Clinton’s “medical episode”

| September 11, 2016

A number of media outlets have claimed that Hillary Clinton left the ceremony at 9/11 Memorial Plaza this morning because of a “medical episode”. From Fox News;

[Fox reporter, Rick] Leventhal said his source watched Clinton as she was standing on a street curb with her security detail while waiting for her motorcade.

As the motorcade was not expecting her as early as she had left, Leventhal said, the Democratic presidential nominee stood for two or more minutes awaiting the vehicles.

When the motorcade approached, Clinton “stumbled off the curb and appeared to faint” as she got into her van.

Clinton appeared to need assistance getting into the vehicle, Leventhal said, losing her shoe.

An aide grabbed the shoe as her van pulled away and gave it to the next vehicle in her motorcade.

Her staff said that she was “overheated” – at 10 AM, the temperature was about 78 degrees in New York City.

On Election Day, she’ll be 69 years old (October 26, 1947). Remember that Democrats told us that Dick Cheney was too old to be Vice President – he was 59 years old on Election Day, 2000 (January 30, 1941) – he left office a few days before he turned 68 years old..

Category: Breaking News

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2/17 Air Cav

On Friday, 9 September, the day that she is reported to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, Wide Load attended a fundraiser, an LGBT fundraiser, starring Babs Streisand, in which Wide Load vigorously repeated her statements regarding the “deplorables” who support Trump. She attended some security briefing earlier that day. Saturday, she had to have met with some campaign people in order to try to do damage control on the incendiary statements. The next day, she was overcome with the morning heat and was out on her feet, probably crapped her pantsuit, and was dragged into a getaway SUV. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Benghazi.

Silentium Est Aureum

And YouTube has scrubbed all the videos.

Nope, nothing to see here, kids! Move along!


Not exactly…..


” Zoomed into Hillary Clinton’s foot shows she out cold ”

2/17 Air Cav

CNN is calling her where-the-hell-am-I-and-who-crapped-in-my-pantsuit event a “swoon.” Yeah, and it’s chilly at Vostok Station, Antarctica.


I’ve seen one medical person speculating that she’s got “aspiration pneumonia” as part of her Parkinson’s or some type of stroke event:

It does explain a lot of what has been happening…

Climb to Glory


Some article I read a while back indicated pneumonia is symptomatic of some autoimmune disease like MS or Parkinson.
Have you seen the video of the metal that fell out of her pants leg?
Part of a leg brace that failed when she lost control of legs? They splayed out like someone that has lost control of motor function.
Probably overloaded the joint connection.
And entire crew be like “just another day at work”….


Who’s shittin’ who here? This will be the beginning of many a man & woman suspected of DUI or drug usage claiming, “But boss man, I had pneumonia!”

2/17 Air Cav

The Clinton lies. What cough? Oh, that was a seasonal allergy. Out on my feet? Oh no, I was fine, just a tad tipsy from the heat. And the emotion. Heat and emotion. I’m fine. Why did I go out to a meeting and a fundraiser the day after I was diagnosesd with pneumonia? Duty, Dense of obligation. Keep punching, I always say. Metal? I have no idea. I’ll have to have someone look into that! Other falls that I have had? Oh, just clumsy sometimes. Let’s talk about the issues…

2/17 Air Cav

New Clinton campaign story out today. Seems there has been a “bug” in the campaign with various and sundry employees and volunteers taking ill. I guess that’s the prep in case the pneumonia bullshit story fails.

2/17 Air Cav

Did I mention that Trump announced that he will be happy to release his medical records and that he’s fit as a fiddle?


You people are all moroons!

At this point why does it even matter?

Oh … and it all depends on what your definition of puemonia IS!

2/17 Air Cav

20 pts if you know Professor Longhair.


They’re hiding the fact that she has Parkinson’s Disease. ..


It appears that the press has nothing else to discuss. The dissection of this ‘event’ will continue to occur at all levels until it gets down to the tabloids at the checkout stands.

My response to this entire business is that if she can’t manage the stress of a political campaign, how is she going to manage a 24-hour-a-day job that has her pulled in 360 directions? The Reuters article addresses her desperate need for secrecy about her own issues, as well as her mishandling classified material. I think Trump’s speculation is right: she doesn’t have the stamina for the job, never mind this campaign.