Kanónes Anarchía
Anarchy rules…. Well, not quite as much as the wannabe anarchy crowd likes to pretend it does.
We’ve all been witnessing the violent and noisy public disturbances over the prospect of one person appearing some place – any person, any place – and none of it makes any sense. The ‘protesters’ – and I use that word with caution – don’t want to allow anyone at all with opposing views to even have a chance to speak, not even those whose views are of a mild opposition . They carry signs that can only be described as inciting riot and destruction: ‘Become ungovernable’?? Umm, what?? The Anarchist Alliance?? Huh?? If you’re a true anarchist, there is no alliance because a true anarchist hates and despises organizations. An alliance is an organization, so how can they….? Oh, never mind!
Refugees? I can find lots of photos of refugees from the Spanish Civil War that started in Spanish Morocco in the 1930s and spread to the mainland, and there won’t be a whole lot of difference between then and now. Generalissimo Franco was a right-winger in the Canary Islands who urged .the Spanish military to join the uprising.
A lot of people who were seen as some kind of threat were brutally executed. Spain’s greatest poet, Federico Garcia Lorca, was hauled out of his house and shot by a firing squad. He wrote poems like this:
El remanso del aire
bajo la rama del eco.
El remanso del agua
bajo fronda de luceros.
El remanso de tu boca
bajo espesura de besos.
This is the advantage of the internet now: the loud, screeching social justice howler monkeys with an agenda can’t stop the online opposition that exposes them for what they are: cheap anarchist-wannabes, people whose lives are built on ignorance, rumor and innuendo, and who cluster around each other in their herd mentality in a way we haven’t seen since the 1930s, when Adolf Hitler started using radio and film to lure people into his clutches. Lack of the kind of constant exposure he’d get now is what allowed him to climb/claw his way to the top of the heap in the Reich that he was setting up, and the destruction that followed it.
Hitler controlled the German media in the 1930s. Who controls the media now?
I think the best possible thing to do is give these idiots more exposure than they can handle, clearly show that there is no ‘message’ at all, just a hodge-podge of anger-driven people letting us know they’re all pissed off about some poorly-defined something, and make sure that everyone knows the violence is not only obvious but also planned, maybe by those ‘black bloc’ gangbangers.
That’s the gist of it: make sure that everyone knows what it is, that it’s clearly anarchy, clearly property destruction and vandalism under the guise of attempted social justice, and that it is more of a threat than we could possibly imagine. The more exposure they get, the better, whether it’s by the left-leaning media fawning and drooling over them like horny girls at a headbangers concert, or the opposite side of that coin, the right-leaning media standing back, taking it in and asking questions like ‘Are you seriously NOT calling this a riot?”
I hope you can understand where I’m going with this attitude. We can find the links to all sorts of peculiar stuff, post it, make remarks about it, and shake our heads. There are media outlets everywhere now, from the serious side to the goofs. They are all giving this inchoate, mooing, noisy herd of midget-brained cattle as much exposure as possible while those of us who are still somewhat sensible watch and wonder how in the blue-eyed world these crazy-pants twits think that they are even vaguely attractive to sane people.
Here’s a good quote from WaPo about the kerfuffle over Ivanka Trump wanting to take a fitness class at a gym in Washington, DC:
“Social media, the great enabler, enabling people to make fools of themselves everyday.”
That is a classic. It must have something to do with the gym owner’s shooting off her mouth, thinking that she’d gain some points somehow with the libertards, when in fact, it only backfired on her.
This is the problem with social media. You shoot your mouth off, thinking it’s just you venting and no one is really watching. No thought is given to the consequences of being a snotty jerk with an agenda. But people are watching all the time and not all of them are so understanding about being rude to a customer, or destroying someone else’s property over nothing, or throwing what appears to be a public temper tantrum that would embarrass a five-year-old.
Shutting down emergency vehicles on public highways? Destroying businesses because you can? Saying anyone who disagrees should be killed?
Those who say and do these things are legally adults.
Their parents must be so proud.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
I’ve yet to see a Tea Party or ANY OTHER right wing entity commit violence like the lefties do. I’m also convinced that they won’t bother to pull their shittyassed shenanigans outside of Blue State locales in fear of having their asses handed to them by everyday Working Productive Americans who WON’T put up with their bullshit! Come to think of it, another reason they won’t try their shit outside of Blue State territory is that they fear the media might ignore them.
You will note, too, that these jackwagons are NOT showing up, in any sort of numbers, in places where there are open-carry laws in place and/or where Constitutional Carry is the law.
People think that Maine is this blue state, but outside of the People’s Republic of Portland, and parts of the now-ghettoized city of Lewiston, it’s pretty conservative. We gave 1 of our 4 electoral votes to Trump this time around, and have 1.5 conservatives in Congress. We’ll have more after this next go-round.
But up here, anyone can carry concealed if they are over the age of 21. No permits, no registration, no licenses, etc. In fact, you can sell a firearm to anyone without any paperwork or background checks,provided the buyer is over 21 for handguns and over 18 for long arms.
TEA Party folks have shown up in large, peaceful, though somewhat boisterous time and again, and not only did they not cause any problems for the cops, but they policed their area(s) afterward. Compare and contrast that with any leftist group event.
But store owners and property owners don’t put up with those anarchist shenanigans up here. Leftists try that shit, and they’ll not only be handed their asses, but some of them may well end up DRT or DOT if they try it.
Time for all of us to say “Be quiet, us grownups are talking!”
From their voluminous studies of faux left leaning history, they don’t notice that the revolution never goes the way you think it will, and it devours its own. Ask the menshaviks.And other useful idiots.
Yes; these naïve, shrieking ‘protesters’ actually believe that they’re each going to have a seat in the Politburo.
An objective study of history teaches otherwise.
If these brain-dead “anarchists” understood what anarchy really means, they would be terrified of us. In their self-delusion they think they would be in control, instead of being consumed in the slaughter which would ensue.
A thorough study of the French Revolution would tell them that – but they won’t listen.
Robespierre met the fate of the very people he hated when he was sent to the guillotine. He was considered to be too radical.
Madame Guillotine is a very treacherous lover.
Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities ought to still be required reading in high school, IMHO.
Show me an anarchist that collects a welfare check, food stamps, college tuition assistance….
That would be close to 100% of them.
Those you speak of are not true anarchists then. As Ex-PH2 mentioned, “the wannabe anarchy crowd”. I would just call them rioters.
But they don’t want to be cold and hungry and not have those wonderful toys they groove on. Whatever would they do if food, clothing, shelter and the iPhones disappeared? And no way to get around except on foot! Oh, noesss!
I wonder how many of them still live with their parents as well? According to one source nearly 90% of leftie agitators still do.
Funniest conversation I ever had was with a co-worker who was protesting a new mine. I admitted that they’re not terribly attractive, and then proceeded to wonder out loud about all the things we get from mines that we use in day to day life, pouring to all of the equipment in our office for starters. She was absolutely silent by the time I was done.
That’s why I’m not terribly popular where I work. Too much of a realist.
Your one of those pointers?
You JUST HAD to be a politically incorrect realist, didn’t you? Come to think of it, that’s just what I would have done!
The New York Times posted this photoshopped picture of Stephen Miller, a Trump advisor, this morning. It shows his head on a spike. Anybody still wonder where the brain-dead protestors are getting their ideas? I don’t watch Steven Colbert, but the pic seems to credit his show for the original pic.
Let the NYT do that. It is not longer so easy to make an ass of yourself in public without repercussions, you see.
I read the comments included at that link. If the word ‘repellent’ is too mild, try ‘nauseating’, ‘disgusting’, or even better: just downright dumbfucking appalling.
“Repellent, nauseating, disgusting and dumbfucking appalling” seem to fit what the left is all about. And, not just these days, it’s what they’ve always been about.
There is this, also, over at Newsbusters, there’s a thread about the evil Republicans and how obstructionist they were when the God-King Boo-Rock the First was trying to get his cabinet in place and Daschle and Bill Richardson had to withdraw in the face of opposition. And the Republicans refusing to cast a single vote for the “Stimulus Bill”. Then it
was obstructionism, a war on Obama, now it’s OK.
Damn, forgot the link. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/geoffrey-dickens/2017/02/14/flashback-media-hated-partisan-obstruction-obama-2009
I’m reminded of that great line of Lee Marvins in The Wild Ones. One of the squares asks what they are protesting, and Lee says “Whay have you got?”
Aaah! Come on! It was Brando over at the jukebox!
‘Hey, Johnny, what are you rebelling against?’
‘Whatta ya got?’
And the winner is….
Ma’am, I stand corrected. It do seem to sum up the hivemind, don’t it?
Thanks for helping to keep me straight.
The New York Times has been losing circulation – a LOT of it – and is getting desperate for revenues. They will do literally anything, including letting us know just how low they will go to get attention, like all the other attention whores they embrace.
Let them. Let them wallow in it. The more vile they become, they more they lose the audience they thought they had.
Here’s where the original photo appeared in the NYT:
Apparently, it was an opening image for Colbert’s show. I guess Stevie still thinks he’s funny. Perhaps his own head should appear on the end of a pike.
I’m partial to Vlad the Impaler’s trick: a sharpened pole up the rectum, through the body without hitting major organs, out through the neck and under the chin through the mouth. Done properly(Ewww!), the victim could last 2-3 days. During the winter, a human popsicle; during the summer, shish-kabob. I suppose this would be considered cruel and unusual punishment these days, damn it, but it would keep the wussy anarchists in line.
I just want to make that the penalty for rape. (Three daughters and one granddaughter)
David – don’t know if you saw the news about some creep who tried to snatch an 11-year-old girl in Conroe yesterday. She poked him in the eye and got away.
I’m thinking 230g of .45ACP applied inter-cranially would send him to an eternity in hell – a lot longer punishment, and much worse.
Why not aim lower, so that the creepazoid becomes impotent, Graybeard? Give him something to think about, and tell him it’s a warning… and that he only gets one warning.
Because if some cocksucker ever tries to force himself on either of my little girls (did I mention that #3 is a girl?), I will send that cocksucker to hell. If I go to prison for that, so be it. Of course, I’m teaching my kids to shoot, cut, stab, punch, kick, etc when they’re old enough, so if–God forbid–that we’re to happen, there’s a pretty good chance that my little girl would give the cocksucker his express ticket to hell on the spot.
Rapists are not people. Rape is quite possibly the worst victimization that can be inflicted on someone, and is simply not something a human being does to another. Ergo, a rapist is human only in the strictly-biological sense. A rapist is an extremely-dangerous predatory animal, and you may note that once any other species of predatory animal tries to claim a human victim, that animal is tracked down and killed, because it is simply too dangerous to both people and other animals of its own kind. Once such an attack takes place, the beast will continue to attack humans, as it no longer fears us and now recognizes us as prey. If allowed to live, it provokes backlash against other predators of its kind, as people fear for their safety and act in perceived self-defense, and there’s the possibility of the offending beast teaching its behavior to other predators.
Rapists shouldn’t get special treatment over other dangerous predators just because they’re allegedly human.
AMEN to that, TOW! If a dog viciously attacks someone the animal is put down and I favor the same treatment for rapists and pedophiles.
Ex-PH2 – in my book such a perv gets 0 more chances. Especially when trying to abduct an 11-year-old child.
About 40 years ago a 12-year-old daughter of a family friend was abducted in broad daylight, raped, brutalized, had her head cut off and dumped in a pond, and her body left like a piece of trash in a field. About 3 years ago they finally caught the perv – and surprise it wasn’t his only rape/brutalization/murder. He plead out for a chance to avoid the death chamber.
The less-than-perfect-Christian part of me would to this day shoot him like a dog.
But if I were to catch someone trying to abduct a child he would have plenty of time to think about it, spending eternity in hell. And no other child would ever have to worry about him. Ever.
IMHO pedophiles and rapists should be hung in view of the public.
I have and would come to the aid of any female who was being kidnapped, assaulted, raped or even continually verbally harassed by a ‘man’. IMO, there is little to no possibility of rehabilitation for a rapist. To me, they are the moral equivalent of pond scum. I believe those who brutalize females should serve their entire sentence. None of this time off for ‘good’ behavior. My ladies know how to shoot and they legally carry. My thoughts are I would have them judged by 12 than carried by 6. I’ve also told them to NEVER allow themselves to be kidnapped if humanly possible. If a man holds a weapon to them and demands they get into his vehicle, they should run in the opposite direction the guy’s vehicle is facing. Zigzag, scream, whatever. My research and LEO friends suggest they are likely to escape. They are likely to not return if forced into a vehicle. Those who commit sex crimes against women do not deserve to breathe the same air as their victims. Fuck them.
It kept the Turks out of Romania, didn’t it? As someone else said, sometimes the only solution is to be brutal if you want to survive.
When does it sink in that humans are still predators? If our cousins the great apes hunt and make war on each other, how are we any different from them? We aren’t.
We’re better at it.
Good point.
“Apparently, it was an opening image for Colbert’s show. I guess Stevie still thinks he’s funny.”
He’s never been funny as far as I’m concerned. The only late night guy who I found funny was Leno. IMO he was naturally funny. The others seemed to try to force themselves. Letterman was simply mean spirited, IMO. Leno was kind hearted as well as funny. Those currently on late night are little more than spokesmen for the DNC. It’s the same mantra every night: Trump bad, Republicans want to starve women and children, liberals are progressive which is good for the country, Trump bad. Re the NYT, the sooner they fold the better. Yellow journalism has a long history in this country, and sometimes it can be funny. The NYT, however, is simply carrying the luggage for the Democrats. As membership dries up, so does sponsorship. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving pile of crap. Isn’t their motto, ‘All the news that’s fit to print’? If so, the only news they find fit to print are the DNC talking points.
Ah yes, the NYT that likely would have ceased to exist if not for John Moses Browning and his BMG. Those pesky draft rioters.
Anybody catch the video a few weeks ago or some stank-ass hippie wearing an anarchist t-shirt, begging the police to arrest the guy that had thrown a punch at him? It’s a classic!
That is classic! And shows that these idiots’ idea of ‘anarchy’ is really playground tempertantrums until they get their way.
Remember the one about how the anarchist community failed because nobody would follow the rules?
Not anarchists. An Anarchist opposes all government. These pinheads never oppose marxism or its kissing cousins.
RedAbteilung – the red A circled. They oppose any but their preferred slaveorder. So let’s call them what they are, the RedAbteilung.
Protesting is not anarchy. Neither is civil disobedience. Because in both situations you are pushing back against government policies.
Making both BY DEFINITION not states of Anarchy.
Ironically, many of you advocate anarchy. Because anarchists are merely extreme libertarians.
Commissar, were you born an idiotic twat or was is something you had to practice?
Rioting most definitely IS anarchy. Violence, vandalism, breaking & entering, and arson by a mob in the street is not protest. It’s a fucking riot. Especially when the express purpose of the lunacy is to deny someone their First Amendment rights. Remember how it guarantees the right to “peaceably assemble?”
Holding signs on the sidewalk is peaceably assembling. Lighting shit on fire, breaking windows, beating people senseless, pepper spraying a young woman who’s in the middle of defending your riot to a news camera because you didn’t bother to read her ballcap that was actually mocking Trump’s slogan, and loudly calling for people to be murdered? Yeah, no.
You don’t seem to get that, Comrade Dickless. That suggests one of two possibilities. Either you really are an idiot who should probably ask UC Berkeley for his tuition money back because their “education” has utterly failed you, or you’re a fucking liar.
Either way, Commissar, you’re a piece of shit.
Good to know that you still misread and misunderstand things, Piuperdink. Since you didn’t read what I wrote, try again:
I said: “‘Become ungovernable’?? Umm, what?? The Anarchist Alliance?? Huh?? If you’re a true anarchist, there is no alliance because a true anarchist hates and despises organizations. An alliance is an organization, so how can they….?”
As thick as you are, even YOU should understand simple, plain English like that.
And for your information, the 1st Amendment clause ‘the right of the people to peaceful assembly…’ does NOT include vandalism, arson and/or injuring people who disagree with whatever your opinion may be. Obviously, you were asleep or stoned during those riots at USBerserkeley and in Washington, DC, because I saw plenty of videos clearly showing arson, destruction and damage to private property and people being injured BY THE RIOTERS. Those were NOT protesters. They were criminals. Period.
Damn, Piuperdink, you don’t even try these days. Still haven’t found a job yet, huh? Well, I did two loads of laundry this morning, took out the trash, put out bird food, fixed breakfast and lunch, made a fresh pot of tea.
I also pulled out the loaf of crusty bread for supper tonight, which is pasta with pesto verde, bacon, onions and mushrooms, plus that crusty bread with sun-dried tomatoes and asiago spread on the bread and toasted, plus strawberries for dessert. I still have two chapters to finish, so I just don’t have time for your whining.
What have you done? Nothing but complain.
Hey Ex-PH2, those lefties claim to be tree-hugging environmentalists so doesn’t toppling and torching that diesel-powered portable light plant contradict that? Maybe they thought they were “Stickin’ it to da man” by doing that but hey, if it was a rental then I’m sure the University LOST their damage deposit and had to buy the rental company a new one.
It’s amazing, isn’t it? How blind those crapweasels are to the real damage they cause? Not just property damage by arson and vandalism, but the way they present themselves in front of the media.
Temper tantrums aren’t even cute in toddlers, you know. Screaming fits are even more obnoxious in people who are physically and legally adults.
Moonbat IDIOTS will be moonbat IDIOTS, Milady! Hear the latest news about the DAPL protest loonies? NOT ONLY did they leave mass amounts of effluvia and trash behind, they left many abandoned vehicles which are in danger of being inundated by Spring thaw floodwaters, not only contaminating the waters with effluvia and trash, but OIL, fuel and antifreeze (Antifreeze is HAZMAT and used antifreeze is considered Hazardous Chemical Waste by Federal regs). Now that there’s real work to be done in cleaning up the hippies go *POOF!* and disappear like someone went around passing out work boots, job applications and warm soapy water.
Commissar, it may be in your best interest to contact these fine folks. They can help.
Geez, Sarge, could you just post a spew alert???
I woke the cat out of a perfectly good nap!
Your cat wasn’t napping, Ex. It’s a cat. It was plotting.
If you have more than one cat, they’re conspiring.
More like “If you’re owned by more than one cat…”
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
In ancient Egypt, cats were regarded as gods, and treated as royalty.
Apparently, they have not forgotten this.
Lars believes in non-violence, it is one of the four pillars he stands for.
I am shocked that Lars supports the rioters or maybe he is just suffering from confirmation bias. It is anyone’s guess.
Doublethink at its finest by Commissar.
More like white male privilege guilt conformation bias… he secretly wants to be the Rachel Dolezal of white men.
I think he just wants to be Rachel Dolezhal.
I wonder how many mass hissyfits Lars T. takes part in, stupid shit like this that authorities let the little shits get away with in dark blue locales, thus they do it there and like I’ve said before and will again, Real People in Red State America WON’T put up with the moonbat bullshit and antics on their turf because they’re too damned busy working for a living and paying the taxes that a number of the little shits are freeloading on! Let them try their shit say, in the Midwest and see how quickly they get beaten, trampled or run over. Just let them try to block a road or highway I’m driving on, *HINT* if a Pickup Truck suddenly floors it with high beams and horn blaring it could be me, and I ain’t stopping for the LITTLE SHITS.
And by stupid infantile mass hissyfits I mean shit like this :
Good reason to stay as far away from Berserkeley as possible, for EVER!
I don’t think I’d make it five minutes on that campus without slapping some snowflake into oblivion and that includes their Perfessers.
LARS… WTF??? Your RIOTING buddies were burning and destroying property. Or was it one of those situations of “sticking it to DA MAN”?
Boy, you don’t have the common sense God gave a goose… you should go to the registrar’s office and ask for a refund on that education you’re getting at UCB – and then leave Bezerkley and go find a real manual labor job in Middle America and be a real contributor to society, not some assclown praying to the altar of socialism.
Lars would never last in any real job. No employer wants to pay for laziness.
I was just thinking… someone needs to point the rioters in the direction of LARS’ place the next time they gather and want to burn, loot, rape and pillage. I wonder if he would be sympathetic to their cause them?
I seriously doubt Lars T. would make it past an initial interview with his prissyassed attitude and demeanor, the only job he’ll ever be able to get and keep would be as some Government bureaucrat in a cubicle.
Or freelance behind the dumpster associate.
It worked for his idol Bernie Sanders, didn’t it?
No, we just want see you proglodytes and your fellow travelers get the street justice you so richly deserve.
And there goes Lars again with his sniping tactics.
He makes one comment, hijacks the thread and then vanishes.
The Berkeley student would do himself a favor if he familiarizes himself with Jones v. Parmley, 465 F.3d 46, 56–57 (2d Cir. 2006) which can be found at http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F3/465/46/544540/
THEN, Cole v. Arkansas, 338 U.S. 345 (1949) which can be found at https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/338/345/ case.html
“… whether it’s by the left-leaning media fawning and drooling over them like horny girls at a headbangers concert …”
Uh, PH, could you, uh, let me know where I could find this type of concert? I’m, uh, asking for a friend.
You haven’t been to a KISS or Stones concert in a while, have you, Chief?
PH: Last really ‘rock’ concert we attended was Crosby Stills Nash. This was 10-15 years ago. Acoustics so bad we left halfway through. I’m more into country (classic country), light classic rock, folk, etc. Saw Dolly in November and also Mannheim Steamroller same month. Going to see Gordon Lightfoot 20MAR. Never much cared for really headbanging rock. My bucket list includes George Strait, Meatloaf and the Eagles (again) and a few others. First concert, 67 or 68, was Lou Christie. Remember him? Can’t imagine life without music. Wish I could have seen Dan Fogelberg and Jim Croce. Had a chance to see the Stones for free while working at a VA in NC about 1998/1999. They performed in Charlotte. A bunch of VA ladies were going and wanted a ‘manly man’ or two for protection so they offered me a free ticket. Scheduling wouldn’t allow me to go. Manly Man: bwhaaa. Do they still tour? If so, it should be called the geriatric tour.
Will the Stones tour in 201&? I don’t know. They’re recording everything they do for later viewing. They’re getting up there in years, y’know.
I went to see the Beatles in 1966 at the International Amphitheatre. The next rock concert I went to was David Bowie’s Glass Spider Tour show. Had a good time at both, came away nearly deaf from the screaming crowd.
Good times.
Recent polls I’ve seen suggest the media is respected about the same as is Congress, +/- a few % points. They no longer report the news, they create the news or embellish molehills into mountains when it concerns any perceived impropriety by conservatives or Republicans (not the same thing) or Tea Party members. To the best of my knowledge, which is admittedly lacking in many areas, I have never heard of any impropriety, violence, etc. during a meeting of Tea Party members. I think violence, potty mouthing and general scumbaggery is mandatory when two or more liberals converge. Last week I think in California, they blocked an ambulance which was in emergency mode. Maybe if more ambulances needed to be dispatched to pick up the mangled bodies of the ‘protesters’ this bullshit would stop. I’m all for responsible dialogue among those with differing opinions, this is horseshit. Liberals are all about free speech provided those whose opinions do not mirror theirs are excluded. Bastards.
Blocked an ambulance on the highway?
You mean, like this one, right? Only one of several instances.
You’re exactly right, HMC Ret.
Once upon a time, the media would seek out an interesting subject and report on that. In a sense they would build a narrative (or story) around something interesting.
Fast forward to today’s journalistic practices – the media fabricates the narrative or goes along with whatever everyone else is reporting, and creates a story around that.
Ex-OS2 would refer to them as “cocksuckers”.
I agree.
The funny thing about those who espouse anarchy is that w/o the aide and protection of society’s laws and law enforcers, the ‘anarchists’ would be among the first to be dispatched. Anarchy is a romantic notion to many lefties but the reality of it is something they can’t possibly desire. What the current groups of disgruntled brats want is THEIR way and they want it NOW! They’re throwing temper tantrums and they are being enabled by folks such as that Lesbo Police Chief for UC Berkeley who, despite the vandalism, the immediate threats, and the batteries are whistlin’ Dixie instead of cracking some knee caps and packing the mob into jail cells.
This is why I termed them ‘wannabe anarchists’. They do not really want anarchy. They just want to throw tantrums and break things. That is not anarchy, it is vandalism.
Real anarchy means the rules are gone, there is a good chance they would not survive it for five seconds, and no one will come along to bail them out if they get caught out in the open. Real anarchy is closer to a troop of baboons going on a rampage in Africa, or elephants running amok, than anything else.
Ex-PH2, remember my schpiel about the locations they have their mass hissyfits in? I don’t think they’ll ever have them outside of deep blue locales because they and their herders truly fear the consequences of their actions.
Yeah, Perry, I should have written aid. Thanks.
Either one works for me, although it works better if the “aide” has bodacious ta-tas…
My own view of the reason the UC Berkeley administration didn’t react more strongly to the recent protests is because of what happened during the tuition hike protests at UC Davis a couple of years ago. You might remember that in that episode, you had a campus cop using tear gas to hose down a group of students like spraying cockroaches on a kitchen floor. In the aftermath of that incident, IIRC, almost everyone in the school administration was fired and/or dragged into court with lawsuits.
Fast forward a couple of years, and UC Berkeley gets a heads up when Milo Yiannopoulos shows up at Davis, which prompted another protest, for an appearance planned a week prior to one in Berkeley. Personally, I find it no surprise that the UCB administration did the easy thing to keep from getting their own personal nest of feathers ruffled.
MAYBE THIS could be one way to help those pwecious millennials boost their self-esteem:
I have an idea re how to ‘sponsor’ a millennial. Give them the opportunity to serve in the military. They will get what they presently get by living in mommy’s basement: 3 hots, a cot, medical (currently being paid for by mommy) and they get to hang with fellow millennials for support. What could go wrong?
That shit was funny! Is it true? You betcha.
“Help us live the lives we portray on Instagram.”
That video is scream.
I’m going to go watch kittens now. They make much more sense.