The Snowflakes Just Don’t Get It

| January 17, 2017

I’m posting this article now, since I don’t know what’s going on right now.  I did send an inquiry off to TSO. – Ex-PH2

The general impression of the Great Depression was that it built character in a lot of people. I’ve heard complaints about Roosevelt’s administration, but if he hadn’t put those work programs into effect, just to get people back to work, we wouldn’t have the national parks we have now, and the trades which built the skills that built the Empire State Building and put US fighter planes into the air during WWII might not have become as important as they were then and still are, and the Depression might have gone on much longer than it did.  It wasn’t that there was no work. If you had no job skills, you simply couldn’t find employment. It’s not to say that it had no impact. My mother worked for the WPA, and when that ended, for a bookstore in Chicago. She repeatedly emphasized to me how she had to stretch her paycheck to pay for her rent, food and transportation.


But the real impact of economic hardship like the Great Depression is something that has not happened in nearly 100 years, and is just a phrase in a book to the current crop of SJW howler monkeys (HT to Nicki for that) whose screaming for ‘justice and equality’ conflicts with the reality that we see on a daily basis. They are ONLY a small percentage of their generation, but unfortunately, they are the noisiest. I do NOT paint the entire group with the same brush, but it is the loudest squeaky wheel that gets the most media attention.


I’m convinced that those who are howling the loudest are actually feeling the least impact, and are making noise just to get attention and nothing else. They aren’t going hungry or feeling the bite of winter’s cold, or sleeping on the sidewalk on Lower Wacker Drive. They are, however, the noisiest, and seem intent on giving everyone in their generation a bad rep, even though they do NOT represent everyone in their generational group.


I’ve seen far more young adults joining the real world work force, becoming nurses, veterinarians, accountants, firefighters, EMTs, mechanics, paralegals, working in science and tech engineering fields, engaging in competitive sports of all kinds, and NOT joining the SJW Howlers or going along with their self-involved nonsense.


Whatever the Howlers were expecting in the way of social revolution, it is not going to happen. They aren’t really interested in equality and coexistence. They show up to foment disruption. Engaging in those protests is already shortening their work week to part-time with no benefits of any kind, and a demand for an unrealistic minimum wage will not only raise prices at fast food joints and other low-paying jobs, but will also increase inflation as well as the rate of automation and job loss, while those whose education is directly related to real job skills like programming or systems engineering or nursing are going to flourish.


A complaint about the loss of a grocery store is legitimate if it creates a food desert, but does that justify making peculiar threats during a protest march? No, it does not.  That comes from the noisy malcontents who have no solution but want everything handed to them, because they think they’re entitled to it, when they aren’t. If you want something, you still have to earn it.  Ain’t nobody owes you nothin’, kiddo.


I’m not sure that any of the noisiest noisemakers are even gainfully employed.  If you have a good job, why would you take time off from it to go make loud, threatening noises in a public protest over a contest you lost, or over what turns out to be fiction meant to generate hysterics?  If you work in a labor-intensive field like systems engineering or programming, you don’t have time for that kind of antisocial nonsense.


The loudest SJW Howler Monkeys frequently have the lowest level of employability with zero job skills. They come out of college with a useless degree, and they also have a huge college loan debt. They might find work in a copy/print shop or pushing coffee across a counter, minimum wage jobs if there ever were, but I don’t think they last long.. My guess is that waitresses at roadside diners have a higher customer base with tips for their services. The latest report on wages is that most college grads are starting at $10,000/year less than their parents did. That’s almost back to 1975 wages, you know.  After taxes, there isn’t much left in the pay packet to pay the bills and the rent and put food on the table, never mind buy all those toys and junk that they take for granted. If your apartment rent for a studio is $1350/month**, and city market food prices are inflated well above those out in the counties because of logistics expenses, never mind the tax on groceries, stretching a food budget of $275/month for one person can become a nightmare when you’re also paying off a college loan, buying clothing for work, and paying for bus fare to get to your job.  **Yes, that is real rent for a studio apartment in Chicago now.


I can tell you exactly what is going to happen. Those quieter people will still be employed when the fast food stands and coffee shops close or cut back on employees because ordering food at the drive-up window only requires pushing buttons and tapping your card at the window.


We already pump our own gas at the gas station. Machines dispense everything from chips to drinks, including chilled water, and you can use your bank card for that at the machines.  McD’s doesn’t bother with filling your cup for you if you’re indoors. You do it yourself.  I fully expect to see permanent robots filling and dispensing prescriptions within the next five to eight years. No human interaction is required.  The advent of viable self-directed vehicles may result in SDVs for short trips that do not require a driver, lowering the cost to the passenger. It’s already in place with bicycles in some cities. Walmart now has self-checkout available. Why do they need cashiers if you don’t have a huge load of stuff? I don’t even have to drive to the pet shop to get cat food. I can order everything I need online and it’s delivered within three working days.


While I would not wish an economic crash on anyone, some financial forecasters are forecasting volatile, shocking, rough times ahead. These are people who predicted the 2009 crash and financial debacle several years ahead of that event.


The spoiled, screeching, slacker snowflakes of this generation are completely unprepared for it.  It will either snap them out of their fantasies, or they will become lost in the mess and never recover. Their quieter, less noisy counterparts will roll with the punches and leave them behind in the dust.


Welcome to the real world, kids.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Bernie Hackett

Amen, Ma’am.


Hoping Jonn & TSO are ok.

As for the Howler Monkeys – either they will end up learning the hard way or living under a bridge somewhere, IMHO.


The snowflakes don’t quite comprehend the fact that “equal opportunity” doesn’t guarantee “equal success”. My parents were depression-era kids and I guarantee they taught me that the only thing I was owed was whatever I earned. The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing just because you exist.


^^^^ THE word!

My Grandparents & parents (as kids & teenagers) lived thru the depression. You were hard pressed to get my Grandparents to “throw” junk into the trash. My Mom was the same.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed nice article as always, but I too was worried that Jonn was okay…real life interrupts our online life as it should…hoping this interruption is nothing too serious.

keep up posted.


“If you have a good job, why would you take time off from it to go make loud, threatening noises in a public protest over a contest you lost”. Which just proves that they likely don’t have jobs. You don’t have to get excused from work, to engage in riots demonstrations if you don’t work. You can show up for everything.
I’ve looked closely at the people in those “demonstrations”, and, honestly, I wouldn’t hire any of them.

E-6 type, 1 ea

My wife’s job had a college intern who skipped work to go to a Bernie Sanders rally and was subsequently fired for missing work.

The irony wasn’t lost on anyone.


My wife was in charge of hiring for a theater chain around here for several years. The company policy was no visible tattoos, no facial piercings, only one ear ring per year, none of the hubcap style ear inserts.
Many of the yutes were incensed that they couldn’t get hired because of their “self expression”. They never realized that they were applying to a private enterprise.

Sea Dragon

Much sound and fury, signifying nothing.


I was getting a little worried too. While not a frequent commenter these days, I check in throughout the day and usually find the first post up before 0700.

While a relatively young man (late-thirties), I can remember a time when prices were still manually entered at some stores, cash or checks were common methods of payment, and gas pumps allowed you to pay after you pumped but required you to actually interact with an attendant(actually found one of those a few days ago in rural Georgia). Many low-tier jobs are going the way of the a lot of factory workers’ positions from yesteryear–replaced by machines–or just plain requiring the consumer to work. Honestly, I prefer checking myself out, jumping out of the truck for a couple of minutes for a few gallons of fuel, and not having to watch some moron get confused because I presented $1.51 to pay for a $1.46 cup of coffee instead of using a card.


It was an excellent way for a teenage boy to learn what it means to work for a living serving others.

I was a gas jockey back in the 60’s – and really enjoyed it. It sure beat getting up at 0200 to roll and throw the Sunday Chronicle.


And you got to scope out a lot of nice young female legs and boobs leaning in that open window while they searched for the right cash, right?

I did some of that in the 50’s and it was an excellent way to make a teenage boy horny.


I plead the 5th, Poe.

Preferably Jack Daniels.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hey now…throwing the Sunday paper back in the late 60s was a great way for a kid to make decent money…the weekly cost of the paper was $1.08 for 6 weeklies and the Sunday Paper….I had 65 daily customers and 70 Sunday customers…took more than a couple trips on my back on Sundays to get it done…I could hump all 65 dailies but not the 70 Sundays they were too big in those days…and I made good money for that era…with tips was close to $30 a week as I recall and that meant for a 12 year old I was flush with cash…life was good…

Learned a lot about being responsible and doing the right thing by being out and about while most were asleep…especially in a sleepy small town in Northwest Connecticut.


I once quit what most would consider a pretty good job (because it sucked) and the only replacement I could find was delivering papers. I had to be at work at 2 a.m. every night and it took me 2 1/2 to 4 hours to run my route (with Sunday taking the longest), but it was not a bad job at all. I made enough to pay the rent and the rest of my bills and had time to get the credentials I needed for a better job (which I had within a year). The worst part was when someone stole one of my paper boxes before I could get to it on a Sunday night-there was at least $50 in there, but otherwise it was a pretty decent job. You probably couldn’t make much money doing it today, but it was a godsend to me then.


Yeah, we were in Houston throwing the afternoon paper (the Houston Chronicle).
For several years we kept three of us four boys running paper routes of 150-ish papers.
Sunday was an a.m. paper – and we had to get up at 2 to roll & throw them, but we had a system. One of us got to drive, while one stood in the back door of the van throwing his route and the 3rd sat in the back handing him his papers.
It was also a good way to learn that there are jerks out there who will try to not pay a child because they are adults and adults could get away with crap like that.
But we had fun.


I well remember those days when for a quarter a gallon (sometimes less during gas wars, which were common in the 50s and 60s. I recall two stations, side-by-side, who went nuts over a period of several months and gas got to less than 15 cents a gallon) two guys would sprint out, check oil/fluids, qs the air pressure, clean the windshield. I, too, enjoy pumping my own. Makes me feel more ‘connected’ with my ride, if that makes any sense. Do my tire pressure at home or, if at the NEX, put in 35 all around. At home after the tires have cooled, qs them to 32-33 PSI. Today’s howler monkeys, IMO, act out due to spite, having to express their indignation where there is little reason to do so. It’s entertainment for them. They have to pretend to have been slighted so as to express their outrage. We have lost our moral compass. Hoping Mr. Trump can instill a sense of belonging to the greater need, which IMO has been lost over the previous several administrations, particularly during O’s reign.


In my little country hometown in Central CT we still have a gas station that has an attendant. I worked there in the late 1970’s right when the second “gas crisis” hit…lines of cars all the way down the street et al. Back then we DID the whole oil/windshield/air regimen, but now they don’t allow them to do it. It’s maybe 20 cents more a gallon than the other station in town but in crappy weather/if you’re elderly it is a good deal.
— oh, and in a less than stellar time in my life 20 years ago, I slept in a stairwell off Jackson Blvd by the old Chicago
Post Office for a few weeks in the dead of winter. A friend helped me get a place and I have always been extremely grateful. I wound up working at the CME and CBOT for 16 years until John Corzine (ex-New Jersey Guv) blew up our firm and put 1000 people out of a job in 1 day…. The FUTURES / Trading Industry is ANOTHER one of those industries that “Technologied itself right out of it’s own industry” I made SEVEN reductions in staff over 10 years until Corzine blew us up, so my work ethic and intelligence level shouldn’t be questioned. SNOWFLAKES NEED TO SHUT UP and just understand that they, even on their worst day, have NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD… (thanks for listening, I rarely share that info much…)


Check out how many fatties you see in those videos. Looks to me like for many of these demonstrators that the only physical exertion in their lives is when they hit the streets protesting their lowered expectations for life.

Well, if you’re that fat when you’re that young, one for certain lowered expectation is your shortened life span, fat-asses.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So I still referee soccer, I’m not as light as I was when I served and I am making a lot of progress towards getting back to that weight but I was shocked to see my “instructor” for this year’s recertification clinic for referees along with some of my classmates.

I’m no longer as fast as I used to be but I still get end to end on the field and stay within 10-12 yards of the play even when reffing 18 year olds…

The guy doing the instruction was maybe 400lbs…I’m wondering how he gets out of the center circle to referee and I suspect he probably doesn’t leave that center circle at all…you are right about heavyset young people, but as a society we have fatties everywhere now…and a lot of them so very young it’s somewhat discouraging….


Looking at my HS yearbooks from the late 60s, very few overweight kids and they were either on foodstamps or had medical issues.

The 60’s rocked most because our girls were fit and wore those heart-pounding miniskirts…

A Proud Infidel®™

The 80’s weren’t so bad either when they came back in style!

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

it’s a generation with a larger than normal proportion of those with “borderline personality disorder” due to a lack of discipline in their formative years and a lefty political indoctrination from are school system due to federal governmental/political involvement in the curriculum for the last 50 years……In hindsight of my youth,it started in the 60’s subtly when I was in 7th & 8th grades in 65-66


Wow, first writer I’ve read who actually rooting for an economic crash to eliminate the hoi polloi! Supporters of Social Darwinism are alive and well. So now crashing the economy is considered a virtue! Well, if you want a world wide economic crash, you certainly voted for the right guy.


the village idiot has spoken once again.
Joe the joke.


And somewhere a village is missing it’s idiot……
Great minds, Graybeard.


He seems to make passes on the comments sections and then runs when he gets smacked on the nose with the rolled up newspaper. Whole lot of commentary with little or no value.


He learned from the “best”… Commissar!


Geez Joe,

Were you born this stupid, or did you have to go to college to finish the job?

I’m actually beginning to wonder if you need a mechanical adjustment to the hole in your back.

John Robert Mallernee

My Daddy (may he rest in peace) joined the Civilian Conservation Corps, and one their job requirements was that part of their pay had to be sent home to help their families.

Then, just prior to the Second World War, he joined the United States Army.

Mama became valedictorian of her high school, and went to Nursing School, but had to quit when she became sick.

Grampaw was a coal miner and a farmer, just like Loretta Lynn’s father in the movie, “COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER”.

When I look around today, I sense that this is the work of the Communist Part, U.S.A., under different names, AND they’re winning, due mainly to so much ignorance throughout the American population.

As an example, most folks haven’t figured out that we’re all being lied to by our government, educational institutions, and the media.

According to the Bill of Rights, and as originally intended by the Founding Fathers, the states are supposed to be sovereign, and the federal government subject to the will of the states.

I could cite other examples, but if I did, everybody here would begin merely shouting accusations and engaging in name-calling (a classic Communist tactic, by the way).


I think it IMPERATIVE that we create / reactivate the Civilian Conservation Corps ASAP. — for far too many reasons to list, but y’all know what I’m talking about.
— Chicago did/has a half assed CCC style organization and the kids all wear red jackets and an identifying patch. That said, I RARELY saw them doing any real labor/ reclaimation / construction, seemed to be more a social feel good program for the kids of connected Chicago Political Operatives and the like. Maybe I’m just cynical/jaded, but I lived there (back in CT now) for over 20 years in total so I saw A LOT of life in that big shitty and while I miss it, there is a lot I DON’T miss! (Dan Ryan Expressway rush hour for one….)

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve heard that many restaurants and diners are closing up in Seattle because they can’t afford to pay $15 per hour minimum wage. Whatever happened to wanting to learn skills, improve oneself to get a better job and pay? I assume its because of the mush they put into so many kids’ heads these days that the world owes them just because they’re alive and breathing. Jell, I remember working for $3.35 an hour minimum wage, I flipped burgers, washed dishes, mopped floors, many a job most of today’s snowflake youth consider below them but it was honest work that I saw as a stepping stone to better jobs. Hell, these days a Vo-Tech School Graduate has at least twice the income potential as the vast majority of four year grads, there is always demand for qualified and licensed Electricians and Plumbers as well as HVAC Technicians, Machinists, Welders, Pipefitters,… Just WHERE is anyone wanting to hire say, someone with a four year degree in Women’s Studies or Gender Studies? One might as well try to find work with a PhD in Chinese Politics!


I made $0.90/hr as a short-order cook in 1969-70, and was glad of it.
Of course, gas was $0.15/gal, so I could do more with my after-tax money.

Funniest story from being a short-order cook was seeing my home-room teacher come in staggering drunk with his wife. We were 10 miles away from my HS, and never thought they’d see a student there. He’da been fired if I had blabbed, but I liked him too much.

Joseph Williams

A good team starting early can make a $100.00 to a 150.00 on a bad day. You will work your ass off for your ass for it. To make good money you must willing to work for it. I know preaching to the chior. Joe

John Robert Mallernee

My first job was working at Jet Car Wash in Raleigh, North Carolina for $1.00 an hour.

I quit and went to work for Lamar Dean Outdoor Advertising, putting up billboards, for $1.25 an hour.

When I was a boy, I went door to door selling greeting cards for the Junior Sales Club of America, and later, I went door to door selling magazine subscriptions.


First job was an entire summer – just turned14 years old, pulling weeds from between potato plants in a huge farmer’s field for $2 an hour cash. Bought my first dirt bike with my earnings. Then my first gov’t taxes job was washing dishes at the local fancy restaurant for 2.35/hr. Miserable owners made you earn it the HARD way.
$15 /hr min wage is ABSURD, and will KILL many small businesses and local economies. PHAUKING IDIOTS have no clue about labor cost/operating-overhead costs/”profit” margins.

Silentium Est Aureum

First job I had was at 13 years old, bussing tables and dishwashing in a Mexican restaurant for $1.50/hr.

I can’t even get a kid to mow my lawn for under $50.

borderbill (a NIMBY/BANANA)

Check out Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. It’s berryhussein, helder, et alia’s guidebook: first thing to do is get the (kids in the) schools fouled up. The other shit falls into place. What really gives me eneuresis is the sons (and daughters) of bitches told us they were gonna do it–and they got away with it. Trump has a team put together that can bail us out; but it’s gonna take work.

Stephen McCartney

I learned in high school (1963-66) that the more I worked, the more I gained as far as money and afforded me the few essential purchases we made in those days (good Levis @$3.25 pr, used Honda 305cc motorcycle @ $300 and new Converse tennis shoes @ $12 pr). Guess what?..I never forgot the code. At 68 yrs old and comfortably retired, I still have the same understanding of “baby boomer” ECON 101.
CAPT S. “Bones” McCartney USN (ret)


Awesome post by the by Ex-PH2 !!! ( I DO NOT MISS the Chicondo winters though 🙂 not even a little….)