Gadsden flag kerfuffle

| August 8, 2016


The other day, Eugene Volokh wrote in the pages of the Washington Post about the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s investigation into a complaint that a black Federal worker filed about a cap that a colleague wore to his federal job which had the Gadsden flag displayed on it. The complainant charges that he’s offended by the flag because Christopher Gadsden, the creator of the flag, owned slaves back in 1775 when he designed it.

Actually, it was Benjamin Franklin, who owned no slaves, who began graphic representations of the American colonies with a timber rattler in 1754. According to Wikipedia, the complainant in the above mentioned case would also be offended by the US Marine Corps, since Gadsden had a hand in creating them, too;

[T]he Second Continental Congress authorized the mustering of five companies of Marines to accompany the Navy on their first mission. The first Marines enlisted in the city of Philadelphia, and they carried drums painted yellow, depicting a coiled rattlesnake with thirteen rattles, and the motto “Don’t Tread on Me.” This is the first recorded mention of the future Gadsden flag’s symbolism.

At the Congress, Continental Colonel Christopher Gadsden represented his home state of South Carolina. He was one of seven members of the Marine Committee who were outfitting the first naval mission.

Before the departure of that first mission in December 1775, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Navy, Commodore Esek Hopkins, received the yellow rattlesnake flag from Gadsden to serve as the distinctive personal standard of his flagship. It was displayed at the mainmast.

From Fox News, the EEOC in investigating any hidden meanings that whole of 200+ years of history that historians may have missed;

The EEOC conducted a “thorough review” and found there was no evidence that the flag was created in a non-racial context.

“Moreover, it is clear that the flag and its slogan have been used to express various non-racial sentiments, such as when it is used in the modern Tea Party political movement, gun rights activism, patriotic displays, and by the military,” the EEOC report states.

You can almost feel the “but” coming, can’t you, good readers?

“However, whatever the historic origins and meanings of the symbol, it also has since been sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts,” they declared.

Citing the “ambiguity in the current meaning” of the Gadsden Flag, the EEOC has decided to investigate to “determine the specific context.”

Category: Marine Corps

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A Proud Infidel®™

I MISS the Good Old Days when this world wasn’t so shittyassed damn chock full of perpetually offended WUSSES!


I think Lars safe space has be getting a little cramped.


You need to read the interview with Clint Eastwood and his son. I do believe the children don’t understand that if they’re offended by this, then other may be offended by their little quirks as well leading to the Coriolis effect of never ending offense. “Fucking Jerks, Get on my Nerves.”
not as good as Chris Ledux but it’s nice.

Paul Dragos

Clint was pretty adamant about what he calls this pussy generation! He is right about everyone being so sensitive. All in the Family has been showing on one of the cable networks. My son can’t believe they’re showing it. He said if that was out now, people would be having heart attacks over Archie’s comments! And he’s right, because the pussies would be picketing like crazy.


Mostly, all I see is you and people like you whining about everything.

“Waaahh! I wish things were the way I feel they once were in my mind!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh look, ‘lil fluffer-butt is back, and JUST when I was really enjoying his absence from here! HEY butt nugget, go pound dud rounds in an Impact Zone, preferably with a sledge hammer.

Hey Jonn, he STILL bawls to you about getting dog-piled for crap he posts?


No, Taylor, you perpetual birdbrain, what you see is TAH reporting on OTHER people who find a way to be offended over nothing, for the sole purpose of being offended in public and getting attention for it. It’s called attention whoring, which you should know about intimately.

Please go crawl back into your cave. I’m in a foul mood right now and you REALLY don’t want to get me started on you, you mordant stuffed windbag.

The Other Whitey

Here’s some Barney-style for ya, dickhead. Say you and I are coworkers. One day you show up wearing a red shirt. I whine about how offended I am that you’re endorsing communism by wearing anything red. Doesn’t matter if it’s just a plain red shirt that happened to be on top of the drawer that morning, the commies like red! You’d say I’m full of shit and flipping out over nothing, and you would be right.

That’s what’s happening with this complaint against the Gadsden Flag. Some whiny sucktard is crying “racist” for no particular reason and with no evidence to back it up. He’s just a fucking whiner. Kinda like you.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Still crying over Bernie endorsing Hillary? Deal with it Commissar, your man sold his pasty white ass out to Cankles and her “special interests”.

The Other Whitey

He can’t believe a lying sack of shit like Sanders would sell out, eh?

Peter the Bubblehead

Bernie didn’t want to be the next ‘mysterious death’ with a connection to the Clintons.


Pot meet kettle. Lars you’re so full of shite it’s up to your eyeballs.

You’re the biggest whiner on this page. I wanted to give you the benefit of doubt but now I really think your brain damaged or bipolar.

Silentium Est Aureum

Speaking of whiny bitches….


I’m offended very deaply by people being offended.

Kinda Old ET1

The stupid…
It burns.

Pinto Nag

Even a gentle dog will bite if you keep kicking him. People need to leave other people alone. 90% of the problems in the world today would evaporate if folks just minded their own business.


Absolutely true.

I think people who aren’t getting enough attention will do anything to get it, including making baloney claims like this.


Honestly, ever since our Navy students began showing up with this as a part of their everyday uniform I have expected such stupidity. Kinda surprised it took this long and I’m glad it didn’t come from a SWCS employee.

I hope this issue becomes a non-issue quickly and is set to rest.


Ahem. Somebody may want run up to Washington, D.C. and let Big Navy know ASAP that all of their warships are now “racist”, too, because every USS ship flies the First Navy Jack with the words “Don’t Tread On Me” prominently emblazoned on it. ‘All U.S. Navy Ships to Begin Flying First Navy Jack on Patriot Day’ ‘SAN DIEGO (NNS) — At morning colors on Sept. 11, all U.S. Navy ships will begin flying the First Navy Jack in place of the Union Jack for the duration of the global war on terrorism. The flag, which was first used by the Continental Navy in 1775, consists of a rattlesnake superimposed across 13 alternating red and white stripes with the motto, “Don’t Tread On Me.” Commodore Esek Hopkins used the First Navy Jack as a signal to engage the British in the American Revolution. The Jack in today’s fleet represents a historic reminder of the nation’s origin. In a brief ceremony on Sept. 5, Capt. Ray Berube, Commanding Officer of the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center San Diego, presented Cmdr. Clayton Saunders, Commanding Officer, USS Rushmore (LSD 47) with a set of four flags. Rushmore, along with the rest of the fleet’s ships, will begin flying the First Navy Jack on Patriot Day as directed by Secretary of the Navy Gordon England. “In accordance with the guidelines set forth by Secretary of the Navy Gordon England and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark, it is my pleasure to deliver to you the First Navy Jack to be flown on board USS Rushmore and all U.S. Navy ships during the global war on terrorism,” stated Berube. Upon receiving the flags, Saunders spoke on how the First Navy Jack will bring to mind the part the Navy plays in attaining freedom. “In the years since 1775, our primary mission, to ensure the freedom of the seas, has remained unchanged. Today, terrorists threaten free commerce and individual liberty. This flag represents a renewed commitment by the Navy to our first principles, to secure freedom, both at home and abroad,” remarked Saunders. “It… Read more »


Mabus “cave”? Hell, he’ll lead the charge when he figures this out.


Red is raysiss, isn’t it? Weren’t Indians called redskins? Raysisss!


And rattlesnakes are scary, too.

Aren’t they?

Silentium Est Aureum

Only if they have a collapsible rattler and pistol grip fangs.

Nobody needs an assault snake!

The Stranger

ALL snakes are assault snakes. Don’t trust anything without legs…just sayin’.


Hey! My bad guys are scary reptilian space aliens. If I want to call them Snakes and they don’t like it, that’s tough bananas!

I will not kowtow to those who worship at the Altar of the Perpetually Offended! So there!


That’s speciest.

Semper Idem

Speaking of redskins, the Washington Redskins’ Fight Song has the words ‘hail victory’ in the lyrics. This, in German, works out to ‘Sieg Heil’.

zOMG SECRET NAZI TEAM Someone call the ADL and BAN this Nazi team from participating in ANY football game until the lyric is changed.


2/17 Air Cav

“However, whatever the historic origins and meanings of the symbol, it also has since been sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.”

Okay, and? This insanity will not stop, will it? The US Flag appears in many a KKK rally or march photo. You can bet that whoever the designed of the original US flag was (and that is in dispute) was likely a slave owner. And, while we’re at it, the US constitution should not be displayed in the National Archives, thanks to the participation of slave owners in its writing. Ditto that Declaration of Independence. Burn your copies today! Freakin’ insane.

Holden Magroin

You are finally getting with the program.



The offended individual here IMO is a freaking moron who is ignorant of his own nation’s history. He is cordially invited to go fornicate educate himself.

2/17 Air Cav

It appears that however twisted and mistaken one’s grievance and however distorted the grievant’s perception, the grievant prevails, so long as the matter is race based.

Space Shuttle Door Gunner

or -and maybe it’s the cynic in me – we need to stop rewarding people for being “triggered”. Having a bad day and don’t wanna work? Complain about a co worker. Doing poorly in your class? Claim you were triggered and not able to complete your assignments…

MSG Eric

Well, if that’s the case, then he should be offended by the democratic party, the USA, and pretty much every other country in the world that was around since the 1600s who all had slaves of some sort.

I have slaves and slave owners in my ancestry, so I should be offended by myself I guess.

Someone needs to tell this guy being offended by everything is so 2015.


Well, damn! I’m offended that you’re offended!

I think you’d better slap yourself silly right now!!


Do you think my cats can sue me for something? Two of them are black.


If so, I’m in deep du du, Tutonically speaking. I am feeding three black cats, one white one, and a mottled brown/white one.

I’m surely offending them somehow. They’re cats after all.

NR Pax

So basically, they’re going to go after anything that could be raysis because it probably is raysis.

And my dad wonders why I hate people so much.


No, actually. The fact of whether or not an item, statement, or person IS racist is quite irrelevant. The Cult of the Perpetually Offended say it is, therefore it must stop. It’s pretty easy to continue to not do that which you were not doing in the first place, except that they demand more than that. It’s all very confusing to the rest of us who are sane. They just continue to repeat the lies, ignoring real facts.

Facts don’t matter. Only their feelings matter, except no one but them really cares about their feelings.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Watch the liberals quietly let their 1st amendment rights slip away as well…fucking morons.

Club Manager

I am freakin offended by all of those who find mythical reasons to be offended by someone enjoying their Constitutional right of expression. The manners in which they link their offense to race is astounding. The EEOC needs to preface their complaint form with, “Once upon a time”.


When I’d come home from elementary school whining that someone had hurt my feelin’s, my mother would tell me “Well, maybe your feelings are sticking out too far.”

I’m getting to the point where I’m about ready to quote Mamma to a lot of crybabies.


Wow. You mom was a lot nicer than mine was. Mine told me to ignore it and they’d stop.

Still hasn’t stopped. You people are damned brutal!!! MOM!!!!


I dunno, ex-PH2.

My mother was Depression-era, West Texas oil-field Daddy, WWII surviving, birth-4-boys-before-she-got-a-girl tough.

Even when I was college age, she’d reach up and slap my face if she was mad at me.

And when my new wife teasingly said “Don’t hit me again” in her presence Mamma ’bout came out of the kitchen with her knife. And she’da used it on me with no qualms.

Love me – yes. Nice? Well… not soft at least.

The Stranger

Well, my mom would threaten me with “El cinto delgado”. All I have to say is look up “meanest mom in the world” on that Interweb thingie. Just sayin….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Your momma sounds like a sweetheart!!

Mine, being of stoic German stock, had little time for such things as concern about feelings. There was work to be done and no time for whining. In her view whining meant you had far too much free time on your hands if you were able to spend any time on something as frivolous as contemplating emotions and needed more work to remind you of what actually mattered.


German-decent WWII-vet father raised by a single mother during the Great Depression.
Scotts-decent (the notorious Armstrong clan, at that) mother, granddaughter of share-croppers.

No pity-parties allowed. No slacking, no excuses, no pass on misbehavior, nothing broken we couldn’t fix. No acting out, no talking back, and no ducking responsibility.

A rough childhood. Sorry more kids today don’t have it that rough.

Pinto Nag

My mom’s favorite saying:
“If crying would get it, we’d all sit down and cry.”
If my mom cried, everybody cleared the area until she calmed down again.


I keep waiting for the day when a courageous judge is going to look over his or her glasses at the plaintiff in a case like this and say “you know, the word isn’t always your way, snowflake, and you need to learn that. Case dismissed with prejudice – all legal fees to be paid by plaintiff.”

Too, I keep waiting for Catherine Zeta-Jones to call for a hook-up. Odds on both are roughly the same.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Maybe you’re better off anyway, Michael Douglas claims that she has cancer tang…so there’s that…


as seen in earlier threads, I kinda like me some crazy on occasion. Nothing like a gorgeous brunette woman with a blade in her hand to fire me up – ref: Mask of Zorro and John Carter if you need examples. Yowzas…

Cyber O-3E

Quite a reach. By that logic the US flag is racist because I’m sure someone involved in its conception owned slaves. I think too many people try to be offended.

Pinto Nag

Actually, there are calls for the American flag to be replaced. (Don’t follow up on that if you’ve just eaten. You’ll gag.)


Never wore the Gadsden flag on my hat. I just stopped by the local surplus store and bought a Gadsden patch just because some pussy says I can’t. There’s democracy and local economics in action. Black Lives Matter is the most racist organization since the democrats created the KKK. Where’s the call to ban that? Oh yeah, that silly 1st amendment renders it “protected speech”. My speech is protected exactly the same, you SJW types need to get over yourselves.

A Proud Infidel®™

My Gassden Flag tee shirt is now my favorite one and I bought it at a gun show to boot! ?


Hey! We need to close that Gadsden Flag Tee Shirt loophole!

Do it for the children!


I guess then none of us can wear any Confederate emblems, or fly any Confederate flags. I guess if that is true all of us served for nothing.


The professionally aggrieved are constantly on the lookout for grievances. This would not be a problem except that an entire political party has staffed its highest echelons with its members.


Oh, that flag has a yellow background, too! How come ain’t no Oriental types bemoaning the use of that color? And what about sunflowers?? They’re yellow, too! Ban them!
And black tulips! Ban them, too!

Didn’t Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys carry that flag with them, too?


Can’t say “Oriental” in describing people. You must say “Asian”. I’m still trying to figure out why I’m Caucasian if I’m 100% Mick.


IF you’re 100% Mick? Well, then aren’t you Galician? Or Pict? Jute?

See, there’s that whole tribal ancestry can of worms you just opened up!


I thought that I was 100% Mick.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m part Mick myself with a dash of Kraut, Limey and Polack.


Good one, Mick.

Or, is that Mick-Mick?

The Other Whitey

Somebody once called me “caucasian.” My response was “Fuck you! Do I LOOK like a fuckin’ Russian to you?” I’m Celtic-Teutonic, thanks very much.

As for asian/oriental, my Aunt Patty (God rest her) was very close to my wife. Aunt Patty used “oriental.” My wife didn’t mind, because Aunt Patty didn’t mean anything by it. She was born in 1945 and grew up in the 50s. That’s what people said in the 50s. Unlike the perpetually-offended pussies, my Mrs. Whitey is mature enough not to get butthurt over something said without malice.


Yeah – some of us “of a certain age” were taught the difference between Occidental and Oriental. It wasn’t racist. There was nothing judgmental about it. They were simply anthropological terms. How I became a racist for understanding the meaning of the words still baffles me.

Calling the people of China, or any other country in Asia, “Asian” doesn’t alter the fact that if you are a racist, consider yourself to be superior to that population, or are just a bigot toward anyone who doesn’t share your DNA, you will still be one no matter the label you use to identify those who live in China.

More willful ignorance.


Yes, but Ireland is the last home of the Gauls (Galicians), Jutes, Picts, and whatevers.
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur.

(All of Gaul is divided into three parts, of which one part is inhabited by the Belgae, another by the Aquitani, and the third by the Celts, which we call Gauls.)


Where is that quote from? I don’t recognize the source. Although I’m tickled that I remember enough of my Latin to be able to mostly understand it.


That’s from Julius Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. First thing we had in first year Latin. A mere nothing.

Not sure if the Irish monks copied it, but nothing would surprise me. They copied everything that was brought to them. (How the Irish Saved Civilization – Cahill.)

The Stranger

The Irish saved civilization when they first distilled Jameson’s…


And condemned it when they invented the Irish Redhead Lass…..

MSG Eric

Its called “balance” so the Irish don’t take over the world.


The Irish Redhead Lass does not condemn civilization, she elevates is to greater heights of beauty.


The Gaelic Wars – I should have known.

My first year Latin was Medieval Latin, so we were reading other texts. I missed out on Caesar and the others of Classical Latin.



yeah, but Gaul referred to France at the time, not Ireland. But Ireland was Celtic, for sure.

Asian vs. Oriental – well, the Chinese/Malaysian/Taiwanese/Vietnamese etc. folks I work with prefer Asian but most don’t get too wrapped around the axle by someone saying Oriental. They would be a lot more offended by terms like chink, nip, zipperhead, gook, etc.

Reminds me of the time Harry Truman referred to something as a “load of manure” at a White House function – an appalled society woman asked Bess if she could possibly get Hary to use some other word. Bess responded that it had taken her 30 years to GET him to use that word…


Aren’t the Jutes Germanic folk from Jutland?


So, in spite of all of the U.S. Navy history and tradition regarding the associated First Navy Jack, how long will it be before SECNAV Mabus caves in to this latest imbecilic bullshit and orders the Navy to stop flying the First Navy Jack with “Don’t Tread On Me” on it on their warships?

Any takers?


In addition, a Naval Message dated 4 August, states the following:

4. NWU Type II/III. Effective immediately, Navy certified subdued matching
NWU Type II/III pattern Dont Tread On Me (DTOM) and Reverse U.S. Flag
(Reverse Flag) patches are authorized for wear on the NWU Type II/III.

Silentium Est Aureum

I really think we need to have the SMOD or a zombie apocalypse.

Get rid of the weak fools, and the survivors will be too busy to be offended by petty bullshit like this.

Seriously. If you are offended by shit like this, your life is way too fucking easy and you have way too much free time on your hands.

A Proud Infidel®™

If there was a zombie apocalypse the libs would be the first to go. I can see it now, first they’d screech for Zombie Right and such, next they’d get eaten. All we’d need to do is hunker down until
The zombies die out and then enjoy a libtard-free world! Hey, I like to think positively every now and then!.


Zombies don’t die, you have to destroy their heads, preferably by gunshot.


Then how can they be killed by a greasy dude with a crossbow ?????

The Stranger

Awesome hell….I feel like this guy here:

And I’m sure this song would somehow offend someone.

The Stranger

Should have been Awww hell. Son of a bitch, gimme a drink. Damn autocorrect.


I turned autocorrupt off of everything.

The mistakes I make typing are my own, not those of the programmer who developed some algorithm to “help” the unwashed masses “communicate correctly.”

I suspect that autocorrupt is a Orwellian newspeak precursor…

The Stranger

But did you see the video? This is one of those times that the “video” you saw in your mind when you heard the song matches the video. It is a Belushi Blues Brothers type of thing…

A Proud Infidel®™

Sometimes the damn autocorrect can be a real Mother Forklift.

The Other Whitey

First, I will immediately order Gadsden decals for my wildland and structure helmets. Second, I will get some Gadsden 1911 grips.

Christopher Gadsden owned slaves. So did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Nobody’s recommending Gadsden for sainthood. There’s nothing at all vague about the meaning, and anybody claiming racism is just a fucking idiot, pure and simple. The United States allowed slavery until 1865 and Jim Crow bullshit for another century afterwards. Is the Stars&Stripes racist, then?

The EEOC should tell the whiner to grow the fuck up. They have plenty of real complaints to deal with and shouldn’t be wasting time with this chickenshit.


Fox gets this story all wrong. Here’s what appears to have happened: 1) Guy with the pseudonym of “Shelton” says a co-worker at the United States Postal Service wearing a cap with the Gasden flag on it is racially offensive. Shelton files a complaint. 2) A supervisor informs Shelton he will tell the employee not to wear the hat. (It is unclear as to why the supervisor did this. It could be he wanted harmony in the work area or thought there was a racial overtone. It could also be that the supervisor wanted to placate Shelton. The mere fact that the supervisor did this opens up a can of worms that needs further examination.) 3) Wearer continues to wear the hat. 4) Shelton files complaint with the USPS. 5) USPS says there is not “cognizant claim” from Shelton and dismisses the complaint. 6) Shelton appeals to the EEOC. The EEOC Office of Federal Operations says there does appear to be a cognizant claim. 7. The USPS (as a Federal agency) appeals that decision to the same board and the Board rejects the appeal and ordered the USPS to investigate the claim. So it is not that the EEOC is investigating the complaint. It is that they sent it back to the USPS because of the USPS dismissing the complaint on procedural grounds. Professor Volokh’s article is a must read not because he agrees or disagrees with the EEOC’s decision to have the USPS investigate the claim, but rather what such actions mean in the workplace – both private and public. Can you have political speech in the workplace? Is “Trump / Pence” for president prejudicial? Is the mere statement “Hillary is not fit for President” a statement that can be seen as gender based? Can the “Black Lives Matter” movement been seen as racially charged and creating a hostile environment? Personally, I believe the EEOC got the decision for the USPS to at least take a look at the complaint rather than dismiss it on procedural grounds correct. I don’t think that there can be anything there, (nothing to… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

Monkey see, monkey do. Somebody misinterpreted the EEOC review of the USPS dismissal of the complaint and one after another media member repeated that mistake. Breitbart got it right days ago. That aside, the mere fact that some asshole felt aggrieved b/c a co-worker was wearing a cap with the Gadsden flag depicted on it is enough to merit the reaction displayed here. My guess is that the USPS will, if it has not done so already, prohibit the wearing of caps in the workplace that do not bear only the USPS logo or are otherwise issued by or made available to its employees through USPS.
Here’s the Breitbart link:


Good report. Also, some folks forget that the EEOC does not have any enforcement powers.

MSG Eric

The problem is, many of the people who work there don’t know that.


That black worker who is offended by the supposedly latent racism of a traditional symbol of American patriotism, is himself/herself a symbol of extreme black militancy which most ordinary white Americans find offensive.

Perhaps the offended white workers in that office should petition to have that militant black worker removed from their workplace for his/her overt display of said black militancy by his/her complaint about the Gadsden Flag.

As they say, turnabout is fair play.


Every single thing or action that fails to affirmatively advance the Progressive agenda will be declared hate speach, or racist, or otherwise a thoughtcrime, and thus be prohibited. Today the rattlesnake, and soon the Elephant, statue of Liberty, etc.

Welcome to the Gulag, comrades! Do not be the first to stop applauding for the soon-to-be-confirmed new People’s president.


“I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, to someone, yeah”

David Crosby

The Freak

Hey! You can’t fly my flag without expressed written consent!


Fuck the snowflake…


Did this “Shelton” really think that filing a complaint would convince Mr. Don’t Tread on Me to stop wearing his hat? Does he not realize that the entire point of the symbol is defiance of tyranny?

As for me, I am now super motivated to disproportionately wear my Gadsden t-shirt. And my planned Gadsden tattoo just got frontloaded as well.

Fuck you, Shitstain Shelton.


I suppose that the Washington State flag is next. It displays the picture of a slave owner. As does the quarter and dollar bill.

Oh the horror…..


Well I guess I will ask the question…why was this complaint investigated and why does everyone feel the need to be a victim?


Everybody gets to be a victim because then they get to be on TV at a microphone with a LAWER standing by, looking important.

Like all other fads, this, too, shall pass. (At least, I hope it will.)

The Stranger

Unfortunately, it won’t. Love you girl, but that is the way it is and more is the pity. Today is the first time I actually felt old and I see this new generation and despair.

The Stranger

By the way, you should be able to figure out who this is…I’m not that strange. A few have been asking about me, tell them I’m okay.


Well, since you never answer phone calls, how is anyone on earth to know whether or not you’re okay?

The Stranger

Believe me, if YOU called, I’d answer. Seriously, tell Claw that I’m fine. I saw he was asking about me.


Okay. Got it. Good to know.


A suppose I could accuse the offended gentleman of being a bit niggardly concerning his exclusive view of the situation, but I’d be put in EO timeout or more likely have a cap put in my ass…


I see what you did there. Bravo!


Well, if the EEOC finds in favor of the complaintent , the “defendant” should be offended by everything the complaintent wears from that day forward. Start giving them back what they ask for


Somebody just tell the dumb son of a bitch not to look at the co-worker wearing the hat with the Gadsden Flag on it. Problem solved.

Just An Old Dog

I will bet a dollar to a donut the asswipe who bought this up is a substandard performer who is on the cusp of not being promoted or being terminated.
Bringing up something like this will garuntee he will hold on to his job and not get passed over because his superiors know he will say he was targeted for being a “whistle blower”


Sounds logical to me, too.


Hillary Cankles tee shirts offend me!

They make me want to cry because they remind me that half of my beloved country is stupid.

I saw a study today that claims that 1 in 3 hildabeast supporters are dumber than the other 2.


Does “specific context” include cry bullying by a jerk? Just wondering.

Roger in Republic

My forebears fought under that flag and not one of them ever owned a slave. Many were little better than slaves themselves. Race was never a consideration in revolutionary America. Slave or free, in those days all were welcome to die for our nation. The offended party is just a shit stirrer who wants to cash in or the current hyper racial climate in Obama’s america. Fuck him and feed him fish heads.


So what happens if someone has that flag tattoo on their forehead, neck or hand? Do they get the choice of tattoo removal or fired?


Would that there were fan rooms and dogging wrenches in the department of the federal government that this special snowflake worked, as an LPO they worked for me.