Thursday morning feel good stories

| May 26, 2016

Jon the Mechanic and HMC Ret send us a link this morning about an incident in Coos Bay, Oregon where three 14-year-old boys called the police about their attempted burglary. It seems that the homeowner caught them in the act and held them at gunpoint while they made the call to authorities. Also rounded up was the eight-year sister of one of the criminals whom he was supposed to be babysitting.

In Montgomery County, Texas, a homeowner went to do some maintenance work on his property where he encountered a stranger exiting the building. The homeowner, armed and properly licensed, held the man at gunpoint until police arrived.

In Houston, Texas, a criminal forced his way into an apartment and held the three men there at gun point and demanded their money. One of the occupants drew his own gun and had a shootout with the criminal. One of the occupants was wounded, but the criminal left the area. It’s unknown if he was injured.

Roy Dwayne Ruis, 26, of Gwinnett County, Georgia left that state because of 19 warrants law enforcement had on his ass – one was for stealing a police cruiser. He instead took up residence in Coffeeville, Mississippi where he broke into a home to hide out. The homeowner was armed and held him briefly at gunpoint until Ruis discovered that the homeowner wasn’t law enforcement and took off under a hail of gunfire. Police were notified and they found Ruis crawling around in a ditch. I’m sure his new room mates will enjoy his tattoos (at the link).

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Lance Claunch, 23 knocked down a 73-year-old homeowner in the elderly man’s own driveway and began beating on him. The elderly gent pulled out his gun and shot the youngster twice. Claunch was DRT (dead right there) according to police. Another version of the story reports that a neighbor shot the guy who was assaulting the elderly man.

In Park City, Kansas, two thieves pulled out their guns in a convenience store, but the clerk was packing, too, and got off his shots first. He held one of the thieves at gun point and the other left the scene only to turn up later at the hospital to get his wounds treated.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

6 incidents involving 9 criminals, and not one of them got away with anything. Good people with guns can stop bad people with bad intentions.


Is there something about Coos Bay, OR, that generates the idea in teenie boppers that it’s okay to take your kid sister on a crime spree?

I think a fitting punishment for those brats is spending the entire summer weeding gardens, mowing and raking lawns, and helping old people with grocery shopping.

Bryan Woodman

If any of those were MY children in Coos Bay, not only would they be GROUNDED for the entire summer, they wouldn’t be able to sit either. And no game systems, cell phone, stereo, radio, computer.
If they bitched about being BORRRRRED, I’d toss ’em a copy of “Crime and Punishment”, and demand a book report by the start of the school year.
No book report, the grounding continues through the school year.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Yep, and that’s exactly why it wasn’t YOUR children doing that. Kudos to you!


Amanda & Roy were booked as brother/sister/husband/wife