Chlorine gas attacks in Aleppo

| September 7, 2016

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and medical folks have told Associated Press reporters that Syrian government and Russian jets have dropped chlorine gas on civilians in Aleppo, Syria earlier this week. They say that ten people were killed and 70 have been treated for breathing difficulties.

Accusations involving the use of chlorine and other poisonous gases are not uncommon in Syria’s civil war. The report could not be independently verified and it was not clear how it was determined that chlorine gas was released.

It seems to me that, if these attacks were real, it crosses over some sort of “red line” or something.

[W]hen the administration suspected that the Assad regime was contemplating the use of chemical weapons, Obama had declared: “We have been very clear to the Assad regime…that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”

That was three years ago and not an election year, though. But, hey, these reports are common, too common to check out every one – despite any goofy red line.

Category: Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

“a whole bunch of chemical weapons” That doesn’t come within 1000 yards of sounding right, does it? And that red line has been a personal fav of mine for years. Loves the Red Line. Next stop, Union Station.


Can we blame Bush?


From the Atlantic article: Friday, August 30, 2013, the day the feckless Barack Obama brought to a premature end America’s reign as the world’s sole indispensable superpower….

The world will little note, nor long remember, anything this feckless fool ever said. Instead, the world will wonder what the hell was wrong with people who voted for him.


Most of us wonder that now.

But then, we have the Thomas Reister (who is not a war hero) and the Bad-breath Bernath (who is still not allowed to practice law) type of folks we see here daily, we get an inkling of what is wrong with the B-0 devotees.

Dave Hardin

Ok, here we go with equations.

So if Barack is the name of Mohammad’s horse then:

B = HM

And if Russia is aiding Syria with chemical weapons and that will change the equasion then;


Since B = HM a change to either is one in the same.

1 = 1


1 + Δ = 1HM/ (RS+CW) * 0

Since we can measure the amount of give a shit Russia has in real terms expressed by 0 then we can solve for Δ

Δ = 0

The change in policy Muhammads Horse will make is exactly congruent with what comes out of his ass…


Hey-you can’t argue with science. I say we get some sort of consensus and run with it.

Roger in Republic

99 percent of those responding(N=X) agree. The theory is confirmed. All deniers will be tossed from an Ivory Tower.


HD, you forgot to carry the 1. Therefore Delta=0=Square Root of -1.

And then the universe imploded, and no one noticed.

Einstein grins.


Obama doesn’t see this as a “real” chemical attack. They’re not using the traditional chemical warfare agents like nerve, blister or blood. They’re using drums of chlorine that the U.N. probably bought for them to use in their water systems.

BTW – a regular protective mask won’t save you when exposed…


It simply wasn’t “a whole bunch” of chemical weapons.


“A whole bunch”? Is that another technical term? What is wrong with odd ass…..err…ass odd….err…assad….that he gases civilians that are not even rebels…he doesn’t care as long as he gets to kill someone today….why doesn’t one of their patiots take him out?


‘a whole bunch of chemical weapons’ – If that is not weapons-grade stupidity, then what is it?

Anyone have an answer to that question? Anyone? Bueller?


Well, what I’ve heard is that ‘a whole bunch of chemical weapons’ is actually a little-known strategic unit of measurement that is only taught in the highly exclusive “I Want To Be President Someday Because I Know More About Everything Than You Do” course that is offered periodically to select liberal/Marxist students at Harvard University and other Ivy League institutions of higher learning. Selection to attend this course is extremely rigorous (i.e. radical leftist politics and extreme overt cluelessness is a must), and once one is admitted, then one’s academic records are sealed and exempt from public scrutiny. Forever.

So it goes without saying that if none of us knows what ‘a whole bunch of chemical weapons’ means, then we simply don’t deserve to know. Those who need to know, already know. That’s how it works.

Now everyone just do as you’re told, move along, and don’t ask any more questions.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m sure the Russians and Syrians will explain this is part of a new government initiative to purify water throughout the country with airborne chlorification canisters. It was simply a mistaken drop that hit the dirt instead of landing in a nearby water source.

2/17 Air Cav

B. Hussein Obama, the internationalist, The One, the Nobel Peace prize recipient, the leader of the increasingly less Free World, is a laughingstock. Putin has owned him for several years. The Chinese made him step from Air Force One using the plane’s butt stairs, rather than roll up the stairway for him, and the president of the Philippines called oBaMa a son of a bitch. Assad will still be in office (Allah and Putin willing, of course) when oBaMa is hanging out in gay bars in Georgetown.


This is use of a small bunch of chemical weapons, not a whole bunch, therefore we will turn a blind eye, just like when we found all the evidence of chemical and biological weapons labs in Iraq and they weren’t WMDs because they weren’t radioactive.


The Zero’s bluff was called.

He “strategically advanced toward the rear.”

Putin and Assad smile and strut.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

If you were one of those dopes who voted for Obama, (either once or twice), here is another instance of him not standing up to someone, just backing away like the Wussy Puss that he is. Just as you can find no valid reason that you voted for him, you will use the same empty head to vote for “The Vagina”.


Frankie, I’m deeply concerned about your irresponsible use of the term “The Vagina”. It’s just not accurate. A Vagina serves a purpose and can be a truly wonderful thing! What you refer to is more of a Cunt. Capitalization intended.

Lurker Curt

What he said


Although I prefer to avoid that “C” term it does seem apropos.

But then, I prefer to avoid the individual to whom the term applies.

And I share the view of SFC D about the irresponsibly used term as well…


I don’t often use the “C” word myself, but it seemed appropriate.


Does he HAVE to let the entire world know what a stupid ass he is, every damned day?


I think the answer to that is evident.


Part of his OCD*.

*Obsessive Crap Display.


Is this a trick question?


Damn Mess


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a bullshit organization that advocates for Islamists.


As we learned in Iraq, there are no such things as chemical weapons or WMDs of any type, anywhere in the Sandbox. That is just the conservative military industrial complex drumming up business or Bush fanboy types. [looooong sarcastic snicker for a nice impression of leftist reaction]