Weekend open thread

| August 12, 2016


I went to the range today and shot up all of my DRC targets. Frankie sends the picture of a T-11 that he took the other day, so while I’m cleaning guns, go play with yourselves.

Category: Open thread

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Dan Bernath blows homeless men in Florida for loose change to make money for his court fees.

Silentium Est Aureum

I heard it was donkeys for a nickel a herd, allegedly.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

And finally free of the corn and heading back to Casa de SEA. For now.

Hack Stone

Well, he sure as hell isn’t spending it on aviation fuel.

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

He’s an associate in Chevalier and Associates. I learned to move my C&A telephone conference calls to early in the afternoons, Texas time, as he works the evening shift at Tallywhacker’s working his glory-hole station.


I’m 27th – ish………..really on top things, aren’t I?

Unlike most of you, I never had the pleasure (??) of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (a cliche, for sure).

I wish you all a good weekend….hot as hell here on LI but I will not be without the appropriate ice cold adult beverage (complimented by a decent cigar) thus offsetting any potential dehydration. 🙂

Jon The Mechanic

LI Right, I have to correct you.

That plane was built by the lowest bidder. It is NOT a perfectly good airplane.



I hate flying (still), but Man I LOVED jumping out of the “flying trash cans!”

just some feller

You never flew on a C-130, eh?






Lat news – Jesse Ventura says he is taking the Kyle case to the Supreme Court – guess there is a Constitutional issue in behaving like a fuckwad in public he feels the need to pursue.


…the Right of Public Douche-baggery Shall Not Be Infringed!


I don’t know if this video connection will work or not. It’s on Accuweather. But it does express my opinion of Mr. Janos’s whiny, asinine public persona.



Well, at least the windows were up in the SUV.


Had an incident like that back ’93. About 0700 I get the call. One of the Senior NCOs in charge of what we called “Pax Time” at Naval School EOD (when the school was in Indian Head, MD) let me know a “honey truck” had tried to make a RH turn at a 4-way going too fast. It was early summer and our EOD students had the windows down on the old school bus. 25 students and 8 instructors got a “honey truck” washdown.

All had to go straight to MTF for those extremely painful gamma globulin shots. I think back then it was like a series of 3 spaced out over time.

Of course there were pics (hard copy back then). Laughed my butt off. But I did feel sorry about those dang shots though. Had to take them several times over my career because of diving in extremely contaminated waters world over.

But you brought back some memories.



“I love my country, not my government,” Ventura remarked in response to reports that had characterized him as unpatriotic.

When he feels cheated, he runs to the government.

¡Qué cobarde!

Silentium Est Aureum

Typical drivel from a lot of “ista” types, right Jonn?


More like, “¡Lo que un pendejo!” IMO. But that works too.


Ventura needs to be bitch slapped. Again.

No tiene valor ninguno.

A Proud Infidel®™

Jimmy Janos, a Dutch Rudder Gang level has-been and LOSER!!!


The Supremes will say “no thanks-pink tights and tinfoil clash with our black robes.”

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The stud in that photo, above, is an Army Ranger Student, 2/3rds of the way through school, as he jumps in to Rudder DZ at Camp Rudder Florida to begin “Florida Phase” of Ranger School. Welcome to the Swamp soldier.


Cool Stuff !!!!!


What class?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Class 8-16 is in cycle now.

Hack Stone

Not even close. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back to that new ad campaign that I working on for my employer, a “proud woman owned” software vendor.

Silentium Est Aureum

“First Tech Solutions…because those oil leaks aren’t cheap.”


Lucky number seven!


Or so.

Hack Stone

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Because the disbarred attorney was about to crash into the chicken coop.

Thomas Huxton

safer than hiding in the cornfield

Silentium Est Aureum

I dunno. I saw some VERY big corn (and soybean) fields in IL.

What I found interesting is how much acreage was dedicated to experimental seeds and the like. And that NONE of it would be used for fuel, feed, or food–most of it was just destroyed after it was harvested and analyzed.


This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still listed as Not Eligible to Practice Law!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here. Let’s just say that being “Not Eligible to Practice Law” doesn’t appear to have been a voluntary decision on Danni-boi’s part.

Moreover, reputedly that’s not the only court that has, shall we say, a less than stellar opinion of the individual.

It also appears that the ineligibility to practice law will very likely be a long-term if not permanent status for Daniel A. Bernath. And perhaps I’m wrong, but I don’t think “retired” is generally spelled “DISBARRED”.

Too bad, so sad
Sucks to be you
Received your due
Court said, “Screw You . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on.”


He Is Still ??? ????? Crazy !!!!!!!!

just some feller

Case Name: Bernath, Daniel Alan Case Number: 13-O-14986
Member #: 116636 Venue: LA
Status: Closed
Case Filed: 06/08/2015
Counsel: Pro Per
Deputy Trial Counsel: Sherell N. McFarlane
Co-Deputy Trial Counsel: Shane C. Morrison
Assigned Judge: Lucy Armendariz

Date: 07/29/2016
Description: Supreme Court Order

A Proud Infidel®™


A Proud Infidel®™

😀 😀 😀 😀



B Woodman

Top ten? Twenty? Whatever.
I’m still above ground, vertical and ventilating, being seen and not viewed. Oh, Happy Day!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Bernath loves to blow hobos behind at the Quickie Mart, so he can pay the fees owed to the CA state bar…
Jimmy Walls is still working donkey balls…
DuLlAsS loves taking it in the ass…
Heavy Chevy works manholes when he isn’t snarfing down blocks of cheese…
Bobbie Glen Davis is still a SV loser…
And… Jerry Forster is STILL a two-hole warrior!

Hack Stone

You left out Crybaby Stephen Franklin Cio Burrell, and my hometown favorite, Gunny Driveway.

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout Steve “Snake Eyes” Jordan?

Silentium Est Aureum

And everybody’s favorite vampire, Jonathon “The Impaler” Sharkey.

And yes, he has posted here.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dalton “BUNNY FART” Coldiron?


Hey Top 20 !!!!!


Well some of us have to WORK yanow.


This just in. Heavy Chevy has found yet another victim. Is he in double digits marriage wise yet?
He’s also claiming “34 years LE experience”. Guess standing near the slurpee machine at the Quickee Mart making sure no one gets any extra counts as “cop work”.

Hack Stone

Did you catch the post that he posted on April 8? It’s not easy being Cheesey Chevy.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Is he having wimmin problems again?


LOL! He’s the Gouda man. Did you see the picture with wife #?11?12? he posted on March 30? He looks like the creepy Uncle Fester that you hide in the closet when guests come over.
Denny dumbshit, a source of endless amusement.

Just An Old Dog

Apparently he has found some poor soul who lives under a rock. I’m not thinking the pshycotic fat fduck will change his ways. If amything else he has gotten worse since he was trounced on here. He has had two or three engagements or marraiges that shit the bed. I think the current one is wife number 8.


Why did click on that link???

Fat whale alert. Bunch of fatsos in some kind of gear, trying to look cool. Dude in the left has helmet tilted back. I would punch in the forehead any of my dudes stupid enough to wear an ACH like that, to show him were IED fragmentation would enter his empty brain holder.


Married on May 28 – I found the marriage license on the Tarrant County Clerk’s website.

Pineywoods NCO

Poor woman. Stuck with that tub of cheese.


….and she has to wait so long for it to mature….even if it is Fumunda Cheese.

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard that one of his prospective wives found TAH and split from him, would that make her a “Near Mrs.”?


Twentytooth !!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Be careful of that statement, Jonn. You never know when some fucking Sally might blow out their catheter, toss a couple of coconuts and drywall screws around, and claim you were trying to self murder him.


Uh, what? Oh. Weekend, already? Where was I?

Bill M

In the low-twenties, I think. I gotta stop goin’ out on Friday mornings.

(I’ll take disbarred ‘lawers’ for $400, Alex.)



Helicopter – a million parts
rotating rapidly around
a oil leak waiting
for metal fatigue to set in.

also see “Whirlybird”


“Low Flight”

Oh, I’ve slipped the surly bonds of earth
And hovered out of ground effect on semi-rigid blades;
Earthward I’ve auto’ed and met the rising brush of Non-paved terrain;
And done a thousand things you would never care to
Skidded and dropped and flared
Low in the heat-soaked roar.
Confined there, I’ve chased the earthbound traffic
And lost the race to insignificant headwinds;
Forward and up a little in ground effect
I’ve topped the General’s hedge with drooping turns
Where never Skyhawk or even Phantom flew.
Shaking and pulling collective, I’ve lumbered
The low untrespassed halls of victor airways,
Put out my hand and touched a tree.”


Claw – I thought that a helicopter was a tool used to beat the air into submission. ..

A Proud Infidel®™

A flying egg beater!


In the top 100. Not bad.

In the good news department, I’ve been informed that Grandchild #8 is under development. ETA TBD

And Jesse Ventura still is not 1/100th the man Chris Kyle is.


Congrats, Grandpa.


Eleventeenth. Another fine day in beautiful downtown Naco.


Fat fingered the report button. Disregard



Hack Stone

I just came across video archives of Daniel Bernath attempting to pass his test to get a pilot’s license.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath is disbarred in CA, not allowed to file sans a legit FL Attorney representing him there, AND I’ve heard he still has an Arrest Warrant with his name on it, SUCKS to be him but he did ALL of it to himself! ???

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

Really, not had the time to follow his antics lately, so what did he do to have a warrant taken out against him?

Silentium Est Aureum

My little birdies tell me it has to do with the RO the Shipleys have on him.

Stupid fucker just can’t shut up and go away.


Daniel A. Bernath is a cocksucker.


“Soldiers are stupid,” he said with a laugh. “They’ll do anything to get attention.”
Nailed it.


That, from the Army Chief of Staff, following comments from Navy Secretary Ray Realpuss Mabus….Makes me wish I were in the military yet today. Such respect from such “leaders”. With that contempt for troops, and they THINK troops are just “having fun” with the pollsters????? Were there ever a SHTF situation, does anyone believe troops would follow orders from these two dip shits?


Duffel Blog does a great job of making satirical articles sound plausible – but relax, it’s just a joke!


I’ve been tracking Accuweather’s monthly calendar page forecasts for some time. It seems that they change their minds with the way the wind blows. I’m getting worried that they’re so far off the beam, they’ll predict snow at Thanksgiving and no one will believe them, and then they’ll be right by accident. It’s tough being a weather guesser, I guess.

On another note, they predicted an active Atlantic hurricane season, and so far, the only Big Storm, TS Earl, was briefly a Cat 1 hurricane but lost his oomph! once he hit land and turned into merely lots of rain. I feel for them.

The Farmers Almanac has a hurricane threat along the Atlantic coast for the Southeast section, August 12 to 15th. Mostly lots of rain and thunderstorm.

I think we’ve had a rather average summer this time around.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Have you checked out Weather Underground for looking at your local weather forecast? I think it’s a better sight than Accuweather or Weather Channel.

Also, have you been checking out the Persieds over the last few nights?


I used to go to Weather Underground. Now, I’m going refer to the almanacs because they seem to be more consistent than the weather guessers, with all their science.

Cloudy skies here in my kingdom. No views of Mars conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius, no views of the Perseids, no growing Moon. I am sad. Next year, maybe. Just grateful for plenty of rain and sunshine.

Time is passing far too quickly!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Wunderground is my go to source for accurate weather. Living near the Florida Gulf Coast, I need pretty good forecasting, and this source has it. They fine tune each event as it gets nearer. I can watch radar, and predict, to the minute, when I will begin to get rainfall.


Originally posted by Ex-PH2:

No views of Mars conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius, no views of the Perseids, no growing Moon.

Mars is in Scorpio, again, and Saturn is between Ophiucus and Scorpio. Mars is still in the process of overtaking Saturn, from our perspective, so you’ll get a chance to see them move closer to each other in the sky.

Got a chance to see the Perseid meteor showers during my pre-sunrise/daylight runs as I traced the zodiac from Gemini in the east to Capricorn in the west. :mrgreen: There were lots of light streaks in the sky yesterday morning. :mrgreen:


Yeah, my bad, it’s Scorpio in the sidereal night sky and Sagittarius in the zodiacal wheel.

Re: the Perseids; just hoping for one clear night, but not counting on it. I’d have to drive 35 miles west to get away from city lights.


Ex-PH2 – The link describes a project I’m involved with at work that should help figure out some of those hurricane prediction issues. We should be launching in November or December… Really neat stuff.



That looks quite cool! I hope it provides better information and makes forecasting these storms more accurate.

The rain track on the live weather radar map showed the storm track coming up from the southwest, pulling moisture in from the Gulf of Mexico and some small spillover from the Baja gulf. But somehow, one weather bird said the rain track was coming from the west of us and I wondered what planet she was living on. As it is, it all evaporated/lost its moisture load on the way up, so all I’ve gotten is high humidity and no relief from it. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow!

The advances in satellite telemetry are really cool. Last week, the news was that Jupiter’s Big Red Spot is hot, and Jupiter’s atmosphere is heating from within. That could prove interesting for future colonization plans for some Jovian and Saturnian satellites.


Yep. Juno is also a cool project, another one we’re part of:


I really like where I work…. If you ever make it to Slammintonio I’ll give you the Nickel Tour of our Space Sciences Division. It’ll make you see the night sky in a whole new context.



The Other Whitey

It’s that time of year, when firefighters out west are dealing with our own equivalent of the Green Weenie, Forcey the Bear.

Forcey is Smokey’s cousin, and while Smokey the Bear is a benevolent creature, Forcey is a fucking asshole. Forcey’s mission in life is to ruin your marriage while maximizing the amount of money available for her to take when she leaves. Forcey thrives on the tears of first-year seasonals who were dumb enough to make plans for the summer, and those of children who wonder why Daddy stopped coming home. Forcey’s three favorite words are “days off cancelled.”

Forcey loves to let you think you’re finally about to go home, only to let you know right before your shift ends that your relief got sent to Susanville to be a base-camp-bitch, and that your engine is now assigned to a strike team that’s been requested Immediate-Need for a fire in some uninhabited wasteland that’s damn near Canada. And unlike most bears, Forcey is a cold-blooded animal; the hotter it is, the more active he becomes, flying around the western states like an evil fuzzy Santa Claus, reminding everyone that there will be no days off, there will be no family time, there will be no consumption of alcohol, nobody is going to get the opportunity to get laid under any circumstances (sodomy by Forcey himself notwithstanding), and you damn well better not be using those smartphones to look at Pr0n on government time! Yes, that son of a bitch won’t even allow us the small token consolation of porn.

Forcey has the nose of a bloodhound and the memory of the Internet. There is no hiding from his malevolence. No matter where you are, Forcey will find you. And summer is Forcey’s time.

Smokey the Bear says that only you can prevent wildfire.

Forcey the Bear says, “Fuck your life.”

Roger in Republic

We have an old saying in the Coast Guard. “You picked your rate”. If it’s adrenalin you crave perhaps you need to join a police force or teach seventh grade.


I’d rather be a LEO kicking doors than teach 7th grade.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

In the hall.

With a man named Paul.

Hack Stone

Is that next to the dumpster behind the Titusville Holiday Inn Express?

Has any employee at All Points Logistics ever bothered to ask why the company website no longer mentions Phil Monkress’ service as a Navy SEAL team member? It must be like when they swapped Dick Sargent for Dick York on Bewitched. Just pretend that you don’t notice anything different.

Perry Gaskill

Since Jonn expressed interest in a new grass mower for the stately Lilyea bunker, I thought it might be interesting to pick up a couple of the COMMENTS in the Skellen thread and move things over here.

Frankie Cee, here’s a LINK to an entry-level zero-turn with a $2500 retail. Personally, I wouldn’t have one of the things. All it seems good for is doing lawns on perfectly flat ground. And where’s the cupholder?

My own view is that for $4000 you start getting into a whole other category of garden tractor capable of having not only a robust mower deck but also light use of things like a blade scraper or mini versions of discs and plows. Move up to $10,000, and the category changes again by adding four-wheel-drive and a PTO.


My favorite mower is whatever the neighbor wants to drive over my lawn. (It’s green with yellow stuff here and there. Yeah, he’s a Deere to mow for us.)


Two houses down is a retired Marine Corps Colonel. The nicest gruffy guy you could meet. Several times a year as he mows his lawn he mows the lady’s lawn next door and then onto the lawn of my palatial estate. I’ve shown him how to work the latch on the gate leading to my back yard, but he’ll have nothing to do with the idea. I give him figs from my tree and blueberries from my bushes and he’s quite happy. Really nice guy. He just does it to have something to do, he says.


My favorite mower is the neighbor next door. Every now and then, I give him five pounds of frozen chicken as a trade off.

Perry Gaskill

FWIW, I have no particular brand loyalty whether it’s painted green with yellow stuff or otherwise. All I was trying to point out, badly, is that if you’re looking for something that does more than simply mow a small yard of grass, things are a lot more complicated now than they used to be. Unless you have a preference for goats…

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Perry, have you ever used a Zero Turn Mower? Only on flat ground? Not at all, up hill and down, side hills, precision cutting, it does it all better than a slow, riding tractor, or even a commercial walk behind type mower. I am presently mowing more than 10 acres, using a 66 inch cut, diesel, Zero Turn Machine. If I were using a riding mower, it would take non-stop mowing all summer just to keep up. A few years back, working as a foreman in a pretty good sized commercial company, I was using a 72 inch ZTR machine, and mowing the sides of retention ponds, up and down hills, and getting a great cut.

Perry Gaskill

Interesting. You’ve pointed out a couple of things about ZTR that I hadn’t thought of.

My own place is on a raggedy-ass 10 acres. Part of it’s steep; part of it’s relatively flat. Almost none of it has ever been graded to the point of being good for level turf. The immediate solution I’m leaning toward is to pick up a 22-hp Deere garden tractor when such stuff goes on sale at the end of summer.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The ZTR is a “Lawn” mower, not intended for rough fields. For that terrain they make bush hogs, or agricultural mowers. I was mowing the perimeter of a 95 acre farm to 12 wide, and a couple of other paths, for a total of 2.8 miles of 12 foot paths, but that was smooth surface, even on the hillsides. In my area, the soil is 100% sand, so there are no rocks to keep it uneven, and it is more suited to “Lawn” machines.

A Proud Infidel®™

I was at a Lowe’s one day and saw a Hybrid Riding mower. No joke, it’s gas-electric, can you detach the mower deck and use it as a buggy that will go up to 17 mph, it also works as a 13KW generator if the power goes out.

Perry Gaskill

Kinda makes you wonder if they sell a lot of those out of the Prius dealer in Berkeley. With a bumper sticker that says, “I brake for ground squirrels.”

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

One of the things that I enjoy doing, in my rent-a-cop job gigs, is going around whacking people with a night stick while saying, “Respect my authority!”

Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H Chevalier

Hack Stone

Dennis, sorry that we missed your latest wedding. We’ll try to make the next one. Is that scheduled for the third or fourth Saturday of August?


Wedding number 8 or 9 now?

Jesus…figure this guy would give up. Wonder how Chevy son takes having so many step mothers?


I guess he wasn’t able to use trans-location on my IP address… I never got an invitation. 🙁

Hack Stone

Heavy Chevy changes wife’s as often as Daniel Bernath changes career fields.


…and catheters. ..


One hundredth and fifty seventh. Not a bad number for someone who can barely speak english.




Religion of peace seems to be moving in Switzerland.


Where do you get that? I found nothing that supports what you said. A referendum to ban minaret construction was passed. The Swiss expect you to assimilate into their culture, and have decided to fine the parents of two girls who refuse to take swimming lessons in the same class as boys. In addition, two boys who refused to shake hands with their female schoolteacher will face L3,500 fines.

If you’re referring to the knife and fire attack on a Swiss train, the attacker was a Swiss man.


2/17 Air Cav

Just saw a photocopy of what appeared to be three women in full Muslim hidewear with a short account of how someone tried to speak with them, to learn about their culture. And then the person realized she was talking to three beach umbrellas. After I stopped laughing, I googled. Here’s another version but the pic says it all.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

I live in my mother’s basement. She keeps screaming for me to go take a shit, which I frequently do. That’s why you guys haven’t seen me post in these parts for a while. It’s hard to spew shit here when my mother forces me to use the bathroom. My day has been rough, I ask that you guys refrain from making fun of the way my mother dresses me.

A Proud Infidel®™

I try to limit myself on that to when you’re wearing the footsie pajamas she lays out for you.


It appears that Russia’s cyber hacker group Guccifer has punched a hole in the wall of false security surrounding contact info for members of Congress and their staff.


The real question is, in looking at that photo of Pelosi from the DNC convention: how much confounded plastic surgery has that old cow had, for Pete’s sake?

Perry Gaskill

Have the hackers figured out yet how she alerts the flying monkeys?

Silentium Est Aureum

Last I heard, her plastic surgeon told her if she has one more face lift, she’s going to have a beard.

A Proud Infidel®™

she still has to pout on makeup to hide the Dow Corning logo on her forehead.


I’m going to leave this article link here, because this is a general interest thread. I think the author of the article has some very good points we should all heed.



Okay, it’s Open Weekend Honesty time. It happened again last night. I love banana sandwiches and most anything with bananas. But I have a Psychosomatic Disorder. Whenever I slice a banana lengthwise into quarters before chopping it up, I get a strange painful sensation in my pecker as the knife makes its way though the banana. So, am I strange, odd or just hypersensitive to slicing anything phallic in nature? Kinda like watching a live birth and my nads start hurting and I need to take a shit really bad. Any thoughts?




Take it out of your pants pocket before cutting it. 😀


That’s a thought. Maybe it’ll work next time!



A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been vegging out on YouTube watching shows about the SS in WWII and their beginning as Hitler’s SA. Anyone else see the similarities between the SA “Brownshirts” and the “Protestors” against Trump whether they’re Soros’s paid goons or not?


No, there’s not much difference. But the real question is why are you not watching stuff about trains today?


PROUD…ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!! DAMN, I am flying out as I type..same schedule. Emailing and texting too??