Tuesdays with Claymore
Yellow stripes and dead possum
Darth Howie and the Scream Team
Dude that writes scary stories is brilliant
Leftists are Patriots: Part Eleventy-hundred-thousand
Requisite Nazi Germany comparison
Oh, so NOW they’re interested in the debt
It’s racism. 24/7. All the time. Every time.
Little Green Footballs of Hate
Since I didn’t get my way, you’re all traitors
This will make spotting them easier
Revolutionary idea, y’all should try this
TL; DR…I’ll sum up; Obama is Jesus
Yeah, but he endorsed Hilary (mic drop)
So now we base politics on what’s cool?
I hope they never figure out this is why Trump won
I wished these assholes would pick something and stick with it
Not buying it. Ten weeks ago they were trying to put these people out of work
Wait, Trump commanded the Russians to hack Hillary?
Dripping with irony. Obamaian irony.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Reading this stuff…
It is as if they see the world through a fragment of pop bottle glass, coloring and distorting all they observe.
Their tantrum is coming. Some of these folks are frothing-mouth angry that we are not obeying their “governing”. They will soon do something.
Probably pointless hysterical theatrics, on camera of course: “Can’t stop the (virtue) signal!”
Be wary. A handful will go much, much further.
Deplorables – 1
Borg – 0
Why do they keep using the term ‘Nazis’? Weren’t Nazis Socialists? Lefties? Mindless drones like the DU?
I’m confused.
Correct, but since the Germans invaded the USSR and dared to attack the New Heavens and New Earth the lefties had to stop loving Germany and find a reason to hate them.
If you go back to the WW2 era you will find that transition in our newspaper literally occur within a 3 month period.
It seems that even socialism is not strong enough to bond socialists.
NATIONAL Socialists…. righties. Different breed of mindless drones.
Correct. NS-ers are not quite as far, far, far moonbat left as Soviet Socialists or Maoists. Still way the heck out in left socialist field.
They only look -right- wing to the moonbat left
Sort of like “Democratic Socialism”, right? That’s the Bernie Sanders style of Socialism, right?
You know, the kind of Socialism that’s still Socialism, but it sounds nicer..
I really enjoyed the one about hurting the deplorables’ feelings.
No, asshole, you’re not hurting my feelings. I don’t particularly care that you don’t like me. I don’t care that you think my thinking is backward. I don’t care that you baselessly think I am a bigot simply because I challenge your creepy desire for control.
I’m not at all offended. As a war veteran, I’ve seen quite a bit nastier things than some prick babbling nonsense about my way of life on the internet.
The only effect your rants have on me is that, unlike two months ago, I won’t feel any revulsion voting for Donald Trump in 2020. As a bonus, my wife is coming around to the man too!
Thank you for all your whining, pissy bullshit that has not deterred a single Trump voter so much as an inch, but has instead united us. Please keep it up so that right-wing politicians will stay in DC for ever.
Awwwwww…. The widdle lefty dumplings think we care what they feel! Awwwww….. how dumb.
I know it’s hard to believe, but I found this little gem in the ‘Hillary’s blog job’ link:
“If I’m tired of anything, it is the constant explanation that everyone and everything EXCEPT HRC was responsible.”
Geez, next, they’ll be saying the election system wasn’t hacked, after all.
I live/work in the NCR, but will be heading out west next week to be as far as possible from the Left’s temper-tantrums in the DC area over inauguration weekend.
Yeah–its going to be fantastic around here…not!
Nothing personal, but because there was a news item about ‘anarchists’ planning disruption at the inauguration and getting permits to gather in WDC, I do hope that the weather is just beastly. They don’t like bad weather. It shorts out their toys and makes them cold and wet.
Like I said, nothing personal.
Since when did PMSNBC “go right”?
Someone needs to up the meds on the DUers… STAT!
It is an article of faith on DU that the media is part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, and that the media contributed voluntarily and mightily to Trump’s election because it is 100% against Hillary and Bernie. I guess it proves that if you stand sufficiently far to the left, you get to the point where even the extreme left looks right from your position.
It’s nothing new for lefties. Back in the 1930s, Nikolai Bukharin supported the USSR’s New Economic Policy, which essentially slowed down the movement towards pure communism. For instance, it favored grain taxes on peasants instead of forcible grain requisition (no, don’t ask me what the difference is).
Anyways, this otherwise hardcore commie was the leader of what was known as the “right opposition”.
Happily, he was shot during the purges in 1938. Yay.
I couldn’t even make it past about 5 articles today. Those people make my teeth itch.
This week is especially painful to read, the level of fuckwittery is right off the scale.
These poor bastards are imploding with their dipshit analysis of what transpired. It’s simply amazing that we all view the same things and they come away as if they saw something completely different than the rest of us, or even the majority of Democrats. They are so far left they can’t even see the middle anymore.
And it will just get worse, especially after the 20th…