Iran/China/Syria/North Korea; the new Axis

| September 20, 2007

Have you ever woke up in the morning and feel like you’re living in a Tom Clancy novel? That’s the feeling I get today. Yesterday, I read from Gateway Pundit and Bloodthirsty Liberal about the most recent murder of an anti-Syrian legislator in Lebanon;

Anti-Syrian Lebanese politician was murdered today in a bombing!
A 40-kilogram strong car bomb killed anti-Syrian Christian leader Antione Ghanem and eight others six days before the Lebanese Parliament is scheduled to meet to elect a new president.

And today from Spanish Pundit and Breitbart about Iran’s admission that China is supporting their nuclear program;

Iran’s interior minister said China renewed its support Friday for negotiations over his country’s disputed nuclear activities, and he warned that new U.N. sanctions could force Tehran to adopt “other means.”

From Kamangir and Crotchety Old Bastard, the US is kowtowing to that berserker Amadinejad and contemplating his tour of Ground Zero. Kamangir, the Iranian says;

Ahmadinejad must not be permitted to get close to where the twin towers used to stand?

The NYPD says ‘no’, but he claims he’ll go anyway. Either way, he’ll be a welcomed speaker at Columbia University.

From Free Korea, (h/t Gateway Pundit), North Korea and Syria are linked, too;

The details of the claims are vague, but one source told FOX News in late August that the North Koreans had sold the Syrians a nuclear facility, most likely related to uranium enrichment. Enriched uranium is necessary both for nuclear power and nuclear weapons uses. The United States accuses Syria of assisting terrorist groups including Hezbollah.

And so, it comes full circle – there is a global conspiracy against American interests, but Democrats would prefer to talk about healthcare and the minimum wage instead of facing the reality that we are under attack worldwide, that it’s been going on for sometime and Democrats are unwilling to recognize that there’s a problem, let alone formulate a plan for doing something. From Breitbart;

Former President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday that it was almost inconceivable that Iran would “commit suicide” by launching missiles at Israel.  

From the guy who figured it was inconceivable that Khomeini would succeed in taking over Iran. He’s really got his finger on the pulse of stuff, huh? And we need to put some more of those dimwits in a position of power.

Speaking of Iran, Kamangir has caught the Islamic Republic in another lie.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics

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Don Carl

On 9-11 my third thought, after “Holy Crap!” and “We’re gonna jack someone up for this!” was “Holy Crap! Clancy! Debt of Honor! Oh, he has to really feel like shit…”

Jonn wrote: Yeah, me, too. I kept an eye on the Capitol Building from my desk for the rest of the day. But, remember it was an Iran/India/China cabal in the following two novels that kept reluctant President Ryan on his toes? Just substitute Syria for India.