LTC Dennis Dockery; double dipping
Bobo sends us a link to the Stars & Stripes which tells the story of Dennis Dockery, an Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel and a corrections officer in Connecticut. While he was on active duty from 2009 to 2012, he was incarcerated in the Leavenworth correction barracks by the Army for smacking women around and adultery.
Dockery altered paperwork with his civilian job to make it appear as if he was working at his Army job at Leavenworth instead of being a prisoner of the system.
As a military reservist, Dockery was still on the state payroll and entitled to a portion of his state salary while activated for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
He was not entitled to any salary while serving time in a military prison, but forged his orders so that it appeared he was serving at Fort Leavenworth rather than incarcerated, according to the warrant.
A military judge convicted Dockery of two counts of adultery, assault by battery, and two counts of engaging in a prohibited relationship. He was sentenced to 17 months of confinement at Leavenworth and thrown out of the Army. He also lost his Army retirement benefits.
After his release from Leavenworth, Dockery returned to Connecticut and went back to work at the Department of Correction. Late last year, human resources staff at the department got a tip about Dockery’s prison sentence at Leavenworth and began investigating.
So, it was a tip that got him busted, not the bureaucracies talking to each other. He only benefited about $5000 from the scam – it hardly seems worth the penalty he faces now.
May 25,the case was turned over to investigators in the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office, who prepared an arrest warrant that was signed Tuesday. DOC fired Dockery May 27. He was scheduled to retire June 1.
Category: Crime
Well the chances are he never would have gotten his job back if they had known he was locked up, so it wasn’t just the 5K he got. He held down a job for 4 years he would have gotten canned from.
$50k?!?! That dude might be going away again and for a while. I know a couple COs here in CT…
On second thought, not worth it.
F this turd.
How the hell does a LTC (or former) think they’ll get away with something like this?
something about the rank of o-5 makes these guys go crazy.
Not all of us do after reaching O5, and I am a retired correctional workers too.
As Trent notes: not O5s all go “off the rails”. But some do.
For many, it’s the first time they have nearly “carte blanche” authority – far more than a company commander. Most handle it well. But for some, it reveals character flaws previously kept hidden.
Robert Caro – biographer of Robert Moses and LBJ – perhaps put it best: “We’re taught Lord Acton’s axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believed that when I started these books, but I don’t believe it’s always true any more. Power doesn’t always corrupt. Power can cleanse. What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals.”
Give a man real power, and you’ll see his true character. Bet on it.
Entirely agree with the notion of the revelatory ability of power. I’m always surprised though when the axiom is misquoted, or rather with the frequency with which it is.
The quote is “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
Very forceful words, but the inclusion of “tends” and “almost”, so often left out as the biographer does above, indicate that even Lord Acton recognized exceptions. This was a man who hated slavery, but sympathized with the Confederacy during the Civil War because he hated the predicted growth of federal power in the US even more.
He believed Union victory would destroy an otherwise near perfect system for the preservation of liberty (do as much to States’ Rights as to the Separation of Powers), and cause the inevitable rise of federal tyranny.
Thank God that didn’t happen! /sarc
Hickery, Dickery, Dockery …
You guys finish it!
Cockery in the cell…
Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
The felon will be eating some C***
The clock struck one
He took it in the buns
He deserved everything he got.
Well done Senior.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
Dockery worked Phildo’s cock,
All the while Paul got high,
Then dropped his fly,
Waiting his turn while he watched the clock!
Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
He decided to think with his cock
He’ll get even more
From Bubba & Thor
While he starts his new life
As their prison “Wife”
Threw away his civilian career and pension for the cost of used Hyundai?
Smart move. Way to think it through.
Dumb ass.
100,000 mile/10 year warranty man. Can’t beat that deal. Lol
Shitbaggery at its best!
WTF, he was serving time for adultery. Did they just throw that in to add time in the slammer.
Not entirely. Apparently the Army investigation found he was also boinking a subordinate during a past deployment to Iraq. Had the guy not been stupid and violent, I’m guessing adultery alone (if it ever surfaced at all) would have merely ended his career vice putting him in jail and apparently getting him the equivalent of a DD.
In the more recent case, apparently the Army prosecutors had enough to convict for adultery but not enough to convict him of rape. Still, 17 mo and (apparently) dismissal (the equivalent of a DD for officers) isn’t exactly nothing. There’s also a chance he’s now a convicted felon, depending on the precise crimes for which he was convicted at court-martial. The sentence length would imply that, but there’s always the possibility that he was sentenced to concurrent sentences – and if I recall correctly, an officer can be dismissed for literally any GCM conviction. Maybe one of our JAG commenters can shed some light on how common consecutive sentences are regarding court-martials.
Wonder if he ever handled a firearm while working as a corrections officer after returning to work with his forged paperwork? That could also be problematic for him now.
@ HONDO, Et Alii:
Many eons ago, I was employed as a Correctional Supervisor at the Utah State Prison.
Qualifying with firearms is mandatory, as duties include transporting prisoners to and from court appearances and/or hospital appointments.
And, of course, firearms are used when manning any of the perimeter towers or operating the perimeter patrol vehicle.
We were armed with a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver, a Colt AR-15 semi-automatic .223 caliber rifle, and a Remington Model 870 12 gauge pump shotgun.
Currently, the Smith and Wesson .38 caliber revolver has been replaced by a Glock 9 millimeter semi-automatic pistol.
All personnel are trained and certified as Peace Officers in a P.O.S.T. academy.
As a matter of fact, I was in the very first class that was P.O.S.T. trained and certified.
A lot of changes have taken place since then.
Blah, Blah, Blah. Who cares?
Stop trying to turn this thread into what you have done in your lifetime.
I apologize for offending you.
My intent was to answer Hondo’s question regarding the handling of firearms by a convicted felon.
Anyway, I’m an old man, and one of the privileges (or shortcomings?) of being an old man is continually recalling one’s bygone days of youthful adventures.
I also comment on other subjects, i.e., defending our Constitution, our inalienable rights, traditional morality, Christian values, et cetera, as there are so many opportunities to do so on the Internet, what with all the attacks being repeatedly launched against everything I’ve ever loved, cherished, or believed in.
I was wondering what became of you, John. Good to see you (well, your words) back!
I found your comments interesting.
I mean, no one else here ever tells “there I was…” stories…..
Thanks John! Not sure what’s in Claw’s craw today. No need to apologize.
Claw. John is a good guy who has been around the block a few times. He gets, um, certain concessions not accorded others.
2/17. He may be a good guy in your eyes, but when I read a blog entry on his personal website (which he has linked to here at TAH) that is titled “I endorse bombing abortion clinics”, he’s not such a good guy in my eyes.
But, YMMV.
Claw. I don’t see that on his site. I see a lot of stuff but not that. Have mercy. Watch those YMMVs. I had to use google to find out what it meant. For quite some time, I thought lol had something to do with linguine.
You have to scroll back about five pages into his older posts to find it. But it’s there, at least it was still there about 15 minutes ago.
But I suggest that if we want to continue commenting on this we go to the WOT.
After all, this thread is about Dickery Dock, not JRM.
Adultery? So very quaint. So archaic. So much yesterday. I’m sorry but in this day in age when immorality is the norm, to charge, let alone convict, someone of adultery is laughable to me.
See above. My guess is that he was convicted of two counts of adultery because (1) they couldn’t prove rape but could prove adultery, and (2) investigation showed he was boinking a subordinate while on an earlier deployment to Iraq. The Army takes a very dim view of the latter, and if I recall correctly under the UCMJ adultery can be a lesser included offense under rape.
Okay. I admit to reading the linked stuff not.
I wouldn’t care if he was sleeping around on his wife and it wasn’t a mission distractor. What I would care about is if he was sleeping around with members of his own unit, especially his subordinates. That’s why I can see adding it on in this case, vice him just screwing around.
I’ve known quite a few people who were married but got it on like rabbits. As long as it wasn’t a mission distractor, it wasn’t an issue.
Imagine if you could charge Army wives with adultery. How many would be in jail for the entire deployment of their husband?
Being an officer I do have to wonder how many folks did he deliver NJP to for adultery?
He seems to be a rough customer. Smacking women around, trying to choke one, never mind prowling the ‘net looking for more.
Keep his ass locked up.
Altering a DD-214? Interesting.
On the one hand, not at all certain that one is obligated to disclose whatever one got into while on leave from one’s primary job. However, when the job requires submission of your release from active duty, then altering/lying about the nature of your active duty service is indeed a problem.
What an idiot. Seemed to think that no one would ever figure it out. Fool, but he pretty much had already proved his willingness to commit criminal acts. Maybe he caught amorality from the inmates he associated with?
Fired 4 days before retirement for falsifying documents to cover up the fact that he was in jail?
Gee. That’s just too bad. (smile)
Hope he enjoys a loooong stay at one of Connecticut’s crossbar hotels.
And doing so while being a former “Screw” as well? Hoooo boy, Bubba & Thor are gonna have a ball with his ass, knowhutimean?
Looks like someone is going to be served a ton of cockmeat sammiches and tubesteak (with plenty of nutbutter and manmayo as sides) for some serious shitbaggery.
Well, he screwed himself out of two retirements, but at least he’ll have some new friends (Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny”) to “comfort” him in jail.
How someone in the military conducts his personal life reflects upon the military. In traditional parlance, the good order and discipline of the service is affected. Over the past several years, the services have fairly thrown that longstanding tenet out the window. One vestige has been retained: adultery. I have no idea why, not in light of queers marrying queers and transgenders/transsexuals/transformers/whatever being welcomed with open arms by the services. Cross dressing on one’s own time is okay, as is a marine wearing parts of his uniform in a gay porn movie. Did you hear that Captain Jack and Captain Pete are dating again? They make such a cute couple! But the line is drawn at adultery. No matter that the parties involved may have been estranged from their legal spouses. They have crossed the line and shall be punished! What’s the pretense for this? There is none that can be offered with a straight face. It’s asinine. (Although it may sound as though I am advocating the end to the adultery prohibition, I am not, not in the personal sense. Rather, I would like the old moral code to be reinstated but since that’s not going to happen, for consistency the UCMJ ought to chuck the adultery provisions.)
That’s one possibility. Another would be to change the definition of adultery to include homosexual sex where one of the two involved is married, but is married to someone else at the time of the illicit relationship.
I could support either tossing adultery as a UCMJ crime or changing the definition to include homosexual sex. I agree with you that the current situation – where by definition only hetrosexual sex can be prosecuted as adultery – is completely absurd and arguably constitutes unlawful discrimination.
Oh come on Hondo. Its not discrimination if its against heterosexuals, only homosexuals. 😛
Reminds me of the days when in some states 3.2 beer was not considered alcohol…but if you drank enough of it you could get a DUI.
About this tool: I’ll just leave this here.$FILE/mo-dockery,%20de.pdf
huh, my Firfox is saying the website is not properly configured to be secure, and it’s a .mil domain?
Are you sure it is not a .HRC domain? Those apparently are quite unsecure.
HRC is insecure in many ways, pretty much always. But its okay because no one there cares.
Andy – click on the advanced box – it will let you give an exception for the site.
FF tends to be a little anal about access to .mil websites
Yeah, that happens. Apparently whenever a .mil website gets a new cert, sometimes Firefox doesn’t recognize the new cert – particularly if it’s issued by a new Certification Authority, or CA (DoD has many, and seems to add new CAs from time to time).
Hope that Dennis Dockery is looking forward to the “double dicking” he’s gonna get in the hole.
Thought he was ENTITLED…imagine that! What a shocker!
He appears to be out of a job.
Maybe he should call down to All-Points Logistics.
He appears to have what it takes to go far in the organization.
He should always be referred to as former Lieutenant Colonel.
Only Private E-nothings are allowed to do a tour in the, “Stone Motel”.
Here’s wondering if the former LTC has made an appointment yet with Greggy Banks and the Cabana Boi for some in-home fractured taint PTS therapy.
After all, they both are within spitting distance of each other in Connecticut.
Just remember, Dickory Dock, spot cash is the only type of pay for in home therapy sessions from Greggy. No insurance payments allowed.
Gee whiz, did Greggy-boy Banks lose his license or something?
Since he has time on both sides of the cell door, this seems appropriate.
Now let’s get this straight … President Bill Clinton was caught having an adulterous affair. 5-Star General Dwight Eisenhower had an adulterous affair during WW2 when he was Supreme Allied Commander. 4-Star General David Patraeus was caught in an adulterous affair while he commanded all US ground forces in Afghanistan. Dockery was once assigned to the 94th Regional Support Command where several senior officers at the rank of O6/ Colonel had affairs with female subordinates. But since all of these other officers where WHITE, no punishment was ever imposed. But because Dockery is BLACK, he was prosecuted to the max! None of those others ever faced criminal charges, were sent to serve time in prison or had their pensions revoked simply because they committed adultery. Obviously there is no penalty if you are WHITE, but if you are BLACK … totally different story! And this is supposed to be under the same Department of Defense regulations? This is just another example of excessive force by police agencies being imposed against unarmed Black men.
Anything said in his favor needs to be wiped away! This dirtbag was my Bn Cdr during said deployment and put us thru HELL (Black & White alike). Race ain’t the issue here (not this time), he deserves ALL he gets.