How . . . Convenient

| July 8, 2016

Headline says it all.

FBI didn’t record Clinton interview,
did not administer sworn oath

I don’t recommend reading the article if you have blood pressure issues and are having a bad day in that respect.

“It’s beginning to look a lot like whitewash
Done this regime’s way . . . .”


(And yes – the omission of the “Government Incompetence” tag for this article was intentional.)

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Legal, Politics

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Silentium Est Aureum

Our ancestors would be shooting by now.

MSG Eric

I think we’re getting close to the ending in Animal Farm.


Gosh darn it! Now I have to go hunt down the damn book and read the ending!



The animals looked from pig to man and from man to pig and it was hard to tell which was which….

One is a sow(Hillary) and the other is delicious…

MSG Eric

Strange. I had thought I’d heard someone indicate that lying to the FBI was a crime, regardless of if you are under oath or not. Can’t recall where, but it was a lawyer or former FBI member.

At the least that was a “well, if you really must talk to Queen Hillary, then no recordings and no oath will be sworn. Otherwise, go fuck yourselves. And when you arrive, you must bow and not look her directly in the eyes.”

MSG Eric

Yeah, I can see her lawyers (that she pays about 100 bucks a minute or more) responding to her lying to them. “Oh yeah? How do you remember that so well after 3.5 hours of talking to her? Hmmmm? Are you absolutely sure that’s exactly what she said? Because I don’t think I’d remember everything so exactly after that long!!!!”


The Wall Street Journal reported on this the other day. I find it preposterous that the FBI doesn’t record interrogation sessions as it standard practice in every other police jurisdiction in the country.

Lying to the FBI is a crime in and of itself, which is also why, according to the WSJ, the FBI standard is not to swear people in for questioning. (Having never been calling in for questioning myself, I’d be interesting in knowing what normal police investigative practice is?)

Lying to the FBI is really what got GEN P, as it was the only charge that he would not be able to mount a reasonable defense for.

MSG Eric

Oh and you should change your name to “Wiki-Lawyer” Hondo, seriously. lol You are the man when it comes to this law research stuff.


Or look directly at her cankles

MSG Eric

Now that’s just cruel and unusual punishment. That used to be a violation of the Constitution, but who knows these days.




So the fix was in and the FBI is doing their best to telegraph that fact without stating it? Seems like they’re making it pretty obvious.


‘I don’t think agents assessed she was evasive.’ – article, at the end. Okay. And the only things holding me back from calling the FBI and telling them I think they’re a bunch of crooks is that I don’t feel like wasting my precious phone minutes on them.

And to think they used to be held accountable. The Untouchables.

What a load of crap.

Pinto Nag

The FBIs high profile works against them in situations like this. They attempt to take down one of the elite, and someone in that circle left standing will be sure ruin the agent(s) who were responsible. Everybody hates this, but everybody is also waiting for that one person who is willing to fall on their sword, to do what needs to be done.

Or maybe today’s term is better — jump on the grenade. Because that is about what would be left.


We all know that the vaunted “cooperation” of Hillary will simply take the form of her lawyers telling the agents to simply go fuck themselves. She doesn’t even have to open her mouth. She showed up to the interview with FIVE lawyers for cripe’s sake. One is bad enough, but FIVE! They all have to prove that they’re worth the ridiculous amount of money they’re getting paid.

I’ve been in the room a few times when the lawyers go at each other. It is hilarious and ugly at the same time.

MSG Eric

At best this was a passive resistant investigation. They didn’t go out of their way to pull other facts in, like how Hillary perjured herself to Congress which provides fairly severe punishments.

The question yesterday as to whether they took into consideration her lies under oath to Congress for “11 hours” was key to show this. “Well, we’d need a referral from Congress for that!” “Ohhhhhh, so you need US to tell you to she perjured herself?”

Granted, he did say without saying that they are investigating the clinton foundation and all the bullshit going on there.


They also said they’ll be looking into the Benghazi stuff… not that it means much if they do right now, but if they drag this out enough, and run it right up to the election, perhaps that house of cards the old boot has been living in may come tumbling down.

Paul W

It’s a true statement. If they know she is lying they did not assess she was evasive.


I’ve said it here many times she was never going to be convicted or charged with anything
She is above the law plain and simple… Wait until she steals the election in November…
I’m taking bets ☹️☹️☹️☹️


Gowdy was awesome yesterday:

MSG Eric

He is awesome. If not for his Benghazi select committee, we wouldn’t know even a tenth of what we know now about Queen Hillary.


Gowdy gives the best ass chewing. I can see him as an E9 yelling “GET OFF MY GRASS”.

MSG Eric

I was the acting CSM of my battalion for a few months last year. It pains me that I not once was able to yell out my window “Stay off my Grass!”. Not. once. Hopefully the future will change that.


I hope that happens for you.

I particpated in a “New Comers” brief on Fort Knox and the Garrison CSM stated he negotiated with those who violated post policies regarding housing regulations to get them comply.

My thoughts were WTF has happened to my Army….

Time to check out.


Yeah, but it would take him ten minutes to do it!


Yeah, he smoked Comey with his explanation about inculpatory and exculpatory statements (referencing the Federal Rules of Evidence).

You’d think Comey would remember that basic premise since he was once a federal prosecutor. Gowdy explained that in under a minute.


Comey knows he’s laying down a line of bullshit. He has just decided to take on the role of whipping boy. Maybe he figures that a little pain now is better than continuous pain for months and years on end. Heck, he’s seen what Dems do to their mortal enemies.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I think you’re right.

IIRC, appointment to the FBI Director position is 10 years. He’s barely into his term.

Mark RM1USN ret

Appears to me that The Walking/Talking Pantsuit lied to me or am I not hearing something right here?


“He didn’t say that in 2008, but he says it now.”

B Woodman

“FBI didn’t record Clintoon interview. . . . ”
That’s how the Three Letter Agencies usually CONVICT (innocent) people. They don’t record the interview, they take brief written notes, then after it’s all done, they write up a full transcript — from memory. Adding, subtracting, and editing the facts as they go. CYA much this time?

A Proud infidel®™

MAYBE Comey did it that way because he either doesn’t want the Clintons to air out the dirt they have on him OR he just doesn’t want to turn up dead from suicide in a park wrapped up in a carpet.

MSG Eric

Oh come on. you say that as if there are 40-50 other people who died mysteriously over the years who were connected to the Clintons in some way and either knew information they shouldn’t have or were prepared to make public what they knew about the Clintons….


LTC Ralph Peters the other day on Fox Biz…Clinton too big to jail. Probably throw in GEN Dave Pussytraeus as “too big to jail” on that list. Small fish like CPO Lyle White & CDR Bryan Nishimura get their dicks flattened.


There is only one way to make right this huge miscarriage of justice and that is to make sure Clinton does not win in November. No matter how much you dislike Trump, you cannot afford to waste your vote on protest write-ins for Mattis or other desirables and you absolutely must vote.

When you served your country in uniform there were no doubt many occasions where you disagreed with your leadership yet still held your nose, bit your tongue and did your duty. This November is another such situation where you must do something which you may well find personally distasteful for the greater good of the nation.

Never in the history of this country has there been so much at stake in a single election.

Semper Idem

I was going to stay home, but you’ve convinced me to vote for Chump Trump.


Semper, you made my day! Every vote is going to be essential. Besides, if you stayed home, we’d lose your support for conservatives on the down ballot.

I hope some more of you out there will suck it up and do the same. I know I must sound like a Trump booster but I’m not; but I am determinedly anti-Hillary. Hell, I’d almost vote for Jane Fonda before I’d vote for Hillary. That ought to tell you something.


Martha Stewart could not be reached for comment.


Once again, SMH. The littles get shit on and the bigs get to walk.


Not recording the interview is jacked up, but I never, ever had anyone swear an oath before an interview or interrogation. Read them their rights, but never did the oath thing. Wasn’t part of our protocol.

Heck, I wanted a suspect to twist themselves into knots trying to explain their criminality. If they’re guilty, swearing an oath isn’t going to make a bit of difference.

I never expected anyone to tell me the truth. I might get some of the truth, but never all of it. The bigger the crime, the more the bullshit.

In a perfect world, no one would lie and there would be no crime. Well, we all know neither of those is going to happen.

Used to have beat partners who would ask from time to time, “How can you tell someone is lying to a cop?…Their lips moved.” Just the way it was.

But back to the recording. Now THAT is a very big mistake. At least for someone who is SERIOUS about bringing charges. Not recording is just more evidence that this was all kabuki theater.


Comey said she did not lie to the FBI, and even if she did lying to the FBI is a crime whether she was under oath or not.

And lying to congress is a crime (only congress is allowed to lie in congress), and she was under oath.

So really it comes down to whether she lied to congress and whether they feel they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she knew she was lying at the time she lied.


Those f’ers don’t care. They ain’t gonna rock the money boat, and they don’t want to be found where they shot themselves in the head after they hang themselves

Pinto Nag

What it really comes down to is the government dog-and-pony show being put on for our benefit, when absolutely nothing of value will come from it.


I wonder if they have thought about the criminal defense precedence that they have set over the last week.

Or if they care?

Herbert J Messkit

Lesson learned. Never ever allow anyone with any connection to Chicago machine politics to assume a position of any accountability


I have a hunch that someone “forgot” to read her the Miranda rights. Just in case. “Sorry. There is just no record of it…”