That’s Gotta Sting
Guess who wants to help “Make America Great Again”?
Obama’s Half-Brother To Vote For Trump
Malik Obama apparently is registered to vote in Maryland. He says that he’s planning to return to the US to vote in November.
He also says that he has “deep disappointment” in his half-brother’s Administration. He’s particularly bothered by the Clintoon email scandal, saying, “She should have known better as the custodian of classified information.”
Common sense in the Obama family… musta been a recessive. Nice to see tho.
And I’ll just leave this here as well.
Trump’s Tweet wins the internet.
ChipNASA, you birdfart, I wish just once you’d post a frikkin’ spew alert! Just ONCE, as a courtesy! I nearly sprayed my monitor again.
You have to admit, it was WORTH IT! LOL, that is a classic…if that hilldabitch thinks she can keep up with Trump, she is even more retarded and ignorant than I think she is!!
I’ll go ya one better. And yes, definite SPEW ALERT!! You have been warned!
Carlos Danger vs Donald Jr
Trump still sucks, but that shit’s funny right there!
Trump sucks? you like the communist, lying, thieving murdering BITCH BETTER DO YOU???
On another note, CNN is doing there damnest to elect Hillary.
I think we should let them yak all they want to. It’s great therapy, especially for people whose lives are rather dull.
I find listening to CNN will do one of two things- either help with my insomnia or cause my blood pressure to spike.
Clinton News Network…
@Green Thumb.
This sort of thing should be taken seriously. The news media needs a series of rather consistent ‘in your face’ reminders that all their perks and privileges are tied to a job that they are most definitely not doing.
But will he make a few bucks off of some lousy beer?
Maybe Malik Malt Liquor?
One thing I would like to see out of Republicans is to stop creating more government. Every time they create something the Democrats turn it into a monster. Nixon created the EPA, Bush created Homeland Security. We need to start dismantling these programs.
Would this be the same half-brother that the Glorious Leader referenced in so many sob stories without ever lifting a finger to actually help him? Or is he the son of another unfortunate victim of the commie skirt-chasing absentee Obama Sr and his practice of “find ’em, feel ’em, fuck ’em, and forget ’em?”