“Clock boy” to study with the masters

| October 21, 2015


14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, the youngster who innocently made a clock that looked more like a bomb timer than a clock, has been offered a full scholarship in Qatar in order to sharpen his bombclock-building skills with the masters of bombclock-making in the Middle East, according to Fox News;

“We are going to move to a place where my kids can study and learn, and all of them being accepted by that country,” Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told The Dallas Morning News before boarding an airplane from Washington back home to Texas on Tuesday.

The statement said the family has been “overwhelmed by the many offers of support” since Ahmed’s arrest on Sept. 14 at his school in Irving, a Dallas suburb. The family said it accepted an offer from the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development to join its Young Innovators Program.

Ahmed, who along with his family will relocate to Qatar, received a full scholarship for his secondary and undergraduate education. Ahmed said he was impressed with the program and thinks he’ll “learn a lot and have fun, too.”

I’m sure that the rest of the TAH readership will join me in wishing young Ahmed loads of luck in his future endeavors, knowing that he will make something of himself and contribute greatly to the advancement of the 11th century Islamic culture as they make the great leap forward into the 12th century.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Sounds like a dynamite program!


Lets see turn over U.S passport and renounce U.S citizenship would be a good nest step for him.

B Woodman

My exact comment on another site.

“. . .good NEXT step. . . ”
There. Fixed it for ya. (Grammar OCD kicking in)


Tank you.


I heard for his first semester he was eager to take electives in how to properly beat a woman in accordance with the holy Qur’an, and donkey intercourse (interactive).

Hope his family takes lots of pictures. They blow up so fast. (rimshot)


They blow up so fast…That was pretty good…as I clean the coffee off of my screen.

A Proud Infidel®™

“…they blow up so fast.”…

I know what you mean, they’re all over the place in the blink of an eye! 😀

Guard Bum

You guys are on fire this morning….Im supposed to be paying attention to a lecture instead of laughing at inapprpriate times!

E-6 type, 1 ea

Damn, you beat me to it.

Good freaking riddance. Hope he and the rest of his family decide to stay in the ME permanently.

A Proud Infidel®™

GOOD FOR little Oobla-Boobla the Clock Boy and his family, DON’T let the doorknob get stuck up your ass when you slam the door behind you as you leave!!!


Yeah– buh bye.

2/17 Air Cav


I think they left to avoid a huge impending tax bill on all the gifts, scholarships, travel, etc. the family received…

A Proud Infidel®™

That wouldn’t surprise me a bit, I’m just happy to see them go away!

2/17 Air Cav

27 ways to say goodbye to the Mohamed Texacans. (I’m thinking this guy is a Vet, based only upon the back-blast area clear comment. Plus, he’s nutty as shit.


Dude, please – a NSFW warning for that seems apropos.

Everyone, if you post something that could possibly be NSFW, please post a NSFW warning along with it. (Remember: some workplaces are exceedingly PC and prudish.) Don’t think anyone here wants anyone who might be checking the site from work on break to get in trouble via accident.

2/17 Air Cav


Lurker Curt

Okay, that “Dude?” got me giggling!

A Proud Infidel®™

DUDE! Like, buy me a hamburger, and I’ll like, split it with you!!


hey.. I remember little brats like this in Iraq. it’s all in the name of the faith. bye now. and please take your friends with you….


I hope somebody has the good sense to keep track of this family. His parents have ambitions.

The Other Whitey

Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Good riddance you little fuck, hope you and your shitbag family find what they are seeking in Qatar….a modern day slave state where foreigners are owned by their employers….fuck Qatar as well.


Well then Mohamed Mohamed, father of the little bomb maker extraordinaire, GOOD FUCKING LUCK! Now get the fuck out and don’t ever come back. No one here will miss your, your little dick wad son’s, your family’s or your whole kind’s for that matter, sorry asses.

Roger in Republic

The whole family holds US Passports. Sooner or later they will come back. As soon as their notoriety wears off they will come slinking back to the land of milk and welfare. And you know no one will try to stop them.

Herbert J Messkit

If you see something say something. Unless it’s about a Muslim, then we’ll accuse you of a hate crime


Apropos which: http://www.steynonline.com/7244/the-clock-ticks-on

Keep scrolling down until you get to “Ahmed the Clock Boy.” Steyn makes an interesting point.

Herbert J Messkit

Love when he subs for Limbaugh


Are they going to take Obama with them??
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


Be happy for small favors. Don’t be greedy

Pinto Nag

Well…if they didn’t hate us before, they do now. Hopefully they get put into a file somewhere, for future reference.

2/17 Air Cav

Qatar is a happening place. 100 lashes for adultery but it’s death if the female is Muslim and the male isn’t. Lashing is also the punishment for illicit sexual relations between males and females, as is consuming alcohol. And fahgetabout it if you’re gay. You do not want to let your gayhood or your LGBT sympathies be known there. Yeah, Qatar is a fun place. It seems to favor involuntary servitude (a/k/a slavery) and torture—and neither in reference to enemies! Yeah, I’m sure that Little Ahmed will find his transition of Texas life to life in Qatar to be altogether seamless. Sure, he’s all a-twitter now, but his popularity will be ended by Christmas (the infidels’ holy day) and then reality sets in for him. Jingle bells, jingle bells…

A Proud Infidel®™
2/17 Air Cav

“Ohhhh, dashing through the sand, with a bomb strapped to my back…”


We shouldn’t be so harsh on Clock Boy. He might outdo himself and drag them kicking & screaming into the 13th century.

…Still a long way from flush toilets and penicillin, though.


Wait a minute! Isn’t Qatar one of those places in the middle of a revolution or something? Or was I thinking of one of the “-man” countries, like Oh, man! or Yeah, man! or something. I really can’t keep up with all the stuff coming out of the Mdlest any more.

Well, I do wish him some sort of luck in his new life, however short it may be. My farewell to the family is ‘Y’all forget to write, okay? Be strangers!’

What’s next? Oh1 Lunch!

A Proud Infidel®™

Not really, Qatar is pretty much a postage stamp-sized oil rich sheikhdom that is much like the UAE or Kuwait when it comes to social setup. I was there for a few days on a pass at the US Military Rest Camp during my time in A-stan.

L. Taylor

I do not get the hate for this kid. Seems completely bizarre and misplaced.


Lars, seriously, you are sometimes so thick!

When someone has to explain to you that this kid put something together that anyone else would have been arrested for taking to school with him, you need to get some fresh air.

A Proud Infidel®™

I honestly think that Lars is at least three times denser than deetes uranium.

A Proud Infidel®™

“…DEPLETED uranium.” Stupid autocorrect!


A – Turn off the auto-correct. NOW.

B – Deetes uranium? That must be a special secret squirrel isotope of U235 that no one ever heard of until just now. SHHHH!

A Proud Infidel®™

IT WAS the auto-correct, that thing can be a real mother forklift sometimes, knowhutimean?


Yes, but your accident and your ferociously dominant autocorrect gave me a useful fuel source for hyperdyne system starship drives.

A Proud Infidel®™

I AIM TO PLEASE, MA’AM, it’s also an excellent fuel source for the Microthermonuclear Plasma Reactor on an M666 Plasma Gun like the one I manned as an Apollo Mission Door Gunner!! 😀

Pinto Nag

It’s not hate for the kid, although what he did was pretty tone-deaf, and the response to what he did was asinine.

His father, on the other hand, is another story. This situation, no matter how moronic from top to bottom, was a watershed moment for him, and he blew it. He went full retard, and frankly, we’re simply sick and tired of the attitude.

2/17 Air Cav

Hmmm. I honestly don’t think anyone here hates the kid. But he was made a ridiculous poster boy for Muslim victimization when many of us don’t see the school’s actions as unreasonable at all. And I, for one, hate that. What’s bizarre and misplaced is how the Left beat a path to his door and fashioned him into some sort of wiz kid and hero of the oppressed. In my eyes, he’s a victim for sure–a victim of his father’s ambitions and politics. My guess is that his true victimization has just begun.

charles w

Exactly. This so called brilliant kid didn’t do anything hard.


While I agree he didn’t do anything ‘hard’,… he did show more initiative and curiosity than most kids in school these days.

If a 5th grader writes a book and publishes it, I don’t expect it to be The Grapes of Wrath or War and Peace. It’s still pretty good initiative, and the sort of thing we should encourage.

A Proud Infidel®™

FACT: the kid half-assed a science project into something looking like an incomplete time bomb and played the victim card like his Papa told him to. Let’s not forget that his sister has been suspended from school and played the victim card as well!

L. Taylor

Skippy says:
October 21, 2015 at 11:18 am
hey.. I remember little brats like this in Iraq. it’s all in the name of the faith. bye now. and please take your friends with you….

The Other Whitey says:
October 21, 2015 at 11:24 am
Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!

Veritas Omnia Vincit says:
October 21, 2015 at 11:25 am
Good riddance you little fuck, hope you and your shitbag family find what they are seeking in Qatar….a modern day slave state where foreigners are owned by their employers….fuck Qatar as well.

FatCircles0311 says:
October 21, 2015 at 2:25 pm
Kid is a mouth breather and probably smells like burnt rubber and diarrhea.

Sparks says:
October 21, 2015 at 11:26 am
Well then Mohamed Mohamed, father of the little bomb maker extraordinaire, GOOD FUCKING LUCK! Now get the fuck out and don’t ever come back. No one here will miss your, your little dick wad son’s, your family’s or your whole kind’s for that matter, sorry asses.

The Other Whitey

Wow, Lars, are you picturing me burning a cross? Sorry, fucker, I’m Catholic, so no dice.

My comment was in regards to the level of bullshit and/or delusion that has somebody claim that middle eastern theocracies (they are all theocratic to some extent, far more so than America) offer better protection for civil rights. I would offer the same answer to anybody making any similarly-ridiculous claim while proclaiming their intent to leave the US.

You, therefore, can fuck off and die.

L. Taylor

The kid is probably better off growing up as a well known Muslim in Qatar than he is growing up a well known Muslim in East Texas.

Regardless of how bullshit the father’s views are, the fact is Muslims are not treated well on average in the US.

They are viewed the “least favorably” of all major religious groups in the US.

And that low favorability public perception sure as shit does translate into negative interactions with people in the community. Particularly in areas like East Texas.

So be butthurt about their choice if you like, the fact is this family has a sufficient reason to get the fuck out of the area. Of all the options available to them a full ride for high school and college from a reputable technical school in one of the wealthiest nations in the world per capita is not a bad decision.

The Other Whitey

I’m not butthurt (you seem to be). They can leave if they want. All I’m saying is that if that’s their attitude towards a country that legally protects all religions, including theirs, among other things, then good riddance and don’t come back.

Besides, given his dad’s line of work and their history with the school, do you really believe that the clock stunt wasn’t a calculated gambit to play the victim card?

L. Tayor

I think he acted like a adolescent kid that thought a 24 clock looked cool.

Most of us did stupid shit at that age. When I was growing up we walked around with toy guns that would probably get us shot today, including climbing fences into neighbors yards while running around with these guns.

We played with fire.

We even had a copy of the anarchist cookbook which had page after page of stupidity we were lucky to have survived.

Kids do stupid things.

The margin of error today is just far far too narrow for kids. Especially if you are a black kid or a Muslim kid.

The Other Whitey

You actually make a halfway-decent point there (for once), Lars. But you have to admit that it seems awfully coincidental from the child of a professional activist. Not unlike one of the militant open-carry crown cruising the mall with AKs and 50 pounds of tacticool, then saying that they were “harassed” by the cops.


“Especially if you are a black kid or a Muslim kid.”

I wonder what the greatest cause of death is for black kids (discounting abortion, or course). Ditto for Muslim kids.

Doing the research is too much of a pain in the ass, so I am going to assume it’s middle aged white guys who tend to vote Republican and frequent mil blogs. Am I right Lars?

L. Taylor

No, but statistically speaking a kid climbing into the backyard of a middle aged white guy who tended to vote Republican and frequents mil blogs while the kid was carrying a toy gun would be much less likely to end well than it would if a white kid did it.

A Proud Infidel®™

HERE YOU GO AGAIN my fart-headed little enema-brained ass-muffin, you go ASS-U-ming that we’re all a bunch of cross-burning dweebs with robes nearly as pointy-headed as you are.

You lose.


Prefacing your asinine statement with “statistically speaking” accomplishes nothing, but thanks for playing.

The Other Whitey

Now how is that supposed to sound anything but bigoted, Lars? Being white and Republican means you shoot black kids? In what way is that different from claiming that black people who vote for Obama are gang members?

You made a good point about teenage stupidity, then you piss it away with this crap. What the fuck, dude?


Scenario 1: There’s a white cop and a black guy trying to achieve entry into a house without a key.

Scenario 2: There’s a black cop and a white guy trying to achieve entry into a house without a key.

Question: Statistically speaking, which cop does the President of the United State accuse of acting stupid?


TOW, I don’t think his point about kids acting stupid was particularly well made. I tell my kids to make their mistakes while they are young and the consequences won’t kill them or incarcerate them. The equation is: fuck up, suffer the consequences, learn. In the case of this clock making kid, it was: fuck up, get invited to The White House, receive scholarship.

My expectations are not that my kids won’t make mistakes and get in trouble. My expectations are that they will learn from their mistakes while they are young, and thus make fewer mistakes when they are adults. In order for that to happen, there has to be negative consequences for mistakes and not rewards.

I hope it does not sound like I am arguing with you. I’m not.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey GDC, plenty of muzzie kids go all over the place as soon as they or someone else pushes a button! 😀


If you bother to even read what you write, Lars, YOU are the one who brings up race, NOT US.

Pinto Nag

I have a question for you. If you moved to any ME country, do you think they would accept your presence there? Or do you think you might be treated roughly because you are an American?

L. Tayor

What is your point?

Is this intended to justify acting like asshats to Muslims in the US? Even Muslim Americans?

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, Lars, many negative things were said about the kid but it was the entire situation that was being responded to. We didn’t choose him as the poster boy. The Left elevated him to that and, consequently, his actions and his father’s past came to be scrutinized. In the end, all of us knew that he was a 14-year old punk kid whose paternal guidance (and eagerness to please his father) probably best explained the event that brought him worldwide attention. You certainly don’t have to accept this explanation but I think it’s accurate.


Why are you refusing to answer PN’s question, Lars?

It’s a valid question. She is NOT making a point. She asked you a question. Answer it or shut up.

L. Taylor

The answer is “yes”, if I moved to a Muslim country I expect to have to deal with an above average number of asshats because of their reaction to my being an American.

However, that does not mean I am going to act like an asshole to Muslims and Muslim Americans here in the US, and it does not give anyone justification to act like one to them.

That hard to figure out? Did I really have to explain it?

Pinto Nag

And if you moved to that country, if you meant to make a life there, you would do everything to fit in and not make waves, right? Of course you would. How hard is it to understand that this kid did the ONE THING (build something that to your average person here would appear to be some part of an explosive device) that would set off anti-Muslim reactions? And instead of working with his new community and neighbors to clear up the misunderstanding, the boy’s father set the situation in concrete by playing up the anti-Muslim sentiment and blaming the community for their reaction, instead of taking responsibility for his and his son’s actions in the first place.


Well, frankly, Lars, it is difficult for anyone to understand why you either refuse to answer questions or respond to them with questions.
Since you did NOT answer PN’s question in the first place, you have no cause to be defensive about being told to put up or shut up.


Especially Muslim Americans Lars.


Lars….. You are crazy his dad was trashing the United States the other day and admitted that what people thought was true and his sons stunt was a ploy to get more followers or converts to Islam… Get off the left wing crack pipe and wake the hell up…. Holy Crap… WAKE THE HELL UP !!!!!!


And also Lars I thought after your last temper tantrum you said you weren’t posting here anymore… Is the trolling sites getting harder now days ??????

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m thinking he expected some Kool-Aid, a fresh peanut butter sandwich and a group hug while we all sang “Kum-ba-yah” upon his return while we forgot all about his past imbecilic bullshit!


No Shit ! ! ! !


He got lonely. We’re the only ones who will actually acknowledge his existence. Even his dog quit humping his leg…


and that he is there are a few things that are fun to debate about but you can’t debate someone when they won’t answer your question they evade a answer… Lol….


Kid is a mouth breather and probably smells like burnt rubber and diarrhea.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars strikes me as being a booger-eating thumbsucking bedwetting version of the 0bamacare pajama boy!


I thought he was pajama boy!

Semper Idem

Something tells me that these ‘masters’ aren’t exactly Rolex, Patek Phillipe, or Audemars Piguet.

At any rate, I’m guessing his training will be an absolute blast.

A Proud Infidel®™

YEP, and he’ll be all over the place in the blink of an eye!


I wonder what’s in that deal for Qatar. Why would they want to bring an amateur “clocksucker” into their culture? Fourteen seems a little bit on the old side for that Islamic tradition, the pedo-perv initiation program.

Here’s to his leaving an indelible mark on their “training” program.


A – He’s a gullible kid.

B – His daddy has a hidden, personal agenda.

C – It kowtows to the anti-American ‘tude in the Middle East.


Until the last 3 years, I never saw any of this so-called victimization against muslims taking place. I lived in Chicago long enough to have seen it, if it existed.

This shit is all made up for the specific purpose of playing to the camera and the news media audience, who can point the finger and say ‘see???’, when the media inhabitants themselves are far more prejudiced and judgmental than the rest of us. This kind of crap started with that manufactured riot in Ferguson, MO, and most likely won’t end for another year.

However, if enough of it is jammed down the throats of the public, not all of whom are stupid enough to fall for media tricks, it will become less and less likely to draw an audience for its shock value. And while I’m at it, there are enough self-centered jackasses like that failed TV reporter who killed a reporter during an interview and this bunch of media-happy dweebs to fill a small island in the Arabian Sea. That would be a good place for them.


It’s a beautiful thing. Somewhere out there, just short of reaching puberty itself, is a goat who does not even realize it’s future mate will soon be descending in the land to join it.


thats almost poetic. I didn’t know you were a romantic.


Since I don’t give enough of a rat’s ass to do any research into this little jihadi in training or his muslim activist family where did they come from in the first place?


The father is a Sudanese immigrant.


Looking at some comments above, I want to point out that the more you feed the trolls, the more they’re going to try to get a rise out of you. I don’t need to name names, they’re the ones with genital warts on both stem and stern.


So, what you’re saying, Therapist, is that all you do is repeat yourself?

Has it occurred to YOU that the trolls need to meet their match and find it here?


I’m saying that it’s about as productive as debating the merits of an argument from a child that’s acting up. Unfortunately, we’re on the Internet and can’t take a rod to trolls.

Just my 2 cents on the merits of continuing to stimulate these freaks, shouldn’t take it personally.


It’s also one way to relieve stress, you know.


Besides, it’s fun to poke the trolls with sticks!


Double eye poke is best.

Dave Hardin

I usually take pride in ridiculing anyone who believes that an illiterate warlord who raped, murdered and enslaved people then climbed onto a winged horse with a human head and few off into the heavens.


He even managed to find time for his 9 year old bride. That part I’m actually willing to believe.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s also FUN to see just how much they can take of what they dish out before they run away, and some are mentally masochistic enough to keep coming back!!


They’re deeply twisted people that have a need for abuse between sock-smelling sessions.

2/17 Air Cav

“If you fail to comply with the above demands within 60 days from the date of this letter….” That reads like a ransom note. It’s part of a line from a lawyer representing the family of Ahmed the Clockmaker. How much? $15,000,000.00