Saturday morning feel good stories

| August 13, 2016

In the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas, police answered a burglary call and found the suspect with a gunshot wounded in his leg outside the scene. The resident admits that he shot the criminal.

A few weeks ago, we talked about a convenience store robbery in Cheviot, Ohio where the clerk, Jeremy Donohue, shot and killed the thief, 18-year-old Anton Kirby. The prosecutor announced the other day that Donohue, who had a legal concealed carry permit, was justified.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Justified. Yep.


Damn right it was justified.

B Woodman

The Dallas burglar should be happy that the homeowner only shot him in the leg, and didn’t take a followup shot “because he felt threatened”.

B Woodman

Gee, Mr Ohio Prosecutor, like I need your permission to defend myself against a perp. But thanks anyway. (/sarc)


The Ohio perp had “no history of trouble.”

In other words, he hadn’t got caught before…

Pinto Nag

I think it’s bogus that a prosecutor can take that long to make that call. In a case where there was probably video of the event? It’s shouldn’t take more than two days, max. Think of the worry the poor clerk went through, waiting that long.

NR Pax

That annoys me as well. It should not have taken that long at all.


“Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters (DEE’-turs) on Thursday said Kirby’s behavior was “totally out of character.” Kirby’s family has said he was an athlete with no history of trouble.”

The little snowflakes are always golden boyscouts. boyscouts until they off and decide to enter the armed robbery field.

NR Pax

“I don’t know how he said it was justified when somebody shoots somebody four times in the face.”

Well, that’s simple. You see, your son made a choice to threaten a man’s life. Said man had a difference of opinion and he felt that in order to go on living, your son had to die. Hope that helps you.

“He was wrong, but no, you don’t have to do no child like that.”

Actually, your son wasn’t a child. And as has been said here many times before, Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.


Meanwhile, something happened Saturday afternoon at a mall in Raleigh (Crabtree Valley Mall near where US 70 crosses under the Beltline, US 1- US 64). It could have been up to four shots but no casings or bullet holes have been found.


Many years ago a friend was asked by his girlfriend to sneak to her house. Her parents didn’t know she was dating. The father heard noises and grabbed his gun. Going around the house he spotted a intruder by his daughters window and shot.

His wife called the Sheriffs office and said “my husband shot a man and is keeping him covered”. The first responder handcuffed and turned him over to reveal a 14 year old boy dead.

Although the daughter invited him she never said a word. At school that Monday they announced the boys death and kids came forward with the dating information.

Father wasn’t charged but it destroyed two families, the boy a only child and her for not stepping up. Her family moved after the funeral. What pissed off a bunch of teenage friends was the family didn’t attend the funeral, apologize or send flowers… R.I.P. buddy..