A new cereal killer unleashed

| December 14, 2016

I do so wish I could lay claim to creating that moniker, folks, but in truth, it belongs to Spencer Jakab at the Wall Street Journal, who coined it for his report on the latest corporate crime against stockholders. Among all the other liberal insanity we’ve witnessed since the recent elections, apparently someone at cereal manufacturing giant Kellogg’s must have gotten his social justice panties in a twist. In a stroke of petulant political payback, this poor individual decided to cancel all further advertising with conservative web giant Breitbartnews.com, a huge Trump supporter throughout the campaign.

In a countermove that would make proud its defunct feisty founder and namesake, the management at Breitbart.com immediately launched a #DumpKelloggs campaign with an anti-Kellogg’s petition calling for signers to grab that famous Tiger by his tail and swear off ever buying another product of any kind from that bunch of liberal Froot Loops. The bright folks at Breitbart further called for a boycott from its 45 million monthly readers of the cereal giant until it gets all those liberal Pop-Tarts back in the box.

Recent history for such corporate liberal nose-thumbing at conservative America does not provide Kellogg’s stockholders with much to look forward to, as last year’s bathroom boycott of Target proved out. Target’s openly leftist CEO took that retailer over that liberal lemming cliff by making all bathrooms in his stores “gender-neutral” for customers who think they’re members of the opposite sex. Though those running Target were initially defiant, substantial reductions in sales and an almost 20% drop in their stock price made them reconsider. With competitors like Walmart gaining market share while Target’s shrank, Target pledged to spend $20 million to build standalone restroom facilities in its stores.

Sources are already reporting that Kellogg’s sales are underperforming the competition like Post Holdings and General Mills, with wiser investment heads advising that this is a fight Tony the Tiger won’t win. Cereal sales are already a declining market, what with millennials and their changing morning time habits, so this is obviously a bad time for Kellogg’s liberal leadership to pick a fight with what could well turn out to be the most determined and prolific cereal killer in the history of the nation.

Hey, those Breitbart dudes have got a lot of Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Know what I mean?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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As a further reason to dump Kellogg’s, the Kellogg Foundation donated right around a million dollars to #BlackLiesmatter.
Let’s see, pissing off 45 million potential customers because you hate their values, then compounding that by donating to a hate organization? I wonder what business university the marketing geniuses at Kellog’s attended.

RGR 4-78

Special K U.


^^^^ Like ^^^^




dammit, hate to hear an association like that with my Jayhawks… but it’s funny.

This is a Colin Kaepernik move – it’s one thing to be a SJW and take a stand when you’re the superstar…when your stats are in the crapper and your team is probably contemplating trading you to Los Angeles – not to the Rams, but to the little one in central Honduras – that is just stupidity talking.

A Ptoud Infidel®™

KU and KSU are both near the Kaw River with Lawrence KS being downstream. That’s why at KSU they tell each other to FLUSH TWICE because KU needs the water! 😀

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I love it when liberal methodology comes back and bites their own ass for a bit….lessons abound for one and all.

I must confess an almost giddy anticipation of the Republican Senate’s use of the Harry Reid Nuclear Option against the Democrats just to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth that will ensue about “fairness”.


It is fairly obvious that the Democrats thought they would always be the majority. Hmmm, maybe they’re the dumb deplorables.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not only that, they also decided to keep the same leadership that led them off the cliff by reelecting Nanny Lugosi as House Minority Leader. Maybe we’ll get to see the GOP majority increase? I hope so. That and we’re still stuck with RINOS like McCain and Blubberneck (*OOPS!*, Mitch McConnell)that really need to be knocked off their high horses, McVain has already started talking shit about Trump’s Cabinet picks.


Don’t forget RINO Ryan!

The Other Whitey



I haven’t eaten cereal since I was a small lad watching Howdy Doody (that tells ya how old I am)so this will be an easy boycott for me.
Just don’t let the folks at Maker’s do something dumb like this.


Kellogg’s still hasn’t responded to my email about this matter. Oh well maybe I at least wasted some of their time.


The three laws of SJW say they will always:
1) Lie
2) Project
3) Double-down

So expect Kellogg’s to dig in its heels on this one, even when they get bowled over.


They’ll milk it for all it’s worth.


And sugarcoat it.

Bill M

And eventually their Snap and Crackle will Pop.

RGR 4-78

Nut N Honey, to see here.

A Proud Infidel®™

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I wonder if the proglodyte moonbats at Kellog’s will wise up or will they take their company down the shitpipes like Target’s higher ups did?


Rule 3 – SJWs always double down.


At least I can respect those lefties who are willing to ruin their companies for their values than the hypocrites who hate us but still pretend to care about us as they collect our consumer revenues.

Didn’t say I will support the lefties in any monetary way, but I have infinitely more respect for those who live their ideology than the hypocrites who do not.


Wellllll, yes and no.

A company and it’s board ultimately answer to the stockholders. They are responsible for the ideological fashion or lack of same of the company. If a company in which I own stock turns out to run itself counter to my core values, only I can decide what to do about it. Sell it, ignore my values, or whatever alternatives there might be.

The buyer of stocks on the public market is responsible for doing their own research into whatever issues are important to them. It would take a huge prospectus if a company were to attempt to answer every question that some potential buyer might have.

Sure, I would hope that my questions would be answered honestly and that they would be easy to discover. Expect a company, any company, to anticipate them and have my answers ready for me prior to my even asking them? Not so much.


There is a duty to do right by the stockholders. Deliberately tanking a company is, as i recall, a no no.

But stupidity is apparently a defense. ” but, I -thought- joing the SJW circus would find Lucky’s pot-o-gold and the skittle-farting unicorn.”

Deliberate malfeasance = bad

Stupid = perks!


Say stupid stuff win stupid prizes


kay ee double el double oh double gee….


Are they really that stoopeed?


Don’t eat their cereal. More for me. How come nowadays everybody gets to get their panties in a twist? Liberal cereal companies and Brietbart wing nuts all butt hurt at once. WAAAAAAH! Nobody likes me! WAAAAAH! Boo hoo. Who needs a safe space, a hug and some coloring books? Everybody does.


Yeah, so keep giving your grocery buying dollars to an org that gives part of that money to support murderous filth that wants you and yours dead.

Real smart. Nope. Actually, not at all.

You’ve a choice these days.
Live on your knees or stand the fuck up.
That’s it. Anything else is bullshit.

Drag Racing Maniac

…words to live by.


The Kellogg’s Corporation wants me dead? Will it be ninjas with pop tarts or will Tony the Tiger hide out in a bowl of rice crispies waiting for a chance to pop a cap in my ass? Seriously, it’s nobody’s business (except shareholders) who Kellogg’s gives their ad money to. Buy some shares and change the board. Actually it’s the “hashtag” battle is that’s bullshit. People getting all butt hurt because their web site got “dissed” is what’s bullshit. Everybody laughing at the little butt hurt liberal college kids crying over Trump and all the wing nuts crying over Kellogg’s. Eventually Pooty Poot will figure out what a bunch of butt hurt babies live in the USA and will roll us all up. Sorry, keep your “dying on your knees” righteous indignation too. I refuse to let others get my butt hurt level worked up for their “cause”.


You are too stupid for words.

Stupid: Incapable of relating cause to effect over time.


Ouch, that hurt. I guess I’ll just live on my knees because a cereal company won’t advertise in brietbart. How about you not being such a sanctimonious ass? Butt hurt is a bad way to go through life.


Maybe, but what makes you, and this stupid boycott, any better than a BLM directed boycott of something. If it was the latter you’d probably get all butt hurt about that too. Hypocracy from the left or right is hypocracy all the same.


Now you’re talking Po!


The thing is that as consumers, each of us is free to use whatever criteria we want to use to decide whether or if to purchase items. The criteria doesn’t have to make good sense to anyone including ourselves.

Isn’t life great?


Yup. Don’t be a lemming. That’s my point as well.

2/17 Air Cav

W2. I agree with you. I wrote hours ago here that I’m not much for boycotting products or services, although I will not watch anything with Jane Fonda (spit!) in it. But that’s rather personal. No one encouraged me to boycott that @#$%!!’s movies. Kellogg’s corporate culture is way left, as evidenced by a walk around its website. I didn’t know that it was until the Breitbart ad issue. And now that I know, I will continue to have my Fruit and Yogurt now and then. The thing is, if we were to boycott every damn thing that is Left, we would have to divest ourselves of most of the shit we own, including the computers, tablets, or phones we are using to post here.

2/17 Air Cav

Lefty corporate culture is rather funny. When one looks beneath the surface of the bullshit they offer in their mission and vision statements, one frequently finds that they have contracts and subsidiaries or parent companies that abuse children, animals, and don’t give a shit who they do business with if it helps the bottom line. The “great philanthropists” of today and of days past broke necks, broke backs, destroyed competitors, danced through and around law, and, in some cases, literally did business with our enemies. But, because they assuaged their guilt and helped their tax profile by starting foundations, they’re all heroes to the Left and beyond.

2/17 Air Cav

And one last thing. I am a supporter of gluten, goddamit. I wince every single time I see “Gluten-Free” on a product.


jane fonda, American communist traitor b!tch.

2/17 Air Cav

Allstate pulled its ads, too, as did EarthLink and other, lesser known companies. So, I expect that those who won’t buy Corn Flakes will also sever or avoid any connection to the other companies as well. But let’s not stop there. Communist countries, chief among them China, may not advertise on Breitbart but they sure as hell enjoy your business and every other American’s business, directly or indirectly. Shall we end our individual and collective support of communism by ceasing purchase of products made in those countries? Nissan is not pulling its ads from Breitbart. The company was founded in 1931 and, during the war, was converted to add that effort by producing Army vehicles. How long did our fathers and grandfathers refuse to do business with Japan and Germany after the war? Some did, to be sure, but many moved on. I am not one for boycotts, as I twice said, and I never have been a bandwagon jumper. If I were, I’d have to start boycotting our own government.


Yup, yup, yup! Sing it brother!


“…taking your dollars and giving them to traitorous communist organizations.”

That’s a strong statement with no backup, Poetrooper. You’d have to prove that.

Jane Fonda: a so-so low-level actress with a few movies to her name and an insipid ‘career’ based on her father’s career success. What has she done lately other than run her mouth?
I guess Ted Turner wasn’t giving his attention whore quite enough attention.


Kellogg’s sucks ass anyway.



Yup. Tired of companies insulting me and being cunts because their moonbat political views. I’m done with Kellogg’s anything and it doesn’t matter what they eventually do they lost a customer for life. They burned that bridge on purpose and can fuck right off.

2/17 Air Cav

Kelloggs is about diversity, excepting white heterosexuals w/o whose purchases of Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies, and Corn Flakes, the company would fold overnight. I suppose it’s a shining example of corporate responsibility. It means to combat climate change and promote LGBTQIA(?) issues. It calls its stockholders stakeholders and is proud to broadcast its image as a profit-making UN. I’m not much for boycotting products or services. I likes me Special K Fruit and Yogurt, but only when it’s on sale at 2/$5.


I haven’t bought or used a Kellogg’s product in such a long time, I can’t remember if I ever did. Rick Krispies? I never make Rice Krispies bars, so, no. Cornflakes? Panko bread crumbs are better and don’t get soggy when wet.

Here’s their website. https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/our-brands.html

All their products are listed in a sidebar pull-down menu. If you don’t like them for the political views, no one is forcing you to buy their products, right? The only thing I can ever remember that had a Kellog’s product attached to it was this tuna casserole my mother made for Fridays, because Episcopalians were still on meatless Fridays back then. It was tuna fish, mushroom soup and hardboiled eggs, all mixed together and covered with cornflakes and baked/cooked in the oven for about 30 minutes. She would never put peas in it, for some reason, and it really had all the flavor of tired cardboard because she never used tarragon with it to bump up the fish flavor just a tad. Also, I hate hard-boiled eggs, and she never diced them enough to hide them from me, so I’d pick out the chunks and leave them. Why not? I was six. I didn’t like hard-boiled eggs.

I might make that casserole again some time this winter, but I’d use tarragon for the fish and canned salmon instead of tuna and panko crumbs for the cover, plus mushroom and cream of chicken soup, or maybe this cheesy bake potato soup I can get at Aldi.

And the hardboiled eggs? Not!

As for the idiot who made that decision, the company’s sales are already down but if they drop further because of this twaddle, he won’t last long. Corporations are about cash flow and profits, nothing else. It’s a stupid thing to do, but I don’t use their products anyway, so I don’t give a crap if they go belly up. They are irrelevant to me.


One other thing: no one is forced to buy any particular brand of anything. As I said, I don’t use Kellogg products, never have.

So they pulled their ads from Breitbart? So what? They’re free to do what they want to and spend their PR money where they wish. It’s a free country, remember? Ad campaigns expire, you know, and if an ad campaign in one place is not productive of business, a company will spend its PR money elsewhere. That’s how business works.

When companies advertise online, they also provide surveys to find out which way the wind blows in a particular viewing area. If a survey in one website shows that no one is interested in buying their product, they take their advertising money elsewhere. I’m so tired of ads online, I could scream and sometimes I do. We were supposed to get away from all that advert campaigning with the internet, remember? Hah! Suckers!!!

This is a tempest in a teapot. Much Ado About Nothing. I don’t give a flying fart in space what Kellogg does, period. They can spend their money wherever they wish,

I still don’t have ANY reason after all these many, many decades to BUY THEIR PRODUCTS, BECAUSE I LIKE OTHER PRODUCTS BETTER.

Is that simple enough for all of you?


Yup. That’s how our free market economy works. Boycotts for butt hurt is silly. Your choice where you spend your dollars as a consumer. Why does everything have to be a battle royale with f left versus right? This is cereal for gosh sakes.