Media and a murderer’s “military skills”

| July 10, 2016

This morning, the Dallas News runs an article about the murderer in that city who killed a half-dozen police officers the other day under the headline “Ousted from Army, Dallas shooter used military skills for murder“.

Forced out of the Army, Johnson used the skills he’d honed there to unleash bullets on the uniformed police officers with deadly precision.

They don’t mention which military skills he used to kill those officers, so I have to guess that he built a deer stand in the parking garage, because he was a carpenter in the Army and that was his main military skill.

He certainly didn’t learn anything in the Army that did him much good that night in Dallas, unless his targets were stationary and at known distances while he laid in the prone position behind sandbags – because that’s how the Army trained him to shoot – not charging around and shooting at moving targets.

I wonder if he made himself a sandwich – because the article also says that he worked at Jimmy John’s sandwich shop. Or maybe he was using the internet – apparently he ordered Victoria’s Secret underwear for a fellow soldier and that was the reason he was booted from his deployment to Afghanistan early, according to his lawyer.

Starting in early 2015, XXX was an employee at Touch of Kindness, a social service agency that serves children and adults with intellectual disabilities, said Jeppi Carnegie, who owns the business with his mother. Through the job, Johnson cared for his younger brother at home.


At some point, XXX appears to have worked at General Dynamics, a defense company with offices in Richardson. A woman who answered the phone there Friday said he’d been an employee.

The New York Times runs a similar headline over a similarly fact-starved article; “Gunman in Dallas, Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Conclusion

But [Clay Jenkins, Dallas County’s chief executive and director of homeland security and emergency management] said a neighbor had seen Mr. Johnson doing militarylike exercises in his backyard in Mesquite in the last couple of weeks.

Mr. Johnson’s preparations seemingly extended to visits to a “self-defense and personal protection” gym in the Dallas area.


Some of it was given over to very specific combat and sniper tactics, including details, Mr. Jenkins said, of “what we call ‘shoot and move’ tactics — ways to fire on a target and then move quickly and get into position at another location to inflict more damage on targets without them being able to ascertain where the shots are coming from.” This tactic is used by the military’s special forces.

Notice that part about “special forces tactics” is merely an editorial comment by the New York Times writers with no foundation in fact. The Dallas murderer was a freaking carpenter – the Army didn’t train him to “shoot and move”. They taught him to “hammer and nail”.

From the Daily Beast;

XXX formerly attended the “self-defense and personal protection” gym Academy of Combat Warrior Arts in Richardson and Fort Worth, Texas, gym owner and CEO Justin Everman told The Daily Beast. The gym’s Twitter account says it provides “reality based training for today’s Urban environment.”

Along with more traditional martial arts classes, the gym also teaches seminars in “Urban Everyday Carry and Improvised Weapons” and “Weapons Defense.”

That probably seems to be a more likely place to blame for any training that the murderer used that night in Dallas, than the military. But, you know, I just used common sense, a rare commodity in journalism these days. Journalist prefer click bait to actual news.

Category: Media

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““self-defense and personal protection” gym Academy of Combat Warrior Arts”

Wonder if Chevy has been there?

John S.

Maybe, if it had a buffet.

A Proud Infidel®™

A cheese and jelly doughnut buffet at that.



Cheese and jelly doughnut buffets exist?

Where at?

The Other Whitey

Shoot and move? Shit, I can do that! Shoot, move someplace else, and shoot again. Hell, I could do that when I was nine. It’s slightly more advanced than walking. Does this mean I can claim to be “Special Forces capable” or some shit?

I can also shoot a scoped rifle, even if I am better with iron sights, and hit something 300-400 yards away. I guess that makes me a sniper too, right?

Holy crap! I’m a Special Forces sniper and I didn’t even know it! Thanks, New York Times!


My kids have nerf gun wars in the alley with the other neighbor kids. They shoot and move. Can’t wait to tell them they are “military special forces”.

A Proud Infidel®™

And if any of them have the Nerf Nuke™, would that make them ICBM Qualified?

Common Sense

My boys and their friends were into AirSoft. The woody area in our neighborhood park is permanently full of little round plastic balls, probably some still in our yard too.

I guess they’re lucky someone didn’t call in SWAT to report them running around with “scary black assault weapons”.


I can do all that and swim, too. Gonna go and get me a Trident tat! Mom would be so proud…



Pay me $10,000 and I’ll teach you to chew gum at the same time, too.


Oh, I get it! I take my camera along for a hike so that I can shoot bugs, birds and botany, and I keep moving. So that makes me a special forces shooter, right?

That noise you heard just now? Fell off chair, laughing my ass off.

Still laughing.


M110 SP artillery piece can shoot and move and hit a target in excess of 15km. Guess that makes artillerymen snipers too…

2/17 Air Cav

I was watching a TV documentary the other night. It was an amazing photodoc in which a days-long battle in VN was capyured on film, stills and tape. GIs were pinned down by a machine gun. One soldier had enough of that shit, took a M60 and, standing in the open, let loose with it from the hip, silencing the enemy gun. Anyone here trained to do that? (BTW, he was awarded the Silver Star for his action.) Yesterday, I mentioned T. McVeigh and his fertilizer bomb, which had nothing whatsoever to do with military training. I don’t know about you, but my concealment and shooting skills were honed by my emulating what I saw in many a war movie and, of course, the TV show Combat. The connection between the Dallas shooter’s ‘success’ and his military training may have more to do with the wounded and Fallen officers’ being unable to quickly identify the source of the bullets that struck them, the suddenness of the assault, and their inability to find effective cover. I don’t know. I wasn’t there.


He might have honed his skills on Call of Duty for all we know. Shoot and move seems pretty intuitive to me, from a survival instinct perspective.


Not if you’re a New York Times reporter…


Shoot. Write an article defaming guns. Get counseling for the PTSD. Move.

Doesn’t have the same ring to it Poe.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Take a look at the website for the combative style training he’s supposed to have received. Nowhere could I find the credentials of the instructors there. The place was probably like “Rex Kwon Do”.


Or it could be Tae Kwon En Dron, too.


I do not think most of you realize how much training has improved

Mout training is well done these days. And while live rounds are not used they do train soldiers to shoot and move.

I think his training did make him more dangerous and the impact he had is evidence it. Not just the casualties but the fact that he engaged with and held a tactical team at bay for quite some time.


Your not going to win with these guys, I would give it up. I left a comment on the other page that covers what you have said. I can tell you that engineers are receiving more advance level training than people understand. The reason is the conditions they face down range are not always secure and they need to secure them and we do conduct combat shooting on the move tactics.Also I believe this unit was attached under one of our C2 elements in Afghanistan and part of this unit was conducting route clearance.

I am not saying this shit bag learned any advance tactics but yes training and techniques and procedures are advancing because of combat we have been involved in.


“yes training and techniques and procedures are advancing because of combat we have been involved in.”



Our Combat Engineers and and Bridgers will learn those kinds of things Chief. Our carpenters are just carpenters. The odds of them ever leaving a FOB are nil.


So they don’t work outside the wire like we do. I got it we train to work with 12C ‘s that’s the bridge guys correct? I assumed they would have the same type of skills like us being able to operate in a combat environment on their own with no support from others. I guess it is a different mission set. We do work with bridge guys and thought they were called heavies. So he would be like a PW type shop guy on the FOB


Essentially yes. It is possible that a 12B or 12C unit that needs personnel will pull another 12 series guy, but usually they will take heavy equipment operators if they do that.

As a reservist, he wouldn’t be holding a slot like that as he would be holding a Carpenter slot on the MTOE for his unit. Highly doubt they used him for anything other than building furniture or bunks.


12B/12C and to a small extent 12D are the only CE personnel that will generally be afforded any extra combat training outside of IET.


Thanks got it,Just like us some will get advance skills depending on mission and unit we are supporting.


I agree 100% with you, but the fact remains he was a reservist carpenter, not combat arms. His training would have been minimal, if the unit I was assigned to protect as SecFor was any indication. Any skills he learned and received would have been most likely self defense related. SeaBees are a completely different story, as they are expected to fight, build and then hold onto what they built.


Every Soldier in the Army is expected to fight and hold whatever ground they happen to stand on. It is considered unique to SeaBeas in the Navy, as it is to certain USAF occupations, because they are maritime and air services, respectively.

Every Soldier is trained in basic combat techniques (thus the term Basic Combat Training). In BCT Soldiers are taught basic move under fire techniques- Move Under Direct Fire is a ‘Warrior Task’.

This is a basic technique designed to keep you alive when the bullets start flying. The average non combat arms Soldier or Marine is not taught much more than that

I saw the video, and the shooter didn’t display any more skill than the average kid who’s watched T.V. or played C.O.D. would pick up in an average afternoon avoiding chores.


And most without constant repetition, will lose those same skills from BCT in a month or two. The majority of non-combat personnel will NEVER hit those skills again until they get into NCOES. And even then, it is just a couple day refresher course. The kid was a PFC carpenter in the Reserves. Other than BCT, he would never have been trained on weapons or tactics to any extent or possibly at all. They do not have the time at drill to do stuff outside their MOS skill set other than the mandatory PPT slides we all have to go through.


That’s my point. He was exposed to it, saw it on T.V. or Saving Private Ryan, and knew that he had to move from covered position to covered position and move with his weapon at the ready. He probably never trained on it again, especially given that he was a RC troop.

To civilians, the vast majority of whom have never fired a weapon, this is going to look like Mad Kombat Skillz. To an experienced eye it will look amateurish.

Pinto Nag

Strange – I don’t remember him beating anyone to death with a hammer. Or did I miss something?


I don’t recall him drinking a bottle of his own piss. There are reports he used knife hands.


Those Mattis moto memes are getting out of control, I suggest making them classified.


Listen closely and be afraid….you can hear the ticking time bombs that are countless US vets. lol

or maybe that’s just my tinnitus


Maybe you’re hearing the persistent advice coming from dept. Of Homeland security ….fear the terrorist attack from a home grown right wing veteran returning from our wars, more so than that of a peace loving Muslim.


Oh, forgot to include….veteran returning from our wars with the PTSD.


Or just veteran, period.


I read it and it’s that kind of drivel that we as a community must be prepared to refute and place into realistic perspective for the malarkey that it is.

The existence of large numbers of law feeds the propaganda with every rare aberration that they can put into the media spotlight as some sort of measure of central tendency to suit their agenda.


that should read large numbers of the law abiding….sorry

2/17 Air Cav

It’s a miracle that Ike, JFK, Nixon, LBJ, or Carter didn’t push the nuke button during their presidencies. Veterans all. Tick. Tock.


I’d like to know how many Veterans were present that night. We know 2 of the Fallen were. What about the other 7 officers that were wounded? What about the other officers that were there, doing their jobs? How many Veterans were among the protestors?


You left out Ford, Bush 40, and Bush 43

2/17 Air Cav

Dammit. Sorry for the omissions.


Yeah, you left out Jackson and Grant and TRoosevelt, too, fer Pete’s sake!

2/17 Air Cav

Jackson, Grant and Teddy R had nukes? Who knew?


Well, they WERE in the military, y’know. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, but the point was not presidents who were Vets but presidents who were Vets after 1945, with the advent of the nuclear age. I purposefully left out Truman because he DID use the bombs to bring the war in the Pacific to a close.


I was just having some fun. <3


How could you forget Ike?


He’s up at the top of this.


In Texas we call this a plain old bushwhacking. Doesn’t matter where the skills were learned or what type of skills the shooter employed or if you want to argue the symmantics of sniping vrs being a sniper. Those cops were bushwhacked plan an simple.


They’re all getting the idea that he was some kind of tactical expert from that one video where he shoots the cop in the back. He doesn’t do anything spectacular. He simply fires to one side of the column, getting the officer to pull back and prepare to return fire, and then the maniac scampers to the other side of the column and murders him. I recall one of these media military experts talking about the shooter’s aggression and the fact that he never lowers his rifle as a sign that he knew damn well what he was doing.

Whoa. Hold the presses. A suicidal psychopath on a mission to kill as many police officers as possible showed aggression?

As for the rest of it, he would have picked those skills up in Basic, even POG Basic (which I attended as an 09S). He had no more tactical knowledge, not to mention SF knowledge, than the douchebag who got three weeks into BCT and then got sent home for making creepy comments about how he’d shoot the drill sergeant during BRM.


exactly….exhibits the competent skills of a basic rifleman, not much more.


I think screenwriters in Hollywood the Industry have more ‘tactical skills’ imagination than any reporter on the planet.

What does it take to shut those morons up, beside the TRUTH, to which they close their tiny little minds?

NR Pax

I wonder if the guy in your last paragraph was related to the douchebag we had who threatened to kill one of our DIs during Range Week?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

The press has had a hard-on for the military and vets for years. They seem to think that we’re social inbreds that are illiterate and PTSD is the tripwire that will send all of us off the cliff.

Fuck the Fourth Estate…


The Fourth Estate in this country has become the Fifth Column.

Perry Gaskill

There is no longer any Fourth Estate worthy of the name; there is merely a subset of the global entertainment industry driven by market forces.

Although the reasons for this are many, and sometimes complicated to explain, my own view is that a lot of what we’re seeing in the news media has been the result in a demographic shift to more urban, younger, and female in both outlook, and presentation. Some of which became more pronounced starting in 2005 when newspaper advertising revenue fell off a cliff, and a wide sweep of existing news staff took buyouts.

Another trend is that going back to the 1950’s, the ratio of public relations people and working journalists was roughly 1:1. That ration has since shifted to where PR now has a 4:1 edge.

Yet another factor is that the news business itself is currently caught up in a bitter debate about the value of fairness and objectivity. Those opposed to such refer to it derisively as “the view from nowhere” and argue that in order for a journalist to become successful, it’s necessary to build a personal brand by voicing strong opinions. A view apparently supposed to hold true whether it’s straight reporting or a matter of commentary.

Such personal brand building, at least it seems to me, also introduces an ego-driven element of infallibility to the extent that there are those journalists who are not only ignorant of the military, for example, but are proud to be ignorant of those things.


Shoot, Move, Communicate. Basic infantry skills. I also believe they teach that in that “High Speed” course called BCT….

The Other Whitey

Hell, I learned that shit as a little kid, having BB gun fights with the other kids in the neighbor’s pasture. You don’t have to join the Army to pick that up. It’s like tying your shoes.


I wonder where he got this “military” training.

Micah Johnson Was Kicked Out of the Army for Stealing Panties

Maybe he was “feelin’ like a woman” that day….

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s quite apparent that he was a walking train wreck before the US Army threw him out with the previous day’s trash but the thumbsucking booger-eating dip-dunk no-load pantywaisted candyassed liberal imbeciles in the liberal media aren’t going to let that interfere with their bias and editorial slant of their so-called “coverage”, are they?


Of course not.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Both the print and TV media are so ignorant of fact that they are unbelievable. Hell, if a weatherman said that it was raining, I would feel bound to look out the window to verify it. Drivel such as that being spewed this week is precisely why I choose to not own or watch TV. Even at the VA, if I sit in a waiting room, I will sit under the TV, not across from it.


Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage…
He fucking learned those skills too, how about you report that shit Times?
I carried those ideas with me way more often than a rifle, still do, and they’re way more powerful.
But keep on being classy media, that low hanging fruit ain’t going to pick itself.

Green Thumb

Next thing they will be saying that his hands were lethal weapons.

New York Times = Used Toilet Paper.

C. Long

Shooting is a skill developed in the military. It’s reasonable to assume he drew on that training and experience during the attack.

It’s not a left or right issue; it’s a simple common sense.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well*DUUUUUHHHHHH!*, what is the US Military for? It’s NOT for hugs, warm fuzzies and “Kum-ba-yah despite B. Hussein 0bama’s best efforts. What are we supposed to do when we retire or ETS, get lobotomies and become democraps?


I already knew how to shoot by my 16th birthday. I did not enlist until a couple of months before my 22nd birthday.

C. Long

Did your service make you a better shot? That’s the question. I’m willing to bet it did.


No, it didn’t. It introduced me to newer and fancier weapons than the bolt-action Remington .22 that my pa LtCol D gave me for my 12th birthday, the one he got from his pa on his 12th birthday. But make me a better shot? Hardly.

C. Long

Then mahve you were an excellent shot already or you still can’t hit squat. Regardless, to deny that military service offers training that correlates to success in violent actions is just asinine. Especially for someone who didn’t grow up with a rifle in every room.

Too many of this nations worst violent criminals have had military training; it would be plain irresponsible to write it off as coincidence. By its very nature the military takes people and right off the bat trains them to be violent when necessary; skills that can be used at all times.

2/17 Air Cav

“Too many of this nations worst violent criminals have had military training….” To borrow from Reagan, there you go again, clong.

2/17 Air Cav

Clong. So, for the overwhelming majority of violent criminals who did not spend a so much as a single day in BCT, what? And, if a single Veteran commits a violent rape or shoots someone in a robbery, how the hell can you possibly connect his service with the ability or desire to commit that crime? Do you have any f’n idea what it is you are saying? Any?

2/17 Air Cav

You are a dangerous, sick fucker, clong. I hope to goodness you are not an honorably discharged Veteran. To me, you’re just a discharge.


He knows if he keeps trolling he’ll keep yielding responses. lol

C. Long

Who is at fault when you get bothered by an opposite opinion? You or the person giving it?

Tolerance. It’s taught in the military too. Freedom of speech; one of the rights sworn to defend.

In short; get over it.


Nothing to get over you speak in circles.
You’re a troll…I didn’t say I cared.

Takes a lot more than the likes of you to get under my skin.

2/17 Air Cav

Clong. The prohibition against impingement of the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Speech provision, applied, originally, only to the federal government. Later, it was incorporated through the DP claues to apply to state and local governments. It does not apply to me or to you in this setting. And when you opine, mindlessly disparaging Veterans as you have done over the last several days here, you are indeed nothing but an asshole. And that tolerance bullshit? Fuck you. Tolerate that.



Want me to walk him back to his village? Might need a wheelchair…


GDC: Please don’t. Watching him make an ass of himself is quite entertaining.


One name some?

Two: like others have stated, if you do not use the skills you lose them. These are what we call perishable skills and is why they require personnel to re-train or re-qualify and or re-certify.

C. Long

McVeigh, Ridgeway, Oswald, Dahmer, son of Sam whose name I can’t remember.


not exactly current events and when measured against all vets serving during their time and since then….even less relevant.

C. Long

You may have heard about these 12 cops being shot recently….

This doctor who went postal….

Walgreens shooting…

C. Long

You may have heard about these 12 cops being shot recently….

This doctor who went postal….

Walgreens shooting…

Sorry for double post.


yeah…and compare that to the total number of murders in the same time frame across the U.S. committed by non veterans and then total the number of veterans in that same period that existed that didn’t kill anyone.


As I noted elsewhere, McVeigh’s military training as an infantryman had squat to do with the OKC bombing (infantry training doesn’t include much instruction in making large ANNM bombs). So let’s look at your other “examples”.

Dahlmer and Ridgeway were head cases before they ever joined the military – and it’s not clear that either used military training in their crime sprees. Dahlmer was a medic, but he’d cut up and disposed of his first victim before he ever entered the Army; clearly he knew how to do that before he joined the military. Ridgeway apparently strangled most of his victims after boinking them (or contracting to do so – they were mostly “pros”); he didn’t learn that in any military training.

Berkowitz ambushed his victims at night using a .44 cal revolver, shooting them at close range in public places in the middle of a large city. That’s not exactly something the military teaches as a tactic to every Joe Tentpeg.

Oswald was also a head case pre-military. Of the examples you gave, he’s the only one who might have gotten any training in the military that helped him with his crime. Even that’s debatable; his shooting during his crimes leaves something to be desired. Oswald failed to kill Walker (he tried a few months before he killed JFK). He also missed 1 of 3 shots at a range of less than 85m (longest shot was approx 81m) in Dealey Plaza in Nov 1963 – and damn near missed the shot that killed JFK (1.25″ higher and JFK almost certainly survives; throat wound was likely survivable).

Not even a credible effort. Wanna try again?


Thus sayeth C. Long: Too many of this nations worst violent criminals have had military training . . . .

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were infantrymen. I don’t believe that infantry training includes a helluva lot of instruction on building large IEDs using ANFO ANNM. (ANNM is ANFO with nitromethane substituted for fuel oil/diesel fuel; it’s what McVeigh and Nichols used at OKC.)

In case you’ve forgotten, McVeigh and Nichols were the assholes responsible for the OKC bombing.

To state the obvious: their military training didn’t have a damn thing to do with their heinous act in OKC. They learned how to do that on their own.


Hondo, you left one thing out of that. Nichols was a farmer. He could justify getting as much fertilizer and fuel oil as he wanted without being questioned.


More to the point, farmers are quite familiar with ANFO – it’s used by many farmers to blow stumps. And McVeigh was hugely interested in explosives; since they weren’t something he dealt with extensively as an infantryman, he studied them on his own.

Bottom line: McVeigh and Nichols didn’t learn how to make their bomb in the military. They figured that out on their own.


Ummm, it would help of the Times and you recognized that this guy and a few others were not normal military people, but military washouts. Some of us have noticed.

C. Long

McVeigh was a Bronze Star recipient…..hardly a washout.

If we are able and willing to praise the “good vets saving the world” we have to be willing and able to take responsibility for the bad apples, especially when we have a hand in turning them that way.


McVeigh was also a bigoted white supremacist who didn’t learn how to build bombs in the military – he learned that on his own. He was also arguably batsh!t crazy, claiming that the government had “microchipped his buttocks” so that the government could track him.

He appears to have had issues before serving, but to have been able to control them while in the service. Afterwards, he seems to to have gone seriously “off the rails”.


He also literally washed out from the SF selection course and subsequently left the Army. His bronze star medal has no V. I see no CIB in his records, press reports to the contrary.


Who is ‘we’ You got a mouse in your pocket, clongdong?

Dave Hardin

Ya, I am all fucked up. I have serious issues. You people made me this way.

How about having a hand in taking responsibility for what you did to me. All that military training has ruined my life.

About $3,000 a month, free medical, discounts at the store, special parking (where available), education (I want to run a strip club effectivly) , Small business loan with a veteran preference (I figure $350,000 should get me some top shelf strippers), Low interest loan for my house, special thank you’s from people on the street for my service, if I decide to get a job on the side I need special front of the line consideration, Oh ya, the puppie, I need a puppy, not just any puppy, one of those service PTSD dogs that can get me into places special.

If you people hadn’t fucked me up so bad I could have been somebody.


“top shelf strippers”

For a modest fee I can give each of those strippers a baseline well woman check and quarterly follow-ups.


You’re so giving.


I gotz skillz…I can detect and differentiate 34 sexually transmitted diseases based on taste alone.

Dave Hardin

Oh, I didnt realize you were a specialist. Not sure my HMO will cover that cost.

Are you an approved health care provider through the socialist pay any price for medical shit service plan forced I have shoved up my ass these days?

Dave Hardin

Cool, Mr Long (aka, Onehunglow) is picking up the bill. Generous fella that one is.

Ya gotta watch the “we” he throws around cause he likes to get everyone involved in taking responsibility for things I am completely incapable of taking responsibility for. (because you people fucked me all up).

I think, it hurts when I do that, he plans on getting the money from his neighbors to pay of all my needs.

I love this guy, finally someone that understands me and will take responsibility for what you people did to me.


Do you want Jessica Prinsess or Cupthemcakes? They don’t come cheap, you now. They have standards… of some kind. At least, I think they do.

Dave Hardin

You got it Dave.

As Jessica says (in that husky Kathleen Turner voice), “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.”

And the artist’s pencil takes a smoke break.

mr. sharkman

And he will do it absolutely free of charge.

Because he places the welfare of those dear girls ahead of any monetary gain for himself.

As a matter of fact, being a Corpsman, he’s basically a modern-day living, breathing avatar of Jesus.

Well, an Amphibious, Swift, Silent, Deadly Killer Jesus who can double tap the nuts off of a female rat @ 500m over iron sights, but still basically an avatar of Jesus.

He cares.

And he’s got the heart of a child.

I hear he keeps it in his drop pouch.



I don’t know who you are or your motivations. One thing is abundantly clear, you’re an asshole, and I don’t like you.

C. Long

Well, I still love you.


Good, and fairly played.
-doffs hat respectively-

C. Long



‘Shooting is a skill developed in the military.’ – CLong.

That is biggest dumpster load of pure bullshit I have ever come across.

How, pray tell, clongdong, do you account for shooting skills developed by people who were NEVER in the military? Target shooters, for example. Or game hunters. Or, for that matter, WOMEN.

Your statement is a complete fabrication based on your ignorance. If the best you can do is make bullshit statements, you’re a joke.


I was actually a much better all-around shooter before the Army screwed me up. Skeet, rabbit hunting with a .22, quail, duck, deer hunting with various long guns-never came home empty handed. Took me forever to get rid of the Army way of doing things before I could shoot something other than an M16…

Unless you receive specialized training and shoot damn near every day, Army training ain’t that spectacular.


Good point NBC. Want a hot steaming cup of “Humble Tea”?? Enter a few IPSC matches and get your clock cleaned by a Dentist, Lawyer, Dr all the way down to a candlestick maker. Seen more than one Green Beret, Ranger, Seal who thought they were hot shit shooters (myself included) leave the range with that WTF over look.


My dad has never served a day in his life and is an excellent shot. In fact, Once was a promising speed shooter in his younger years, winning many a trophy for his accomplishments (Age and eyesight tend to cut careers short.) Additionally, now a gun shop owner, he teaches locals courses such as tactical movements as well as LEO in the area he lives in.

To reiterate, He has never served a day in the military in his life; much to his regret. His [/military developed] skill was developed because of practice, tutelage from one Col. Jeff Cooper and is NOT necessarily driven from honing in the military.

I’ll be awaiting your response…

[/inb4, well he learned from military folk. well he practiced day in and day out. any other excuse you can come up with to “fortify” your bullshit stance.]


2/17 Air Cav

Thus spake Clongathustra. Maybe where you’re from the only way to develop shooting skill is to join the military, but, here, on this planet, that ain’t so.


Clongdong has a private planet where everything is arranged to his personal rules and it only rains on the third Tuesday of each week.

Green Thumb

And Lars is respected.


He was just brainstorming.
Moccasins, miles, you know the rest…
He made more sense when he was anonymous.




Lack of military service didn’t seem to hinder Omar Mateen.


Come to think of it, lack of military service didn’t hinder Mark Chapman or David Hinckly, either.


Didn’t seem to hinder Cho Seung-Hui, either.

For those who’ve forgotten, that’s the guy who murdered 30+ people at Virginia Tech in 2007.


And what about those high school kids at Columbine HS? They weren’t even old enough to get into uniform.


Not making any specific threats here, but it’s not the average citizen that should be afraid of vets…there’s much more reason that the current american aristocracy as it is emerging should be worried.

Dave Hardin

That seemed specific to me, way too specific. You are probably one of these gun toting, religious nut job, non white bashing, uneducated, Tumpers that want to turn back civil rights decades.

Sounds like hate speech to me. You threatened aristocracy. No sure who he is, sounds like one of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle’s friends.

Thats it, I reported your comment…take that.


If you two don’t play nice Comrades Lars and Clong are going to send you to re-education camp.


I love it when ya call me names.

mr. sharkman

Here’s some video of 1 close range engagement. I’m posting it without comment here. I’m betting some of my thoughts are the same as The SARCs.

C. Long

Deplorable. It does appear that he moved with more then a novice level of skill with his weapon. He knew when to take cover, how to approach the officer….

This wasn’t just someone shooting at cops, this was someone hunting them.


Yeah, well, clongdong, if you had bothered to READ anything posted by other people up above, you’d realize that the shooter had been going to a martial arts school for a while, a place that focuses on ‘urban defense’.

But that doesn’t fit your meme, does it?


You’re attempting to use facts and logic in your argument, Ex-PH2. That doesn’t work with someone who’s arguing emotionally and is unwilling to listen to reality.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur, Hondo. Clong the mouse schlong acts and talks like one that is VERY allergic to facts, logic and common sense.


I know, Hondo, but still gotta say it.

2/17 Air Cav

As GDC pointed out somewhere around here, when to take cover is a function of self preservation. Clong? Do you wipe your mouth with toilet paper after you take a dump or do you just use your tongue?

2/17 Air Cav

Twits like Clong really ought to carry a warning that nothing they ever write or say should be assumed to be accurate or correct. I have no idea why he’s here, other than to be disruptive. Is he a Veteran? I have no idea and his word isn’t sufficient, not in light of what he has written. If he is a Veteran, was he honorably discharged? Again, I have no idea and his word isn’t good enough. What is clear is that he has a problem: himself. He doesn’t like himself and wants to denigrate others in the hopes that he can take others down to his level. He is flighty and confused. I’m guessing his cross dresses or is in the throes of transgender anxiety. He doesn’t fit.


AirCav, I think ‘he’ is a girl.