National PTSD Awareness Day

| June 27, 2016

HMC Ret reminds us that today is National PTSD Awareness Day. So, if you’re not aware of PTSD the rest of the year, you should be aware of it today. It’s probably not a coincidence that it comes just before July 4th;

William Mayor-sign

If you need a sign, like Mr. Mayor here, you can get one at Military With PTSD – it’s run by Jason Gourley who caught the PTSD in a classroom where someone talked about terrorism.

Military with PTSD provides us with a helpful map of where they’ve sent their signs;

No one in my county has a sign yet.

I’m not saying that PTSD isn’t a real thing and that there aren’t people who really suffer from it, but I’m pretty sure they don’t make a point of being a dick about it. People who go around waving a sign about their PTSD probably don’t have it. That’s the unfortunate part of PTSD, you know besides the symptoms. Pretenders use it to their advantage, because we’re not supposed to doubt them – and they can use it to their advantage to explain their bad behavior and no one doubts them in public.

I know a number of my readers suffer from PTSD, many of you have shared that with me and I don’t doubt you, and I sympathize with you, I really do. What I hate are the people who hide behind signs and use it for an excuse. You know what I mean.

Anyway, happy PTSD Day to everyone.

Category: Who knows

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I’ve been diagnosed with TBI And the army and VA claims PTS. Long story short I hear a BOOM or a Thud.. It doesn’t send me spiriling out of control. I hate stupid people so I spent a lot of time avoiding places and most of all stupid people. My memory is off but it’s short term not long term. I don’t have any issues comprehending reality PTS is not forever and time heals..


P.S. I Swear after what I’ve seen in the military and on the civi side ate up military leadership is enough to give to give anyone a much needed beak in a padded room.


MSG Eric

I told the Psychologist during my claims meeting, “I don’t have PTSD, I was fine with everything that happened downrange. I’d go back. My problem is dealing with Army HRC, my blood pressure went up stupidly high just because of dealing with them.”

Totally the truth too, those dirtbag bureaucrats up there. If they did clearing out of HRC, imagine how much money they’d save from it for the budget. Some are being paid just to warm a seat with their ass.

Green Thumb

I have seen this a lot. I know a guy who was shot in the head (7.62) and the VA says its PTSD.



I’ve given up trying to figure the VA out. I am sure that how they want it.


Was told by a helpful drone at the VA that any time they see a combat badge has been awarded they automatically throw a PTSD claim on the pile.

Mario Ortega

A friend of mine, Vietnam Veteran, was automatically awarded 30% because of his CIB, BS with “V,” and PH.

Green Thumb


The PTSD made me do the drugs. For which I was kicked out. Which means now I cannot get shit.

But wait, I should get shit to even though I was kicked. Everyone else is getting shit. I need to omit the part about the drugs now. Now I will lie to my doctor and try to get a discharge upgrade. So now I can get benefits and start buying my drugs again.

I apologize for the satire, but his shit fires me up. PTSD is a real thing and those folks that have it, deal with it. It whats called being a Soldier, Airman, Sailor and Marine.


Sadly, GT . . . it’s not necessarily satire.

If the VA determines that a vet’s misconduct leading to an OTH or bad-conduct discharge was due to “insanity”, the VA can grant benefits anyway. And the various BCMR’s lately seem to have been bending over backwards to retroactively upgrade discharges due to PTSD that was “not noted at the time”.

Only a Dishonorable Discharge (and, presumably, the officer equivalent of Dismissal) is a legal bar to receiving veterans benefits.

Green Thumb

And do not forget that MOAA, VFW, American Legion (as I am told), IAVA and other less reputable organizations support this bullshit.

Slap in the face.

Silentium Est Aureum

Nobody near me has one either. Go figure.

And TSO personally knows a vet who lives not to far from me, right? A very humble and honorable man, if I may say so.

Dave Hardin

Actually, being around soft spoken conscientious well mannered people gives me the shakes.

Some screaming and shit going boom makes me sleep like a baby.


Thank You Dave… exactly

C B Senior

Looked on the map in my locale, one is in the middle of the State Forest. No houses there, the other one is 1/4 mile down the road from my CIB,EIB buddy who may just have to take a stroll by said sign.

2/17 Air Cav

There’s these new things out. They’re called headphones. I kid you not. You put one end over your ears and the other you plug into a radio or other music player. At sufficient volume, especially with the windows closed and a fan or the ac on, you won’t hear a thing outside. And if you are very disturbed by the sights or sounds of fireworks, may I suggest a hospital waiting room? When it comes to outside noises, they’re pretty damn quiet. Here’s a last thought. Go along with the boom-boom. Get in your car, drive to the woods, unless your property is wooded, pull out the old entrenching tool, dig a hole, and climb in. I’m not making light of this either. Oh, bullshit. Yes I am.

Silentium Est Aureum

You don’t even need to do that, Cav. They also make noise canceling headphones that work like a champ, and you don’t risk hearing loss from having music too loud.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh. That’s even better.


Why can’t these people get noise canceling headphones like I did instead of an attention whore sign. I have PTS (I can say that here since I’m using a screen name) and I don’t advertise it. Very few people know since it is none of their fucking business. I can almost guarantee that 99% of these fucksticks don’t have it. I guess playing the “damaged vet” seems cool these days.

2/17 Air Cav

If one was subjected to incessant shelling of the type so many soldiers endured in WW I and, to a much lesser extent, WW II, then you have my sympathy when it comes to the major fireworks displays that I can well understand may rattle your nerves. My suggestion is don’t go to a major fireworks display.


At the end of this book Burford tells a story where he was in a bar and fireworks went off at the end of a song by a band. He says he jumped under a table. Maybe that’s where the idea came from for the sign?

I would put a sign up for my dog before myself.


While I’m running my trap many moons ago while I was waiting to be retired we had a POS claiming to have been in some epic fire fight in Iraq. Well fate send me to this WTU to wait out a log jam
One day he was telling his BS story to get some attention and I called him out finely because
I was the TACOPS NCO For fuck nuts battle space. It had been quiet as hell during the time I was there
But according to him it was mayhem and he should have gotten a PH and God knows what else
Because I called him out I got a free trip CSMs office so they could tell me and counsel me about being sensitive WTF !!!!!! My platoon Sargent got fucked because he wound listen enough to the little attention whore. In fact he is a reader of this blog. But long story short I wish the army would do a better job of weeding out these fakes and the VA instead of give them the red carpet

Over and out


Would not listen that being my platoon Sargent my spelling is off as usual

MSG Eric

So you have PTSD from being at WTU and its caused you to misspell words like Sergeant? We understand, just as long as you don’t have a sign in your front yard.


My Spelling and spell check SUCKS… and no on PTS from a WTU lol….
I still haven’t seen a sign in anyone’s from yard other then my neighbor has one that’s says CRAZY MARINE NO TRESPASSING I DONT MISS


Wait a minute, you don’t live next door to me!

B Woodman

I see one in my backyard. Literally. I’ll have to copy the address and stroll the neighborhood to find this “special snowflake”. hehehehehe


I suffer from PTSD and the only relief I get from is to practice my second amendment right.

Can we use this as an anti-anti-gun argument?

Doc Savage

I do recall that one time in the Minneapolis DMV…..I haven’t been the same since.

Made me miss the quiet of Iraq.


I catch the PTSD every time there’s thundersnow in the winter. Thunder in the middle of a snowstorm does not make any sense. I know it’s Thor and that damned hammer of his, but I don’t know where to hide any more. My cave has been squatted in by an Arkansas cave bear.

Okay, nonsense aside, this diagnosis has become an excuse for bad behavior in my view.

The very real problems faced by victims of physical abuse such as rape and domestic violence should not be downgraded to ‘oh, well, just deal with it’, because a bunch of attention whores found a way to get more attention for themselves. The real victims seldom want to even vaguely mention what happened to them.

MSG Eric

This reminded me of the movie Range15. At the end, they are doing pictures of everyone.

It gets to Ross Patterson’s character, “SGM Gene Vandenham” and it says, “he’s now retired with PTSD, but he doesn’t have a sign in his front yard because he’s not a fucking pussy.”


There seems to be a sign a couple miles from me, but I know for a fact there ain’t nobody living out there but coyotes and rattlesnakes. That map may not be all that accurate.


Or… they might have exaggerated a wee bit on where and how many signs they have sent out?


I checked the signs near my area in NW Houston and they were all listed what looks like as free to fireworks stands.


And so there I was, painting them yellow lines for the CO, XO & 1st SGT lanes when all of a sudden, my paint brush blew up scattering its yellow paint laden cargo all over hell and back. The start of my own PTSD. But wait there is more! Two nights later, roll on a silent
alarm at one of the warehouses. I quickly forgot about my PTSD when a bullet whistled past my head blowing out the rotating blue light on the light bar all to smitherens. Cured my PTSD, immediately. And, I returned fire, lots of it. I kid though about the paint brush explosion. The bullets that were sent in my direction and shot up blue rotating beacon not so much…


Hashtag activism to patronize veterans with phonies leading the charge to obtain free shit.

Fuck right off with this bullshit.


Wow. That is some profound shit you just said right there.

Probably going to co-opt it and apply it to all the folks quoting that “22 a day” nonsense.

Hack Stone

Do they make a version reading “New York Daily News Reporter Lices Here. Please Be Considerate With Fireworks. And Firearms. And Bicycle Tires. And Party Ballons. And Pretty Much Anything.”?

B Woodman

“Lices”? The active verb of a blood-sucking parasite? Well, that may be a typo, but it works for me. Especially when it comes to members of the “Gash Cuntzman Club for Wayward Presstitutes”.


When I was growing up in the 1980s, there was a older neighbor down the street who would put on a great little fireworks show on the 4th every year for the kids. It wasn’t until he passed away many years later that we discovered he was a combat vet who had received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for his Korean War service. Wherever Mr. Davidson is today, I’m sure he’d be laughing his ass off at these twits.


I’m thinking of a sign saying “home of a veteran. Please set your fireworks off here so I can watch. Buying fireworks cuts into my beer fund. Thank you for your support.”

Doc Savage

you get my vote.



B Woodman

Three enthusiastic thumbs up. With only two hands.

A Proud Infidel®™

^^^^LIKE!^^^^^ I give it FOUR Coconuts!!! 😀

Used to be Stillserving

I always hated going to see fireworks. Even before my deployments. I still hate going. When I tell people this, they assume it’s because of the deployments. Then I tell them It’s because of the traffic when they’re over. Every one assumes that war veterans are screwed up because this PTSD thing has been blown out of proportion. It drives me nuts.


Yup, I love the fireworks but I’m not driving into that circus.


Dollars to dognuts that guys PTSD is Post Traumatic Sexual Dysfunction. He probably took two Thai hookers home and found out he won the lottery. Six balls between them.


Traumatic part is that they both had bigger dicks than him

NR Pax

And now you both caused me to get a nasal irrigation with hot coffee. I have caught the PTSD from it. Thanks.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

The PTSD organization listed some symptoms of the condition. I’ve looked elsewhere and no where could I find other symptoms such as becoming predisposed to lying, stealing, or other forms of shitbagery. Making the choices a criminal makes must be the advanced stages.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

“People who go around waving a sign about their PTSD probably don’t have it”

They either have FTS (fractured taint syndrome) or MPH (my poosay hurts)… just like qUeEfErS and Dickless Danni-boi!


I got a post-deployment psych briefing once, the doc started with “if you look at yourself in the mirror, and say I think I’m going nuts, your mental health is just fine. If your cheese is really slipping off your cracker, you’ll be the last to know”

Hack Stone

Sounds like the Doctor has been reading some Joseph Heller.


Ya know, I never made that connection…


I comment here frequently and hope you all don’t mind that I post this comment anonymously. Call me a coward if you wish, but PTSD is real and I don’t give a flying shit what anyone thinks…except today.

“Carrying the PTSD Baggage of Viet Nam”

We responded when they called
and we carried our baggage to basic

We went home on leave carrying our baggage
and then……carried our baggage over there….

Most of us survived even though we carried the baggage of hatred and rejection from so many at home….many of us still ask, why?

Wherever we went we carried the baggage of silence and anonymity never to speak of the baggage thrust upon us by the countless enemies of our souls

Seldom tolerated when addressing the quiet pain of carrying the ever increasing weight of the baggage we never sought to carry – depression, isolation, flashbacks, guilt, lost relationships….dangerously dark thoughts brought to us by the death and destruction imparted on our enemies and in return……on us

The baggage of self-destruction is mostly unseen but not yet gone

Eventually, we met our advocates at the VA – over time they courageously helped us decrease the weight of our oppressive baggage

We began to stand up straight, unbent to the revulsion, distrust and emotional pain felt for so many years.

Our baggage is somewhat lighter….we no longer remain in the shadows

The sun is beginning to shine…..God watches over us as we begin the long-elusive journey to peace and happiness, but then………predictably we stumble as the relentless burden of PTSD resumes its place on our shoulders…..please stop…please! Need to sleep…exhausted…stop crying……breathe, keep trying

This face that at times smiles is but a mask to hide the perpetual pain and sadness born while… Carrying the PTSD Baggage of Viet Nam.

PS. I live only because of the love I have for my family and the love my family has for me…..


So one of the three in the Toledo area is the sylvania Fire dept, makes no sense. The next is at some house that I can’t pinpoint. The last is at bowling green state university. If any of you know of bgsu, then we can both agree that one is probably legit…..bunch of liberal art yuppies there. They do have a rotc group though that got harassed by the student body when Iraq kicked off.


The closest sign to me is about 350 miles away and we have one of the highest percentages of veterans per capita in the Nation in my neck of the woods.


My good buddy has PTSD from his 04-05 tour in Ramadi Iraq.
On New Year’s Eve we had one hell of a good time with out children and about $400 of fireworks!!!

He said no problem, fireworks ain’t shit compared to the incoming in Ramadi. So…. No need to get worked up over the New Years celebration.


With our children. Damn spell check….


That’s because fireworks are outgoing




Except when some asshat sends a mortar shell flying right at you car as you are going down the road…


There was a time in my youthful misadventures that may or may not have involved bottle rocket shootouts


Just came across a PTSD case today. Guy has been in and out of treatment at the VA for years… until last month when his care was cutoff because he lied about the character of his discharge. He had a Big Chicken Dinner, and is ineligible for VA benefits. That and 2 years from 91-93 with no combat time, no deployments, no over seas.(not saying you cannot get it from an event outside of combat, but…) Looks like he barely made it out of OSUT when he stepped on his crank.
On the bright side, he was not service connected for it, or anything else.
Happy Fake PTSD Awareness Day!