Weekend open thread

| July 8, 2016


The Water’s Fine

Photograph by Igor Mohoric Bonca, National Geographic Your Shot

A seal readies itself to dive into the waters near Dunvegan Castle on Scotland’s Isle of Skye. The pinnipeds are abundant along Scotland’s coastline—and can be quite photogenic.

The Dutch Rudder Club has a new tactic – they’re recruiting membership. Joe Cryer alerted us that he’s filing a law suit against us. Cryer said that Daniel Bernath is his lawyer, even though Bernath is not a lawyer.

Ric Bucklew filed a law suit against us in Mineral County, WV for libel and slander (not understanding the terms). It’s not going to go his way.

Robin Mitchell became aware of the club this week, though he hasn’t joined yet. Since they’re all falsely claiming to be SEALs, I posted a picture of a real seal for them to compare.

I need a beer – have at it.

Category: Open thread

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Slipped in through the back door just like Jody.

Ex-PH2, got the E-mail. Thanks for the helicopter pictures.


My pleasure, Claw.


Foodchain asked me to pass on to you to please give Scooby extra snacks for you being First today as well as taking Mrs. Claw out to eat.



sloppy seconds

A Proud Infidel®™

VERY fitting! ??


Dang, missed it by thaaaaaat much…..

MSG Eric

Fifth! Not that it really matters, but Fifth!


Fifth is OK. But I prefer Seven of Nine. (smile)


I have a nephew that severed his left thumb through an act of stupidity involving a miter saw. He was a 1LT at the time. His platoon promptly named him Nine of Ten.

Silentium Est Aureum

If you need a good laugh, throw some dimes on the floor and tell him to pick them up.


The real fun was watching him struggle with the playstation controller

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Had a SPC that lost his pinkie finger in a car accident. He was known as “Nine-Line”.

Hack Stone

The Company Clerk ony first overseas tour was missing the tip of his left index finger. First time I pulled Duty NCO, about 02:00 I decided to read some of the messages on the read board. Took a look at the Accidental Discharge folder, and I got to find out that the clerk was on the rifle range, while changing shooting positions (with his left finger over the barrel of the rifle) when he made his rifle go bang-bang. Now, he is unable to High Five anyone.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’d still at least give you an “*OOG!*. FUCK, KILL, OORAH!” and a four and a half in return, wouldn’t he? That’s happened to a few Troops firing the M320 Grenade launcher, the barrel is so short it’s easy to make yourself a member of the “Stub Club’ when doing live fore with one.


So that’s who Hondo is…the Witch-King of Angmar. Am I right?


So, the Chippendale SEAL is filing a lawsuit with Bernath as his lawyer? Hmm. He might want to read the rest of this comment.

This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still Not Eligible to Practice Law!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

Let’s just say that being “Not Eligible to Practice Law” doesn’t appear to have been a voluntary decision on Danni-boi’s part.

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, discovery ought to be a hoot on this one.

Dude gets out as an OSSN, but flashes a retired O-5 ID around and claims 100 percent disabled–just like Bernath does.

I’ll bring the beer. Who’s got the popcorn?


Where is this inglorious event proposed to occur?

Will that be before or after the Big Gulp event?

Inquiring minds are vaguely keeping track, even though there are more important things to think about.


Suddenly, all the Marines around here are playing this goddamn pokemon mobile game like a pack of grade-schoolers–it’s all they talk about. ‘Weirdest thing I’ve seen in a bit. What the hell gives?

…and kids need to get off my damn lawn!

MSG Eric

There’s no money for actual training, ammunition, fuel, maintenance, etc. So, they are doing the only tactical training they can afford this Training Year.

Not sure why it was pokemon specifically though, maybe because it was made for children and the Marines don’t need to worry about big words?

Just An Old Dog

My kids are doing that as well… and they are in their damn 20s. Sounds like a waste of Gas money and gig-space to me.
Not the smartest thing to do.


Sixth or so.

But not in much of a mood for levity today.

Thinking about the atrocity in Dallas.


There was a brief prayer service at Thanksgiving Circle during which unity and working together were stressed.

R.I.P. to those struck down by an angry antisocial individual.

If we don’t work together, we really are doomed.

Sea Dragon


Hack Stone

Will a Phil be working balls this weekend?

Silentium Est Aureum

That’s like asking if he still poses as a fake Native American and fake SEAL.

Speaking of turds that won’t flush, how the hell did your boss Psulie-boi manage yet ANOTHER delay? Now it’s looking like the end of August for his trial.

WTF, over?

Hack Stone

I guess that he figures that if he keeps getting postponements, Confluence Corporation will just give up and he won’t have to pay the $8000. What a fucking deadbeat turd, that Palmer is. But what can you expect from someone that would declare bankruptcy in order to pay his own mother the $50,000 he owed her? I wonder if he paid the rank fink bastard that revealed my secret location?

Silentium Est Aureum

I’ll go with, “Hell NO!” for $1000, Alex.

A Proud Infidel®™

Did he ever even pay the Doctor that discovered his M17 haplo-whatchamacallit? I doubt it, what a dinglehoofer no-load shittyassed deadbeat!

Green Thumb

Its not IF he is working balls, it is HOW MANY sets he is working.

I can only imagine four or five.

We should check with his Rent Boys to be sure.

“Phildo-phile” could be going for the record.

Another Friday night “All-Points Logistics” style.

Green Thumb

Loosely translated, another weekend of two-hole tonguing, taint knocking and ball-rocking.

Phildo style!

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

Green Thumb

What ever happened to this turd?


He dried up and blew away.

Hack Stone

It took Joe Cryer five years to “lawer up”? I guess the flow of $1 bills must have tapered off. Good thing that Daniel Beenath will settle for 1/3 of any judgment. What is Bernath going to do with 1/3 of a pound of sand? I ask because when they present their “evidence” in court, the Judge will immediately make a decision, telling Bernath “Pound sand!”

Silentium Est Aureum

Again, going from E-3 to O-5 and NOBODY at BUPERS knew anything about it?

That’s some serious secret squirrel shit going on right there.


Well, it’s squirrely all right. But I don’t think MSU requires BUPERS action.


Hmm. A judge with a sense of humor could have fun with that.

Judge: I find in favor of the defendant. I award the plaintiff sh!t. Literally.

(Turns to bailiff and hands him a chamber pot.) Bailiff, hand this to the defendant.

(To defendant.) Sir, you are directed to defecate in that pot for the next three days. At that point ship it to the plaintiff – freight collect.

(To plaintiff.) Sir, you are directed to accept the shipment – and pay the shipping fees. After that, what you choose to do with your award is your business.

(Bangs gavel.) That is all. Court is recessed.

B Woodman

Oh, that would be SO awesome! Thank you for the giggles and guffaws!



HMCS(FMF) ret.

Fuck all of them… every cocksucking, motherfucking member of the DRG.

Green Thumb

Watch were you step, folks.

There appear to be more and more steaming piles of Phil Monkress everywhere you go these days.

Turds and their lawsuits.

B Woodman

Jonn, So when the shootin’ is done, and the brass is still hot, can you COUNTERsue these steaming piles of walking fecal matter, for libel, slander, “mental pain and suffering”, and court costs?
Now THAT would make my day.


Umpteenth! And happy to say so!!

Umpteenth is that number which barely grazes the infiniteness of infinity and removes the boundaries of locale. Constructing a Mobius strip will afford the student an opportunity to learn the joys of ‘umpteenth’.


Dirtythird so close.


And one of the few remaining websites that NGB hasn’t blocked.




Used to be Stillserving

Have any regular readers who took part in the fundraiser for the Old Guard Caisson challenge coins, received anything? I would have given anyway, but was told I would receive a book and a coin which I have yet to receive. I contacted the organizer once and received a reply but nothing else.

Toasty Coastie

I did…have you tired contacting TSO?

Used to be Stillserving

Rgr. Will do. Thanks!


The “HUNT- MISSING IN ACTION in Cambodia” Go Fund Me campaign has closed.


Going to be a lovely weekend, isn’t it?


I got a refund…heheheh


and we had a good laugh at the command talking about the threats that were made to report me to the CO ( I didn’t ask which one since it’s a joint command)for OPSEC violation because it’s classified that I’m a retired IDC SARC that works on Fort Bragg. lol


Did they find out that you were bringing back “Goat Lab” in all its glory? Lmao


supposed to use gorillas…it’s gorilla warfare, right?


Fucking spit my beer out lol! You’d better quit joking before PETA and Code Pink trolls are protesting in the school house parking lot.


Just think about the “Special” angle. (smile)



Great Job!

Silentium Est Aureum

So does Bernath get his $100 back, or is DullASS going to blow it on grain alcohol and bail money again?


Grain alcohol? I’d have pegged him as a MD 20/20 drinker.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I thought that DuLlAsS would have been a Teti-brand “Wizzorade” drinker – you know, to give him that edge he needs to CoMeTh on us….

Silentium Est Aureum

Actually, I figure him for one of those guys who gets the tallboys of 8 percent rotgut “beer” for 99 cents a can.

Breakfast of Champions, dammit!

A Proud Infidel®™

Rumor has it he’s a Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktail aficionado. A DRG Cocktail is rubbing alcohol flavored with formaldehyde and antifreeze and garnished with a lead paint chip.

A Proud Infidel®™

WELL GEE WHIZ, that didn’t take long!! 😀 I wonder what DallASS will do with his $100, I’m sure he’ll go et himself some more rubbing alcohol, lead paint chips, formaldehyde and antifreeze to mix up some more Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails for their next meeting, initiation and ceremonial Circle Jerk while blaming TAH for all of their troubles. THEY chose to go through libe being a bunch of lying deadbeat, poodle turd-sniffing dip-dunk no-load deadbeat soiled spandex-sniffing booger-eating dinglehoofer Fuck Apples!


Awwww! Shucky-darn!


Tattooine lives! Per the attached article, a young exoplanet has been found in a triple star system, age about 16 million years – a mere youngster by comparison with our middle-aged system.


The planet is the dot between the LARGE star at the top of the image, and the double star system at the bottom of the image. Now if the Chilean scope can just image Tattooine for us! I know it’s there! I saw it in a movie a while back. What was the name of that film? Hmmm…. Something about Star Bars?

Oh, well! Cookie time!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I can’t wait to start seeing the data from Juno when her science instruments come online.



John Robert Mallernee

Tattooine only had two (02) suns.


Well, maybe, but they only let us SEE two in the movie. There could have been a third one out of sight.


Perhaps Lagash from Asimov’s Nightfall?


Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle. Heard that on an intro to a certain FNC show.


Ya gotta blame the shooting aficionados and their publications at least a little bit. They themselves often use the inaccurate term and is seen all over the magazines, print and online catalogs.


Maybe you Navy folks can answer a question. I just watched a movie named Northern Limit Line, about the incident known as the second battle of Yeonpyeong which happened in 2002. It occurred between North and South Korea. My question is, does our Navy patrol these waters near the N.L.L.?

Silentium Est Aureum

IIRC, the waters off that part of the Korean coast are extremely shallow. Nothing much bigger than a coastal patrol boat or small frigate would be able to operate there.


Never fear! Fatty Kim da T’ird is still leaving no tern unstoned to remind us that he is a complete loser in the military weapons department.


Norkiland at its best!

A Proud infidel®™

NDtBF sparks off yet again…


Navy just doing it’s business correcting the record. Doesn’t matter – medals don’t make the man.


But folks that we read about at TAH think just the opposite of that.


It appears the Navy does a better job of digging into issues like this. On a separate note, I lament the poor apostrophe. This is the one site where “it’s” versus “its” is part of the struggle.


Anyone like cats? Well looks like a pride got a feel good story over a bunch of elephant poachers…

Lions – 5 DRTs / 3 severely injured/ 2 lightly injured
Poachers – 0



Yes. Do not mess with the guard cats of any size.

John Robert Mallernee

According to a comment posted in response to that article, the report is a spoof, a fictitious story taken from a web site that specializes in satire, similar to the Duffel Blog.

A Proud Infidel®™

Eleventy-umpteenth! HEY, somebody slap me upside the head and tell me if I’m wrong but AIN’T practicing law sans a license a FELONY in Florida where BernASS lives?


Well, that’s what this bit of Florida law seems to say:


However, in Maryland apparently practicing law or giving legal advice without being admitted to the MD state bar is only a misdemeanor:


Both states require admission to the state bar in order to practice law within that state. I rather doubt either state bar would admit someone who’s currently suspended from eligibility to practice in CA and who has a recommendation for disbarment pending before the CA Supreme Court.

Silentium Est Aureum

And damned if they aren’t taking their sweet time doing it.

I’ve got a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale ready to crack the day he gets disbarred. I hope it’s still drinkable by then.


I did a quick look at a small sample to try and get a feel of how much time typically passes in CA between a recommendation to disbar by the CA bar court and formal disbarment by the CA Supreme Court. Somewhere around 6 mo (give or take) seemed to be typical. (You can get the data by looking up announcements of disbarment in CA, then going to that lawyer’s page and seeing when the CA state bar court recommended the individual be disbarred.)

Small sample size, so that may not be a good average. But based on that, I’d expect sometime between now and the end of Sep.

Silentium Est Aureum

Fair enough. But either way, do you think he’d ever face charges in either FL or MD for posing as a lawyer?

Shit, the MD prosecutors wouldn’t even talk to Jonn when Psulie-boi was making no-shit death threats.

That whole fucking state is pretty much useless. Glad I’ll never have to live (and hopefully never work) in that area.


Well, you could keep the ale well-chilled and hope for the best.

Or you could get a new bottle monthly and rotate your stock. I’d recommend the latter. (smile)


Is the liberal media trying to accuse Chris Kyle of stolen valor?


The Navy has concluded there is no evidence that famed Navy SEAL Chris Kyle received two of the valor awards he had claimed in his best-selling memoir, including a second Silver Star.


I don’t know if this goes under ‘feel good’ or here, but I’m leaving it here. It seems that the number of states butting heads with the FedGov about public restrooms is increasing.


Now, in case anyone gets their undies in a twist, remember that after the very raucous episodes of activism over civil rights in the 1960s, things settled down. There was some real meaning in what happened then.

This episode, which is over something completely ridiculous and has little to nothing to do with civil rights, has made a clown show out of what could have been settled in a much more quiet way. This entire generation, maybe two of them, of selfish, over-indulged spoiled brats who want their crotch issues right in your face, will come to an end and the rest of us will go on about our business.

A Proud infidel®™

AIN’T THIS some shit? Hitlery Rotten Cankles has called for White People to change their ways:


OH, and the Green Party has offered to let Sanders run on THEIR ticket, the show gets even funnier every day!!


Silentium Est Aureum

He’d be in some esteemed company.

IIRC, Cynthia McKinney ran as a Green a few years back. Batshit cray-cray then, batshit cray-cray now.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe NOW is the time to start getting it out for Bernie supporters to rally for him to run on the Green Party ticket and if he doesn’t, then encourage them to write his name on their ballots? I can see it now:



“Cutest lil’ Communist in Congress.” Pretty sure that was Neil Boortz’s line about her.


Clarification: Boortz was speaking about McKinney, not Clintoon.


Well, that’s really sweet of them, isn’t it? All those votes will go over to the Green Jeans and shrillary won’t have them in her pocket.

A Proud Infidel®™

AAAWWW, Gee whiz!!! *grins*

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Have y’all noticed, over the years, that those who would present themselves with a female first name, when they are male and have had a male name since birth, are usually wannabe chicks with dicks? Such as the whiny bitch boy who stole secrets when his boyfriend broke up with him, ol’ Brad Manning turned Chelsea comes to mind. And there is that one gUy In FlOrIdA who likes to be known as Paula. It must suck for any of them to have to “whip it out” to pee, when they would rather just squat and let it fall. sExUaL cOnFuSiOn must be painful.

John Robert Mallernee

In the aftermath of the recent murders in Dallas, Texas, there have been news reports of demands that murder of police officers be legislated as a “Hate Crime”, and that additional federal legislation be enacted to impose the death penalty in states which don’t have one.

I’ve been doing what little I can to try and counter those anti-American sentiments, by publicly posting my own comments whenever possible.



Any and all so-called “Hate Crime” and/or “Hate Speech” legislation are a violation of both the Constitution and our inalienable rights.

It is a blatant totalitarian government tactic designed solely to prosecute thoughts or expressions which are deemed to be politically or socially unacceptable.

Prosecuting an offender for their criminal actions is sufficient.

Above all, let’s keep the federal government from getting further involved, and instead, allow the local and/or state government(s) to conduct their own affairs, as stipulated by Amendment IX and Amendment X to our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America.


John, the real problem is getting that marone in the White House to mind his own business and shut his yap.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

JRM – OT… good to see you back here. Hope that you are doing well.


Hello JRM – long time no see!


J.R.M. !!! Welcome back Soldier! Hope you are doing well!

John Robert Mallernee

Thanks for all the warm greetings, guys!

A Proud Infidel®™

HERE WE FUCKIN’ GO AGAIN! Another Police Officer was shot in Ballwin, MO during a traffic stop.


“The suspect, Antonio Taylor, a 31-year-old black man who was paroled in 2015 after serving time on a federal weapons charge, was charged with assault of a police officer, armed criminal action and a felon in possession of a firearm, St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch said Friday, according to the Associated Press.”
IT’S ALREADY ILLEGAL for that SHIT to own or possess firearms or ammo, so what good are more laws gonna do? AWWW, SHIT, here I go again preaching to the choir, yeah, the pols are gonna bawl and fleece for votes so they can stay on the gravy train…


Oh, come on, API! There were something like six cop shootings the day after Dallas, in several other states.

Police officers are targets. And the bad guys don’t follow the rules of a civilized society, anyway, so what’s new?

John Robert Mallernee




Composed by:

Angel, with those angel eyes,
Come and take this earth boy
Up to paradise.

Angel, may I hold you tight?
Never kissed an angel.
Let me kiss one tonight.

If I said, “I love you”,
Would I be speaking out of turn?
I’m only human.
But I’m willing to learn.

Angel, make my wish come true.
Let me be in heaven
Here on earth with you.

Never kissed an angel.
Let me kiss one tonight.

John Robert Mallernee

Welcome back John.
Are still settled into that new place o.k?

John Robert Mallernee

@ SAPPER 3307:

Yes, I’m SORT of settled, but I’ve got a lot of doctor appointments ahead of me, and I need assistance (which, at the moment, I don’t have) to keep the place cleaned up, do laundry, et cetera.

There are plans to operate on my back, and put me in a motorized wheelchair, probably next month.

That should ease the pain and make it easier to get around.

My computer went kerblooey, so I bought a new one, which doesn’t work with my TV quite as efficiently as my old computer did, and maybe it’s because this new computer is a touch screen.

Other than that, the nurses think I’m dangerously insane.


Welcome back John. Sounds like you’ve got some sharp nurses. Be nice to them dammit…


Nice job, John!

John Robert Mallernee
John Robert Mallernee

Here’s a breaking news story:


And here’s my response:

Note to News Reporter, DREW BROOKS, Et Alii:

It’s been many years since I was a soldier in the United States Army (I’m seventy years old, and was Honorably Discharged in 1976, after serving in Germany, Viet Nam, and Korea), and YOU, Sir, as a resident of Fayetteville, North Carolina should already know this fact.

An Army corps is never designated with Arabic numerals, but always with Roman numerals.

Thus, it is NOT the 18th Airborne Corps, but the XVIII Airborne Corps.

It’s like the difference between “Calvary” (which I visited) and “Cavalry” (which I was in).

Thank you.


John: AP Style requires Arabic numerals. It’s really that simple. It’s the same reason they put “Sgt.” instead of “SGT.”


This is an interesting read on Dallas Chief of Police David Brown. His son David Brown Jr killed a cop and another man shortly after he was promoted to Chief of Police. Proof positive you can do the best you can raising a child but some will always choose the wrong path.


I just want to insert a little peace and quiet here.

It’s sung in Gaelic.



I am new here! What is it that your guys do here?

I am from Ft. Myers it is so hot here!


If you read the comments above NEWBIE, we swap our best recipes, talk about DRC members, real deal crap.


We talk a lot about coconut IEDs and the difference between you, your, and you’re.

A Proud Infidel®™

Their, they’re there, you forgot about SCREWS in the driveway!


Depends upon what you mean by “here.”

This topic? The blog in general? Planet Earth??

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

We also talk about those whose own psychologist/psychiatrist describe as being Lunatics, (or something like that). We discuss pEoPlE tHaT tHrEaTeN tO cOmEtH, bUt NeVeR sEeM tO bE aBlE tO fInD tHeIr WaY oUt Of VoLuSiA cOuNtY.
And, on this “WOT” we offer each other our secret code schedule.

A Ptoud Infidel®™

One thing I noticed about Volusia County when I did a contract there was that it DOES attract loonies and head cases from everywhere.


I suggest you click on the TAH FNG FAQ link at the top of the page.

That should pretty well explain what “your guys do here.”


I was sgt in charge of a SEAL sniper squad. We had Air Force PG’s two for first aid, plus knew how to pacck shutes.


Hot, huh? With the rain and the gulf breeze? How could it be hot?


Ft Myers eh? I hear the water down there is amazing.

So amazing in fact that one guy who claims to need crutches to walk was seen riding a bicycle with no issues.

It didn’t help is IQ though. California still has him suspended from lawyer duties pending a final disbarment order.

A Ptoud Infidel®™

It also seems to have magically granted him permission to openly carry a firearm while Florida IS NOT am Open Carry State.


Do I smell a sock puppet?


Some of you people are mean, like not even nice.

When I was in the Special Ops battalion during the Gulf know one ever treated me this badly!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

You must be one of those “Call of Booty – Buttsekks Warrior’ players?


He’s gonna fit it just right…


Oh, come on! Give the gal a break, will ya? I’ll bet she makes great salads!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

As “Gunny” would say:
We’re not here to be nice, we’re here to Shake, Rattle, and Roll.


I played a gunny for 36 hours straight once on Call of Duty.

No meal breaks, no shower, just mt dew and me kickin’ ass!


Really? Are you a Cosmo girl? Or do you prefer Glamour?

A Ptoud Infidel®™

So WHAT were you, an in-flight Rocket Mechanic?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Can you read a gas gauge?


Beginning to sound more and more like Paula Driver with every comment.


Ask her what kind of hair products she uses.


Probably prefers Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Treatment.


Oops, almost screwed up.

I meant Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Treatment with coconut oil.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Maybe “she” likes dippity-do for her hair?


First I thought maybe she was a Capricorn, but now – naw, she’s a Libra, prefers fake nails and fake hair and fake jewelry, also wears falsies, including false eyelashes.

Dishwater blonde, probably past the prime with a couple of those weird hairs sticking out of her chin that start about the time menopause is looking at you.


So, what you’re saying is that he/she/it may or may not be Paula Driver, as that description pretty much covers all the members of the DRC.

Hmmm, will have to put a little more thought into who the sockpuppet/troll really is.


Could be, but if she’s a Libra, as I suspect, then her Sun sign Libra is intercepted (split) halfway between the 6th House (work, health) and the 7th House (lawyers, open enemies), and oddly enough, she has Neptune and Mercury sitting right on top of each other less than two arc minutes apart, a sure sign of a liar, especially when it’s in a divided house like her 7th House. And her 7th House is split between Libra (balance) and Scorpio (secrets).

But what do I know?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Really? PaUlA dRiVeR? Nah, couldn’t be. “Reporting Live” knows how to spell and form sentences. There is far too much coherent thought recognized here for this to be her.


I don’t know, Frankie. She is too coherent to be any of them. Maybe she’s dating one of them, doing their laundry and stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe their Cocktail Mixer as well?



Hold on tight! Sumpins gonna happen today and if I lived in DRC country, I be taking cover?

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK THE Dutch Rudder Gang, those dingleberries have less brains than a moldy roach turd.


And, as per usual, the soup sandwich never ends with this department


So, whatever happened to the VA supposedly getting back on track, what was it, 3 or 4 years ago?