Thursday morning feel good stories

| September 8, 2016

Slim pickin’s this morning, folks;

Daniel Bingaman, 28-years-old, needed 25 staples in his empty skull when a homeowner in Cambria County, Pennsylvania asked him leave after he broke into the home. The homeowner punctuated his requests with several swings at Bingaman’s cranium with a golf club.

In Bartlett, Tennessee, 39-year-old Jeremy Scott threw a log through a homeowner’s window. The homeowner, startled by the sound, confronted young Scott while he was climbing through the window. Unfortunately for him, the homeowner was an off-duty cop who fetched her gun and fired at Scott. He changed his mind about committing his crime and ran off where officers found him laying in a driveway screaming how God is coming back and folks should know.

In Palm Bay, Florida, you have to read between the lines of the article; a man who was not a resident of the home was found DRT (dead right there) by police. The resident was there, too, when the police arrived. The police are not looking for a suspect, and “it’s unclear the relationship between the deceased and the homeowner.”

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

A golf club to the head can cause one to need 25 staples to hold his bean together. But a bullet can leave one laying on the ground, waiting for the coroner. Other peoples homes, lives and property are not there for the taking.

Doc Savage

9 iron vs. 9 mm… many choices these days.

B Woodman

Is there a 45 iron?


I think Tiger Woods ex-wife used one of those on his coconut a few years ago.

Roger in Republic

I’d say that a 3 wood might be close. Loft is not a consideration for a “head shot”. Mass and head speed are the important measurements.


Yankee golfer, getting in the last swings before the snow….


Fair warning to all perps:
I don’t golf. But I do work on trucks and have breakover bars that are much better than a 9-iron.

But, that said, I have assorted tools whose sizes are measured in the units called “caliber” – and prefer to use those rather than risk bending a breakover bar over a cranium.


I bet that yak up in TN thought the hand of God took a swipe at him


I think that unclear relationship could be clarified as “shooter” and “non-electric pop-up target”.

Re the breakover bar – carry a breakover bar and a socket that fits your lug nuts in your car and no cop in the world can accuse you of carrying a weapon without a permit… “it’s for my tires, dude”. I will say however that when the wife rolled my car Saturday that the loose breakover bar was attention-getting on its way by.