Attempts to hack GOP failed

| December 16, 2016

According to the Wall Street Journal, spam filters stopped hack attempts into the RNC’s emails;

Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion.

But the intruders failed to get past security defenses on the RNC’s computer networks, the officials said.

Imagine that, basic security training worked. The same security I use when I get stuff in my email that I don’t trust.

From Business Insider;

Messages sent to that address were quarantined by email filters traditionally designed to stop spam and potentially malicious emails, the experts said. GOP officials apparently had no idea hackers tried to breach their systems until June, after Democratic Party leaders announced that they were hacked, according to another unnamed source cited by The Journal.

The report said Republican leaders suspected they too may have been targeted and brought in a cybersecurity firm to investigate. The FBI later got involved, the newspaper said.

Earlier this week, the Washington Post and the New York Times tried say that RNC’s emails weren’t released by WikiLeaks because of hackers’ partisan intentions, but it seems that folks at the GOP were just better at cybersecurity than the Democrats. As if we didn’t already know that.

Category: Breaking News

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Imagine that. I thought the hackers were big meanie anti-democrats.


And I thought Democrats were so much smarter than those stoooopid Republicans?

I guess the Democrat staffers really thought that Prince Mkambwe in Nigeria really did have a hundred million dollars in cash that he needed someone in the US to receive for him. 😀


A donation for the Clinton’s charities.


I have been saying it all along, nobody listens to me. It was the Nigerians based out of an internet café in Lagos.

419 baby!


Who knew, the dems were so cheap they wouldn’t pay $95.00 for Norton Anti-Virus, or even download the free version of Spybot.


They clicked one of those “pop ups” that said

“Your system has an infection! VIRUS!!!!!! Click here for your free trial of ItsNotMalware.scam. You can pay later. Trust us, you will!”


hubris on the part of the Dim0crats

wisdom on the part of the Repubs


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hacked with a phishing scam, really?

Whose Grandma was in charge of email security at the DNC? This makes me laugh on so many levels…wonder if they got Paypal information as well?


RGR 4-78

What was the name of Hillary’s housekeeper?

Hack Stone

At this point, what difference does it make?




The RNC receives: “”

Goes to spam folder and is deleted.

The DNC receives: “”

DNC says “Hey! Check on that one and follow up. Could be good for 2 million!”

RGR 4-78

It would be funny if the whole thing boiled down to greed.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

In your scenario of course the history doesn’t help the DNC, after all when HRC was SecState she and Obama sold the Russkies some Uranium and Bill got a nice payoff in the form of a half million in speaking fees…so the DNC was already used to accepting funding from the Russkies…you can see why they might be fooled.

Deplorable B Woodman

Clickbait and porn. Guess who opened it, and who was wise enough to delete it?


Those Russians were so clever they came up with clickbait links that the Democrats couldn’t resist:




Geniuses! I’m telling you, those Rooskies are damn GENIUSES! 😀


Anthony Weiner opened it on the laptop he shared with Huma. It coulda happened that way…

Combat Historian

I read somewhere that the DNC IT contractors received a number of calls from the FBI warning them they were being hacked, but the IT contractors ignored the calls because they thought the caller was a crank/phony…


According to the NY Times, an FBI agent called the DNC and said they had information and evidence that the DNC was being electronically “probed.” The call was forwarded to a “help desk” where it died.

The FBI agent called several times in the following weeks and was ignored as the Help Desk thought he might have been a prank caller.

Even so, this is not what gave the Russian hackers the “keys to the kingdom.” The DNC got emails saying they needed to reset their GMail passwords and all they had to do was to “go here.” It’s a common phishing scam.

DNC workers asked about the emails and were told by a guy in the IT department that the emails were legitimate and they needed to change their passwords immediately,

The IT staffer says he meant to say the emails were “illegitimate” and made a typo.

To me, that doesn’t pass the smell test as no on would say the emails were “illegitimate” but rather they were “not legitimate.” Furthermore, if the email is a scam, you wouldn’t tell people to change their passwords “right now” as the staffer did.

People in the DNC, including Podesta, changed the passwords with the links provided and suddenly the hackers had access to over 60,000 emails.

In short, the FBI warning doesn’t appear to have anything to do with the phishing scam. The phishing stood alone and apart from the probing of the firewalls..


When my user community asks “is this legit?” (and these are almost always “not”), I put “Delete it now, please” at the top of the message, so as to be clear.

The DNC could have improved their IT security posture by hiring someone’s IT-hobbyist teenager. It is hard to imagine the level of “stupid” they displayed.

And, oh my, how it cost them…..


I have maintained since August that this is all an insider job.

Every single new revelation has confirmed this.

It appears to me that either the deal with Bernie had far more impact than the DNC realized or that they simply hired the equivalent of ransomware as an IT provider.

Either way it makes me wonder if DNC stands for “Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh….Nobody Cares”….


Democrats “are” Hacks


Especially one, on the golf course…..




Y’all do know that it wasn’t actually Russian hackers that handed the info over to wikileaks, right?

It’s already been stated by the people involved that it was DNC personnel sick and tired of the bullshit the Clinton campaign was pulling.


Perhaps that DNC staffer that took a shot to the back of his head had been found out to have passed a flash drive to a Wikileaks operative. But then we will prolly never know. Just another of those mysterious deaths connected to the Clinton Mob.


His name was Seth Rich.

But, I have no doubt that Russia did get into the servers in question, but that came later.

But, so did the UK, PDRChina, France, most middle schools in the US, Japan, script kiddies from all over the world, hell, any and everyone with any motivation to make the attempt.

The security setup was so grossly incompetent and badly managed a conspiracy type dude might think that the idiots wanted their stuff hacked.


Probably true, Grimmy. I’m sure that Seth Rich just made it easy for Wikileaks, by collating everything onto easily hidden thumb drives that he handed over. Perhaps he had some help from a couple of disgruntled Bernouts at the DNC? I’ve seen it put forward that the info came from different places in the DNC and it was unlikely that one person could have all the info.


Russia may have hacked the DNC, but it wasn’t the Russians who released emails to Wikileaks. I know the finer points of BASIC DETAIL escapes the NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc.


[…] “Bad Reporting” The Political Hat: Social Justice Institute This Ain’t Hell: Attempts To Hack RNC Failed, also, Faithless Elector’s Stolen Valor Weasel Zippers: RINO Lindsey Graham Won’t Vote […]


Also from the Wall Street Journal…

“People close to the investigation said it indicated a less aggressive and much less persistent effort by Russian intelligence to hack the Republican group than the Democratic National Committee. Only a single email account linked to a long-departed RNC staffer was targeted.”


That probably says more about how the RNC handles email than it does about the Russians.

Good network hygiene prevents about 80% of all intrusions up front.

Little things, like PKI and using an internal email system rather than gmail are game changers in the fight.

Of course, hiring competent and trustworthy people makes a huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference and it appears to me that the DNC hired the IT contractor equivalent of an APT.


HRC has a reputation of turning on people, viciously, when she perceives them as annoying and/or less than perfectly supportive, and powerless.

“Powerlesss” is often a mattter of perspective, not reality. Mao said that political power flows from the barrel of a gun, but payback power comes from admin access to IT systems.


The difference between the dumbocraps and the GOPers is the level of arrogance on the “D” side of the fence.

Lots of it over there, piled hip deep. Add to that a whole bunch of social media dweebs who save their passwords on their eToys because they are mentally the laziest bunch of twits ever born, and you have an open door to IT crooks who not only want your bank account info, they also want your little secrets.

But that’s just my opinion.


I’ll bet DNC used the same IT folks that set up the Obamacare website. Because they did such a good job on the first job.

Mike W.

Bong hit………
“Dude! This guy says he’s FBI ! Talking about a hack or something…..Hack, crack, cracker….Dude, I’m hungry…..Taco Bell?”
DNC IT staff recording.