Open Thread for Today

| January 17, 2017

I’m not sure what’s going on, and TSO has not heard anything, either, so if you want to just post best wishes or whatever, please do it here.


UPDATE: I have limited information about Our Glorious Leader, but when an update IS available about him and his whereabouts, either TSO or I will advise you posthaste.

UPDATE OF UPDATE: he is in a hospital in MD, and is posting on Facebook. Since I don’t do Facebook, could someone say “HI!” to him for me?  Thanks. Ex-PH2

Category: Open thread

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Markeith Loyd has been captured in Florida. Loyd is “alleged” to have shot and killed his pregnant girlfriend and an unborn child. He also shot the girlfriend’s brother (who survived.)

While the police and just about everyone was on the lookout for Loyd, he “allegedly” shot and killed Orlando Police Officer Master Sgt. Debra Clayton in a WalMart parking lot.

While rushing to the scene of Clayton’s shooting, Deputy First Class Norman Lewis was thrown from his motorcycle and died from his injuries.

Now the police have caught Loyd.

Police surrounded the house in which Loyd was hiding and when he tried to run out the back doors, he saw police and returned insides. After a series of texts, Loyd was convinced to come out of the front door. He was holding two hand guns, one of which had a drum magazine capable of holding 100 rounds. He threw the guns on the ground as instructed and then was told to lay on the ground which he did.

When the police handcuffed him (using Master Sgt. Debra Clayton’s handcuffs) the police say Loyd “resisted arrest” and was beaten. (No one seems to be crying over that.)

After 4 deaths and one attempted murder, Loyd has been caught and hopefully will never see the light of day again.

The needle awaits.


A good length of fine hemp rope is a better alternative. Why treat him better than a sick or severely injured dog?

A Proud Infidel®™

A pity they had to take him alive, just think about the savings in taxpayer dollars if he ended up DRT! Now there will be the costs of feeding, clothing and housing that vermin along with the court costs and the endless appeals if they bother to give him the Death Penalty.


Florida has streamlined their death penalty cases. We are one of those states who have said that legal issues not raised in cases cannot suddenly be raised way down the road.

After a Supreme Court decision, we have also gone away from the jury recommending a sentence of life in prison or death and the judge deciding to strictly the jury deciding.

I can’t see any scenario where Loyd will ever see the outside of a prison again. The charges that were about to be dropped on him today did not include the deaths of the officers. Those will be added at a later time. He won’t get bail either.

He’s there until he rots.


Actually it is proof positive to any thinking human being that the Black Lies Matter group is lying through their teeth.

If the police were as the racists portray them to be, Loyd would be DRT. It shows the professionalism of the LEOs that they do allow an offender his day in court.

While I would not have cried if Loyd had chosen to come out shooting and been DRT, I am proud of the professionalism of the LEOs there, and around the country.


Ex…you are doing a wonderful job filling in for the Chief of Poser Patrol. Keep up the good work. Count me in as the second who does not, and NEVER will use FB. Old fashioned phones do the job just as well. May God see the Boss through the worst of times. Prayers to both of you for dealing with an unexpected crisis. Hope you received my (and NO DOUBT HUNDREDS OF OTHERS!) story about Chelsea and his/her now available butt buffet.