Tell Me Again How Vote Fraud is “Insignificant”
As I noted in a previous article, we hear all the time from certain circles that vote fraud is “insignificant”.
Well, maybe. But IMO, that’s not exactly how the smart money would bet – or what Norm Coleman would say about the 2008 Minnesota Senate election. Or what the late Coke Steverson would have said about the 1948 Senate primary in Texas, for that matter.
Well, we have a bit of new news on the subject. It seems that a group, Public Interest Legal Foundation, looked at voter registration in both Philadelphia and Virginia. What it found was disturbing.
Philly gave Public Interest Legal Foundation the “stiff arm” – the group had to file suit to get data. Apparently that reluctance on the part of Philly was for good reason. For years, the number of registered voters in Philadelphia has been nearly equal to the number of persons in the city eligible to vote. That alone is absurd on its face.
When they finally received data from Philly, the group found that in a 2 year period – 2013-2015 – at least 86 formerly-registered voters in Philadelphia had requested their voter registration be cancelled because they were not US citizens. Of those 86, 40 of them were found to have voted in at least one election.
Think about that for a moment. This group of 86 was only those who voluntarily came forward. That’s almost certainly only a tiny minority of the number of non-citizens still on the rolls unlawfully in Philly.
Public Interest Legal Foundation also found literally thousands of felons still on the voter registrations rolls. They were required by law to have been removed when convicted, but never were.
In Virginia, only 8 counties in the state responded to Public Interest Legal Foundation’s request for information. Still, in those 8 counties over 1,000 aliens not entitled to vote were nonetheless found on those counties’ voter registration rolls.
And unless things have changed, every one of those on the rolls had to have committed a crime to get there (or in the case of felons, had been convicted of a serious crime). I don’t ever remember registering to vote without also having to certify, under pain of perjury, that I was indeed a US citizen.
How did these illegal voters vote? Dunno; ballots are secret. But I think we can draw a reasonable inference about that from other information.
One major political party wants to ensure voting is clean by such common-sense measures as requiring positive ID to vote, and by strengthening checking of voter registration rolls. The other major party steadfastly opposes both of those common-sense measures.
That opposition suggests a motive. The nature of that motive should be obvious.
The Washington Free Beacon has an article today with more details. It’s worth a read.
I used to fear that we were turning into a banana republic.
Corruption in the DOJ. Vote fraud. Etc, etc, etc.
We have arrived.
With the recent decisions by Comey and Lynch to not prosecute Hillary, the conversion is complete. We are no longer a nation of laws.
“….Lynch to not prosecute Hillary,and the feckless Republicans not willing to impeach Lynch, et al……
Well…to quote the wicked bitch of the east…”at this point, what difference does it make”? Not one bit of difference to dumocraps! worked for bubba pervert, worked for obozo the creep…let’s pray it does NOT WORK for the wicked bitch of the east!!
There is a reason why democrats oppose all voter ID.
There is a reason why democtats passed the motor voter law.
There is a reason why democrats do not investigate voter fraud.
There is a reason Eric Holder dropped the investigation of armed Black Panthers outside polling stations in Philly.
Democrats benefit from from voter fraud and violating voter laws.
Gee – ya think?
As always, it’s okay when THEY do it!
They’re not doing it. They told us so. Why won’t you believe them? 😉
Surprise, another box of ballots were just discovered in a district that is overwhelmingly Democrat during the recount process in a very close (Gubernatorial, Senatorial, House-pick one) election. I wonder what effect that will have on the outcome?
Or, as happened in 1948 – a ballot box (Box 13) believed to contain proof of electoral fraud disappears during an investigation, never to be seen again. But only after previously been photographed in the possession of LBJ supporters. (smile)
The Box 13 caper, that got Landslide Lyndon elected to Congress.
Guess what minority group was involved, arguably without their knowledge.
The local owner of everything was noted for his ability to “vote the mexes”, this being a textbook example.
The dead were involved, as well.
Ah, the dimocrat playbook.
I didn’t recall seeing your last article, but this organization publicized info of 141 counties and their voter rolls. Dems are always going to poo-pop the facts, yet, here you have it!
Sorry – meant to link to my earlier article above, but forgot to do so. It’s linked now.
PS…it took me two years to get our names off of the IL voter rolls and back to NC.
Well, gee whiz, what’s new about this? Not much, except that in Virginia, dead voters were also being registered to vote. If an alert clerk hadn’t known one of the deceased, it might not have been discovered.
It was going on in VA back in 2012:
And some enterprising young guy named Andrew Spieles most recently attempted to get 19 registered voter IDs for himself:
and this:
Just warms the cockles of my heart to know that Chicago-style voting is going on in more and more places.
The only way it will stop is to start putting the organizers of such operating in prison, for years and demand a federal voter ID law using linked drivers licenses. They already have that info so it isn’t an invasion of privacy and it will ensure legal elections.
I know for a fact that the Wisconsin election was thrown in 2008 and especially 2012.
There were busloads of Illinois residents dropped off at voting places and given fake utility bills which allowed them to vote.
I think we can safely say that we are seeing the attack of tyrants upon our Republic.
As if the last 8 years wasn’t glaringly obvious.
Unless Bush wins, then Vote Fraud is a big deal.
Not even “vote fraud” so much as not allowing the Dems to selectively recount only the counties in Florida which would have given them the most favorable possible outcome.
BTW-I clearly remember the news broadcasting election results on election night 2000. Bush won North Carolina by like 14%, but it was declared “too close to call” by many outlets for hours. We know that neither candidate could have won Florida by more than 1000 votes, but the networks called it for Gore after the polls closed in the part of the state in the Eastern Time zone but, before the polls in the panhandle in the Central Time zone even closed. Guess which part of the state would most likely favor a Republican candidate.
The media knows exactly what they are doing in attempting to achieve a certain outcome. And the Dems know that as long as the media has their back, they can pull all sorts of shenanigans.
And they do that because “Psychologically” they found decades ago that people like being able to say they backed a winner. Bandwagon voting, if you will.
“Oh, he’s gonna win here? Damn, okay well then I’m voting for him!” Not necessarily an overwhelming number, but enough to get people to vote the way someone wants them to.
I could’ve easily voted twice in the military. Absentee ballot for my state of residency, in-person vote in AZ (Had a valid AZ address and AZ driver’s license, but still a resident of WY.). No one would ever know.
How long before we hear:
“The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.”
There are people walking around my area in Florida registering voters. They have approached me twice.
Florida has strict laws on voter registration laws. You have to have a form with you identifying you and the group you are associated with. You cannot use your own forms. They have to be forms generated and numbered by the Supervisor of Elections.
The people doing the registration met none of those criteria.
When I asked who they were with, one person wouldn’t tell me until I threatened to call the Police.
Both said they were with the Democratic Party.
Vote early. Vote often.
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! Samantha Bee actually just did a bit on the election and how voter fraud is such an insignificant thing, according to the “experts” who have studied it.
What experts? Prove it by showing your data, information, etc.
Where I live now, you can register to vote at town hall, at the county sheriff’s office, at the drivers licensing station when you change your address, or at several other facilities. But when I moved 11 years ago out of Cook County, I got a letter from the country sheriff asking me to confirm that I had made a permanent change of address out of Cook County. Of course, I said yes.
I thought it was odd at the time, then realized it had to do with jury duty more than anything else, but now I wonder if I’m still a registered voter in Cook County when I should not be.
talk about non citizens voting. My wife was called for jury duty twice before she had her citizenship. In the meantime I have never been called and I have been a registered voter for 52 years. They either have no clue what they are doing or they they don’t give a Red Rats Ass.
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