Wednesday morning feel good stories

| February 15, 2017

In Miami, Florida;

Miami-Dade Police said the homeowner had some type of monitoring system and that’s how he knew two men were inside the house.

Once North Miami Beach police arrived, they spotted the suspects in a black Chrysler outside the home.

They say shots were fired and the 20-year-old driver was struck in his upper body.

The 33-year-old passenger ran off, but was caught after he was bitten by a North Miami Beach Police K9.

From Houston, Texas;

The clerk said the suspect walked into the store and demanded money before punching him in the face. The clerk then pulled out his gun and fired three shots at the man.

The suspect was transported to a hospital; police haven’t confirmed how many times the suspect was hit. The suspect has undergone surgery at the hospital.

A Travis County, Texas resident caught a car thief red-handed;

That’s when Wallin grabbed his handgun.

“I cocked it back to chamber a round and he kind of popped his head up. That’s the first time I actually saw his face, when he was in the truck. Then he got out and kind of scurried around the back, like he was going to run off.”

Instead, the suspect turned around and reportedly charged at Wallin. That’s when a warning shot was fired, which caused the suspect to stop. It was just enough time for Wallin’s father-in-law to pin him on the ground.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Jon The Mechanic

No DOT, no DWTS (Dead Where They Stood), just a couple of people with new pistol assisted piercings and teeth tattoos, and stories to entertain their new hooscow husbands about how they were caught while committing their acts of evil.

No good guys were seriously hurt though, so it is still a good day.

Doc Savage

“The 33-year-old passenger ran off, but was caught after he was bitten by a North Miami Beach Police K9. ”

Ick…poor K9….I hope he was given mouthwash.


“I cocked it back to chamber a round…”

This man is fortunate.



If you’re going to carry a pistol, it needs to be carried in Condition One.

Anything else and you’re setting yourself up for failure if you find that you have to draw and employ the weapon in an immediate/emergent situation.


I’ve also heard (in a gun laws class discussion) that if you used deadly force with a gun, and you chambered a round immediately prior, then an overly aggressive District Attorney could try to use the chambering of the round as evidence that you weren’t reduced to deadly force as your only course of action. I think that would be a prick of a DA but regardless…

It would be a stretch here in Texas but why implicate yourself, not to mention the dangers of not being ready as you mentioned.


I can think of two scenarios:

a) Wallen had the gun stored in the house or garage and as a ‘safety’ measure does not keep one in the chamber, and then neglected to think to chamber one before grabbing it and going back outside.

b) Wallen carries, but is unsure of the safety on his weapon, and so does not keep it in Condition 1.

The story does not say where the gun was when Wallen grabbed it. In the garage? On his belt?

If he has small children, with all the concern about kids getting a loaded gun it may be he is trying to be safe but ready. Too many questions.

And the perp was on meth? I think next time Wallen needs to do the center-mass thing.


Sure I understand. My wife carries unchambered but is working her confidence to carry chambered. She is taking it in steps but I look forward to the day she carries it in Condition 1. I’m glad she is being honest with herself though. It took her a lot of practice and carrying only on our property before she began conceal carrying in public.

My concern is more with the possibility of an aggressive non-self defense supporting DA.


That mutt deserves a treat of his choice. Several, in fact. Nice doggie.

Deplorable B Woodman

Warning shot?!
The only warning shot the perp deserved was one center mass.

Doc Savage

A….Warning shot?

I do not know this thing of which you speak.


Doc, it is an old Indian phrase for “I missed.”

Roger in Republic

“The first shot should serve as a warning to the second target.”

Frankie Cee

When the miscreants do stupid stuff, they risk being shot by a law abiding citizen, or a law enforcement officer, or even getting bit by a hard working K-9 officer. Is it really worth all that?


You might say a man’s got to make living somehow, but I rejoin the great notional philosopher Josie Wales, “Dying’s not much of a living….”


Don’t mess with Texas!


I didn’t see what he had for a firearm. It sounds to me he was armed with a single action revolver witch would require cocking the hammer manually before firing even if all the charge holes were loaded. As for a warning shot, it should have rung the 10 ring.