Colonel Daniel H. Wilson denied release from pre-trial confinement

| February 24, 2017

Back in December, we talked about Colonel Daniel H. Wilson who was arrested by military authorities for three counts of sexual assault and sexual abuse of a child; four counts of assault and battery on a child under age 16; one count of failure to obey an order or regulation; and nine counts of conduct unbecoming an officer.

According to the Marine Corps Times, Wilson asked for release from pre-trial confinement at the Camp Lejeune brig at his arraignment and that was denied by the judge. In addition to the tickle monster charges, Wilson has also be charged with inappropriately touching a adult female and also having an “overly familiar” relationship with an Australian military officer.

Wilson waived his Article 32 hearing on Jan. 30 and Miller referred all charges against him to a general court-martial on Feb. 17.

“We continue to investigate, involve experts and investigators, and initiate filings with the court for relief, Stackhouse said on Wednesday.

In the meantime, Wilson is holding up well, [defense attorney Phillip] Stackhouse said.

“He is still in high spirits and maintains the unwavering support of this family and friends and colleagues,” Stackhouse said.

Category: Marine Corps

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Bring it.

You are cleared hot.




Alleged Kiddy Cocksucker.



A well-deserved direct hit.


Hey you frigging Popcorn Colonel, did you impress on your troops about the “Honor” of the Corps? asshole!!

Carlton G. Long

I’m so glad he is “holding up well” ; I would not have been able to sleep at night being so concerned about his welfare. *eye roll*

MSG Eric

That’s the strangest part of this article. Most of it is disturbing, but that’s just weird. As if we give two shits that he is or isn’t.

Frankly, if he’s really guilty, I’d rather he be crying into his pillow every night while he’s confined. And/or having a pillow stuffed in his mouth while he gets rodded with a cattle prod. But that’s just me, perhaps.


I did some research on Google and one of the children he is accused of molesting is about six years old.

IF, IF he committed these crimes, he should spend many years in prison. I stress the IF part.

If married, it’s unfortunate his wife will lose all the benefits to which she would have been entitled. We’ve discussed here previously how the spouse of the miscreant gets screwed in these matters.



Roger all on the ‘IF’ part of your comment, but in my experience during my Marine Corps career, it’s doubtful that the Commanding General of II MEF would put a Colonel into pre-trial confinement pending a General Court-Martial if they didn’t already have all of the cold, hard, irrefutable evidence that they need to get a conviction. In view of his assault and battery charges, MajGen Miller may also be (rightly) concerned about what Colonel Wilson may do to others if he’s not confined in a controlled environment. His AWOL charge may indicate that he’s a flight risk.

And yes, he’s married, and it is indeed unfortunate that his family will also suffer if(when) he’s convicted. But Colonel Wilson is the individual who will ultimately be responsible for what befalls them in that regard. Perhaps he should have considered that.


Mick: Agreed … given the number of charges, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that some of them will stick to the wall. I can’t imagine so many people independently making unfounded allegations against him.
Few things piss me off more than a ‘man’ who would sexually abuse women or children. They are the moral equivalent of pond scum, with my apology to pond scum.
If released, he could disappear. I imagine having served so many years, he might have a backup plan. Also, I would be concerned he would try to influence/scare those who will testify against him, particularly the young ones. In any event, given the number of charges, unless he can pull a rabbit from his ass, he’s in prison for decades. Speaking of his ass, it will be very popular when he gets into prison.

So, fuck you, ‘Colonel’


Absolutely correct in your presumption. If there was even a remote possibility of innocence, he would not be in the brig.


He will be responsible for his family’s suffering and shame – another example of the meaning of the Biblical warning that the sins of the father are visited upon his children and grandchildren.

And the guilt of their suffering and shame will be his forever.


Sadly, I personally know all parties involved in this case, including the victim and her family. The little girl’s parents are the salt of the Earth. Before this incident came to light, I held a high opinion of the Colonel, having worked with him closely for more than a year. From what I know, he is guilty, and his wife is apparently complicit (so no sympathy for her, either). The evidence is solid. It pains me to say it, because I find the whole thing extremely disturbing, but I think any punishment he receives will be justly deserved.

Carlton G. Long

SIX years old?? That makes my blood boil.

And just looking at his pic, he comes off as one of those officers who would go out of his way to bust his subordinates to the maximum for petty offences that either 20 pushups or just putting them on the next 2-3 schiznitz details could redress…I could be wrong but I’ll bet I’m right.

Jane Doe

You are wrong.

The Other Whitey

If guilty, he should be keel-hauled for a few hours from an LHD running at flank speed in heavy seas. Preferably one that hasn’t been drydocked in a while, with a nice barnacle-y hull.

Forest Green

The latest episode of “Black Sails” has a very nice representation of Keel-hauling which is almost too realistic for good taste. The only thing I would say is doing it aboard an LHD would be too easy on him. He would be dead on the first run. I say take him up to Boston and run him under the Constitution ala Blackbeard in Black Sails. Three rounds before they shot him in the head

And yes, he deserves it.


Poachin’ bastard.

MSG Eric

Shoot him in the head with one of those bullets Eugene from Walking Dead makes that fire, but only do minimal penetration. Maybe 15ish would do.


The truly pitiful part is….Wilson is 55 years so he has likely been abusing kids for the last 40+ years.

The death penalty, IMHO is appropriate in this and similar cases.

A Proud Infidel®™

They put vicious dogs down after they harm a child, so WHY NOT do the same with rapists and pedophiles?

The Other Whitey


Jane Doe

He hasn’t been found guilty so this is a bold comment to make.


C’mon, Jane.

Like many here I’m offering my God given right to offer my opinion….just as you are offering yours.


Dude needs to be sleeping with one eye open and his back against the bulkhead… tickle monsters don’t do well in jail.


From the Marine Corps Times article linked above:


In November, Wilson was charged with sexual abuse of a child; assault consummated by battery on a child under the age of 16; failure to obey a general order or regulation and conduct unbecoming of an officer. He was not initially placed in custody, so he checked into an inpatient treatment facility for alcohol abuse, Stackhouse has said.

But Maj. Gen. Walter Lee Miller, Jr., II MEF commanding general, ordered Wilson to be confined at the brig at Camp Lejeune after a Naval Criminal Investigation Service probe found more allegations of misconduct. Wilson was charged with sexual assault, assault consummated by battery and absence without leave on Jan. 19.


Well, it looks like NCIS has this guy rolled up tight, and MajGen Miller isn’t going to tolerate any more of his bullshit. And that inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse crap (as in positioning to blame it all on the booze) isn’t going to play well, either.

As an aside, I’m sure that Colonel TickleMonster is really enjoying his time in pre-trial confinement in the Camp Lejeune brig. They love it when senior officers are incarcerated out there, especially on charges of child abuse.

Oh yeah.


Let’s hope no one there gets too “frisky” while “taking care of” the individual. One person ending up in Leavenworth due to this sordid case will be enough.




Let’s hope no one there gets too “frisky” while “taking care of” the individual. One person ending up in Leavenworth due to this sordid case will be enough.

Not to mention the confinement credit he’d get for “unlawful pretrial punishment.” That kind of BS could mean a hefty subtraction from his sentence. But I expect military prison guards to be smart enough to keep it professional.


One would hope so, Alberich.

But I’d also bet some of those guards have 6 y/o kids, too. And if the guy mouths off to one of them in just the right way to trigger them on a bad day, well, . . . .

Let’s hope they’re smart enough at the LeJeune brig to require 2 or more guards present whenever they interact with this guy – if for no other reason than to quash foolishness at square one if someone “loses it”.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that his currently being an O6 makes him VERY popular among the Brig Personnel, I too hope they go by the book in confining him so that his conviction will be swift and sure and may he leave prison as either an old infirm adult male or in a body bag to be buried in some forgotten corner of the prison grounds marked only by a tiny concrete marker with his inmate number on it.

The Other Whitey

May he leave prison soon, just not alive.

If guilty, that is.


“unwavering support of this family and friends and colleagues,”

How large of a group are we talking here?

Jon The Mechanic

The family being his long lost uncles, Dan Bernasty and Dullas Whittengeld.

A Proud Infidel®™

If it turns out that he IS guilty then he deserves every bit of hell he can get in this life before he goes there in the next.

Green Thumb



He is holding up well..well, la-di-fucking-da. I personally am a firm believer in schadenfreude and would hope this asshole is getting bounced off the walls daily. If he ain’t miserable, the system ain’t working.


I know a guy that knows him. Not as shocked as one would think.


I’ve heard similar comments.


Gee, thank you so very much, Mr. Defense Attorney, for sharing with us that your client is doing well. Perhaps it was just your reaching for something, anything, to say about your disgusting client? Nothing will make him look even slightly deserving of our sympathy, support, or any positive energy. Unless you can prove some unbelievable conspiracy to manufacture the case against your precious pedophile. Otherwise, swift and extremely severe justice is all he deserves.


It’s what defense attorney’s do.
And only the most ignorant believe them carte blanc.


I hope the government is moving fast on the case. Pretrial confinement is disfavored in military law — because we normally have an easy time making sure that the offenders don’t flee their courts-martial, and don’t have occasion to commit serious offenses while awaiting trial. In the places I’ve been, even accused child molesters normally don’t get PTC — though they may be given no-contact orders or other restrictions to keep them away from the children in question.

If you keep someone in pretrial confinement, he gets enhanced speedy trial rights under Article 10, UCMJ, and that can lead to a dismissal after a surprisingly short delay…even in sex cases. So if the government is insisting on PTC, I hope they are hurrying along with the case.


Good point; thanks.

According to the Marine Corps Times, his General Court-Martial is scheduled to commence on 6 June 2017.

Is that generally in compliance with the required timeline?


There is no precise timeline for Article 10. It just requires “immediate steps to be taken” to inform him of the charges and either get him to trial or release him. You can read the statute here. (There is a 120-day speedy trial clock under rule 707, but that has a lot of exceptions for “excluded time.” Article 10 is the strongest protection…but it only applies when there’s pretrial confinement.)

Generally a court will look at the standard constitutional speedy trial factors — length of delay, reasons for the delay, whether he asserts his right to a speedy trial, and what prejudice he suffers from the delays. (Being in prison by itself is a kind of “prejudice.”)

So if the case is delayed because the defense attorneys keep asking for more time, that weighs against him; if it’s delayed because the Government is seeking a tactical advantage, that weighs for him; if his attorneys object to delays or ask for a faster trial that weighs for him; if they sit back and let things ride that weighs against him.

It’s a fuzzy kind of standard but the principles are pretty sound.

Forest Green

And speedy execution of sentence.


It’s not a death case, so if he’s convicted, his prison time will start right then. (And since he’s in pretrial confinement, it will just be a continuation of that…and he will get day for day credit, at minimum, for the time he’s spent in there already.)

btw, the Supreme Court says you can’t have the death penalty for child rape anymore.

Wilted Willy

Hang this asshole! By the balls!!


Negative. Hang him after his balls are separated from his body and hung elsewhere.


Double negative,
Hang this scrotum by the *asshole*, with large fish hooks.

MSG Eric

And rip the balls off and shove them in his mouth while he is scrotum hanging.


Yeah, I noticed the alcohol rehab. Probably a self-referral. Possible defense:

I was too drunk to know what I was doing …
I caught the PTSD …
I didn’t have a puppy as a child …
I come from a dysfunctional family …

No, no, no and no. Fucking toad.


Just turn him over to me. I have a bad temper, a choke chain and a sledgehammer.

Stephen McCartney

One big reason to keep him in pre-trial confinement is that he, with I’d say 95% certainty, would commit suicide if not watched. Aside from being perversely sick, these people also have a low threshold for being participants in the “punishment olympics” of a humiliating trial with family, parents, victims et al present. I’ve seen three senior officers do this. Best to keep him on a short leash under guard so he can enjoy the “high spirits” and “unwavering family support” he doesn’t deserve.
CAPT Stephen “Bones” McCartney USN (ret)

MSG Eric

Good to know, thanks for bringing that in.

Jane Doe

Hi Stephen – Can you please clarify why you think Col Wilson does not deserve the unwavering family support he is receiving? He is innocent therefore I think the support is well deserved. Please let me know if you have additional insight into Col Wilson and these charges that we are not all aware of.


Innocent until proven guilty you mean. If found guilty, which he more than likely will be, he needs to be shot.


“Innocent until proven guilty”–only in a court of law. Says nothing about the court of public opinion.

Just An Old Dog

Jane Doe,
I have a strong suspicion you are close to Wilson and are one of those ” supporters”.
Unfortunately I was put in that situation as well.
Let’s just say it usually doesn’t end well. It’s a horrible burden to carry when someone you love and support betrays your trust in them and lies about what they did. The stigma to the family name never goes away.


As someone who knows the Col I ask that we all wait for the truth to come out. He is entitled that. Lets all pray for the truth.


6 years old… daughter is six. Hope he enjoys the special treatment child molestors get in prison.


Just so everyone knows

These charges were started by a soon to be ex wife DURING divorce proceedings AFTER things started not going her way during the divorce

Guard Bum

You don’t place Colonels in pre-trial confinement over salacious divorce accusations. There is obviously a preponderance of evidence pointing to guilt.

Right before trial put him in a room with a pistol and one round and see if he has any honor left.


While a possibly interesting distraction, that has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence. Either there is or is not enough evidence to support charges or not. The source is irrelevant.

J n k

Mall you idiots that believe what the media puts out. Bottom line, it was a bitch ex wife that wanted financial security and started all this shit. Same story over and over. Except she knew she fucked with the wrong one. That’s why he is in confinement.

J n k

all you idiots that believe what the media puts out. Bottom line, it was a bitch ex wife that wanted financial security and started all this shit. Same story over and over. Except she knew she fucked with the wrong one. That’s why he is in confinement.


Does anybody know where Wilson is now?


Does anybody know where Wilson is now. Somebody abuse his name and his profile at lovoo?