Russia’s Military Gets “Frisky”, Part 5
Well, looks like Putin decided it was time to give the POTUS the finger yet again.
Yesterday, a Russian SU-27 “buzzed” a US reconnaissance jet over the Black Sea. The incident occurred 40 miles from the Russian coast.
This time, it’s estimated that the Russian aircraft passed within 10 feet of the US aircraft, a Navy P-8 Poseidon.
The incident occurred while the US SECSTATE, John “Christmas in Cambodia” Kerry, is attempting to negotiate with Russia concerning a cease-fire in Syria. Gee, you don’t suppose this incident was intentional, and intended to send a message – do you?
There’s no word on whether the pilot of the Russian aircraft gave the US crew the finger – or mooned them – during the close approach. But if he had, that would have been apropos.
Hell, Putin’s been doing that to the current POTUS and his gang of sycophants for years now. They don’t seem to mind.
And Lord knows, there haven’t been any consequences for Russia for doing that.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Foreign Policy, Military issues, Navy
They are just getting their kicks while they can. While we still have a Wussy in Chief.
In view of what the Russkies have been getting up to lately, it makes one wonder if the assignment of HVACAP (High-Value Asset Combat Air Patrol) aircraft to escort these U.S. reconnaissance aircraft has been considered yet.
Oh wait. Silly me. That might be misinterpreted as us actually being willing to defend ourselves. Can’t have that.
What was I thinking?
Unusual, but not unheard of.
Had a fighter from a country which shall remain nameless put its wing right over our wing. After a bit the pilot moved ahead of us and then fired of his afterburner “thumping” us. Shook the shit out of us.
This happened around 1985.
Clearly, Vlad and the Iranians don’t care about our feelings and seem to enjoy bullying us. This is hurting our self esteem tremendously, and it’s only getting worse. Just look how the Chinese treated oBaMa (saying in effect, get the hell down on the tarmac your own damn self) and what the president of the Philippines said of our Great Leader (‘You are a sonofabitch.’) Enough is enough. It’s time to get serious and take action–civil action.
I know what’s needed: a tolerance trophy. Whenever an Iranian kayak makes a US vessel alter course, the Iranians take our riverine patrol personnel captive without opposition, or a Russian fighter buzzes another of our ships, the officers in charge get a Tolerance Trophy. Yeah, that’s right! Let’s make some lemonade! That’ll show ’em how we deal with bullies.
Let’s build a campfire, sing some songs, keep the giant alien cockroaches away.
That’s the ticket. After all, they only come out at night.
Damn. It’s like watching the kids on the school bus point at the one kid who talks one of the girls into letting him use her eyelash curler (true story) where everyone can see him. And then he wonders why everyone makes fun of him.
I guess the message was ‘we fart in your general direction’, eh? Someone has already made castanets out of his testicles.
Did Hillary Clinton pass on that “reset button” to John Kerry? Now that Obama is not running for reelection, he can show Putin how flexible he is as Putin breaks it off in his ass.
Our feckless Nobel Prize recipient on another apology tour. Only if Vladamir could get rid of the 22nd Amendment & keep sad sack Barry in place.
Americans are lazy, huh?
Well, he should know. He’s the laziest self-serving asshole on the planet.
Nice to know he goes abroad and insults this entire country. I am SO glad I did not vote for that asshole.
When is he leaving. I will be so glad when he is GONE!!!!
Shut your mouth you POS POTUS bitch!
Holy shit. What an asshole. This is the president of which country? Cripes. And, hey, if that’s not bad enough, just look where his watch is on his arm. Phukker has such sissy wrists, the last whole in his watch band doesn’t make the watch stay put. It’s half way up his girl arm.
The w is free. Discard if you don’t want it.
It’s not your fault, Cav. The extra W is from seeing the word “asswhole” used repeatedly on an unrelated thread. It’s seared, seared into your brain.
I even told the non combat wounded veteran that I would cover the costs of enrollment in a remedial grammar class.
Every time he said ASSWHOLE, all I could think about was Meet The Fockers.
At this point, I almost don’t even blame the fucking Russians. What has Obama done thus far that hasn’t made things worse? At least Comrade Vlad has decided to kill some fuckers.
Vlad is just doing the same thing most of us here do on a regular basis.
He’s sending heartfelt “FUCK YOU’s” to Barry and Lurch.
Bonus points to the Russian pilot if he did it inverted.
…And took a Polaroid… 🙂
well, it’s not like a glorified 737 is gonna do much to an SU. But 40 miles out in the Black Sea is international waters by pretty much any definition. Sure would be nice if there was a way to blow a bunch of chaff back into the SU intakes.
Blow a bunch of chaff into the SU intakes…
Yeah, but that’s not even noticeable unless the US plane gets ahead of the Russki. Better to load up with something special and leave spray paint on the Russki’s canopies.
I like the idea of taking touristy photos, e-mailing them to Vlad with a letter asking him “Is this your plane?”, and flipping the bird, too. But then, I’m more likely to tell Vlad ‘идти играть в дорожном движении’ or maybe even “ли ваш отец еще украсть?”
But that’s just me.
No. We need to quit trying to provoke the bear. We have enough other issues that they have failed to solve at this point.
According to the linked story, the DoD refused to comment on Russia’s claim that the aircraft didn’t have their transponder on. What they did say was that keeping the transponder on wasn’t a “mission requirement” or some such.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Hell, we’ve seen all this before back during the Cold War. I don’t know why people are getting their knickers in a twist over it.
Why do I respect the Russian leadership more than our own? They are Russian patriots advancing their nation, but we have this bunch of globalist pansies… This is such an infuriating state of affairs…