“He Knows How to Fix the Economy”? Yeah, Right. Bull.

| May 26, 2016

One of the claims often made by Clintoon camp is that “the ‘Nice Lady’ of Benghazi” would put her husband in charge of economic matters.  After all:  he “knows how to fix the economy”.  Just look at how good things were while he was in office!

Well, as they might say where I’m writing this article:  quelle merde.  The folks over at FiveThirtyEight.Com did an article the other day which thoroughly debunks that bogus claim.

BLUF:  Willie “Intern and Cigar Connoisseur” Clintoon simply got lucky.  His Administration had very little to do with the good economic times during the 1990s.  Further, policies begun under his Administration are at least partly responsible (if not the major cause) for the mid-2000s real estate “bubble burst” and the late 2000s recession.

The article is IMO worthwhile reading.  And the info it contains might well be useful if you want to throw a bucket of cold-water reality on any overheated Clintoon supporter who brings up that “he knows how to fix the economy” canard.

Category: Economy, Politics

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That Glass-Steagall Act repeal… Great work Bill.


There is only one thing that Slick Willie did and can legitimately claim: he created the welfare-to-work requirement, which was revoked by the – guess who? – administration.

A rising economy helped that program, but as we all know, employers want prospective employees who aren’t involved in drugs, bad stuff, etc.

Silentium Est Aureum

The only reason he signed it was because it was an election year and Gingrich was getting HUGE mileage from the fact Clinton was stalling.

Perry Gaskill

Hillary is going to have Bill work on the economy because numbers are really hard, and it frees up time to go to the mall…


Annnnd, deleting emails.


Because repeating a unique circumstance based on a confluence of rare historical events is totally within the control of one man?

Mind you, lots of people only remember the 1990s as a period of good times and growth and associate that with Bill, so…?


Monica remembers it as a period of good times.


IDC would hit it.


No doubt. Hell… IDC would do Hilary. 😉


Puke city


Another interesting article towards the bottom of the page about the guy who didn’t inhale. Here’s my shocked face:

Jackie Calmes reports that with unemployment down, companies are struggling to find workers who can pass a drug test. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/18/business/hiring-hurdle-finding-workers-who-can-pass-a-drug-test.html


That’s okay, nowadays you can join the “choom gang,” inhale all you want, and still be President.

Silentium Est Aureum

Fine. That means my wages go up that much faster because I’m not a cheeba head.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

While he ran a budget surplus the reality is the deficit continued to grow. Nothing funnier than watching a democrat try and explain how a budget surplus with a growing deficit was really a good thing….

I like to explain to them with a simple analogy, you make 50,000 a year and you 100,000 thus you are in debt for that 100,000…if you get a 10,000 bonus you do indeed have a budget surplus for the year but when you add a new car for 30,000 to your current debt load of 100,000 instead of reducing debt you have grown your debt 30%…

Now I understand I don’t have a Harvard MBA, but I know how to make money and I know how to manage debt. Clinton did neither…some creative accounting does not a booming economy make.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Fix the economy? You mean like signing NAFTA and sending a sizable chunk of said economy to Mexico?


“Fix the economy”

In the same manner many people will “fix” their cat or dog.


Just get the Clintons fixed.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s a crying damned shame that Hitlery didn’t marry OJ Simson instead of Billl.