Hey, Timmie, you really showed us deplorables…
…what a rude jerk you are.
If the best casting director in Hollywood went in search of the perfect actor to play a typical know-it-all, smug, smarmy liberal to represent the Democratic Party on the vice presidential debate stage Tuesday night, he could not possibly have made a better selection than Tim Kaine. This was my first opportunity to see this potential president-in-waiting in action, and all I can say is that this sneering motor-mouth, who immediately began a pattern of repetitive and, I believe, intentional interruptions of his opponent and continued it as long as the moderator would let him get away with it, was woefully less than impressive.
Kaine was a squeaky-voiced, unctuous reminder of far too many of the self-righteous liberals I’ve had to contend with in my long life. You know the type: rolling the eyes, shaking the head to deliver their not so subliminal message that we’re just so totally smarter than you are that you can’t possibly understand what we’re saying. We’ve all seen it, in the past mostly within our own families, but in the last few years it has become the standard form of public liberal discourse. There is only one side, and that is theirs. They know it all, and if you disagree, you are a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal, and they’re entitled to smirk snottily about it.
That is exactly the role Tim Kaine played on his opening night on the world stage, and I must say he did it flawlessly. Not everyone can play such an irritating jerk so convincingly, depicting to perfection the arrested adolescence that is the defining characteristic of liberalism, and do it so well before such a huge audience.
I guess congratulations are in order: hey, Timmie, you really showed us deplorables, kid!
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
I think if he interrupted one more time about Trump’s tax return, Pence would have knocked him the fuck out.
So it’s NOT just me, he really DID act like a smug, self-righteous adolescent LITTLE SHIT. If it was was possible to reach through a TV screen and slap someone into next week, Kaine wouldn’t have lasted five seconds with me watching!
I didn’t watch it, but from the way people are talking about it, it is just a repeat of 2012 Vice Presidential debate.
That was the exact comparison made by the fox talking heads last night.
You can’t expect anymore than this from anything that would follow the lesbian, thieving, murdering, communist BITCH called the hilldabeast!!
Well he did have that Joe Biden precedent to emulate, pal.
Sometimes it felt like I was watching some kind of PeeWee Herman / Howard Dean hybrid. Wayyyy creepy.
SOP for the mediots and other libgressives.
And they cannot seem to perceive their own asininities. I’ve know more intelligent “discourse” from the south end of a north-bound mule. The microbial organisms each individually are more intelligent then they.
Being from Richmond, I can remember Tim Kaine way back to his time on the Richmond city council two decades ago, and his career has always been baffling. He is a off-putting man, devoid of personality and charisma, of no particular accomplishment, and yet he kept getting elected to higher offices, from councilman to mayor to governor to senator. Bizarre.
Dude looks like he has the personality of a cardboard cutout…
It’s all those dead voters…
And who you blow….
The times when you and I agree are few and far between, Poetrooper, … but god damn it, you’re largely right. I found Kaine to be utterly insufferable, especially in the first half.
We need more civility in our political discourse, not less. Frankly, Democrats should be embarrassed.
Now see, Lars? See how easy it was to recognize and acknowledge the conservative truth spoken by Ol’ Poe? You keep coming here, son, and we’re gonna get you straightened out eventually. You have the smarts, boy, but clearly you’re suffering from political strabismus.
I don’t think that LC is Lars.
Embarrassed? The democrats? Look who their candidate is, for Christ’s sake! They have NO shame.
^^^^^ This^^^^^
But not the Repubs?? Really.
I was wondering when the mass was that OK’s encouraging your wife to fool around on the side?
Kaine definitely put the bag in D-bag last night….here’s hoping that Pence’s other half saw Pence’s performance and understands now what “NOT TAKING THE FUCKING BAIT” actually means. Pence came off as measured, on point, and entirely presidential. Kaine came across like the smug little prick he is, but Trump can still screw the pooch this Sunday.
Pence set him up nicely, it would be interesting to see how HRC reacts to a more measured Trump. If Trump can ever be measured in response to a perceived insult instead of coming across as a narcissistic asshole.
Pence was so cool at times one might have had the impression he wasn’t aware of what Trump has been saying.
Yes, he was a pompous dick, but know what? He was effective. Overall I believe it was a positive for the dummycrats. He stuck mostly to liberal talking points … taxes, blah, Trump evil, blah, taxes, blah, blah, Trump evil.
I couldn’t wade through all of it … turned it off after a time b/c he controlled the debate. The moderator had less influence than did Timmmmmmy.
So, a net positive for the lowlifes. Unfortunate.
If undecided, my takeaway would be: Timmmmmmy is a dick and Trump is a tax evader. First is true, second is not, but that would be my takeaway if undecided.
The Republicans better get serious about this stuff.
Not sure about that. Virtually every poll and even analysis from lefty journalists (but I repeat myself) has indicated that Kaine flopped big time.
“Kaine flopped big time”
There’s the ray of hope we’ve been waiting for.
I’ve never met a liberal yet that adds extra zeroes to the check they write out to the IRS on April 15. I have asked a few…
One of my fondest memories of the camaraderie here at TAH was four years ago during the debates and Jonn paid the code monkey hippie chick to put on a live chat window for the night. Good times and good memories. I was in a plywood break room at COP Sayed Abad trying to remember what a bottle of beer looked like.
That would be fun. I missed out. But I would have been willing to down a Shiner for you.
Just wondering, did ID-SARC have anything to do with the code money hippie chick’s payment?
Timbo really thought taking out Bin Laden 5 years ago makes us much safer today. Yanno, since nothing new in the wide world ‘o terrorism has developed since 2011…
I was glad when Pence shoved that up his smug ass a few seconds later.
That is baffling as there has been a Terrorist attack every year of Obama’s Rule. The ratings indicate the lowest viewing since 2000. I’m guessing most got sick of that asshat’s antics in the first 5min and turned it off. What a dipshit. Kaine acted just like that kid that got beat up every day in grade school. Ask Howie Dean what that was like, he knows quite well
I think it’s entirely reasonable to suggest we’re safer today with bin Laden gone than we would be if he were still around.
That’s not the same question as whether we’re safer today than we were five years ago.
Put differently, would you rather ISIS and bin Laden, or just ISIS? (I know it’s not ‘just’ ISIS, too, I’m just making the point that bin Laden’s death does arguably make us safer than if he were still alive.)
Howard Dean is forever the man with the weakest war cry. That is about all I remember him for anyway…
[…] Bread The Political Hat: Dissenters Purged From Venezuelan Civil Service This Ain’t Hell: Hey Timmie, You Really Showed Us Deplorables…, also, The Pentagon’s Transgender Handbook Weasel Zippers: NFL Sunday Night Football Ratings […]
If they would just let a third party candidate participate in these debates then all would be well. Sweet meteor of death would teach cheeto head and hilda a thing or two and he has a great platform too. Total annihalation. No more daesh, no more pooty poot, make America a burning inferno again. Sweet meteor, keep up the good fight. You’all get your chance at total Armageddon some day.
Like Gary Johnson who didn’t know where Aleppo is or Kim Jong-Un’s name? I at least want a candidate who is aware that the English Channel is not between Taiwan and China, and he ain’t it.
Yeah, well, Candidate Meteor doesn’t care about Allepp, or if you were a small orange dog on your head or if you’re a Disney anamatronic robot. He stands for one thing – imminent destruction. Pretty simple platform.
He was basically Triggly Puff in politician format.
Seriously what an obnoxious Moonbat.
Tim Kaine, you are an ass bag. You and Cankles can go and swap spit with each other.
Great ticket, Kaine and unable.
“Hey Timmie! The jerk store called. They’re all out of you!”
Pence was the first of Trump’s hires and gives us a look at the quality of the people he will be filling his administration with.
This is going to get even more entertaining, baffling, and quite heart wrenching to say the least…
I kept having to bite my tongue as my wife was telling me to shut up, she wanted to listen. I wanted to Gibbs slap the living shit out of Kaine, and it wasn’t out of respect. Even I knew more about both sides of the politics then Kaine did. Smarmy little prick bastard.
Kaine: the stupid little obnoxious fat kid who won’t shut up and go away
Kaine is a chode. The idea of Hillary as president is bad enough, but given her obvious poor health, the odds of the asshat Kaine being president are pretty good and that’s not good at all.