Elisa Lazzarino; military service is indentured servitude
This has been passed around the social media recently. Elisa Lazzarino, who is apparently a political science grad student at North Carolina State University, thinks that the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) is being used to keep students passive;
Andrew Sheppard calls for the end of NC State’s ROTC program, arguing that “every semester that we continue to support these programs is another semester contributing to ongoing crimes abroad.” It’s remarkable that more than 15 years after the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and with the recent U.S.-led interventions in Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Syria, Sheppard’s appeal for an end to the militarization of the university remains alone.
US interventions? Really, Elissa? Remember our intervention in Kuwait, the one that you didn’t mention? We invaded the country and promptly gave it back to Kuwaitis. They’re pretty happy that we intervened. If we were really the imperialists that you think we are, Kuwait would have been one of the countries that we’d keep, for the oil. We intervened in Somalia because the Left, academia and the media, begged President HW Bush to intervene there. John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi intervened in Syria while President GW Bush was trying not to intervene – go talk to them.
The ROTC as an institution, as Sheppard rightly argues, promotes U.S. imperialism and makes NC State complicit in the failed war on terror. The empty patriotism that ROTC programs use to attract inexperienced and often financially disadvantaged recruits, when unquestioned, is a distraction from the unspeakable horrors that occur on the other side of the world.
Have you ever taken an ROTC class, Elissa? If you did, it might help you to understand the concept instead of your jingoistic sniping from the sidelines about “US imperialism” and “empty patrotism” whatever that is.
In addition to the injustice of war itself, the ROTC is in a unique position at large public universities like NC State to exploit poor and minority students, and contract them into military service in what is arguably a modern form of indentured servitude. In 2013, the Army announced that it planned to close 13 ROTC programs in the rural Southeast while increasing funding to urban programs with the explicit aim of attracting minority students. These targeted minority students are likely to come from low-income backgrounds, given the large intersection between ethnic and racial minorities and economic disadvantage. Students enrolled in ROTC programs receive funding from the military for tuition, books and monthly stipends on the condition that they serve after graduation. For students who have difficulty paying for college, this may be an attractive offer.
War is not just, however there are people in the world who use war to stay in power. You know, people like ISIS, the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Syrian government, the Houthi in Yemen. Who is going to stop them from turning the whole world into shitholes like their own countries if there is no US military? The Euros? Ha!
There are no “poor” students to manipulate in college. They become poor when they have to pay back their loans. Only the folks with a hint of foresight look for a way to pay for it, by choice, before the bills come due. By choice. Unlike airhead political science grad students who won’t be able to make enough money with their useless degrees to pay back the loans. Monthly stipends are sounding good right about now, aren’t they? I’ll bet she’d be the first in line if the government offered to pay off loans without any kind of service in exchange.
The inexperience of youth, combined with difficult financial circumstances gives the military a clear advantage in this transaction, and traps students inside a toxic culture of blind nationalism and violence. For these reasons, if NC State students care about the moral integrity of our university and our intellectual freedom, we have a moral imperative to abolish the ROTC on our campus.
The inexperience of youth is what prompts airhead political science grad students to pretend to tell us what the world needs to do. Without an officer corps educated in our finest universities, how do you propose that we defend our national interests, Elissa? Would you prefer an officer corps educated at the service academies exclusively? There’s another bloc of opinion-makers who want to close them, too.
I’m sure it’s just the sight of your fellow students in uniform becoming the leaders of the next generation is what upsets you most. In fact, it’s probably conservatism that is really your target in this blathering. Military officers tend to be more conservative than their peers.
Category: Politics
“Who is going to stop them from turning the whole world into shitholes like their own countries if there is no US military? The Euros? Ha!”
Oh, Jonn, you cynic!!!!
And I haven’t even had breakfast yet!
Look, I want peace and quiet, too. It’s the reason I moved away from Chicago: no more squads flying down Clark Street, sirens blaring in the night. But I also want to know that this country is protected from invaders.
I do wish these children had a strong, hard dose of reality dumped on them. I’ve simply run out of ideas about what ‘reality’ consists of now, especially after watching that richsuburbankid bimbo Keely Mullen’s interview by Neil Cavuto.
I’d hit it!
‘It’ appears to have already been hit. With a stick named ugly.
In fairness, she appears to have had a very punchable face before that, so you really can’t blame the stick.
You’d hit it because she’s ‘snazzarino’!
(See what I did there? You know, a play on ‘snazzy’? Oh, never mind…)
That arrogant, “I don’t know shyt” face is begging, BEGGING for a 2×4 right across the mouth!!……TWICE!
In five or six years she will have a two year degree in SJW. Good luck finding a job, perhaps the Air Force.
To quote Judge Smalls “The world needs ditch diggers”
or since it’s the 21st century “The world needs baristas”
Have fun paying off your student loan on THAT pay. And with your attitude, I wouldn’t count on the tips.
Unfortunately, most coffee places, e.g. Starbucks, pool tips.
The sad truth is, she would probably be welcomed into the officer’s core. The AF seems to accept many challenging young officers with an attempt to either change the man/woman or to change AF culture. I wish I could figure out which it is. Warheads on Foreheads?
ChipNASA, any words Senior?
Four years and counting.
Thank God colleges don’t give scholarships for sports that serve only to line the pockets of said colleges. Everyone knows that every college athlete has a fat pro contract waiting on them when they leave school.
Another SJW studying unicorn breeding and rainbow identification.
Wow. A long-winded idiot with delusions of genius who flaps her cock holster ad nauseam about something she doesn’t actually know jack shit about. I wonder if she’s related to Lars?
If Lars had a daughter…
However, we may have found him a wife/life partner/dominatrix.
For once, could we just let a brush war or occupation by a known dictator/human rights abuser to escalate and come to fruition without intervention to the west? Then urge the infiltration of the media so we can all see WHY we don’t want this to happen? Attribute this single test case and all the suffering and lost life on the whining of the Left.
We did – it’s called Syria, 2011 -> 2014, and it birthed ISIS, and that’s STILL George Bush’s fault, I guess…
You are correct. I totally skipped over that and have to take into account inactivity due to liberal political concerns as a viable motive. And, yes, if W even said Syria once in his presidency, it was his fault, I’m guessing.
She does realize it is all voluntary?
Unlike obamcare…
Except that obligated service. Pesky 4 year commitment making better than minimum wage with no student loans to pay for.
Terrible position for our young people to be in.
Of course, several nations mandate military service. Maybe the US should institute this “opportunity” for our youth to learn about being servant-leaders.
That photo of her has a condescending liberal smugness about it that makes me want to retch.
Exactly what I noticed. Pencil lips knows more than everyone.
Why, yes she does. Just ask her.
We need to get her off of the NCSU campus and launch her out into the ‘Real World’ so that she can commence her epic good works while she still knows everything.
I hear that there are some opportunities in The Sudan.
Throat punch
It makes me wonder who the two people are she is looking at.
“Don’t look at me, you got the Bug Eye!” – Dr. Peter Venkman
Am I the only one who saw this dipshit as Marty Feldman’s granddaughter?
Wow, did I get in a time machine without knowing it and wake up in 1968? Nah. Hey, fellow traveler Lazzarino, GFY!
I like how they always assume you have to be poor and uneducated to desire a college program from the military. As if you couldn’t be a middle class or affluent, smart, honor roll, top of your class kid who figured he’d let his government pay for his education in return for some amount of time out of his life to pay it back….quid pro quo as it were…
Then you have the real morons, guys like me who turned down scholarships for academics to join the infantry and find out if they were good enough…I don’t fit in her little box at all. I didn’t need the military to pay for college and I haven’t needed the military since the day I left.
I served because I felt it appropriate, I never expected anything beyond my monthly paycheck and, since I’ve honorably discharged my agreement with the military, we’re square in my mind.
It’s also refreshing to note that her voice seems singular in the desire to see ROTC removed from the campus. It’s good to remember one lone idiot doesn’t speak for all of her generation.
I joined the military to pay for college, then discovered I was pretty good at my Army job and turned it into a career. I wasn’t poor or uneducated or out of options. Best decision of my life. I now have a successful civilian career thanks to military training and have zero debt, student loan or otherwise. Good lucj with life, Elissa. If you ever venture beyond your safe walls of academia, the world is gonna tear you a new asshole and laugh.
Well, I would venture that she can find a pajama boi or two on campus who would agree with her, just to try to get in her pants. Gotta be one or two who love the smell of patchouli.
She must have been hung over in civics class or skipped to take a yoga class.
We do have an all voluntary military still, right?
Fucking bitch.
I wonder if your normal response would be way off base? 🙂
She doesn’t have the lips for that particular skill.
My knee jerk reaction was cocksucker, then I hesitated and chose fucking bitch.
Cocksucker could be considered a marketable skill. That rules her out. She has no marketable skills.
Wow. Dumb.
another indoctrinated jerk off from the SJW course of being stupid
Bet she wears underwear with dick holes
Playa hater!
Bet she doesn’t shave her underarms, her legs, and that her bush looks like a freakin’ rain forest.
And smells like patchouli.
Gorgonzola is a better bet.
Nicely struck, Mr. Lilyea!! OFS!!!!
Semen Demen for sure
nah a Hillary voter and carpet munching canyon yodeler
You have hit the nail on the head my post earlier was from my phone. Now I’m on my tablet
And the picture speaks for it self all the way
“These targeted minority students are likely to come from low-income backgrounds, given the large intersection between ethnic and racial minorities and economic disadvantage.” Is she talking about major college sports recruiting or ROTC there?
Dumb bitch. She’s going to have a worthless degree in Political Science and Cultural Studies. Good luck finding head hunters waiting for grads with that resume. And good luck in your career in insurance sales or underwriting. They’ll train anyone with a degree in anything.
She’s a spoiled little rich bitch that probably has the silver spoon shoved up her ass. Mommy and Daddy are probably classic helicopter parents and will do anything to keep their little “precious” safe from the evils of life.
Elisa needs a cunt punt… and life will eventually give it to her.
Seeing as how the majority of the military is white and in ROTC is similar, her data is obviously from the “everything American is imperialistic.com” and/or “only minorities join the military because they’re underprivileged.com” websites.
‘majority is white’ – not so sure about that MSG. When I commuted to work on the CTA (bus) in Chicago, I would regularly see black kids, girls and boys both, in JROTC uniforms, all of whom were eager to get a foot in the door to leadership and transferring the JROTC to college-level ROTC, without exception. There were a lot of them, and sharp as a tack smart, too.
I went to college in Western Massachusetts. I know these people. While they’re screaming about American Imperialism out of one side of their mouth, their screaming for US intervention in every third world crap hole were some social/racial/tribal majority is slaughtering a minority out of the other side of their mouth.
Ahhhh the people’s democratic repubic of massachusetts…..
Exactly! Constantly whine about the casualties of our intervention, yet they and their bleeding hearts are the reason we are intervening in every 3rd/2nd world sh!+hole.
I remember-and I will never forget it-when we went into Somalia due to the slaughter taking place there, they interviewed some crunchy 20 something who was engaged in some do-goodery there who said “I wish that the Army weren’t coming, but since they are they should hurry up”.
Karma definitely needs to serve up some well deserved throat punches.
I remember when Rwanda happened and Bill got spanked by the media because we did nothing. Similar situation to Somalia, but he did nothing when we could have. He was afraid of having more Soldiers dragged through the streets on TV.
Yet, he also had us going everywhere else around the world doing “peacekeeping”.
Clinton’s lack of testicular fortitude in Somalia and Rwanda helped legitimize and embolden a certain Obama bin Laden.
She looks like a smug, pathetic retard.
I’m sure my black Soldier who escaped his rural Mississippi town of 700 and is using his NG tuition assistance to pay for his engineering degree really feels unfairly targeted by the military. But hey, let’s cut off people like that in the name of social justice so that useless humans like Elisa can feel good about themselves.
Also, we need to stop US imperialism and oppression. So if you’re languishing in a commie prison in Hanoi on charges of mere thought crimes, or if Saddam Hussein’s thugs invaded your land, raped your wife and are preparing to murder you, or if Taliban lunatics burned your village to the ground and enslaved your children, or if you’re village was destroyed by a tsunami and you are slowly starving to death and in need of medical care, well, suck it buttercup! The most worthless citizens in the world’s strongest country need to massage their egos, and will therefore demand that we not come save your ass anymore.
Wait till her student loan comes due after she finishes her useless degree is social moronicity.
Funny thing about many college ROTC programs is that very few graduates get picked up for AD. Most do their commitment in the Reserves….
It used to be that you had to do 3-4 years of active duty after ROTC minimum. Since about 2000 they changed it so that you can do either Reserve or Active component obligations.
I could always tell an officer who did ROTC but went active duty for that 4 years and then came to the Reserve. Much different way about them than straight to the Reserves usually.
That is because they actually had to learn how to soldier 24/7 X 365 for four years or more if they had an ROTC scholarship. Having served on active duty for almost 6 years and 5 years in the NG and a Reserve unit, I can say that only having to attend a drill a month and summer camp once a year doesn’t compare to having every aspect of your existence controlled by Big Green all day every day for years. After ROTC, I thought I knew something about being a soldier, an officer and leader until I actually had to be one every day for years.
Same dumb hippy talking points used in most college papers about the evil military. I wonder if “the military is imperialistic and evil” type papers get an exemption for plagiarism since they all sound exactly the same and use the same bullshit data. Then again, who knows what the hell they are teaching in college these days.
The irony: She’s going to a “state” school, which means it is, at least, partially funded by the government.
Once she graduates, her most used phrase will be “would you like to try our pumpkin spice latte?”
The only skill she’ll have is memorizing which size cups correspond with short, tall, grande and venti.
And, we can have fun with her and her fellow baristas, when they ask for a name to put on the cup. Just tell them your name is Mike Hunt. Then wait to be called.
Y’all are being way too generous. She hasn’t the wit nor charm to work in view of customers. That poly sci major has dishwasher written all over her.
Dumb Bitch.
Precisely! She doesn’t care about the fact that these guys have a good shot at becoming leaders beyond the military. In fact, she probably thinks that folks like her have a bright future ahead, based on what her mentors and enablers have said, and on how they’ve interacted with her.
She may not understand it right now, but her mentors, who have lead her to this point, are fighting a perpetual war against the “evil” patriarchy. The military is patriarchal in nature. Patriarchy and conservativism go hand in hand in this country… as well as the extended OLD western civilization. Along with this patriarchy comes accountability, responsibility, foresight, looking at the bigger picture and planning for the bigger picture, etc.
Matriarchy is also included in the above patriarchy concept, and isn’t the corrupted version that the above Poli Sci student is arguing from. The old school matriarchy also forced people to use their brains and held people accountable for taking the right courses of action. Both work in conjunction, and in parallel, with each other. That matriarchy concept is also the target of these libtards’s perpetual war.
The military embodies this old school concept, and is a convenient target for attack and destruction (via social re-engineering among other things). Can’t go old school leadership on these young whipper snappers (patriarchal accountability holding), it creates a hostile environment. :rolleyes:
Elisa Lazzarino is just getting started and will join the ranks of many who are waging war against conservatism after she gets her graduate degree. Folks like her is what the media tries to parade off as “educated” when it comes to supporting liberals.
By her definition, I’m close to celebrating nearly a quarter of a century, cumulative, of indentured servitude. :rolleyes:
I’d say that graduating with a degree that has no actual real world application and no value on the job market coupled with a student loan debt in 6 figures would be a more accurate definition of indentured servitude. She sold her soul to be a social justice warrior and it takes the rest of your life to pay off that note as a barista.
I work in security, and something I have experienced for a long time (decades) is that if security is done right, then little or nothing bad happens. But then the people you are protecting don’t see anything bad happening and question why so much is being spent on security. If you don’t see anything bad, then you think there is nothing to worry about.
Elisa live in the protected cocoon of the US. She doesn’t see what a lot of the rest of the world lives with, only reads about in the news, and is “explained” to her by her teachers and peers. I will leave the related problems of SJWs for a different time, but the result is the same. They don’t see, or choose not to see, reality, and in their imagined view of the world go about telling others how things should be.
Those arguments don’t tend to be that persuasive with people/groups like ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, drug cartels, Putin, Assad, etc.
When I was in recruiting, the command had this huge amount of data compiled in what was known as the STEAM report. One of the major nuggets that struck me is that kids from families with incomes in the top quintile were in fact MORE likely to enlist than those in the lowest quintile, giving lie to only the poor join the military.
In fact, I would focus my effort on the middle class kid from a (relatively) stable home who was more or less bored in school anyway, and for whom college was a, “I’m going only cause my parents want me to go,” bit. Show them how to pick up college AND a trade, and yeah, they became some of the best DEPpers, and more successful folks when in.
This chick? She probably fucks up half the lattes she makes.
She seems rather opposed to minorities having a path to move up.
She seems to think that minorities are too dumb to understand the world without her “help”.
And yet she proably sees herself as a champion of minorities, as long as they do not compete for places at the top and defer to her directives.
“a champion of minorities, as long as they do not compete for places at the top and defer to her directives.”
That’s the real definition of “white privilege”.
Stank. Ass. Hippy.
Splash out.
Can we please get a repeat with a mix of VT and quick fusing this time?
Napalm. Lots and lots of napalm.
Along with plenty of Mk82 Snakeyes.
“Snake and Nape” is always a good solution to persons who are a problem. Then you can send in a BDA team to check for “crispy critters.” Anyway, that is what an F-4 driver told me once in the O Club at Da Nang AFB.
How about VX vs. VT?
(see what I did there?)
“… increasing funding to urban programs with the explicit aim of attracting minority students..”
Next week she will complain about the lack of minority representation in the officer corps, and this passage will be consigned to the ‘memory hole”.
That’s what bothers me. The usual suspects complain that the armed forces don’t “reflect the face” of the country. When the DoD generates programs to encourage minorities to enlist, they’re taking advantage!?
Make. Up. Your. Minds.
Don’t expect consistency from lefties-they aren’t trying to argue in good faith. That’s a win/win position for them as both sides of the argument are critical of an institution they despise.
Their whole worldview is pretty much mendacity and hypocrisy-but it unfortunately seems to work with far too many of the masses.
My best three years in the Air Force? The three years I spent at Duke University (Durham, NC, just a few miles from NC State) as an AFROTC Instructor. Great kids, beautiful campus, and very satisfying assignment. I don’t remember “forcing” anyone to join (and Duke was way more expensive). Everybody was a volunteer and many (from my last class in particular) made it a career. Elisa can go pound sand. Hey Elisa, I’d like fries with that.
‘exploit poor and minority students, and contract them into military service in what is arguably a modern form of indentured servitude.’
But, we’re going to get sand in our collective leftist vajayjay because there isn’t enough minorities in the Officer Corps.
Fuck me, right?
Is there a course entitled, “Independent and Critical Thinking” in any of these vegetable gardens called schools?
It would be just wonderful if we all could be as smart as Elisa. Sweet, sweet, smug, smart, little Elisa. Let’s just give Elisa a big “Thanks” for all she’s done for our nation. regards, Alemaster
Indentured Servitude:
Is any portion of my paycheck having been taxed to pay for any aspect of that racist shit’s life.
Mrs. Pineywoods will like to know if her brain has been fried from the usage of some illicit drugs.
Douchebag….first class.
I have two things:
All military personnel , vets included, make up less than .5% , so it seems like ROTC isn’t too much of a problem.
AND,,, was Elisa born male or female? I’m only asking because that picture could go either way and damn sure don’t want to offend anyone now that we have so many genders to “choose” from.
What a stupid bitch. These “educated” assholes are so delusional and try to come off as worldly. They might get their motivation for this stupid shit from home, but I think more often than not its cowardly and radical college professors filling the heads of these kids
[…] PSA – No Jews=Ethnic Cleansing The Political Hat: Socialist On The Run This Ain’t Hell: Elisa Lazzarino Argues Military Service Is Indentured Servitude Weasel Zippers: Bill Clinton Mocks “Coal People” Of Kentucky, West Virginia For […]
In 1985 I had a t-shirt made that sais “The Navy, it’s not just a job it’s an indenture”
Who knew I was 30 years ahead of the curve? Not to mention, that since the Navy took my non-degreed, semi-hippy butt and trained me to the point that my still non-degreed butt makes 6 figures in a technical field, far more than her stank ass will make with her toilet paper degree
Elisa Lazzarino, waste of financial resources and instructional performance.
I dare her to join the military and survive boot camp.
Another product of the “Happy-huggy everyone gets a hug and a trophy” mentality, I wonder how much of her “education” has been paid for via loans and grants from our hard earned money taken by the government?
Looks much like the daughter on the defunct Rosanne (ugh) show. A lot …
” … use to attract inexperienced and often financially disadvantaged recruits …” Well, hell, of course they are often financially disadvantaged recruits. I doubt these are, for the most part, those who have available an endless number of grants, a big-bucks daddy, teacher assistant stipend, etc. Are you suggesting those financially disadvantaged should not be afforded an opportunity to rise from poverty? Are you bitter b/c you were denied enlistment due to a disqualifying condition? Do you become jealous and bitter as they walk past and you enviously watch them with their tanned, sinuous bodies from your ‘safe space’? Does it bother you they are mostly men? Have men shunned you b/c they prefer to interact with those of their own species? You know, other humans. Have you wakened one morning and found a chewed off arm under you? Sorry, dearie, I see those in ROTC and consider them to be what is best in America. I see you and those like you as the worst. You wouldn’t want to deny them opportunity, would you? Isn’t equal opportunity a component of the liberal manifesto? Now get inside your safe space and watch the men with their obvious testosterone and sinuous bodies as they walk past. Sucks to be so angry you would be jealous of those rising above their station in life. Or do you want to keep them ‘in line’?
And BTW, what exactly does ‘inexperienced’ mean in your diatribe? Inexperienced at what? Give them a break; they are mostly late teens/early twenties. What degree of experience would you have them possess? I’m thinking you wanted ‘unsophisticated’ but your mind was too inexperienced to come up with it.
I guess she’d rather they stick to flippin burgers, cash register operations, stock clerking and other entry level low paying jobs…you know, cuz she never served, but just knows stuff.