The new normal
Yesterday, we talked about 20-year-old Wasil Farooqui in Roanoke, Virginia who attacked two folks with a knife while shouting “Allah Akbar”. Police say that it appears that he was trying to behead the man involved in the attack.
Today we read that in Sydney, Australia a woman and a dog were killed and another man was injured by “a French national visiting Australia” in the same manner. He, too, was reportedly shouting that cryptic phrase “Allah Akbar”;
The 29-year-old suspect did not have any known links to the Islamic State group and appeared to have acted alone, Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Steve Gollschewski said. Police were trying to determine whether the man had been motivated by extremism, or something else.
“While this information will be factored into the investigation, we are not ruling out any motivations at this early stage, whether they be political or criminal,” Gollschewski told reporters in the Queensland state capital of Brisbane. “Investigators will also consider whether mental health or drug misuse factors are involved in this incident.”
There have been a number of similar attacks in Europe. So many, in fact, that Germans are having a discussion about loosening gun control measures for the law abiding public. France reports that terrorist attacks there have directly caused a seven percent drop in tourism this year.
“Tourist arrivals since the start of the year have fallen by seven percent across the country,” with Paris worst- hit, said [Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault], who is also tourism minister.
France is the world’s top tourist destination. The sector accounts for around nine percent of its gross domestic product (GDP).
The industry has been struck a severe blow from attacks by Islamic State jihadists, shuttering festivals and other public events and prompting jittery visitors to stay away.
I guess we weren’t willing to fight them in their own countries, so now we have to fight them at home.
Category: Terror War
“AllAH something”, sounds like a raging Jehovah’s Witness!
Now, now. No profiling. It’s just rage against the machine, that’s all.
Allah Akbar apparently is protected speech but not “Remember the Alamo” or “Remember Pearl Harbor”.
Too racist they say….
Or “Do Not Tread On Me!”
Or: “Do Not Tread On Me!”
Obama and his administration have been very diligent about explaining that ISIS is not Islam. If we take them at their word, for the sake of argument, and agree that ISIS is not Islam…then why in the hell do they bend over backwards to explain that each and every one of these cases has no link to ISIS?
Someone needs to explain to our constitutional law scholar that you can’t have it both ways.
Oh, come on! His head will explode like a melon on a bonfire if you try to tell him that.
It’s been awhile since I had a logic course, but how does the sentence “It’s not not Islam” resolve?
My work is done, shukaran. Allahu Akbar.
Besser wie Krankheit
I’d go on vacation somewhere in America before I go to Europe or Asia. After the way Obama and Hillary Clinton have handled foreign policy it’s really too dangerous to travel abroad anywhere. You might be kidnapped for ransom, hit with a stray missile from North Korea or killed by a Muslim Terrorist.
There are places in America now that you would want to avoid. The fact is, nowhere is truly “safe” anymore.
That is, of course, exactly what ISIS wants.
I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around the city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, the bus would explode! I think it was called “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.”
No, I saw that movie. “SPEED” was the title.
No….I think Cyber is right. Speed was the sequel where they were on a boat. It had Steven Seagal as a Navy SEAL cook.
Oh, I thought it was the one I was thinking about that had Charlie Sheen as a Navy Commando. I think it was called, “The Frogmen who served on the Air, Land and sea.”
Hot Shots?
Now, wait a minute! The crew of the Kitty Hawk put together a 16mm black & white documentary of all the ship’s activities in 1968, including lighting the plane’s engines with a cigarette lighter. It was called “Launch ‘Em”.
I saw that one myself. You guys are wa-a-a-y off.
Thumbs up for a great round of comments.
Maybe now we can elect someone willing to burn the ME to the fucking ground…and yes I realize I’m being politically in fucking correct when I say that, because I’m lumping all muslims together in the ME.
We lumped all the japs and germans together when we burned them alive with firebombing, it seemed an appropriate response then and one that is equally appropriate now.
“We lumped all the japs and germans together when we burned them alive with firebombing…”
(Yeah, and it sure got their fucking attention).
On the flip side, I’m not so sure putting Japanese-Americans in camps was such a good idea. (But that’s for another discussion).
I never said we got it all right, but taking it to the enemy with overwhelming force was and remains the best way to end a conflict.
Sending in piecemeal groups to lose a few thousand men and then leave without obtaining any long term strategic goal is just fucking stupid. It was fucking stupid in the 1950s and hasn’t been proven to be less than fucking stupid in the last almost 60 years now…
Bringing the full force of the military against an enemy and destroying it?
I agree with you wholeheartedly, my friend.
Keep on killing more and more of the enemy until none of those remaining want to fight anymore.
That’s the only way that we can put an end to this.
If we are no longer willing to use strategic bombing vs tactical bombing why in the hell do we keep our nukes??
The French government is extending its condolences to the dead woman and the dead dog. That’s really decent of them, don’t you think? I’m just gobsmacked by the thoughtfulness of it all.
They’ll be sending her a case of one of their more inferior table wines.
“The 29-year-old suspect did not have any known links to the Islamic State group”. They always start out with that line as though it makes a damned bit of difference. So really, who gives a shit if he did or did not have “known” ties to these murdering brothers of his elsewhere? As soon as he gives the Muslim war whoop then screw him. He’s a terrorist willing to die to kill innocent people.
It does make a difference. LE and intelligence capabilities need to understand where the threat is coming from – that means the communication links, the methods that were used to radicalize them, any access to weapons they had, local connections, etc.
Nobody is saying, “Hey, no connection to ISIS! Guess we just laugh this one off!”, they’re saying, “Hmm.. we’re looking into this, and if he’s connected to ISIS, we look at A, B and C… if we don’t find any connection, we check D, E and F.”
Let’s say a serial killer is killing young blondes between the ages of 24-30 in NYC. And then a young blond is killed. The detectives can’t just attribute it to the same killer without some corroborating evidence because it could be a new, different threat, even if the probabilities indicate it’s likely the same thing. Due diligence in investigative work isn’t just hand-waving, it’s absolutely key in understanding what you’re facing.
LC…I see your point. Thank you Sir.
It’s this “Lone Wolf” stuff that keeps happening that really fucks up DHS’s 2009 threat report that suggested returning veterans from the long-war would be the nation’s biggest threat.
Could these attacks be a diversionary tactic before the real attack occurs?
Of course they could be a case of the screwy cousin that draws unwanted attention to the family’s still.
Looks like we are on the road to extinction. The pro-Islamic apologists/cowards will be saying sorry for offending them to Mohammad Allah Akbar as he is chopping their heads off.
Get some help with your problem, Francis.
‘Just now we encounter a character on the tube who identifies himself as a “Jihadi.” As such he is dedicated to the killing of unbelievers, young or old, male or female, in or out of uniform, and in any quantity. He is a self-declared mass murderer, and I cannot see that we should waste any sort of judicial procedure upon him. It would, however, be interesting to hear from his own mouth why he should not be shot out-of-hand. It should be noted that this one is a born US citizen. He is entitled to his own views on this matter – just as we are to ours. Nothing further need be said.’
– LtCol Jeff Cooper USMC –
Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries
(Previously Gunsite Gossip)
Vol. 9, No. 14 December 2001
Damn, somebody’s GOTTA find out about that damn snack bar these fuckers are raving about
FYSA, it was near Townsville, not in Sydney – not that it matters much or at all.
Jonn’s quote is right: Why bother fighting them over there: If we don’t, then we get to fight them here! Much better! /sarc