A bit of whimsy
by Poetrooper
Jean Kerry revisits scene of crime VN Express and other news sources are reporting that Jean Fraud Kerry has returned to the Mekong Delta, ostensibly on a trade mission (yeah, right, with only days remaining in office), but far more likely to revisit the scene of the war crime he tried to perpetrate against the American people when the criminal Democrats nominated him as their presidential candidate in 2004.
Landing in Hanoi late Thursday, Kerry begins his official two-day visit on Friday. He will meet with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and other senior Vietnamese officials in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. On Saturday he will also tour the Mekong Delta, where he served as a commander of an American patrol boat during the Vietnam War.
Personally, I’m thinking about emailing that premier whose name is pronounced Win Wan Phuc and telling him,
“On behalf of the American veterans community, you Win Wan; you can Kiep Dys Phuc.”
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work"
John “D Student” Kerry is a cocksucker. I hope a cheap prostitute gives him an STD.
He should reimburse the taxpayer for this “official” visit. Fucker.
We can hope that his tour boat swiftly vanishes…
“you Win Wan; you can Kiep Dys Phuc.”
Ol Poe wins the intertoobs!!!!!
Hey, Jean Effin Kerry, if you happen to fly over beautiful North Phu Bai, would you do sj, 3/17 Air Cav and me a solid?
Look out the window, say AMF and give the place a one finger salute.
You can do that? You da man, Jean. Nuttin but love from the ground troops.
I would like a picture of Phu. Bai ? I had a lot of fun times there,NOT ! Joe
Just for you, Joe.
It is F’ing Phu Bai BTW.
A fucking gigolo shitbag who dodged his Massachusetts taxes on his boat by registering it in Rhode Island….a true man of the people…
Fuck. That. Guy.
Anyone besides me ever wonder if he spent time at any of the businesses in Bien Hoa?
Do you think he’s cleaned out his desk yet? That’s what employees usually do before they’re told ‘hit the bricks’.
I hope he catches Malaria or some other painful tropical disease, fuckin’ quiche-eating pampered prissyassed pissant fucknuts!
Proud, one of your better efforts. Descriptive, yet succinct. I wish I’d said that! Oh, well! Back to the minors.
Don’t snakes eat rats? Maybe he could go play with a bamboo viper. Didn’t they call them Two Steps?
I read a WaPo report several days ago of Lurch’s meeting with some old VC who claims he knew the VC with the B-40 rocket launcher that Lurch killed on the river bank during Kerry’s harrowing four whole months in country. The article ignored the fact that the guy he killed with his trusty M-16 was effectively unarmed as he had already fired his B-40. Also ignored is the fact that ol’ Lurch abandoned his duty station on his swift-boat during supposed enemy contact to chase down the VC on the river bank and shoot him. The big deal in the article was that this claimed VC told Lurch the guy he killed was 24 years old and not 16. Apparently, the WaPo progtards think this is a big refutation of Lurch’s critics of his purported Silver Star worthy “heroics.” If I had run off after a single enemy soldier in the middle of a fire fight instead of doing my job as a rifle company commander, I would likely have been court martialed. Also, when Kerry was running around on the enemy controlled river bank he effectively masked the fires of the weapons of his ship, making it more vulnerable.
The WaPo also reminded us of Lurch’s Silver and Bronze Stars plus his three (3) Purple Hearts, because, you know, he was a true Vietnam war hero before he was a hate-America, pro-VC protester.
Whatta guy! I wanna be a Kennedy! Watch me work my magic.
I heard someone refer to him as “the hair that walks like a man”or “the poodle” Can’t make up my mind. Oh, well!
One wonders what he’ll find to do in his well deserved coming obscurity? No doubt teach, or perhaps write his memoirs. Maybe that nice young man in Chicago who helped the outgoing president could do his? I see box office gold!
I think a better reference would be, Red on the noodle, Like the dick on a Poodle? I hope the cocksucker gets an STD while good old Hanoi Jane is giving him a hummer in his “swift boat”!!!
I just have one question: is that his real hair, or are those hair plugs? None of it looks real. More like what you get on a Barbie doll.
Barbie is the only pun-tang this asshole could ever get! I bet even his dog hates him?
Don’t forget about Traitor Jane. She prolly put out for him back in the day. When he said he never met her back in his protester days, I think it’s a case of “he doth protest too much.” Oh wait, I think your reference to “Barbie” may be to Barbarella. I guess we all suspect he wasn’t hittin’ the ketchup queen, since he clearly married her just for the $$$$$$$.
Screw Kerry
I wonder if the Vietnamese version of “This Ain’t Hell” had a story “Another one comes home”?
A faithless Vietnamese sympathizer missing since the late 1960s has returned to the socialist paradise. This day will be seared, seared, into our memories
A socialist/communist traitor always returns to his masters.
Kerry was and remains a treasonous POS.
How much did this boondoggle cost us? A few billion here and a few billion there, and soon we’re talking about real money. What a waste.
Just think. This useless piece of shit wanted to be our C in C.. Narcissist, fraud, phony, traitor, scumbag, liar, jerkoff, douchebag, just to name a few.
Those are his positive traits.