Senate Democrats; we love losing

| September 21, 2007

To empasize their love of losing every battle, the Democrats thought it’d be a good idea to put the already-failed Feingold “we support the troops but let them fight without any money” bill up for a vote again – they were rewarded with a 70-28 defeat. Washington Times S.A.Miller quotes Dianne Feinstein;

“There is value in doing it because I think it makes the record clearer,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat. “That’s what we do. … We live by our votes.”

In other words, Feinstein admits that Democrats suffer from mental illness. The American people don’t want this bill to pass – if they did, the Senate Republicans, spineless cowards that they are, would collapse and vote for it. And Harry Reid suffers from the illness;

“We’re not changing our strategy,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said shortly before the vote, adding that the tactic succeeded in making Senate Republicans claim responsibility for the war.

“We are united,” the Nevada Democrat said. “We vote together all the time. And the Republicans vote together all the time, with rare exception. And as a result of that, it’s very clear to the American people who supports President Bush’s war.”

So instead of actually doing something about winning the war, the Democrats are more focused on making pointless statements for the MoveOn crowd. How fricken brave.

In the Washington Post, Weisman and Murray report that the Democrats are calling for a “bipartisan action” for withdrawal from Iraq. Here’s a hint, guys; the Republican Party is against ending the war before it’s won so any early withdrawal would not ever be bipartisan. If the war ends before it’s over, it’s all you guys. If you’re going to put fighting the war on Republicans, guess how you get associated – with losing the war. 

Speaking of MoveOn, the Senate also voted to condemn the organization for their Petraeus ad last week in the New York Times by a margin similar to the vote above (Washington Times);

The nonbinding measure, offered by Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, passed by a vote of 72-25, with 24 Democrats and one independent, Bernard Sanders of Vermont, voting against it.

See the names of the 25 spineless weinies at SWAC Girl, Gateway Pundit and Michele Malkin. Hang Right Politics asks you to name the group.

According to the Washington Post, MoveOn responded by sending an email to it’s members;

In an e-mail to its members last night, the group acknowledged that the content of the ad might have angered its allies but argued that a larger issue is at stake. “Maybe you liked our General Petraeus ad. Maybe you thought the language went too far,” they wrote. “But make no mistake: this is much bigger than one ad.”

And it turned its criticism squarely back on the Senate, accusing it of “spending time cracking down on a newspaper ad” after failing on Wednesday to pass a bill lengthening the home leaves of U.S. troops fighting in Iraq, a bipartisan measure that some regarded as pressuring Bush into limiting the redeployment of U.S. forces.

Yeah, the Senate should listen to crack-smoking hippies and do the bidding of the squeaky wheels instead of listening to America. Way to go, MoveOn. After all, the Senate Democrats were only responding to another attack – this time from President Bush (Washington Examiner);

“That leads me to come to this conclusion: that most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like — are more afraid of irritating them than they are of irritating the United States military,” [President Bush] said.

Well, there, it’s been said. let’s see what the Democrat response will be – I expect a lot of whining and crying and shouts of “Not Fair!” Crotchety Old Bastard, Michael Goldfarb and Little Green Footballs wade into the slime to gauge the depths of Leftist misery while QandO deciphers what “support the troops” means to the Left. Redstate asks the left how it feels to be losers and Marooned in Marin compares Hillary’s words to her votes. 

Category: Politics, Support the troops

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Great post! It also explains why the latest congressional approval rating is eleven percent.

And thanks for the link!


Very good post! I’ll be linking to it in my next article at HRP.

Jonn wrote: My humble thanks to you and Kathy, Falcon.


[…] Jonn Lilyea makes a very good point about the Democrat Congress: To empasize their love of losing every battle, the Democrats thought it’d be a good idea to put the already-failed Feingold ”we support the troops but let them fight without any money” bill up for a vote again – they were rewarded with a 70-28 defeat. Washington Times S.A.Miller quotes Dianne Feinstein; […]