Clock-Boy Wants to Get Paid
Remember “Clock boy”, AKA Clachmed? You know, the Islamic activist’s son who disassembled a 1980s-vintage digital clock and repackaged it into a case large enough to hold a complete M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine with room to spare, and took it to school – then set it to alarm in class? And who did that about 4 months after a couple of terrorist bastards had tried to shoot up a “Draw Mohammed” show a few miles away from his school?
Well, guess what. It appears he and his family – who left the US for Qatar last October – have decided they want to get paid.
Clachmed is currently in the USA for the summer “visiting family and friends”. I’m sure that it’s “just a coincidence” that while he’s “visiting family and friends” here in the USA, his family has also filed suit against his former school district for “violating his civil rights”.
Yeah, right. Can you say, “Fishing for a 7-figure settlement?” Sure. I knew you could.
Sheesh. All things considered, the young man is lucky as hell. If he’d pulled that stunt in many if not most places in the world and gotten caught there’s a good chance he’d still be in jail – if not dead.
I hope the judge who gets this case has enough common sense to toss it with prejudice, and sticks the youngster’s family with attorneys’ fees for both sides. But I’m not holding my breath.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Legal, Terror War
I guess Bomb Boy didn’t want to continue his training in Syria. Next stop the ghetto lottery.
Pay the worthless, phony little bastard….with 40 lashes of a cat-o-nine tails!!!
I would like to wind the little dot heads clock for him! Deport his little ass now!
Given the way people are tossing around taxpayer money these days, I expect the district will vote to just spend OUR money and settle, rather than see his call and raise him with a counter suit of inducing unnecessary terror into a classroom.
Give him $1, a clue and tell him to GTFO.
I second that, you beat me to it. They went to Qatar, why the mudda-FUCK won’t they shut up and stay there?
Why give him $1?? Give him two cents and some rope to tie his ass to the front grill on a bus to Florida to link up with Daniel Bernath.
Well, if the trial is in Texas, where the little snot had his ‘civil rights’ violated, he probably will not prevail. Texans seem to be more rooted in reality than those elsewhere.
Dear Clock Boy: Go back to Qatar. Your project looked like a bomb in a suitcase and you just happened to be a Muslim. #Whoopderitis
It’s Texas.
Clock Boy ought to be damned happy he didn’t run into Glock Boy when he pulled that stupid stunt.
Here’s hoping that, as stated above, the judge dismisses the suit with prejudice, and awards attorney’s fees from his family to the school district.
Unfortunately in this case, many, maybe most, federal civil rights laws do not allow awards of attorney’s fees if the plaintiff loses. The idea is they don’t want to discourage a person from trying to protect their rights against a big defendant who can spend a lot on their defense, due to the fear of having to pay a large penalty if they lose. That means cases like this turn into a low-risk proposition. If the attorney is on contingency, probably a zero risk one.
Isn’t a countersuit in order by the school district for violating the civil rights of the other students? Something like that?
The butthurt burns with this one.
Clock Boy himself is just a kid who likes tinkering with shit. Hell, I have a little cousin with similar interests. Clock Boy’s daddy is a major fucking assdouche, and is certainly doing everything possible to ensure that Clock Boy grows up the same way.
It’s possible that Clock Boy just had a poorly-thought-out idea showing off his tinkering ability. Given how the situation played out, it seems far more likely that the whole thing was orchestrated in advance by Clock Boy’s fuckstick daddy. If they want to be paid for their little stunt, he better call up his bosses at CAIR and ask for a raise.
The Clock Boy family can suck a dick.
Pleas tell us what you really think.
Please tell us what you really think.
The gall of these obnoxious jerks. Kid already got a bunch of swag from companies trying to earn most anti American scumfuck credit and that still isn’t enough for them.
We should just “accidentally” drone these motherfuckers.
You just won the LOTTERY!!
I wonder how the Tex-Mex is in Qatar.
Go back to Qatar and stay there.
He and his greedy shit head parents have taken the old saying to heart
“Time is money”
If Hillary wins it will probably end up in the supreme court after another liberal judge is put on the court. The clock boy will end up being given the money and then the department of justice will arrest a few people and put them in jail for “hate crimes”.
I saw an interview with this sniveling little fuck where he moaned about how he fears he will shot because of his notoriety. Well, he wanted to get noticed, and now that he is he finds it inconvenient. Once you have attained fame/infamy, you need to live with it.
The old Carry On crew had a line in their Julius Caesar bit that went “Infamy, Infamy, they’ve all got it in fa me”.
Serves him right.