US launches airstrikes against ISIS in Libya

| August 2, 2016

According to CNN, the US has begun expanding their airstrikes against ISIS in Libya as we support the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) – the UN-backed unity government of the fractured nation, while the Libyan government tries to take back the Libyan coastal city of Sirte from the ISIS thugs.

The White House said President Barack Obama authorized the airstrikes at the recommendation of Defense Secretary Ash Carter.
“The President’s been clear that he will deny any safe haven for groups like ISIL or any group that tries to do us harm,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said. “The strikes you’ve seen are consistent with that approach.”


Aside from Iraq and Syria, ISIS’ presence in Libya “is probably the most developed and the most dangerous,” CIA Director John Brennan recently told Congress.

And Libya’s proximity to Europe could compound the problem.

Better four years late than never, I guess. There is a case in favor of pre-emptive strikes here. At least we’re not having the discussion about arming this side or that side for a change.

Fox News says that the air strikes came from USS WASP;

Marine Corps Harrier jets launched from Wasp conducted strikes Monday along with unmanned drones from a location the U.S. military did not want disclosed, one official said. The strikes targeted ISIS militants in their stronghold of Sirte, a Libyan coastal city.

Category: Terror War

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After the leaflet drop.


I’m still trying to understand why Code Pink is not throwing a fit over this….
Every time someone on the Republican side did anything close to this they would go nuts

Any ideas ??????


I don’t waste my time and energy trying to make sense of the insane.

They are D@mn-0-crat tools.
Therefore, they are insane. QED



B Woodman

“DildoCrats” would be a closer fit for Code Punk.


Is not a war for oil. (Sarcasm)


This looks bad for Hillary. They better find something to blame and fast.


Thanks to Obama and Hilary for deciding on regime change in Libya.


Q #1: Guess who gets stuck with this after the fall elections?

A: One or the other of them.

Q#2: And what if it escalates, as it may?

A: What do you think?


I’m not so sure about that, Ex-PH2. I’m thinking maybe it’s the Democrat party cynically using military action to try to appeal to the independent white male vote which is mostly conservative and supportive of aggressive use of air power against Islamic insurgencies.


Granted that, Poetrooper, but if this goes on into the fall elections, whoever gets elected to the office President will inherit this, period.

If it’s Trump, it will be all his fault, even though he didn’t start it. If it expands, which is possible, that will also be his fault.

If it’s shrillary, do you think the press will actually crucify her the way they’d nail it to Trump?

I’m only observing that it was started by the Bozo administration, but will get blamed on whoever is elected.

Nice job of screwing your successor three ways to Sunday, isn’t it?


If Hitlary gets elected, and inherits this latest war in Libya, it will be Bushes fault.

Bill M

At least Pres. Ash Carter is still on the job.


Under what authorities, and part of what campaign are we conducting these operations?


It’s the “Because Doctrine” Remember, they ignore the real reason for that unpleasantness at the CIA diplomatic compound in Benghazi, because, in that case, Buh-rock had to be re-elected. This has something to do with the dems perception that, even with massive voter fraud, Hillzy may have to stay in Chappaqua.


Bomb all the Muslims then blame racist Americans.

-Obama foreign policy


Or, bring all the moonslims to America and when one of them blows up blame racisss Americans.

Mikey C/4-27

We got enough planes working to do this last minute/before elections/bullshit?