PFC Carlos Segovia passes

19-year-old Marine Corps Private First Class Carlos Segovia was murdered while he was on military leave in Los Angeles. He was at a stop sign on Friday when another vehicle pulled up alongside and one of the occupants shot him. Segovia was reported to be brain dead on Sunday and finally passed in the early hours today. From ABC7;
Segovia was not in uniform when he was shot, according to authorities. The family of Segovia contacted ABC7 using the hashtag #abc7eyewitness and said the 19-year-old was home on military leave from Camp Pendleton.
For several years, Segovia volunteered for a group that feeds the homeless, and six months ago, he became a U.S. Marine to serve the country he loves, his family said.
From Daily Mail;
His friend Andre Quezada added: ‘Being a Marine is a tough job, it’s tiring and the time that he does get to rest he doesn’t rest, he comes over here and helps volunteer for the homeless.’
Category: Blue Skies
Damn it – another good man lost.
Rest in peace, Private. You made a difference while you could.
God’s peace for your family and friends.
The pics at the UK Mail link tell a story worth knowing about this young Marine. Another great loss for the country. How much more good might this young Marine have done? God this sucks.
A good reminder to do what we can to help others today, because who knows what will happen before tomorrow?
Truly. I was thinking of that with the General Cone news. I think of that when I read “Another [X Number] Return.” We could live to be 100 and not do the good some men do by the time they are 19 or, for that matter, 59.
Something to keep us humble and focused, 2/17.
Rest in peace young warrior. God bless your family.
Well Well Warrior and little brother
Fair winds and following seas, Marine.
I hate to be the Devils advocate but did anyone think this may be gang related? Someone just walks up to his car and shoots him, does not seem right.
I hope I am wrong.
According to another article, he had been parked at his girlfriend’s house and a group of youths crowded around his car and he asked them to stay away from his ride. They think that triggered it. But, then again, I read stories everyday about people who get shot just for being in the wrong place.
“The LAPD said the shooting was not gang related….” That’s from the Daily Mail article. I understand that to mean that this was not a gang member v. gang member shooting. That, at least to me, doesn’t preclude the possibility that the shooter is a gang member.
You must be young, Kevin. Getting one’s bones, thrill killings, and just-because murders happen regularly.
Driveby shootings, not gang-related, happen in Chicago all the time. Watch WGNTV evening news. A six-year-old child playing on the sidewalk in front of her house while her mother watches is hardly gang-related.
So is Segovia’s murder gang-related? Unless we are told otherwise, it’s just more random violence in a violent world, Los Angeles or Chicago or wherever.
When was the last time LA or Chicago had a Republican mayor?
And: aren’t guns outlawed in both those burgs? Why did that stop the senseless murders?
Richard Riordan was supposedly a Republican.
Then again, so was Bloomberg.
We may all just have to agree to disagree on this one. “Gang related” can mean different things to different people evidently.
For myself, if gang members are involved, it’s gang related. If a lone member of a gang commits a crime because his/her gang encourages them to commit crime, it’s gang related. If a group of thugs gets their collective noses out of joint because an individual refuses to allow them to intimidate him, it’s gang related even if those thugs don’t have an adorable name, designer gang fashions, and tattoos.
The thing is, OWB, since police have no shooter, the police commissioner cannot mean that shooter was not a gang member. He chose his words poorly, no question about that. I think he meant to dispel any suggestion that the Marine was a gang member.
Where did I get commissioner from? Agggghhh.
I know that area a little better than I want to admit. That corner is about a mile give or take from the “old” LA MEPS.
To call that neighborhood a shithole would be kind. Right after I got out, the granddaughter of LAPD Chief Parks was murdered in the parking lot of the Popeyes behind the MEPS parking lot.
Believe me, I could give you some colorful descriptions of that area, but you probably wouldn’t believe me.
I was Carlos’ basketball coach and we remained very close, I’ve known him for years. He was like a son to me, and I was in the hospital with his mother for 3 days. I can absolutely assure you that he was not involved in gangs. Was the person who shot him a gang member? Probably. But he was not affiliated whatsoever. I want to make that perfectly clear.
Thank you for clarifying that. He is a true hero and warrior. That’s how he should be remembered, always. Temper Fi, RIP soldier. He proved to everyone good exists
Of course I meant to Spell Semper.
A life well lived, Marine. Rest easy, you did more than your share here.
I guess this Marine lived with a SEAL motto…the only easy day was yesterday…
Ahh Lord. Why? Why the fuckity fuck? Senseless fucking loss. We lost a good Man and Marine for nothing. For what? He may have ‘disrespected’ someone? G’Damnit, I’m pissed. And saddened. Going to bed. Stay vigilant. I’m out…
“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.”
― Ronald Reagan
Certainly the case for this young man. Rest in peace, Marine!
Rest In Peace, Young Warrior, you were taken from us far too soon.
May his killer(s) be found and their life or lives be made a living hell.
Rest In Peace, Brother, with the Grunts who have gone before. You made a difference and served us well over a short period of time. I think of what might have been and find great sadness in your loss.
Well this shit sucks…my condolences to his family and friends.
It appears a really solid, decent young man was shot by some shit bag who probably has a long arrest record and should already have been incarcerated…
It breaks my heart to hear about the good dying young. RIP Devil Dog.
Some things in life make no sense, as this. May the no good low life S. O. B. who shot him end up on his way to hell midway being accosted by a bunch of pissed off Marines. R. I. P. brother, your work is done. S/F
Peace to the Segovia family. They can be proud of the values they instilled in this young man.
Sure a shame. All we can do now is be grateful that our country is still producing such men.
When the Army and the Navy
arrive on Heaven’s scene,
They will find the streets are guarded
by United States Marines.
Rest easy, Marine.
Rest in Peace Marine. You left us too soon.