GMAFB, Part . . . Aw Hell, I Lost Count

| November 21, 2016

Well, the PC crowd is       showing its ass       demonstrating its “wisdom” yet again.  This time, it’s the “enlightened” city government of Bloomington, Indiana, that’s hard at work “saving us from ourselves”.

It seems that the City of Bloomington has chosen to officially rename two holidays.  Henceforth, in Bloomington, they will not be known by their common – and legal – names.

The Bloomington city government chose to do this because they deemed the actual names of the holidays to be “culturally insensitive”.  Gotta protect those “special little snowflakes” from being offended, dontcha know.

The two holidays Bloomington’s ordered renamed?  Good Friday – and Columbus Day.

I’m not joking.

Freaking idiots.  Yo, Bloomington:  Hank Hill has a message for you regarding this stupidity.  He kinda sums things up in about 5 seconds, IMO.

The main campus of the University of Indiana is located in Bloomington, so this really isn’t too surprising.   This kind of libidiotic PC crap is regrettably quite common in college towns.

Hey, wait a minute . . . “Indiana”.  Isn’t that rather “culturally insensitive”, too?  (smile)

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Liberals suck, WTF?

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I am so sick of these fucks…


They are just catching up with Albuquerque.

About 7 to 10 years ago the School system here made those changes.

Only difference is that Good Friday is called: Vernal Holiday.

I have been wondering ever since who this Vernal guy is. //sarc

Silentium Est Aureum

At that rate, it surprises me they haven’t renamed Santa Fe and the Sangre de Christo mountains.

But give em time.


You’re telling me they made that Left turn at Albakoikee?


Do they celebrate Muslim holidays? If so, will they be subject to the same criteria to make them acceptable?

2/17 Air Cav

One city, in one county, in a state in which Trump wiped the floor with Clinton. Go for it, Bloomingidiots. Strike a blow for sacred inclusivity –as you alienate the majority–and tyrannically apply uniformity–in the name of holy diversity! But, hey, don’t forget that the state law dictates and identifies your holidays, and among them remain Christmas, Good Friday, and Columbus Day. So, please continue to refer to your newly named holidays by their traditional and legal names in all city business.


I find it disgusting, deplorable and unacceptable. Someone was interviewed on Judge Janine…She asked what people were thankful for and how they felt about Trump’s election. One guy said he was thankful for God…that he could say that “now’!! Others were all about “Merry Christmas. F*ck Bloomington


Well, I did look up the dates of those holidays. Columbus Day has already passed, so they’re a season late and a bunch of cash short on that one. But Good Friday, being the last Friday before Easter, which is a VERY ANCIENT SEASONAL HOLIDAY, just happens to fall on Pan-American Day on April 14, 2017. Are they going to tell people that Easter is no longer a holiday? Sorry, you plodding imbeciles, but it’s been around since LONG before you were born.

I’m offended by their idiotic attempts to not offend. They are, in fact, extremely offensive. I don’t view Good Friday as a holiday because I never took a day off from work for it. What are they going to do? Stop the local Catholic priests from doing street blessings and putting ash on the foreheads of their passing constituents?
Are they going to fine Episcopalians, Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Protestants for observing their religious holidays? What about Maundy Thursday? That’s the day before Good Friday. That’s also a holiday, as are Lent, Advent, Epipany and Christmas.

Are they going to fine people for putting up Christmas lights?

Are they going to tell Americans of Irish descent living in Bloomington that they can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, which is a Friday in 2017? What about Jews? No Seder or Passover?

And the neo-pagans will want to know if they’re going to be fined for observing Ostara, too, never mind Beltane.

Who did I miss? OH! The Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox peeps! Sorry, I can’t keep track of all of it any more.

Someone needs to smack those morons upside the head and cut off their allowances. Make them sit in a corner and think about the consequences of their Stoopid Stuff.

In an ignorant, narrow-minded effort to not offend anyone, they’re offending EVERYONE.

And all those holidays? They’re printed on calendars everywhere, so what are they gonna do about that? Ban calendars from stores?


Oh, yeah: from that article:

The news of Bloomington’s Columbus Day erasure came the same day that Columbus Eastern High School defeated Bloomington High School South. Columbus, Indiana — the home to Gov. Mike Pence, now the vice president-elect — is Bloomington’s eastern neighbor. It was so named in 1821.

Kind of makes me giggle to have that little detail thrown in for good measure.


Here’s the flesh out on that little detail.

The Columbus East Olympians beat the Bloomington South Panthers 35-15 this past Friday in a Class 5A Semi-State matchup.

The Olympians will now play the Westfield Shamrocks this coming Saturday for the 5A Champeenship.

And for the record, I did catch the irony, but I threw it out with the baby’s bath water. Sorta a catch and release on stupidity.

All this is just part of the reason that we folks from northern Indiana refer to Bloomington/IU as “Those idjits from the school south of Purdue.”


Bloomington/IU and Ann Arbor/UofM seem to be afflicted with that same head-up ass syndrome.

Semper Idem

Would this be a bad time for me to point out that Columbus was guilty of genocide against the Native tribes? That the whole Columbus Day “tradition” was thought up by the Knights of Columbus less than 100 years ago? That America celebrating Columbus Day is every bit as repugnant as Germany celebrating Hitler Day? Spoiler alert – Germany doesn’t; such a holiday would be illegal there, and there’s a reason for that.

Seriously, read history. Google the phrase “Columbus genocide” and see what I mean.


Yeah, okay, if Cristobal Colon, a Genoan – not a Spaniard – hadn’t gone begging to Isabella, the Queen of Spain, for financing to make a trip across the Atlantic to find a shorter route to the East Indies, you might be living now in whatever country in Europe your ancestrak families came from.
And if you’re going to blame anyone for genocide, try blaming the entire Spanish government for it, will you? Because that’s who was behind it. They condoned it, so go after them.

Or would you prefer a Spanish Inquisition?


Columbus commercialized the new world. He got here by following maps made by the Irish monk, St Brendan the navigator. So my ancestors knew about it. They just didn’t come until they felt like it


And wasn’t St. Brenda and his group just following the route they’d heard (or read) about from Viking stories?
The Vikings populated Greenland and Iceland before the Irish monks made that trip, and there is some evidence that they followed an exploratory route all the way into Minnesota.

The Other Whitey

Archeological and genetic evidence suggests Europeans first crossed the ice pack into North America 15-20,000 years ago.


No ma’am, Brendan predated the Vikings by 500 years – he died in 577 and the Vikings were closer to 1000AD.


Okay, well, he got the story from someone else, then.

MSG Eric

Actually, God made alcohol so the Irish wouldn’t take over the world. They were too drunk to get to America before the uptight Europeans.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

cue music…

The Other Whitey

Wasn’t David Lee Roth one of the inquisitors?

MSG Eric

Not sure, but Mel Brooks was.


I’m sitting, flicking chickens and I’m looking through the pickings
And suddenly these goys break down my walls
I didn’t even know them and they grabbed me by the scrotum and

They started playing ping pong with my balls

Oy, the agony
Ooh, the shame
To make my privates public for a game

Best line of the song


We seem to be mighty proud of the Buffalo Soldiers who also took part in the slaughter of Native Americans….Reckon that puts them in the same class as Columbus.


And let us DO remember that the Americas (north, central and south) are named for Amerigo Vespucci, and an Italian cartographer from Florence, not for Columbus. He figured out that Colon had landed on a new continent, one that had no connection to Asia at all. And while we’re at it, Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European (Spanish) to see the ocean on the western shore of the Panamanian isthmus, so HE named it the Pacific Ocean.

So what was your point, SemperIdem?


“Rectifying history” does nothing but convert truth to lie.

Isn’t this arguably what was done in 1942 by making him a national hero anyway? It was lobbying, pure and simple, by the Knights of Columbus, who wanted a Catholic hero.

There’s a difference between ‘harsh men’, as many were back then, and sadistic, cruel men like Columbus. I’m pretty sure, though please do correct me if I’m wrong, that Washington never wrote in vivid detail about raping a woman.

There’s simply no reason to celebrate him as a person. And we didn’t, federally, until 1942. So for over 160 years we didn’t celebrate him, and now for just over 70 we have – which of those seems more in error? Especially in light of all the information we have about him now?


OH, shut up, would you?

No one has named a day for Cortez, who was arguably FAR MORE HARSH AND CRUEL THAN COLUMBUS.


I disagree. Cortez was a cool dude who married a cool Aztec dudette, and won against the Aztecs with the support of many local tribes enslaved by the Aztecs, like the totoltecs.

If anything, Cortez was an inclusive dude abiding by EO standard way before his time.

Mabus should name a oiler after him.


I stand corrected – that was indeed Cuneo’s letter. But let me go back to the primary question – did we, as a country, get it wrong for the first 160+ years of our existence by not naming a federal holiday for Columbus? (Or, maybe more accurately, the 72 years since 1870 when we first had federal holidays.)

It seems to me that conservatives are against the removal of this holiday not out of some inherently conservative principle, but rather simply because they stand in opposition to the liberals who push for that. If we remove that factor from the equation, why do we have this holiday? Because a lobbying group convinced Congress and FDR to create it?

To me, when many conservatives are complaining about the power of the federal government, this seems like an issue best left to states instead. And I think most people would prefer to reduce the amount of lobbying influence in Congress, no?

At the end of the day, forgetting that liberals are for this, do you think the original decision to create a federal holiday for Columbus was the right call?


Interesting. When I was a kid we celebrated Lincoln’s Birthday and Washington’s in February. There was even a little song…I forget the first few lines…”There’s Lincoln Day and Washington, they both are very fine / But yet my fav’rite day of all is good Saint Valentine.” (I was in a southern state where you wouldn’t’ve expected this as a matter of state law.)

I see from the wiki that you are right and Lincoln’s Day was not a federal holiday. (I had casually assumed that Lincoln and Washington got crammed together into President’s Day to make way for MLK day in January.)

It does make a kind of sense to space the holidays out around the year, but I agree with you that Lincoln is up there with Washington in importance for our history, and our citizens really should take some time out to learn about him.

If we can tolerate T-day and Veterans’ Day in November, maybe February does have room for two Presidents at that.


And while I’m at it, Hondo’s right. Try reading some history yourself.

Colon/Columbus mistook the natives he met in the Caribbean for people indigenous to the Asian continent of INDIA, hence the misnomer Indians was applied to them and it stuck. And they don’t call themselves Native Americans. They call themselves the People or Indians, depending on who you talk to, and yeah, they probably think you’re stupid, too.
The correct term for native tribes would be indigenous aborigines, but I doubt seriously they’d appreciate being called abos, which is what the indigenous people of Australia are called.

Any questions, Toots? Like I said, try reading some REAL history yourself, BOZO.

The Other Whitey

Columbus was indeed a bit of an asshole, but you can only pin genocide on him inasmuch as you can blame Ford and Chrysler for drunk drivers.

Columbus (Cristiforo Columbo) was an Italian who really needed some cash to pay some important people back in Genoa who were really unhappy with him. His get-rich-quick scheme was to find a shortcut to China, and was making his way through every place in Europe where he hoped they wouldn’t find him and pitching the idea to the folks in charge. And while the Spanish Crown financed his trip and gave him some fancy titles for his discovery, his poor management skills and tendency to piss off the wrong people resulted in him losing his power, wealth, and position and ending up mostly ignored for the rest of his life. You’re likely confusing him with Cortez and a host of other Spanish and Portuguese dudes who were more into mass-killing, or the French, who were big on inciting war between Indian tribes and started the practice of scalping. Hell, even Cortez (who was a real asshole) gets a bit more of a bad rap than he deserves, since much of the slaughter of the Aztecs was done by other native peoples allied with him who were getting payback for several centuries of extreme nastiness by the Aztecs.

And who are you going to blame for the introduction of Eurasian diseases, especially smallpox, when germ theory was still a couple centuries down the road?


Ooooh, I love that. “Google the phrase ‘Columbus genocide’…” I mean, certainly that is not going to give me any slanted news at all. /sarc

Talking about the need to read history, one ought to remember that the Aztecs, and the Mayas before them, like the Mongols, the Assyrians, and many other, tended to commit what we today call “genocide” whenever they conquered other peoples.

For that matter, read William W. Warren’s “History of the Ojibway People” – written by an Ojobway about their history just before the Europeans came into play. What they and the Sioux did to each other does not fall under the category of politically correct.

I am getting increasingly irritated at the arrogant self-righteousness of these willfully ignorant liberals.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder what other kind of chickenshit the left will push next? I’m still in favor of a “National Beat a Hippie Month”!


Just drop a rumor that free pot and brownies will be available in some park, make sure the date has a forecast for a blizzard, and wait for the Stoopids to show up.

The Other Whitey

Nice! I’m thinking of a certain someone to be the guest of honor!

Thomas Huxton

“Indiana”. Isn’t that rather “culturally insensitive”, too?

to be known, henceforth as “not Ohio”


Using the *nix term for the exclamation point, the “not” symbol: “Bang Columbus”.


We could also add:


I don’t know why it would be considered insensitive. Illinois is named for the Illinois tribe, and Pontiac, IL, is named for an Ottawa chief who liked to dance on the graves of his enemies, and led all the Great Lakes tribes into a fight against the Brits in Pontiac’s War.


Pontiac, IL is an important town in my thinking because my Mom is from there…


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Out here in the dreaded private sector neither of those days are paid holidays…

We pay the following holidays and only the following holidays…New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas…

Seven days off paid a year, that’s it…plus your earned vacation time which we give a maximum of 4 weeks…

Good Friday is a religious only Holiday so how does a government entity rename a religious holiday?

Columbus Day? Just another work day here at the plant. We try to operate 24/7 to keep our clients receiving the goods they’ve ordered in a timely fashion according to our agreements.

In any event the easily offended will always be easily offended. Nothing can change that and to be honest nothing should be done to change that. There are no guarantees against being offended, a free society almost guarantees that someone will be offended pretty much all the time by someone else’s words or antics. That’s just how it is, and frankly how I prefer it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yes Patriot’s day is a State Holiday but no business I’ve worked for or operated/owned here has it off.

My wife has always worked for company’s that taken it off but she’s at a non-profit hospital as opposed to a for profit private enterprise.

The union situation is an odd one if I’m being honest, mostly because the shop is technically not a union shop, but we have some workers who belong to an obscure old printers union that functions more as a trade association these days than a full blown union…so the negotiations are not like one imagines with a shop full of union workers…it’s not like it was some years back and I suspect as these older workers retire out the union will end up retiring out with them….

Silentium Est Aureum

Four weeks?

You hiring?


I’m offended that they’re offended.


Ok, all you Air Force guys, am I the only one who was scratching her head at that title at first glance, trying to figure out what Air Force base that was an abbreviation for?


No, Eden, it’s not an Air Force base. It means ‘give me a f- – -g break’.

MSG Eric

I thought it was Fracking. In honor of the awesomeness of Battlestar Galactica?


Yeah, I figured that out once I got to the article, but it did throw me for a minute. 🙂


Looks like the mayor and some of the residents of Bloomington need a cunt punt in their collective manginas… so much bullshit from SJW’s.


So in an attempt not to rub a few people a little wrong, they rub everybody a little wrong. Good job.

MSG Eric

In Hawaii It was changed to “Discoverer’s Day” many years ago. But that was to also celebrate the explorers of the Pacific and CPT Cook who found Hawaii for her Majesty’s gummint.

The fascinating thing is the hypocritical irony in so much that they do. “This needs to be changed to this because I’m offended and everyone else is offended by it because I say they are.”


The people who claim to be offended enjoy feeling that way, and will just go back to something else on their list of things that ‘offend’ them. So even with the change, they’re not making one single ‘offended’ person into a truly happy one.


They can rename them if they want. Just keep it correct. Such as “Bag ‘O Dicks Day”, so all those Bags ‘O Dicks can feel better about being…well…dicks.


I like your idea, Sparks. I second that notion motion. Bag o’ Dicks Day it is!

Bernie Hackett

I always wondered where this recent 30 minute hate for Columbus came from. Now I see it was our dear friend, the late (good!) not-so-great educator Howard Zinn. Gotta love red diaper babies who write textbooks, used in the ed biz by their fellow travelers across this great nation.
One day I hope to micturate on his tomb, provided the line isn’t too long.

A Proud Infidel®™

I SO MISS the Good Old Days when this world wasn’t so overpopulated with perpetually offended PUSSIES.


Well I retired here in Bloomington. Nice enough people. Idiots run the city. Changing a holidays name is a lot easier than fixing the city’s issues.


I reckon that the shoppers in Bloomington are going to be confused over the Columbus Day sale commercials on TV, but no Columbus Day in Bloomington.

I guess they’ll have to go somewhere else to buy their crap – after all that’s the primary reason for most of our “holidays – to buy crap.


O said he had a pen and a phone. Trump will have a pen and a checkbook. When the money begins to dry up, maybe the SJW will sing a different tune. Yeah, I know, payback, vindictive, passive aggressive, etc. Yeah, and I don’t care.