VA OIG investigation of Director of Denver VARO

| August 24, 2016


Someone dropped this document in our inbox this morning. It’s a report by the Veterans’ Affairs Department Office of the Inspector General of the time the current Director of the Denver VA Regional Office, Melanie Renaye Murphy, didn’t bother to show up for her work.

VA OIG investigation

I’ll summarize some of the findings; During her time in the position, she habitually showed up late for work 508 days out of 1000 days between 2011 and 2014 (the year she was appointed to her current position). Of those days that she came to work, she showed up for work at least 30 minutes late 90 times. She also claims that she teleworked for 180 days but could not prove exactly what she was doing while not at the office.

Murphy work days

The VAOIG concluded;

Ms. Murphy misused her official time by frequently arriving late to her duty station between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2014. Although she was permitted to flex her day by up to 15 minutes, we were unable to determine if she worked later to compensate for her late arrivals, whether 15 or more minutes. Further, this time was not entered into her ETA. As a senior leader, Ms. Murphy is held to a higher standard and should set the tone for her subordinates to follow, and arriving late to work over 70 percent of her workdays diminishes her position and authority as a senior leader.

We also found no or insufficient records to support her arrival at the facility or that she worked the entire day for 14 identified workdays. Subsequent to our interview with her, Ms. Murphy amended her ETA to retroactively take leave for 2 full days and 7 partial days not related to these 14 days. We gave Ms. Murphy ample opportunity to provide evidence that she worked these unaccounted for days, and the most she provided us was one email or email chain for 5 of the days in question. Although she may have worked extended hours to compensate for these days, she failed to properly record her time through the use of VA Form 5631 or in the ETA as required by VA policy.

Additionally, we found that Ms. Murphy improperly teleworked for about 6 months. She not only failed to take the required training, she split her workday to care for a family member and did not take the appropriate paid and/or unpaid leave to cover her personal travel time and the time she spent caring for the family member. Ms. Murphy, as the most senior leader within that facility, has a duty and responsibility to set the highest possible example for her workforce by adhering to Federal laws and regulations, as well as VA policy. Unfortunately, she failed to establish a culture of accountability for time and attendance, and time and attendance recordkeeping was too lax to provide an accurate accounting of the time she worked.

Moreover, we found that Ms. Murphy and her staff improperly used a local credit hour policy, which was contrary to VA Policy. Employees maintained an off-the-books credit hour spreadsheet, did not notify supervisors in advance when credit hours were accrued, and did not record these hours as required in ETA. In addition, the former VARO Director, Ms. Murphy, and the Assistant Director failed to establish a culture of time and attendance accountability, which is a primary responsibility of senior management.

So, that was just one employee in the Denver office, the director, but the OIG discovered that the problem was office-wide, probably because the director provided such a stellar example for her subordinates. The report was circulated to leadership in the VA two months ago, and all indications are that Ms. Murphy still occupies her position as director of the Denver VARO.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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I’ll leave this here. Seems appropriate.


She’s a political appointee?


No, directors are not political appointees.


And, yet, the best job that a veteran can get at the VA is as a GS-5 janitor. Honestly, if they would dump 90% of the GS-13s – GS-15s, and hire veterans who have some leadership and management skills, a good part of the problems that veterans are having with the VA would disappear overnight.

Jacob Marley

Do you really think GS-05 custodians have the necessary knowledge of federal laws and procedures to adjudicate claims? Seriously?


With all due respect, that is an assumption like the previous assumptions. IME No one is sainted by humble pay grade nor is anyone a scallywag by a virtue of occupying a lofty position.


No. What I’m saying is that, recently, it has been extremely difficult for veterans to be hired by the VA, to the point that a large number of the veteran hires that the VA touts are actually at the GS 5 through 7 positions, with a good number of the supervisory positions being restricted to existing VA employees (i.e., recently retired or released veterans)


So the VA employees should not be developed once they are already there? They should simply work with the understanding that if a veteran shows up with less VA experience they should just nonetheless plan on occupying their current position? That doesn’t exactly sound fair either.

Veteran’s preference is just that, preference. It’s not a free ride into an organization free of competition relevant to current KSAs.

I’m not sure one way or another about what you’re saying without a bona fide example though. Your statement at face value is ambiguous.


How many of those VA employees you’re speaking of are possibly also veterans?


Depends on the job, I was picked up as a GS11/12 position. Also depends on office and skillset. My office seems to only hire vets in capital region.


Boy, how did we ever get through all those laws and regs we had to adhere to as a lowly enlisted?

Fuck off


At my building, cleaning is contracted out by the General Services Administration (GSA) and those contractors are required, I believe, to hire exclusively severely disabled people with a strong preference for Vets. The author and the article lack credibility merely by the title and so I’m not going to bother reading cheap shots like that. Btw, you’re violating this director’s privacy by reading past the privacy statement. Also, the OIG makes charges, I hope you respect rights of the accused more than you respect privacy. The House of Representatives Committee on VA doesn’t respect those rights much and I wouldn’t be surprised to see this director subpoenadaed and humiliated while pleading the 5th. Republicans will do anything to attack the Democratically controlled executive branch and vice versa. Are you sure you want a job in the government? You’d have to be pretty dedicated to helping Veterans receive what the law allows and be honorable enough to avoid breaking the law by not approving a poorly documented claim. Not to mention tolerating cheap shots like the article you’re referring to.


Nice to see my tax dollars being wisely used.

When is she getting fired? EVER????

charles w

You should see the uncompleted new VA medical center. I drive by it a couple times a year to go to CU Medical Center.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

If the staff is committing fraud, how could we expect them to look for fraudulent subscribers? What senior leadership does, sets the standard for the rest of the employees. There should be no appointed positions, none, and all slots, from janitor to senior leaders should be advertised among the veteran community. There are enough veterans to fill the slots with honest people.

Green Thumb

Promote immediately!


Fuck Up, Move Up!

Hack Stone

She was using that time off to fly that EPA CIA agent around on his missions.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Why do any federal agencies have an IG? What’s the point in investigating something when shit gets done about it? I say disband the IG offices so that money can be spread load among the fuckwits.


Agree. Seems to be just a gaggle of bureaucrats protect their own, and other bureaucrats` position in upper echelon (GS-13+above) management gigs. It`s a wonder that any of us EVER get timely medical care.


Might as well do away with the FBI also.

William Shrum

I agree with you whole heartedly, it has been over a year since my scumbag brother was exposed for his scams and the IG or FBI have still done nothing and he is still getting his 3K a month with his phony PTSD bullshit! I keep praying someday they will bust him!!


Veterans? What veterans and who gives a shit about them as long as I get mine. (My idea of her thoughts abut her duties.)



I’ve got a buddy who retired from the Marine Corps a few years ago (combat veteran; multiple combat tours in OIF/OEF), and he’s got several significant confirmed, well-documented service-connected health problems that he needs help with. He’s been seeking assistance from the VA, yet he never seems to get anywhere with his claims. They always seem to need “just one more thing” from him in order to continue to process his pending claims. The bureaucracy appears to be impenetrable, and he’s frustrated beyond description.

Which makes me want to punch my fist straight through this computer monitor whenever I read yet another report about the ongoing overt laziness and malfeasance of VA officials like Ms. Murphy, while my buddy continues to be denied what he justly rates as a veteran.


Have him contact the DAV service reps. They do an AMAZING job with getting through the VA and they do it for free.


What is a DAC rep?


DAV if that’s what you meant is Disabled American Vetreans
I hope that’s what you meant


Yes, thank you. I hit C by mistake, it’s right next to the v.



USMCMSgt (Ret)

Like ChipNASA suggested, have him try a DAV rep. If he already went that route and isn’t having any luck, I’d certainly be glad to help. (I’m not a DAV rep, but have figured out the kinks and requirements).

I’ve helped about 10 folks here in Northern Virginia process their claims through the Roanoke, VA office and everyone one of them went through without a problem.

(Now, that’s not to say whether or not the VA Regional office there does very well, but I’m willing to help)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep this is why I so enjoy having my own business, I get to make the rules and enforce the rules. I answer to myself, my employees answer to me….

We are very flexible with all but machine operation, the equipment needs to run 16-20 hours a day so the start and stop times for each shift are fairly rigid, but we do offer 10 hour day 4 day workweeks and we do pay night premiums on the equipment work for exactly this reason…

This individual seems to have realized no one was watching the shop because she was supposed to be watching the shop. So, yeah she may have taken “advantage” and she still has her job so clearly her behavior wasn’t so egregious as to warrant termination.

Isn’t government work great?


I need to get a VA job holy crapola


Ain’t that the truth Skippy! Talk about easy money.

Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)

Sparks do you remember those old V8 juice commercials


Yeah shes a bad gurl….I’d hit it btw.

But it doesn’t mean all federal employees suck. Saying so is succumbing to the same mentality of the a-holes that want to restrict your ability to own a gun every time some nutjob commits a crime with one.

And nobody is entitled to a job for just being a veteran. It is a consideration additive to your other KSA’s.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yeah shes a bad gurl….I’d hit it btw.

Not much work required either, wave a couple of Twinkies in her face and she’ll follow you like a puppy after bacon….although bacon might work for her as well…

3/17 Air Cav

I played baseball against SF State back in 1970. It was extremely liberal, even by San Francisco standards!


Melanie Renaye Murphy is a fatty fat fucking disgrace who needs to be bitch-slapped.




Fuck, my bad!



I have an opinion re upper-level VA leadership. I’m thinking, to the greatest extent possible, senior VA leadership, both in DC (Disgusting Cesspool) and locally, should be represented by retired military personnel and veterans. Those who have demonstrated an ability to getrdone. Those who have that ‘be to work on time and stay until the workday is over’ thingee down to a science.

Just a thought …


Assistant Director: Christopher Holly

– Mr. Holly retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He served 24 years in the United States Army as an Infantry Officer, Master Parachutist and a Ranger.

Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Officer: Jim Ziruolo

– Mr. Ziruolo served in the Air Force/Air Force Reserves for 22 years. During that time, he logged 3,500 hours of flight time as a C-130 Flight Engineer.

These folks work there with Ms. Melanie. Doesn’t look like they are employed as Janitors.


Fully 70% of the staff at the Denver RO are Veterans.


Article from 2010. There was something that I read within the past few months that specifically mentioned a large number of the VAs veteran hires were at the GS 5-7 pay scales.


Hired at GS 7, yes. Stay at GS 7, no. Most new hires are for what they call career ladder positions. That’s true in all of government. They progress from GS 7 to GS 9 then to 10 or 11. Each progression occurs after one year along as employees are at the full performance level. Some positions advance as high as GS 13, usually scientific or professional positions as in engineers and lawyers. Also, they are not going to take a chance on hiring someone without a 4-year degree because they may not have the necessary writing and math skills. More Veterans getting degrees would help to increase Veterans at the VA above the current 50+ percent.


That article at face value is pretty biased and makes a lot of assumptions.
It also makes no specific listing of the veteran’s KSAs compared to the requirements of any single position.

Also why should a job be exclusively for veterans? By EEO standards that seems unfair unless the KSAs can only be gained with completion of a military specialty of some sort. Veterans preference should be just that.

The article doesn’t even mention the standard of veteran’s preference only highlighting that only some 50 jobs were veteran exclusive.

It also states only 17% of the 3k jobs were exclusively for lateral moves by current VA employees.

To me that means vets could apply for 2490 of those jobs, receive veteran exclusive consideration for 50 and veteran’s preference for 2440.


Veteran’s preference IMO should not get anyone a job they are not qualified to perform.


Couldn’t agree more.


People outside federal jobs seems to think vet preference gets you the job automatically. Pretty mich have to have resume and ksa to match the job. Only way a person can get hooked up is good ole system which happens at some VA hospitals but I got into VA based off my federal experience and military experience related to the job.

Vet preference in VA seems to be used right in capital region.


“People outside federal jobs seems to think vet preference gets you the job automatically.”

Seems that way very often. I was by name recommended by the commander, but by law the job still had to be advertised and other applicants considered. Yes, I had veteran’s preference, but only a veteran would have been able to fulfill the prerequisite KSAs, so being a vet only put me on equal footing with other applicants.There were other factors that kept my application at the top including documented performance, past experience and education.


Yes and VA actually has internal jobs for vets only and post it in that hospital or cboc or vet center.

I got my job via usajobs and was 30 percenter but my skills matched the job.

I don’t think it’s hard to get a job at VA. Just takes persistence and timing.

VA do have some shady workers that need to be weeded out but I guess in due time.


The article seems to provide quantifiable (at the time) data to me. Granted, the numbers change weekly for available positions at the VA, so the ratio of jobs available to those exclusively for veterans will change. Also, the article doesn’t mention the percentage of veterans who are hired for jobs that aren’t exclusively listed for veterans.

I also agree that a veteran shouldn’t expect a job for which they aren’t qualified based solely on their veteran status. What I would say is that an organization established to provide services exclusively to veterans should put a premium on veterans preference when hiring. The crux of the issue based on the article is the collective bargaining agreement that requires “first and full consideration” be given to current federal employees, essentially immediately disqualifying highly competitive candidates from contention because they are not current federal employees (i.e., recent military retirees and veterans) and that their 5-10 point vet bonus is meaningless.

If you look at the recent douchbaggery happening at the higher levels of the VA, none of the offenders were veterans. I can’t say with certainty that it wouldn’t have happened if all of the SESs and GS-15s were veterans (the current and previous Sec VA are veterans, and we can see what a bang up job they did), but I’m willing to wager that most of the ploys and illegalities that the VA is now know for wouldn’t have happened under their direct supervision.


“recent douchbaggery ”

Yes I agree bona fide douchebaggery is something that is unacceptable.


My mother works there and I sent this link to her today. She said they had a “Town Hall” meeting and Ms Murphy vehemently denied any wrong doing and promised to fight the allegations.

I said, riiiight. The IG just throws around numbers like these and unjustly targets VA emoloyees for the hell of it.


Why the fuck do I even show up for work at all…
Should have taken the job at Immigration, but as it is I am on my way out for medical reasons.


It would have been a good job, but working at the VA means work when you want to and nothing,
Don’t worry when it comes tooooo…. Let’s say you shoot you wife in cold blood they won’t fire you
Why hell you can traffic in drugs and the he odds are you maybe promoted or given 2 years paid vacation plus going up 2 or 3 levels on the government pay scale…


Very true. We had a guy busted for selling oxy on VA grounds. HR screwed up his termination so bad, he was back a year later with all his pay and benefits.


[…] The Political Hat: Hugo Awards – Child Molestation And Puppy Kicking This Ain’t Hell: Veterans Administration IG Investigation Of Denver Regional Director Weasel Zippers: LA VA Hospital Loses Thirty Cars, Fires Worker Who Reports It Megan McArdle: […]


Since I’m not a federal employee and do not care if I ever hold a civil service rating, I’ll throw this excerpt from the linked article into the fray. Personally I am sick and tired of hearing and reading the bureaucrat blather er lip service. Maybe that should say AFGE blather instead since they run the show. Must be nice to earn a three figure income and show up for work when you want and not have to worry about termination.


Sorry for the double linking…

Just An Old Dog

Now I feel like a complete asshole for ripping my Marines a new one for not being on deck for morning police call and cleanup at 0630. Formation wasn’t until 0730.
If a Jr Marine pulled this crap he would have had Office hours after the 3rd incident at most.
This hag just did what the fuck she wanted, when she wanted and collected a check.