have overridden any of it, so maybe he just gave up.

The Other Whitey

Lars, when your hand rejects you amorous advances (again), rather than taking your frustrations out on people you dislike for not coddling your insecurities, consider the fact that you have another hand.


Do please remember, that the republican -party- is as threatened by candidates like Trump as are the Democrats. The establishment -loathes- boat-rockers like Reagan, Trump, and Sanders.

The “Reagan Revolution” was strangled in the crib, by the Party that gave us Bush 41 and 43. Note that Bush 43 recently broke his long silence to make critical statements about -Trump-, but pretty much stayed silent on Obama.

Let that little bit settle in folks.

You can expect the knives to be out for “capable of winning” outsiders like Trump and Sanders, on an ongoing basis. Until the adults (and patriots) regain control of the major parties, we are going to get more of same, and damn the rest of us, in perpetuity.

Absent another bolt-from-the-blue Obama, the Dem candidate in 2020 is Hillary. Who will the Repubs put forth to primary Trump and “save the party” by losing to HRC?


A Proud Infidel®™

Absolutely, the “Good ‘ol Boy” insiders had their knives out for President Trump as soon as he announced his candidacy and I have ZERO doubt that they keep them ready to plunge in his back at the first opportunity. IMHO President Trump is the first GOP President since Ronald Reagan that wasn’t picked, preened, powdered and groomed by the DC Insider Country Club! one Look at John McVain will give a fine clue about how ready the inner establishment types want to sink President Trump ASAP alongside the D-rats, because he continues to rock their proverbial boats and shake the apple tree which they see as a threat to continuance of their cushy free rides.

Perry Gaskill

Congratulations, API. You might have just set a new TAH record for most mixed metaphors used in a single sentence.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’ve said for over 20 years that whoever the MSM is gaga over the most among the Republicans is the LAST candidate you want to be supporting in the general–they’re the “weakest” candidate, or at least the one the Dems have the greatest chance of beating.

Case in point: Dole, McCain (both 2000 and 2008), Romney, and Trump. Say what you want, but had it been Cruz versus Clinton, he would have wiped the floor with her.

And memo to my liberal “friends”: you want Trump to fail, or are already calling his presidency a failure? Be careful what you wish for. The GOP bench is far deeper than that of the Democrats. Seriously, who among the Dems is going to take any states away that Trump won? Warren? Booker? Gillibrand? Cuomo? Seriously?

Now let’s look at the GOP side: Cruz, Rubio, Hailey, Scott, Walker, Cotton, Ryan…shall I go on?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve heard rumor that the DNC is considering Al Franken and Jill Stein for their next run. I can see it now: “Franken – Stein 2020”


I accidentally reported your comment while scrolling down.


No, Shrillary will not even be considered for 2020. It will be someone else.


Yes, for three reasons:

One: as I said above, she’s simply terrible and any “magic” she may have had is gone.

Two: She will be 73 in 2020 – that’s most likely too old for a presidential candidate.

Three: There seems to be an unwritten rule in presidential politics that candidates get one, or at most, two bites at the presidential apple. If a candidate can’t seal the deal after two attempts, the stench of failure attaches to them and they’re radioactive at that point.

The Other Whitey

Not just the “red” counties, Poe. They’re hating on the “lighter blue” ones as well. Anywhere where anyone had the audacity to vote against Das Hildabeast is enemy territory to them. When you get right down to it, that’s really what this election came down to for many people: voting against Clinton. I made no secret during the election that I was not impressed with Trump, among other things I found his bombastic campaigning to be far too much like a Republican Obama. Since taking office, he’s done some things that are causing me to warm up to him, but at the time he looked like the lesser of two disasters. I’m still not entirely convinced that that won’t be the case anyway, but as I said, he’s mostly made good moves since taking office. The dems made a major error in underestimating both Trump himself and America’s frustration with their hyper-liberal agenda. At the same time, Trump wasn’t as hugely-popular as some have made him out to be (though he seems to be winning the crowd now). There were quite a few people who, much as they detested the Bitch of Benghazi, couldn’t stomach the idea of voting for Trump and instead went third-party, write-in, or just plain didn’t vote. Between voter fraud in their strongholds and the turnout of true-believers and wayward followers of Bernie Sellout–er–Sanders, we came uncomfortably close to a Hildabeast presidency as a result. Counties (like my own in California) that were “red” on the last few election maps came up “pink” or “light blue” this time around, causing the looney-left to believe that they’ve actually converted those counties. If the current trend continues of anarchist-fantasy-world lunacy from the left and good calls by Trump (and if he doesn’t verbally stomp on his dick with golf shoes), I’m thinking the map for his re-election in 2020 will see a lot more and brighter “red” as he proves to the skeptics like me that he wasn’t all talk. Trump is holding the cards. Congress is now Republican-majority in both houses (when’s the last time THAT happened?),… Read more »


And each day the mainstream press kicks and screens about “access” is a great day… And I will vote to prolong it. “The Press” needs to rediscover how to do their jobs post haste, and to realize that being spoon fed talking points in exchange for soft ball questions is not Journalism. It’s propaganda.
Pardon my lack of outrage while Horowitz calls Kristol a renegade jew, and CNN doesn’t get invited to a mutual tongue bath. I love every minute of it.


“Horowitz calls Kristol a renegade jew, and CNN doesn’t get invited to a mutual tongue bath. I love every minute of it.”

Meetings while working for a defense contractor were often childish with grown men fighting over doughnuts. I remember two engineers fighting over a lemon filled cruller. The filling ended up running down the guys tie and on to his open manila folder. Screw the Netflix. This is far more entertaining.


It is easier to cheat in urban areas, especially areas subject on entrenched one-party control. I would dearly like to see an audit of California, New York, and Maryland, all jurisdictions known to have ostentatiously made room for cheating.

A Proud Infidel®™

Absolutely! Let’s not for get that they only scratched the surface of finding voter fraud in Detroit when they suddenly ceased the Michigan recount. Happenstance? Coincidence? I think not and I’m sure that President Trump’s opposition was counting on enough fake votes there to carry that State.


All the big cities aka all the unsustainable, corrupt, and crime ridden shit holes plaguing America vote for the anti America party which created them.

Liberalism is truly a cancer.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just a cancer, it’s a Mental Disorder as well as social, spiritual and cultural suicide.

Perry Gaskill

Politicians, almost without exception, are reptiles. And the thing that most often makes them that way is the pursuit of power for its own sake, instead of an altruistic inclination to benefit others. It’s also true that in the early days of the republic, public service was often a pain in the ass, but done from a sense of duty. Now it’s a lucrative career move.

So, at least it seems to me, political party labels are less important in the overall scheme of things than the sort of deeper societal shifts brought about by things such as urban machine politics, globalisation, and so forth. It’s like wading through a swamp, and freaking out about leeches instead of wondering where the alligators are.

At the risk of offending the writer of this post, I would also point out that those who would wrap themselves in the flag and thump the bible of conservative dogma can sometimes be at least as tedious as the Berkeley nitwits still carrying around a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book. Zealots of any stripe tend to make me want to grab a blunt object.

Perry Gaskill

Poe, I’ll believe you’re a political atheist about the time I’ll believe Hillary Clinton has job prospects at Hooters.

It’s also amusing to hear all the double-latte snowflake stuff coming from a guy who lives in a gated community…


“Poe, I’ll believe you’re a political atheist about the time I’ll believe Hillary Clinton has job prospects at Hooters.”

Perry – that’s like “HBO Oz prison sex” wrong…

Just An Old Dog

If the SJWs had their way they would have the Government force Hooters to open a sister franchise called “Saggers” so washed-up hose-beasts like Cankles could turn a buck.


Didn’t waste my time reading the commie’s drivel, but gather that it is more of the same.

What the commie and many/most/all Dems still fail to understand is that we who supported Trump are in no way shape or form driven by fear, much less hate, of anyone. We are angry. Until they get a grasp of that simple concept they have no hope of getting what they want because their childish demands are what angers us most.

So keep stomping your feet, silly children. We hear you. The whole world hears you. And we don’t care how hurt your widdle feewings are by the adults demonstrating that you are not in charge.


[…] Test Pattern The Political Hat: The Vanguard That Rocks The Cradle This Ain’t Hell: The Real Message Of Democrats’ Anger & Protests War Is Boring: South Korea’s “Low Rider” Tank Is The Ultimate Mountain Fighting […]


I think maybe Sara Hoyt got it right in this column on her blog. Read the whole thing.


Lars loves to talk about cognitive studies, irrefutable evidence, empirical data and such. What he fails to accomplish every single time is the most important tools of persuasion, logical, emotional and ethical appeal.

2/17 Air Cav

I re-read Poe’s article b/c, well, it has been some hours since I first read it and some of the comments just don’t seem to fit the piece, not the least of which is that flag-wrapping business of our grammar Nazi. The article makes good sense and I’m not at all sure how its content can rationally be disputed. But, hey, for some maybe it’s like being a member of the current Supreme Court, where things not in the Constitution are found there and things that are there go unseen.

2/17 Air Cav

Quill pens at close quarters. I’m there.


Almost Jim Bowie style….almost

Perry Gaskill

I’d be up for it, Poe, but you’ll probably choose your house for the duel, and then your gate guard won’t let riff raff such as myself in.

Still, since this seems to have upset your tender feelings, and not realizing you were such a sensitive, well, almost millennial kind of guy, I’ll just say: my bad.

For what it’s worth, the whole tedious conservative dogma comment wasn’t even directed toward you, but instead toward those who seem to jump into a rhetorical hog wallow anytime Lars shows up.

Perry Gaskill

How about corn pone muffins at 10 paces if you want to get real thick about it, Poe?


You two are gonna have to quit teasing us all like this. Here I sit with a jug of stuff to warm us up after the duel, a solar powered microwave for popcorn later, and nobody showed up for the entertainments? And I set up such a nice rough hewn amphitheater kinda thing, too.


Get two guys trading barbs so that a fight looks imminent. Take it out to the school yard where everyone surrounds the two and starts chanting “fight, fight, fight.
The principal comes running out and as the crowd disperses he finds himself standing there all alone.


Not at my school. Old Chromedome would walk into the classroom, grab both of them by the shirt collar, drag them to his office and tell them both to sit until he’s done with whatever he was doing. He could make large football players sweat bullets.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, the best way to make a close friend is to beat the shit out of one another. Never fails.


To understand the horror show we are seeing playing out in streets throughout the country is the result of the organized/astroturf tools serving the Soros/Deep State who are enraged at all of us who supported and voted for DT. One outlet organizing the 30,000 shock troops is the Obama shadow group hiding out in his rented mansion 2 miles from the white house. Together with Soros, Hillary, Bezos via his CIA contract provides necessary leaks and drumbeats against ‘the Russians are coming’.
This is about the power/control entrecned shadow government versus the DT/peoples government. This Deep State/shadow government is so entrenched and in control of the actual puppets in DC that they momentarily are stalemated via Hillary’s loss in the election ergo the all-out attempt to engineer a coup of the DT administration and/or assassinate him like they did JFK.
We have seen nothing yet – it’s us vs the global elite and Deep State needing to retain their control to finally get their -one world order-.
Think of it this way: Since 2008 the Deep State engineered coups in: Egypt, Tunisia, Honduras, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya and Syria although could not succeed there due to the entry of Putin. The coup in Syria failed angering the Deep State lashing out at Putin aided by the propaganda media who distributes the lies told by the Deep State to its viewers and readers.
Look at McCain – meeting with the ISIS caliph in Syria Al Baghdadi and others nicely pictured in the photo yet he claims they are moderate rebels.
McCain running his own Clintonian foundation set up as money laundering op similar to that of Hillary while receiving his millions from shady sources in the middle east as well as George Soros.
We literally have many traitors in our own government!


Nice plot. When were you going to turn that into a Jason Bourne-style spy novel and upload it to Kindle?

Stephen McCartney

Characteristic of any “carcinoma” (east coast or west is) when they do metastasize ( to big university towns and end points of carcinomatous professional migration) the result is eventual “necrosis”.
That is the resultant dead meat of destroyed dreams, eccentric thoughts, upward mobility and innovation.

Nov 2016 was when the slaves to this disease left the plantation and destroyed the owners (Democratic Party) as they left. Other commentators are right. The Democrats truly still think the average voter (all 2600 counties of them) are too stupid to make decisions.

CAPT “Bones”


Carcinomatous: are you referring to those who leave ‘college’ with ‘degrees’ and :can’t find jobs because they have no job skills or job-related education, and the real world is mean and cruel? (snerrrkk!)