Chris Kyle’s records questioned
The Intercept, Glen Greenwald’s attempt at journalism, has, for some reason, entered the Stolen Valor realm, digging into Chris Kyle’s records. They seem to have uncovered the fact that he has fewer valor medals than he has claimed.
“All told,” Kyle wrote in his book, “I would end my career as a SEAL with two Silver Stars and five Bronze [Stars], all for valor.”
But Kyle…embellished his military record, according to internal Navy documents obtained by The Intercept. During his 10 years of military service and four deployments, Kyle earned one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars with Valor, a record confirmed by Navy officials.
They supply us with his DD214;
The DD214 says that Kyle earned 2 Silver Star Medals and 5 Bronze Star Medals (all with a “Valor” device that distinguishes the BSMs from a meritorious version), so Kyle used the count that was on his DD214. The Intercept says that they could only find one record for a Silver Star and three Bronze Stars. They also claim that Kyle knew about the discrepancy – but there it is on his DD214.
I’m wondering, what’s the point? It’s not like he’s likely to wear his uniform to get a free mocha latte at Starbucks, or a free blooming onion at Outback Steak House. So, who is the stolen valor expert they dig up about this?
Retired Army Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, a military historian, said that public reports of stolen valor became more common in the decade after the Vietnam War. Bateman also said it was inexcusable that Kyle, or any other veteran, would inflate his record, even if the veteran, like Kyle, had demonstrated clear heroism during his service.
Résumé inflation may be less of a scandal for civilians, Bateman said, but for those in the military “some elements are paid in blood.”
Yeah, Bob Bateman, the least infantryman in the world.
This is just like the CSM Plumley discussion. I guess the media will only attack dead people. The Intercept wouldn’t publish an article about a certain Bethesda government contractor who was using his wife’s political influence to get government business, but they’ll pick on a dead SEAL and authentic American hero. Way to pick your battles, Glen.
Added: Bateman called and said I should have this quoted the second paragraph so I’m adding it;
Résumé inflation may be less of a scandal for civilians, Bateman said, but for those in the military “some elements are paid in blood.”
He also said that he advised the author of the story to talk to the records clerk that typed the DD214, but they didn’t bother to follow his advice.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Where is the DD 214 on John “I am just a gigolo that was shot in the ass with a rice kernel’ Kerry. Is the current SOS getting a pass?
Don’t forget his “shrapnel” wound that was treated with Bactine and a band aid!
Master Bateman? ‘Bateman, a military historian, said that public reports of stolen valor became more common in the decade after the Vietnam War.’ The Bateman who can’t get his facts straight, even if they’re right in front of him? Does that moron even KNOW when the Vietnam War ended?
In the decade AFTER the Vietnam War, NOBODY was claiming stolen valor, because most people who DID serve in/during Vietnam didn’t bring it up at all. Period.
That statement alone shows that this Greenwald fellow would do well to stop before he goes any further into embarrassing himself in public.
Stolen Valor after the Vietnam War started after the Vietnam Memorial was dedicated (1982). There were more “Green Berets” hanging out at the Wall than served in Vietnam.
SEALS too, and Marine Corps Force RECON Scout Snipers also.
Well, Chicago had a ‘Welcome Home’ parade in 1980, but again, nobody really talked about where or if they served.
Ah yes! Bateman – the organizer of violence, or whatever the fuck he calls himself today.
5 Armed Forces Expeditionary medals!! Came in 1999, just saying, maybe they read it wrong, its almost impossible to have 5.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM) – AUTHORIZED OPERATIONS$File/AFEM%20Authoirzed%20Operations.pdf
He came in 1999, he can’t have 5 and he didn’t do Shore duty??
I don’t know the how/why/when of his AFEMs annotated on his DD214, and I’m not willing to speculate one way or another. All I know is that they are listed on his DD214.
I posted the reference above to the Navy’s list of AFEM Authorized Operations so that you guys can see for yourselves when the Navy says that AFEMs were authorized.
It’s impossible, the max he could have is three (Balkans, SW Asia, and potentially Haiti). DOD did not permit folks to collect multiple awards for each theater during overlapping time periods regardless of number of tours.
For instance, if you received the AFEM for Desert Fox in 98, you didn’t qualify for a second AFEM for return to support Southern Watch in 2001, as the AOR and time periods over lapped. DOD authorized the AFEM for several specific operations without the 30 consecutive rules as we surged aircraft from out of theater into the operation for a short duration.
Yep, I got Desert Fox one and a year later was back in the Gulf no medal for the same operation.
5 Sea service ribbons with only 17 days of sea time??
You could get that with 0 days of sea time if they were all deployments which never involved being on a ship.
I had a few myself – never set foot on a ship (mine were for FMF assignments)
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is the Navy/Marine Corps deployment ribbon, any OCONUS deployment either on ship or forward deployed for more than 90 days rates the SD. I have 6 SD’s myself with only 10 months sea time.
Just noticed the USN tag, sorry saw Airdale and my mind automatically equated it with Air Force. Please excuse the explanation of the what the SD is.
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (SD)
The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is granted to any member of the U.S. Navy or United States Marine Corps assigned to a deployable unit (e.g. a ship, aircraft squadron, detachment, battalion, or other unit type that operates away from its assigned homeport) and is forward-deployed for a period of either 90 consecutive days or two periods of at least 80 days each within a given 12-month period.
Didn’t there used to be an Overseas Service Ribbon? I seem to recall there was a distinction made between actually getting salty…and deploying to let’s say Rota.
Yes, there still is a Navy & Marine Overseas Service Ribbon (OS).
However, it is not awarded for deployments; that is what the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is for.
The Navy & Marine Overseas Service Ribbon (OS) is awarded to any member of the Navy or Marine Corps who completes one year of consecutive or cumulative duty at a PERMANENT overseas duty station.
I did two 6 month deployments with a VP squadron (Diego Garcia and Adak, AK) and earned two SD.
The next sentence says the 90 day rule only applies for the first award. For all subsequent awards you need 12 consecutive months deployed.
Sorry, Luddite, but that isn’t entirely correct regarding the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon. I have 6 Sea Service Deployment Ribbons for deployments while I was in the Marine Corps, and only one of those deployments was for 12 consecutive months. Please see below for additional info copied directly from the Navy’s Sea Service Deployment Ribbon reference that I posted above. ‘1) General. Awarded to officer and enlisted personnel of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Each service has distinct criteria that delineates eligibility; Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units follow Marine Corps policy, and vice versa. (2) Specific (a) For Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to U.S. (including Hawaii and Alaska) homeported ships/deploying units or Fleet Marine Force (FMF) commands, 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with FMF which includes at least one 90- consecutive day deployment. A standard 14-day waiver of the 12- month accumulated sea duty/duty with FMF is authorized as long as the 90-consecutive day deployment requirement is met. The 12-month accumulated sea duty requirement is waived for those Navy and Marine personnel who were called to sea duty or deployed for Operations DESERT SHIELD or DESERT STORM (during the period 2 Aug 90 – 31 Dec 91) to qualify for this initial award. This waiver does not affect second and subsequent awards of this ribbon. Second and subsequent awards will be earned for each additional 12-months of qualifying service in which a 90- consecutive day deployment occurs. (b) For Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to overseas homeported ships/deploying units or FMF commands, SECNAVINST 1650.1G 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with the FMF. For those in this category, the 90-day deployment is not required. Second and subsequent awards will be earned for each additional 12- month period of qualifying service. In addition, for Navy units only, the SSDR does not conflict with the Overseas Service Ribbon after 01 October 1999. (c) Changes to deployment patterns to meet operational commitments within fiscal constraints have resulted in the reduction of some service force ships deployment lengths to less than 90 days with an increase… Read more »
That’s confusing. Someone could interpret that to mean any unit, as in theory anyone of them could deploy.
The bottom line from a Marine Corps perspective is that if you’re deployed for 90 consecutive days or more, either afloat or ashore, you rate a Sea Service Deployment Ribbon for that deployment. And there’s no additional consecutive 12 month deployment follow-on requirement for subsequent awards.
Maybe it will help clarify things on the Navy side if we could get some of the TAH Sailors (as in IDC SARC, HMCS(FMF) ret., HMC, etc.) to step in here and explain some of the Navy specifics related to sea duty/accumulated sea duty time vs. deployed time, policy affecting USN units deployed ashore (i.e. SEALs, NECC, SeaBees) etc.
That said, I’m fairly certain that when Sailors deploy for 90 days or more, either afloat or ashore, they also rate the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon for that deployment, and they also do not have an additional consecutive 12 month deployment follow-on requirement for subsequent awards.
Hope this helps…
You are correct Sir!
Thanks, Master Chief!
You are conflating “Sea Duty” with deployment time. The 12 months refer to time assigned to Type 2 duty (deployable units) regardless of their deployment status, and the 90 consecutive days refers to actual deployed time.
Thanks to you as well, OSC(SW)!
So…all SEAL teams are Type 2 deployable units. Therefore a SEAL receives another SSDR for each 90+ day period outside CONUS?
No, you get it after 90 days up to the 1 year mark. The purpose is Navy type 2 deployments are usually 3 months to 9 sometime they go over. The most I ever did was Navy was 9 months. I did 12 with Army and they gave me a choice Sea Service Overseas
Sorry yes. if you go out come back and then back out for 90 you would get a Deployment ribbon. TEAMS usually on 4-6 month the back 8 and then back out. We roll 7-8 out then back 1 year then out again.
Exactly. Hell if I got one for every 12 consecutive months assigned to Type 2 duty I would have 16 sea service ribbons, instead I only have like 7 or 8. To be honest it isn’t one you really count after the fact. When you get back from deployment you go over to the exchange and change your stars out to add one or change 5 little star shaped turds for a polished silver turd. Then you forgot about that nonsense geedunk for another 16 months or so.
As a CT, I was assigned to an NSGA in Misawa, Japan. From there I deployed TAD to surface ships and subs for a total of one year. Got a SS ribbon for it. So I guess we fit into the “any unit” category.
Yes because you deployed from home station. Navy IA’s fall into that type of duty while deployed.
Interesting. Will have to research. MARDET on two ships and a Med Float (76-78). Looks like qualify for only one.
Ok , I have brought this up before,Sea service or counters will not be the same for Navy Ground Troops Like Corpsman, SEAL’s, EOD, SeaBees, Intel types and some Air wing types. You get Deployment ribbon’s for leaving and operating outside COUNUS.
Deployments for Navy and Marines will not be counted for foreign service unless they are assigned as a duty station.
So these turds are running after dead people now.. Wish they would go after the ones out here screwing people over instead of dead people.. Greenwald you are this weeks 100 dollar SHIT-BAG !!!!!!
————————————————???? ?—————————-??????
I’ll offer you 50 cents for thet $100 bag-o-shit. Would make great fertilizer for the garden, once it cools down.
Sold ????
Where/how do I send the change? Do you accept pennies through the post office?
It’s free we would never charge on that Lol…
Skippy have a hundred dollar question I have orders for a ARCOM w/V it reads combat V.. My 215 just says ARCOM Period. Does that mean I’m stealing valor because my 214 is left blank on the V ?????
I hate crappy Internet it should hav said 214 and not 215 sorry
If you have orders, update & correct your 214
o/t – how do you correct a 214 without orders? I noticed recently that my 214 doesn’t have my Iraq service on it. I returned from Iraq a couple of weeks ahead of the rest of our detachment because I had to be in CONUS 60 days prior to my EAS, and thus I’m guessing that’s why it wasn’t on my 214 – because the rest of the det hadn’t yet completed the deployment. I never looked carefully at my 214 at the time (I know, shame on me) and I don’t have copies of our orders. Is there some way you can get them to look it up, even though it’s been ten years since I was discharged?
It will be in your records on that page that show you deployed, it will show date you departed and returned back.
You might find deployment info if you have a myhealthevet acct tap blue button hit DOD info at bottom of page it should show you the info you need
Good info for those trying to figure out there status
If you were Army, you can go here:
A couple years ago I was thinking of rejoining, so I wanted to double-check my records because I was almost certain that I was entitled to awards that I never received when I got out (Jun 04). So I faxed Navy Personnel, and about a year later (!) I got a reply with a letter and a DD215 correcting the DD214, and a small package with the medals in it. I was entitled to both GWOT medals apparently, and they were authorized from my time, just not awarded yet. There’s plenty of resources out there, if you want the link that I went to, I’ll send it to you.
That’s what I’m trying to say my shit was F’D up when they retired me on my 214 they put down I was deployed from 2006-2010, I have military education they left out they said I had to refer to my other 214s my PMOS is 19D On my last one she tried to put down 13F..
I deployed as a 88M and not a 13F or 19D she finely put it down. And then she tried to give me a Afghanistan medal and a PH I did not earn a PH and yes I was in the Stan but my units UIC was Iraq not the later… Wish they would just put everything on one 214 instead of having 3 of them…
Yep, like the Navy. Only have 1 DD-214.
I was big Army and NG tit makes my head spin wish they would stream line everything and keep it simple instead of all the damn paper work..
It’s a pain in the Ass !!!!!
You’ll have to file a 215, should have either a 1059 or certificates from schools. They will use the MOS of the slot that you were assigned in – one of my deployments was as a 12B but listed as a Carpenter slot in a heavy engineer unit. Often the records clerks are junior enlisted with limited knowledge of anything that wanders out of the ordinary – caught one accidently putting a PH on my 214 at Drum and corrected it – they saw my CAB orders and assumed there was a PH with it. Problem with the Guard too is that you are just a transient unit passing through a mob/demob station, not permanently assigned.
I retired shortly after returning from deployment. The command was confident that we would be awarded the ICM for doing CIP on the oil wells so they had it entered on my DD-214. A couple years later I was looking up my unit awards and the Navy listed that ship as having requested the ICM but it being denied. They denied my request to have it removed. I was denied my attempt at Returned Valor =P
I had a similar problem – deployed with a NG unit and they did a bulk award of the Army’s Good Conduct Medal to all personnel. Problem is I already had 2 from active duty and wasn’t eligible. Eleven years later and still trying to get it rescinded to no avail…
Oh noes! Not Master Bateman! I’s is skeered now! (NOT!)
Wake me up when Glen Greenwald runs a story about how Richard Blumenthal turned his local Toys for Tots drive into Vietnam service.
“My job, at the end of the day, is about killing. I orchestrate violence. I am not proud of that fact. Indeed, I am often torn-up by the realization that not only is this my job, but that I am really good at my job.” –LTC Robert Bateman, Esquire, 3 Dec 2013
Bateman was really good at orchestrating killing. I’m sure that Scotland Yard will want to talk to him about that. Or maybe he was talking about killing pints at the local pub. I’m not sure. What I am sure about is that anyone who uses Bateman as a cited source for anything but directions to the nearest safe room is immediately suspect. I can’t help but wonder whether Bateman didn’t reach out to Glenn WhatsHisName—Snowden’s buddy—with this stuff. I also can’t help but wonder who’s next on the hit parade. Perhaps someone can dig up something on Audie Murphy.
Murphy would stomp (master)Bateman’s ass from beyond the grave if he tried.
Pretty fucking hard core for a guy who never commanded anything beyond the platoon level.
Pompous little prick.
^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^
There seems to be errors on a lot of vets 214. If you add up the cumulative time I spent in. 4 mos ( 3 primary , one duty) it’s comes out to be longer than when I was in. I should have caught this but when your trying to final out. You tend to rush . For those who have myhealthevet look up what you DOD info says. It says that those records may be different from 214. It happens
MHV says anything prior to 1980 is likely not available. They have me in the NG from 1970 to 1996, and the reserve from 1996 to 1999? My NGB-22 has me AD from 27OCT70 to 28APR72; followed by ~3 years of IRR, then ~21 1/2 years NG. NGB-22 is more acccurate.
Thank you I wasn’t aware of that fact. 🙂
Thanks to this thread, I discovered my 214 is missing an AFEM. Oops.
See what I’m talking about ???
I was told if you get Campaign medals you don’t get AFEM’s and according my count I would be missing 4. My 214 is also fucked up.
That is correct, if there’s a medal for that campaign you get that medal.
No double dipping! If the medals change during your tour, you get one or the other not both. The caveat is that you can get credit for supporting multiple operations during one deployment.
While deployed to the Mediterranean from November 1994 to April 1995, NASSAU operated in the Adriatic Sea five times in support of Operation SHARP GUARD, DENY FLIGHT, and PROVIDE PROMISE. Got 1 Armed Forces Service medal for this.
Yes and no – I have the GWOTEM from 2004 and opted not to convert it to the ICM. Byzantine rules apply.
Its good thing Bateman ($hit bag) chimed in. I wonder if somebody helped move the rock he hides under.
This is a really bad dd 214, according the this he has no overseas or hostile fire service in addition to the sea service and AFEM issues.
Someone needs to tell Bob Bateman that BSAP and an FA 59 does not make one a military historian. Someone is stealing valor by implying holding a 5X skill identifier.
Damn, a military historian poser…
As a retired holder of a 5X additional skill identifier who actually deployed to OIF as a historian, I feel violated…///
Talk to a BSAP grad and they’ll tell you that they should have about every one of those odd skill identifiers (5X, 3H, 6S, 6Z, 7G) because it was covered in BSAP.
The last school I was in before USAR retirement was the AJPME course held at the JFSC in Norfolk. These BSAP grads sure seems to have a high opinion of themselves…
Looking at the 214, I think I see 6 BSMs. One is listed separately, and then there is the listing showing 5. Am I misreading?
5 with v device, 1 meritorious service. He claimed 5 with V
It actually quite clearly states 6 BSMs w/ Vs. One is listed separately, but has the V associated.
Yeah, that’s what’s confusing me. It would make sense if it was 5 for valor and one meritorious service, but looks like the 214 is messed up.
(Master)Bateman? Are you shitting me? The cocksucker who bragged about his “combat” tour that he spent hiding behind a General? Are you fuckin’ shittin’ me right now?
Hey, (master)Bateman, I hope you read this. And knowing what a whiny little attention whore you are, I’m sure you probably will, so here it is:
(Master)Bateman, you spineless fucking reptile, you are still an embarrassment to every honest serviceman who ever wore the uniform. You’re right up there with James Janos, even lower than that two-faced shitstain Randy Cunningham. You have openly violated your Oath on multiple occasions. You’re a valor thief yourself, claiming “combat” tours in which all you did was hide under a General’s desk. Fuck you, you gutless, spineless, brainless, dickless, worthless, nutless chickenshit motherfucking coward. You expect me to bow to your rank because you sucked your way past some promotion boards, but you couldn’t suck your way to full bird? Not gonna happen, you slimy ratfuck cocksucker. Hell, you couldn’t even keep your wife from sneaking off to jump on neighbor’s dick. Why should anybody listen to you? You’re disgrace to the United States Army, an oathbreaker, a flaccid string of snake shit. You call yourself “an expert on violence,” but you’re a giant pussy who’s scared of guns. George Patton would’ve bitch-slapped you until you cried, decided you weren’t worth executing, then banged your wife and pissed in your coffee cup when he was done. So go cry into your blow-up doll, asshole. You’re a waste of a Y-chromosome.
I’m going to go take my gorgeous wife (who calls you a pussy in multiple languages) to the range, where she’ll put a ton of rounds through her Smith&Wesson Victory Model and I’ll expend lots and lots of .30-06, .308, .303, .30-30, 7.62×54, 7.62×39, 5.56, .30 Carbine, and .45ACP. then I’m going to have crazy sex with that beautiful woman, because propellant residue makes her horny.
Bateman does read TAH. He told me that I can keep my guns after he takes yours. Neener-neener.
Please tell (master)Bateman the same thing I told him last time: MOLON LABE, motherfucker. Come get some.
How about a sign, just for MasterBater,
(Master)Bateman’s motto is “Come and fake it!”
He expresses remorse for his efficiency at killing, but I haven’t seen where he was a unit level or lower Infantry leader – all I’ve found was higher level staff stuff at MNSTC-I or NATO. Anyone know any different?
I should say leader in combat – garrison USAEUR or CONUS doesn’t count.
Please forward my feelings here. That being I said he can go F¥€£ Himself
And “Come And Take It”
Can we fund a sign for Batemans front yard that says “NO GUNS INSIDE”?
Jonn, just out of curiosity, how many have called so far volunteering to take Whitey’s wife to the range if he’s busy putting out other fires?
And everyone said “AMEN!”
Bravo Whitey, I couldn’t have said it better. Mad Mike took the giant Pussasaurous Rex to task awhile back, maybe he should again.
Jonn, where is the “Hooah” button?
“because propellant residue makes her horny.”
Dang…. do she got a sister???
Three, in fact, including an identical twin. All married with kids, though.
BTW Whitey – I hereby award you the internet award of the day for so eloquently expressing what most of us feel but lack the skill to put into such poetic phrasing. Only think you left out, imho, is that everyone reading this would gladly line up to skull f*ck his rotting corpse. Sooner the better.
Fuckin’ BRAVO T O W!!!! Anybody who can dole it out like that deserves a special pat on the back for the simple ability and balls to tell it like it is. My kind of man who knows how to deal with Special Ed any day of the week That’s the stuff that makes a candy ass shrivel up and hide under a rack.
Finishing with the info on your wife’s libido due to the scent of used gun powder makes the entire story worth reading a few times before going to bed. Us normal, and especially older, vets mostly have to drool or go grab more Viagra.
An exceptional read it is. S/F
I really am wondering whether Bateman himself isn’t behind this and spoon fed Snowden’s buddy.
It was only a matter of time before SV hunting was turned on every warrior identified as a hero. The ‘participation medal’ crowd hate real accomplishment, particularly when it involves real valor. Stand by to see a lot more of this.
Trigger warning on Bateman articles, please!
Someone can help me out, here. His DD214 was requested and it says exactly what Kyle said it did. What is the problem?
They’re saying that they could only find documentation for one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars despite what the DD214 says.
Did they contact his wife. One of the awards could been given as he was getting out and it could be possible that the awards were given by a JTF and it did not get into the NDAWS system I have some like that but have the paper work and chances are his wife has them. He could have had the paper work and they updated 214 but did not copy to records. My last to awards were given to me on my way out and not in the system.
The way I see it they found one silver star that makes him part of the club period.
I certainly hope Greenwald/Bateman did not try to get in contact with Taya Kyle.
That young woman has been through enough already.
Good point but what do think this is doing. I was saying he should have tried all avenues before doing this BS.
Well, if one of the avenues you think Greenwald should have tried is to contact the widow and say, “Hey. I’m getting ready to do a piece for my shit fishwrapper that will discredit your dead husband and I need for you to go rifling through his military paperwork (if you still have any of it) to look for a set of orders on a Silver Star that the publically available information doesn’t have a record of.”
If that’s what you’re thinking that Greenwald should have done, IMHO that is totally FUBAR’ed.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
gotcha. I got a little dizzy at the massive amount of douchebaggery from that asshat.
so, ummm, who is it that gives a flying f**k what ‘they’ could find? Gutless pieces of shyte, you think maybe their ass could find my boot? There are no words to describe how I feel about cowardly bastards who have no balls, no spine and no humanity, attack deceased people. Burn in Hell, you motherless, smegma sucking sons of bitches!
Reb is doing great and posting on her behalf…
I saw the movie and am not embarrassed to say I cried. Trying to discredit a dead HERO and he sure as hell was and will always be, is like saying the Holocaust never happened.
What’s this turd going to claim next? Nobody who posts here never served in the MILITARY? AS mom would say in her delightful language SHUT THE FUCK UP..
I did not serve in the military as a single father, I would have to be married and a 5ft 100 lb gorilla stood in my way, by the name of MOM..
The problem is that (master)Bateman falsely claims to be an expert on violence, so he wants to shore up his cred by attacking the reputation of a man who actually was one. He also shows his cowardice and shitbaggery by doing so now. You know (master)Bateman wouldn’t have uttered a peep of this shit while Chief Kyle was alive.
Word ????
The problem, as you call it jonp, is actually an objective. The objective is to destroy, belittle, or besmirch certain people, institutions and traditions, to alter popular perception by making good bad and up down towards the goal (Forward!)of transforming America into Amerika. No problem.
Yes^^^^times 1000000. I’ve been thinking this a lot lately, whether it be BHO attacking all things American or these fucking leftist cock suckers besmirching and trying to destroy the heroes we all admire and aspire to. Who’s next? Audie Murphy? Fuck Bateman, his cock holster should never have the name Chris Kyle in it unless it is to say “I’m not 1/1000th the warrior Chris Kyle was”
“The objective is to destroy,…”
That’s why I identify them all, no matter what ideology they claim, what slogans they froth up, what rhetoric they spew, as destructionists.
There is nothing of honor nor integrity to any of them as individuals, their various “movements”, their words or their ideals and claimed ideals.
Liars all.
No drive for anything except plain, pure destructionism.
They are the enemy our founding fathers warned us of.
Glenn Greenwald is like the creepy kid you might have known in 2nd grade who would bring a dildo to class show-and-tell.
What, did somebody bring him to class? … Oh, you mean HE brought it to class. Had me confused there for a minute.
Michael Hayden, he of retired (USAF) w/ four stars and former head of both NSA and CIA, wrote a book. In it, he spoke to journalists generally and Glenn Greenwald specifically. He had debated Greenwald and referred to the experience as “looking the devil in the eye.” So, we’re in good company.
I was explaining this to my Dad and I said Greenwald was to journalism what Dahmer was to home cooking.
Evidence has it, that the better part of Bateman dribbled onto the bottom sheet.
I wonder how The Intercept feels about Eddie Routh and his pretend PTSD.
it makes you wonder… and you hit the nail on the head
Back a few years when I first started commenting on this site I sent Jonn a copy of my DD-214 to lend some credibility to my negative comments with regards to Posers….one of the Social Workers at the VA I see pointed out the missing CIB and BSM “V” from my 214 that I earned in 1968. Kinda felt like an asshole, so I applied for my DD-215 which included the correct info and only took about 2 weeks.
“Shit happens” seems to be appropriate here….I know what I got and I’m sure Chris Kyle earned all of his ribbons/medals….a truly great American!
Bottomline – screw Greenwald!
Must be the cold beer and beautiful weather here on LI (sunny and 84) – correction to my last: missing was my Purple Heart and BSM with “V”.
Don’t ask me to proof-read anything important! lol
nice up here in the mountains of New Mexico to sunny and 66 so much better then 100 at noon in April 🙂
Next you’ll be telling us it’s green and a stone’s throw to a nice fishing hole ?. Cheers!
It’s a sunny 58 at 0730 in beautiful downtown Naco
It’s 55 up here in Cloudcroft, Nm at 8,934 feet windy
At casa Kelly’s in the old pueblo it was 88
I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’m freezing my ass off right now Lol..
Good Point LiRight, why did I never think of that I have one on me and two more at home.
plus all the folders with awards I think I’ll send mine in at least if it ever shows up with someone name on it other then mine they will know it’s B.S. 🙂
I have three email addresses. This one for LIRight and two others in Yahoo and Gmail. I scanned the 214 and 215 into a .pdf file and emailed the copies to myself. It’s a good and safe way to preserved important documents.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Same back at you ??????????
Glen Greenwald, what a goose shit-headed liberal poodle dick!
Hypocrites. Nothing more.
Did I mention that I do not like hypocrites? Never could figure out any way to respect a hypocrites.
Get back to us (master) Bateman when you have secured a FOIA on the traitor sKerry. Then we can talk about Chris Kyle. Until then, secure you mouth, idiot.
214’s are notoriously in error.
Mine said I have 2 CAB’s for Iraq (OIF-2004-05, and 2007-08). Well, kinda impossible, as you only get one per operation…regardless of how many times you deploy on the same operation.
Applied for a corrected DD215, to reflect the single award.
It also says I have 2 CAB’s.
I gave up.
Question for you experts on the DD-215s. Several months after I left active duty, my last unit was awarded two unit awards, but the award period covered the time I was in the unit. Do I need to get those put on my 214/215? And what do I do about the NDSM I qualified for as a Reservist during Desert Storm? (Yeah, Ex-PH2, it’s a geedunk medal, but there you have it.)
You can. Its a simple letter with the supporting documentation.
“Simple”…… Sometimes, maybe. It took me 4 tries over ten years to get the gedunk medal added to my 214/215 for Nam era service.
The unit awards can be added to my DD-214, but I’m not sure what they would add the NDSM *to*. I never got a DD-214 for my Reserves service (didn’t stay long enough to retire). All I have for that are orders transferring me to the active Reserves, and orders transferring me back to IRR three years later.
Try the personnel officer for the National Guard in the state in which you live. Should be listed under your Adjutant General somewhere in the phone book. They may not be able to fix it themselves but can certainly refer you to whoever can make it happen, especially if it needs to go to whatever is functioning these days for the Crystal City offices doing such things 10 years ago or so.
This may make me the odd man out, but I really don’t give a rat’s ass what Chris Kyle did or did not receive. He EARNED the respect as a warrior, period!
How many of us can make the same claim with that degree of combat history? The man is dead, nothing good or bad will serve any purpose to satisfy society and its search for heroes to aspire to be. His wife has suffered enough and does not deserve the potential harassment dribbling from this story.
He earned the wings that took him high up on that mountain. Let him rest in peace.
Meanwhile, who ever this dude is, take note of his reflection on Jesse Ventura.
Let him rest in peace because you are all in awe over him and are drinking the Kool Aide you are being served. I see this website go after people who have good service records and embellish a ribbon or medal. TAH has no problem sending in the cavalry to check these other dudes. But since Chris Kyle is a “Hero” with a book and a movie and is also a part of the profitable and marketable Seal Brand, then we need to leave him alone? Get the fuck outta here, he should have known better if these allegations are true. Various high ranking Navy/DOD officials knew about his book’s embellishments but did not want to Embarrass the seal community. His claims of shooting armed robbers attempting to steal his truck and being deployed to Hurricane Katrina are most likely not true. Nobody here wants to admit that they have been lied to since you all have been hanging on his dick and riding his coat tails. Same with the seal who “Killed” Bin Laden. Reports say Bin Laden’s body had over 100 gun wounds. Did That SEAL just stand there and unload 3 magazine into him? No, but he has no problem taking the credit and letting DOD/USN Shut up because they don’t want to embarrass themselves. O’Neill has turned his participation in the Bin Laden Raid into a profitable money making machine for himself and himself alone. What ever happened to special operators being humble and silent? This Quiet Professionalism does not exist in the seal community. Look at all the books and movies that have been made. I guess that seals are the only people operating world wide? No, they are the only ones who brag about it. How do you know when a SEAL walks into a Bar? HE will write a book about it.
When I separated, I sat down with a YN1 to do my DD214. He handed me my SRB, and said, “Senior Chief, what awards are we documenting on your 214?”. I could have said any award, and he would have typed it. Same with schools and additional NEC/MOS. That was our time, and his job that afternoon. He wasn’t being lazy, or negligent.
I share this to illustrate how a 214 can look different from unit records. I could have plussed myself up, no problem, and that Sailor would’ve just typed what I said.
I’m not saying either way about Chief Kyle. But in my experience, 1 more, or 1 less of anything could have happened without a single eyebrow raised.
If you’re dead, they can come along and water the petunias on your grave, and think you can’t stop them.
If you’re still alive and you do that, they hide because you might face them down. So they wait ’til you’re dead.
These are the kind of people who see an odd critter on the sidewalk and will stomp on it or poke it with a stick and run away. They clip the wings of birds because they themselves have none. They won’t fend or forage for themselves, but if you have something tangible, they want it and will steal it from you. If it’s intangible, like honor or creativity, they will try to destroy it. They see everything in you that they are not, and they can’t stand it, so they try to destroy it.
Glenn has been a fan boy of Janos for a while. The google machine comes back with hits that date back to when the latter was running for Gov.
[…] the discharge papers can be laid to rest and HONOR restored. See below. image.jpg More at Chris Kyle?s records questioned : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here Media sucksimage.jpg I support veteran owned businesses. They supported America. Thank you. […]
Added: Bateman called and said I should have this quoted the second paragraph of his quote in the Intercept piece, so I’m adding it;
So what’s the price of (master)Bateman’s inflation of his own résumé?
Well. And in his eyes, or pea brain, or whatever, that alters his slash piece how?
But thanks for adding his bit of obfuscation, Jonn. Yeah, we can all enjoy the nonsense, and his insistence upon assessing significance to the inconsequential.
How the hell would he know about that?
While I don’t have anything but the mid-day news as a reference, it appears that the Navy is looking into Chris Kyle’s records. No reason was given for it, just the news report. Maybe there will be more later.
I recently found out from a friend that I was eligible for a number of awards that I had not received by the time of my discharge. Frankly, I don’t really care about them…adding them isn’t going to change the character of my service.
My point is that the DD214 can be inaccurate…and the inaccuracy can work in both directions. You may have awards listed you didn’t may NOT have awards listed you received.
I question at least one part of the story, though. How is Kyle’s “Commander” supposed to be a subject matter expert on the awards and decorations he received? Is he the only “Commander” that Kyle had during his entire term of service?
You are missing the point entirely. Lefties insist that reality is whatever they say it is, so quit acting as if reality is simply reality, and it is up to us to discover it rather than conform ourselves to what others (our obvious better) tell us is reality.
See? Don’t you feel better now?? (In other words, lefties are like the Borg, except that some of us will refuse to assimilate no matter what they threaten to do. We know that they conflate their own power and abilities.)
[…] Lonely Conservative: Hilary’s Email Problem Has Gone From Bad To Worse This Ain’t Hell: Chris Kyle’s Records Questioned Weasel Zippers: Hillary Has The “Lumbersexual” Male Vote – And The Syphilis Vote? […]