Phony soldiers

| October 2, 2007

Yeah, I heard the story about Rush Limbaugh calling people “phony soldiers”, I’ve watched the video, I’ve read the blogs – I know what he said, I don’t need it explained to me. He was talking about Jesse Macbeth – the best known fake veteran of this war, so far. Prairie Pundit is waiting for a Macbeth phony soldier squad to embrace him. Who thought this scrawney twirp was a Ranger?

And who thought this was the career of an E-fricken-four?

Limbaugh was talking about Scott Thomas Beauchamp who told phony stories about impossible events that happened to him before he set foot in Iraq. You’d think The New Republic would be smart enough to steer clear of the Limbaugh controversy, but, nope.

Limbaugh was talking about Tom Harkin, the Senator who likes to tell war stories about a war he was never in. He’s talking about Harry Reid, who suddenly feels like the troops have been slighted (not when he called them losers and suggested they quit fighting, though). They can’t condemn Iran for killing our troops, but they can summon the guts to condemn Limbaugh (Hot Air) – how fricken brave.

Limbaugh is talking about John Kerry who took a movie camera to Viet Nam (at a time when even most really rich people didn’t have movie cameras) and “re-enacted” his battles – and threw someone’s medals over some fence. And made up stories about what he’d wished he done in Viet Nam. Then makes a “botched joke” about how stupid the troops are. More on the original phony soldier, John Kerry from Sweetness and Light.

Limbaugh was talking about John Murtha who hides behind his fake 30 years of service (half of which he spent in Congress, and all except one year, he spent defending Johnstown, PA from being awash in beer in his “special infantry” unit) while taking pot shots at the folks who are actually doing the heavylifting he couldn’t summon the testicular fortitude to accomplish. Need I mention his “pink badge of courage“?

Here’s another phony soldier, Al Gore who had a body guard either because he was an E-4 journalist or a Senator’s son. I spent a year in Panama as an Army journalist and I never had a body guard. My friend, Gary, spent a few years as a journalist in Germany and didn’t get a body guard – so you tell me;

Apparently his bodyguard was to protect Gore from himself.

Limbaugh is talking about Jon Solz, who flew off the handle at a soldier in uniform at the Yearly Koz, yet a picture of Solz in his uniform is on his website (which is now closed because Solz has apparently foresaken his own band of phony soldiers) – doing nothing more than the young buck sergeant at the Yearly Koz.

Limbaugh is talking about Adam Kokesh – the dimwitted bubblehead who claimed he’d been discharged when he hadn’t, who made false claims about the war all because he’d been busted smuggling an Iraqi pistol back from the war and the Marines wouldn’t extend him the honor of returning to the war. And then makes false claims about the recruiter that recruited him. Kokesh still calls himself “Sergeant Kokesh” even though he was busted to private years ago. All the while he’s using his GI Bill to get an education.

I meet phony soldiers nearly everyday – they’re everywhere. Just the other day I saw some homeless bum walking around with a cammie jacket and a ton of patches sewn on it – none of which had anything to do with another. But the Left loves them – the Left defends them. The Left protects them. And this how they treat the troops with whom they disagree;

So this Clinton-funded Media Matters gaggle with admitted liar David Brock at the helm doesn’t need to tell me what to think about Limbaugh – nothing Limbaugh says can compare to those phony warriors on Capitol Hill – and the ones the Left seems to attract.

Michele Malkin is all over Tom Harkin and Crotchety Old Bastard is mopping up Harry Reid. Gateway Pundit is dragging out phony soldiers from every closet – here, here and here. Melanie Morgan at Move America Forward mentions a few more phony soldiers that I’ve forgotten,

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, John Murtha, Phony soldiers, Politics, Support the troops

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Every shitbag you mentioned in this post deserves the thrashing they get. The good thing about the internet is that many many things can be cross-checked and verified for accuracy and facts. Macbeth, Beauchamp, Kokesh, Solz, et al, are an example of what happens when the wrong zygote survives. They disgrace the military and don’t even have the decency to be ashamed.


Ditto to what GI Jane said.

*waves* to MrNiceGuy…

*Jonn waves back*