Russia’s Military Gets “Frisky”, Part 4
Well, it looks like Russia’s military is flexing it’s muscles again. Or maybe Vladimir Putin just decided he wanted to flip off the POTUS again.
Damn. I should know better than to write something like the previous paragraph. It’s redundant as hell, isn’t it? (smile)
Anyway: it appears that for the second time in about 2 weeks, a Russian SU-27 has “barrel-rolled” a US recon aircraft operating in international airspace.
This time, though, the Russian jet “only” came within 100′ of the US aircraft. During the last barrel-roll incident, the Russian aircraft’s closest approach to ours was approximately 50′.
OK, Mr. President. Vlad has given you the finger with both hands yet again, then immediately afterwards mooned you. But he’s apparently “branching out” a bit now. One of his aides must have suggested he insult you in German. This time I’m pretty sure he yelled “Deine Mutter arbeitet auf Vierzig Deutsche Mark-Straße, Arschloch!” as he was mooning you.
Oh, and did I mention that it appears increasingly probable that Syrian-Russian operations to recapture the city of Aleppo – currently held by Syrian rebels – now appear imminent? That is, if they haven’t already begun?
Your move, Mr. President. Time to get your “he-man war hero” SECSTATE working on another “strongly-worded diplomatic statement” or two.
Or maybe you could simply ask him if you could borrow Terresa’s cojones . Maybe if you did that you could start acting, well, Presidential.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Government Incompetence, Military issues
Here’s a strongly worded statement.
Dear Vlad –
Оставаться подальше от моего самолеты и корабли, мудак. Oтвали и умереть.
or this one: Пребывание в ад вдали от моей судов и самолетов, прошлой неделе.
Воскресенье утро и умирать
Either way, you get the message, dontcha, Vlad?
Good. Toodles! Are we having dinner and a movie on Friday?
Looks good, except the last one says “Sunday morning and die.”
Fair enough, because I don’t speak Russian. I have to use a translator. Now I know they all lie! 🙂 But I tried.
Fair enough Ex, but you also sorta warned him away from our courts, which I guess we don’t want him buzzing either…
Damn those online translator elves!
Now I have to learn to spell and speak Russian. Not like I have nothing to do around here. I have a cat to feed, y’know.
I think I just reported myself.
You should, you are a major pain in the ass…
To… Ahem… larseyboi…
To which we are forever grateful !!!
It really is fun to watch him spit nails out his ass when you push his buttons and pull his levers !!!
Well, forget the lever thingy…
don’t want you to barf after all…
You’re too sweet, Stixx!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Not able to read that gibberish, but here is some for the russkies….NEXT ONE EATS A ROCKET, capeash you arrogant pricks?
If you want to learn about Putin, take 10 minutes and watch YouTube videos of him. There are many to choose from and each provides insight into how he sees things. He has no PC about him whatsoever. He calls it as he sees it. I watched him invite a French male journalist to Moscow for an operation to remove the journalist’s genitalia. This came after the journalist’s loaded question about Chechnya. I listened to his response to Wide Load’s town-hall remark that he has no soul by saying the US state has no head. He talks about national interests and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how he is perceived by citizens of other countries, least of all, perhaps, the UN. There is no question in my mind that if he didn’t personally order the games being played by his nation’s a/c against ours and our ships, then he most certainly has not directed that they cease. And why should he when our response is to insist that these acts are “unsafe and unprofessional.” As if he gives a shit what oBaMa/Kerry think.
I may not like him personally, but I do understand where he’s coming from.
Putin lives in the real world. He takes Lord Palmerton’s maxim to heart: “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”
Anyone living in the real world can understand Putin. It’s simple, really: he’s doing everything he can to further Russia’s strategic position in the world. That’s what has driven all of this latest Russian military “friskiness”.
Only mouth-breathing Libidiots who willfully choose to live in a fantasy world that ignores the above – and believe in Skittle-crapping unicorns, and that singing “Kumbaya” will make everyone in the world “play nice” – cannot.
Hondo, how long do you think it will be until the UN disintegrates?
Dunno. My guess is it will linger on well after it’s lost all practical effectiveness – which may well have already happened.
People tend to forget that the League of Nations technically still existed until after World War II had ended. It didn’t formally disband until the UN was formed on 20 April 1946 (or, arguably, 31 July 1947 when its Board of Liquidation finished disposing of former League assets). The UN inherited some of the League’s subordinate organizations when it was formed.
It lingered on even though by the mid-1930s it was routinely ignored by damn near everyone, including its members, because it was ineffective as hell. Sound familiar?
Familiar? Yes. But everything has a lifespan, and while the UN/League of Nations was a good idea on paper, it has yet to do much more than shake a finger at naughty nations. It’s worst show of uselessness was the debacle over Saddam Hussein’s missing WMD. An effective governor would have rolled right in and thrown the doors open. Instead, the inspectors were stalled for three weeks, enough time for all of that stuff to be moved out under cover of darkness to Syria.
Dare I say it? Trump is the US’s Putin.
I can see the similarity to a very limited extent, limited to their blunt talk. But while Putin has calloused hands and was KGB for 20 or so years, Trump’s hands are soft and clammy and the only daggers he ever used came from his eyes.
Difference between Obama and Trump is Trump will respond in kind or stronger. Obama will apologize for our aircraft being there. 2/17 Air Cav, I have shook Trump’s hand and it was not soft and clammy. If you know not what you speak, then use the opportunity to keep your pie hole closed.
Gary Owen!
First, fuck you for that pie business. And I mean that sincerely. Second, the comparison was between Putin and Trump, not oBaMa and Trump, bright boy.
Oh, and another thing Club Mgr. Did you ever see your boy’s response to Rubio’s remarks regarding Trump’s hands. The Bigmouth said, “I’ve always had people say, ‘Donald, you have the most beautiful hands.'”
Look it up. It’s on video. And fuck you, once again.
Oh. One last thing. Unless you were Cav, can that Gary Owen.
If you’ve ever been involved in a training course hosted by John Giduck or anyone associated with Archangel Group in Colorado, your PII has been in the hands of John Giduck who brags (and has photos) of relationships with high level Russian foreign intelligence officers. A reasonable person might conclude that Russian intelligence might want that personal information about US government employees and John Giduck has never held a USG clearance.
Stolen Valor is a victimless crime, right?
Yes, it certainly is, FF.
Nope. The Criminal In Chief will send a lackey with a ‘strongly worded protest’ along the lines of ‘international air space’ blah, blah, blah, ‘groveling blather’ blah, blah, blah. Isn’t it about time he went on an around-the-world apology tour, kowtowing to everyone within sight as he slips them billions in aid, hoping they will hate us just a little less?
The lowly state of the Russian economy due to oil prices is a major blessing here. I honestly believe Putin would be yet more willing to take advantage of of the final year of Barry’s term- think even more aggressive foreign intervention, if he could afford it.
The Russians lost billions in weapons contacts due to the Arab Spring. Their actions in Syria (and I believe the symbolic moves with the West) are bringing the region’s powers back to the Russians arsenal store.
This could all be solved with a simple photo contest. The US pilot who returns with the best Polaroid of a Russian pilot earns the callsign ‘Maverick.’