This Dog Don’t Hunt

| October 2, 2007

This is an unashamed plug for a book by a long-time good friend (and he was a pretty good El-Tee in his day, too – well, as El-Tees go), J. Danny Strickland (also known as Crotchety Old Bastard). He’s had a hard-on for Lindsey Graham for at least this entire year, and he finally decided to do something about it – he wrote a book called “This Dog Don’t Hunt“.

Now, apparently, I’m not so close to author that he saw fit to send me a promo copy (hint-hint, Danny), but what I’ve read of it in the excerpts is a good old fashioned smackdown – that only a former-Army-Ranger-sergeant-turned-90-day-wonder-turned-field-grade-officer can deliver.

Apparently, the book comes out on October 19th – just in time for me to take it on vacation – and since I’ll be on vacation, you’ll need something to read. So pre-order the book now at Paypal – I have.

Category: Administrative

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